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Poker diary...................Habbin a little luck



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited May 2014
    Congrats to Cambridge....never in doubt. See you at Wembley (hopefully). Was going to Gateshead today but the missus was kicking off so it's BT sport all the way.........MARINERS!!!! We were by far the better side on Thursday but the game is def hanging in the balance!!!
  • habbinhabbin Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2014
    In Response to Re: Poker diary...................Habbin a little luck:
    Congrats to Cambridge....never in doubt. See you at Wembley (hopefully). Was going to Gateshead today but the missus was kicking off so it's BT sport all the way.........MARINERS!!!! We were by far the better side on Thursday but the game is def hanging in the balance!!!
    Posted by waller02

    Shame you couldnt join us in the final mate, hopefully we will be able to turn Gateshead over and finally get ourselves back in to the league. I didnt see your game but i noticed that you had a couple of players sent off?  I guess it was always going to be tough after the first red.
  • habbinhabbin Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2014
    Well its been a slow month pokerwise with lots of life things getting in the way.  Im currently up about 3.5 BI's for the month which could of been a lot better if i could of found  the fold button in a couple of big hands. Also got very unlucky yesterday in a 3way all in pot when one of the villians spiked a set on the river...... sigh what could of been.

    I seem to have tightened up a little too much since my last blow up and its definitely cost me value a few times so im going to work on getting a little more aggression back into my game over the next few days.

    Day     41

    Total    99.17

    points  535
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited May 2014
    In Response to Re: Poker diary...................Habbin a little luck:
    In Response to Re: Poker diary...................Habbin a little luck : Shame you couldnt join us in the final mate, hopefully we will be able to turn Gateshead over and finally get ourselves back in to the league. I didnt see your game but i noticed that you had a couple of players sent off?  I guess it was always going to be tough after the first red.
    Posted by habbin
    The first red card was a joke, straight red for a challenge that prob wasn't even a booking. We actually equalised after going down to 10 men. The second red card I have no complaint with, stupid challenge from a player who had already been booked........once down to 9 men there was only ever gonna be one outcome!!!

    Best of luck to you in the final though, hope you do em!!
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