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Any chess players out there?



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    FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited February 2014
    Again, like may others. used to play at school then went I went to college switched to backgammon for a couple of weeks before a group of us discovered poker. 7-card stud. Never gone back to things like the "Caro-Kann" since.

    Strange as it may seem to the youngsters on here, there was once a BBC2 TV programme showing chess - I believe it was called "The Master Game" and it featured a knock-out speed tournament between grand masters. Perhaps this was cheap to produce because it could be in black & white.
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    Wacko90Wacko90 Member Posts: 906
    edited February 2014
    My grandad was a chess champ and taught me a bi when I was a kid. Only just started playign again and am terrible! But have atsrted a game with you guys as davidwatkin3 so lets go :) need to start relearning! great game it really is!
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    Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited February 2014
    Ah, so that's YOUR queen I just huffed :P
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    Wacko90Wacko90 Member Posts: 906
    edited February 2014
    I wouldnt say you huffed more like I handed it to you on  a plate ;) trying not to embarass myself further now! We should all set up a little chess tournament on there or soemthing! Maybe when/if there are a few more players..
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    Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited February 2014
    Sounds good to me, Wacko :)
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    F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,396
    edited February 2014
    I started playing chess 2/3 years back on Played a heluva lot of games there over the past 2/3 years!! I try to play a little less these days though because it really is majorly addictive - you can never just have the one game, always got to play one more!!

    Anyway I've gone from being pretty terrible (900 rating) to being a solid 1550 rating on average. (for Blitz chess anyway) I think I may have peaked though at Blitz chess... it's really fun playing quick time controls but I miss a lot of stuff that given time I know I can find. Most of my losses come from gambiting too much and then getting into a lost end game after not captilizing on a positional advantage or through running out of time too quickly.

    Anyway for those interested in improving youtube is a good place to start. I'm on a few chess youtube channels but by FAR the one I love the most is a youtube user called KINGSCRUSHER. He posts around 8-10 vids a week and I religiously watch almost all of them haha! Can be hilarious watching him play blitz - he's so good but he's also really funny. And the games he analyses he goes into just the right amount of detail.
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    bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited February 2014
    Really need a huge amount of practice to get a few of my old mistakes from reappearing.Would deffo be interested in some sort of tourney set up.Played huge amounts of blitz tourneys back in the day,think thats why I,m happier playin speed and hyper games on this site.Have the capacity to sit for hours over a few moves,just cant be a**ed!! lol.Cant promise great kasparovesque plays,but I can be useful.
    Be good guys.
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    MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,257
    edited February 2014
    Like i said earlier not played in over 20 years but will have to take a look at and i,m up for a little tourney as Wacko suggested in earlier post if theres enough interest

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    splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited February 2014
    You guys must get all the girls ;)
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    SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,587
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Any chess players out there?:
    I wouldnt say you huffed more like I handed it to you on  a plate ;) trying not to embarass myself further now! We should all set up a little chess tournament on there or soemthing! Maybe when/if there are a few more players..
    Posted by Wacko90
    Ah, so that's you I'm playing... :D
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    Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited February 2014
    Will any of you be following the World Championships btw? Anand vs. Carlsen starts tomorrow....
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    F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,396
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Any chess players out there?:
    Will any of you be following the World Championships btw? Anand vs. Carlsen starts tomorrow....
    Posted by Sky_Dave
    will probably just wait till KC puts the games up on his youtube channel! 
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    F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,396
    edited February 2014
    So has anyone been watching the WC match then? I spent this morning watching Kingcrushers live commentary on the game on his youtube channel! Seriously, if you haven't checked out his channel and you have an interest in chess (or even with no interest) I recommend it. He's just so funny but his analysis and insight is often really good too. 

    Anyway after having some real boring games in this match with Magnus leading 5-3 with 2 wins and 6 draws, game 9 today was spectacular. Anand obviously went looking to win this time (something he should really have done the first time with white when he was 2 points down) and got a great advantage out of the opening. Looked to have a threatening attack but Magnus defended so accurately. Anand pushed too far in the end going all out for mate and ended up blundering instead giving Carlsen the win. Pretty much over now with Magnus only needing 1 more draw to win the title.
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    Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited February 2014
    I've listened to pretty much every game and, while I've not really gone into any analysis of the games, it seems like Anand is horribly out of form. He wouldn't have missed Qe1 in the last game but tbh I don't think it matters too much in overall terms. Magnus is a beast of a chess player and he's going to be the title holder for at least 10 years imo.
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    Frank53Frank53 Member Posts: 163
    edited February 2014
    Chess fascinates me, I know how the pieces move, but I just cant get to grips with game stratergies! I don't how to attack...or defend
    I guess Im just not cut out to play chess, Shame
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    F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,396
    edited February 2014
    Has anyone checked out the Kingscrusher youtube channel that I mentioned? Just watched his analysis of Nakumura vs Carlsen. His best chance yet of finally getting a win vs Carlsen in normal time control where he had a virtual zugzwang but then played a move which looked natural but completely blew the advantage and Carlsen managed to win from it!

    Be good to play some games against people on here. I'm on, broke 1600 for the second time the other day on blitz and reached 1650, but back down to 1580ish now. 
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    Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited February 2014
    I am still playing on there, although I keep getting timed out on games as I have a fair bit going on with work and home life. Sigh. Am around 1580 on slowplay, my live rating has to be a bit higher than that....
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    jackdajackda Member Posts: 501
    edited February 2014
    My blitz rating is awful 1350,just can't get my head round it.
    My standard rating is currently 1513 though so obviously better at the "proper"game
    Be up for a forum tourny if there ever was one
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    alex1229alex1229 Member Posts: 680
    edited March 2014
    Game of chess is always fun, used to play a lot when i was younger, got a trophy knocking about for it, but hadnt played it for around 6-8 years then played a couple games the other week with a couple mates who were bigging themselves up, beat them both, and one in 4 moves haha
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