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Guarantees - it's that time of year again.



  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited May 2014
    Re:  Players playing in sats for cash

    Time for this again, I really don't mind me defending my actions here.  Because I am doing nothing wrong or that is even against the community spirit.

    Firstly Maxy, you haven't been 'shot down in flames' when bringing up this issue before, don't be so passive aggressive/faux victimised.  We have debated, I respect your point of view and I hope you respect mine.

    I want to build a bankroll for the festival.  People say 'why don't you build it from your existing tournaments?'  I do.  I build it from every single tournament or cash game I see as a positive step.  The UKPC sats are among them.  However I am not swooping in to the final only, I am also supporting the route satellites from the quarter final stage up.  For the last UKPC on some nights the Q/F sats would not have run if myself and a couple of others hadn't registered before the tournament started.  Then when they got going there were plenty of late registrants.  On several occasions small bankroll players who wouldn't never have had the sat unless the two or three of us registered got the seat into the next round.  Some of those players, from that one shot, got all the way to the main event at DTD.

    From last night myself and Matt were the two who got seats in the UKPC who already qualified from previous weeks.  I won't speak for myself but very few people are as generous with their time, with answering questions at the table or on this forum/through social media than Matt when if comes to MTT strategy.  We are not doing anything against he community atmosphere.

    And now I will speak for myself.  No on gave me my bankroll.  It's not a trust fund or a pools win.  I started here with £60.  And a worked **** hard at my game.  I am no where near one of the best players on the site but instead of worrying what other people were doing, I got on, got grinding and looked at myself.  So I am going to continue to play the UKPC sats while they run.  With no sense of shame or guilt.

    For anyone who thinks that statement is wrong I have some good karmic news for you, I managed to bubble the UKPC sat which ran next door last night as well.  There was only one seat and I blew a 10/1 chip lead HU.  Either I suck or karma kicked me in the nethers.  Probably both.

    Good luck at the tables all.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,665
    edited May 2014

    I do respect your POV Tommy. Plus I know that playing sats for cash isn't against the rules and I am not condoning anyone that does. My fundamental problem is that I will always stick up for the smaller BR players and hope they/we are given a fair chance as others to qualify. Yes, the view of some higher rolled players of 'get off your backside and work hard like we all have' does hold court.....however, like the recent MTT best of the best promotion, it isn't always a level playing field. (sat winners into games do not count for the benefit of the promotion).

    I could debate more, but know I am fighting a losing battle and I will end up being squashed by the more intellectual on this I will leave it there. got any spare UKPC seats going cheap governor ??      
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited May 2014
    In Response to Re: Guarantees - it's that time of year again.:
    I do respect your POV Tommy. Plus I know that playing sats for cash isn't against the rules and I am not condoning anyone that does. My fundamental problem is that I will always stick up for the smaller BR players and hope they/we are given a fair chance as others to qualify. Yes, the view of some higher rolled players of 'get off your backside and work hard like we all have' does hold court.....however, like the recent MTT best of the best promotion, it isn't always a level playing field. (sat winners into games do not count for the benefit of the promotion). I could debate more, but know I am fighting a losing battle and I will end up being squashed by the more intellectual on this I will leave it there. got any spare UKPC seats going cheap governor ??       ☺
    Posted by MAXALLY

    I completely agree with you when it comes to sticking up for smaller bank rolled players.  I have always said that the vast majority of promotions on a poker site should be geared for the smaller bankrolled and the recreational players.  However I don't think it applies in this case.

    FWIW I am not playing the freerolls in the Promo as these are protected seats and it's made clear they are protected for people who have not won seats.  I am in the UKPC Challenge for the package money only and if I luckbox my way through it I will cease for the following weeks.

    On the STT challenge point I see you're still in the one that started at 9pm yesterday.  That's epic grinding Sir ;)
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,665
    edited May 2014
    In Response to Re: Guarantees - it's that time of year again.:
    In Response to Re: Guarantees - it's that time of year again. : Maxy I completely agree with you when it comes to sticking up for smaller bank rolled players.  I have always said that the vast majority of promotions on a poker site should be geared for the smaller bankrolled and the recreational players.  However I don't think it applies in this case. FWIW I am not playing the freerolls in the Promo as these are protected seats and it's made clear they are protected for people who have not won seats.  I am in the UKPC Challenge for the package money only and if I luckbox my way through it I will cease for the following weeks. On the STT challenge point I see you're still in the one that started at 9pm yesterday.  That's epic grinding Sir ;)
    Posted by TommyD

    At my request, Sky made it a rebuy!.....but lets not go there huh?

    Need to go do some work now*

    *watch live feed of UKIPT FT
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited May 2014
    My 2 pennies

    I am 100% for playing sats for cash. But i do think we have to come up with a system similar to that of the other site. 

    Tournament £'s would be a huge step in the right direction. I could name several players who still grind sats for these Tournament £'s but they remain on site till theyve played an mtt with them when they become real £'s again. 

    In Tommy's case this would maybe slow his BR building for festivals a touch, but it would also mean he's spending less to enter his normal mtts anyways. Sats would become a bigger part of the schedule as a result imo, because you wouldn't have to play the target event, but other events on the site too. 
  • TheDartTheDart Member Posts: 1,581
    edited May 2014
    Interesting (for me anyway), that the topic of satellite strategy should be debated today, as I was actually thinking about that TommyD bloke last night!

    After winning two consecutive Sit & Go's last night (How good am I!), I thought I would check out the weekly challenge leaderboard to see what sort of ROI I would need to qualify and was very surprised to see the name of TommyD in the top 6, not because I don't rate him, but because I thought he had a seat locked up and couldn't understand why he was restricting his play in Sit & Go's for a promotion that he couldn't win anyway.

    I deduced TommyD was in it for the £500 package, which he's confirmed above, (****) :-)

    A question I have is, if TommyD (or anyone else who already has a seat) should 'win' a package in the Challenge Sit and Go promotion, what happens to the £1000 seat, does it go to the next player down in the final, or does TommyD 'win' £1000 for SKY?

    If that's the case Tommy then in this scenario I reckon you are more black knight than white knight.

    Same probably applies to the MTT Best leaderboard, if someone in the top 10 already has a seat, does the seat go to the 11th place finisher?

    This is a loophole I think SKY should clarify / rectify.

    Tommy I have absolutely no problem with what you are doing and think in your reasoning the positives far outweigh the negatives and anyway in the end you can never defeat Karma ;)

    As for the pro's and con's of players using satellites to boost their bankroll, both TommyD and Maxally make valid points.

    Occasionally I will play satellites for the money, but personally I would like to see tournament tokens awarded that can only be used to play in Sky tournaments, as there are some players that simply play satellites for the money and have no intention of ever entering the tournaments, this is basically taking money out of the main tournament pool, a bit like football agents, these people are just taking the money out of the game, with little to no benefit to the game / tournament.

    That's how I see things today anyway.

  • pompeynicpompeynic Member Posts: 2,834
    edited May 2014
    Hi All
    Just a question, what response would you get from players if you lowered the entry fee? / altered the start time.
    Would you get 400 players at £55.00 or perhaps 800 at £27.50?
    I for one love the super roller its structure and the chance to see myself on tv and perhaps win BIG.
    However I am rubbish at satellites and have always had to buy in for the full amount and as such have stopped playing my favorite tournament in recent months.
    I am a casual player, who, works long hours and am unable to dedicate myself to getting better at the game by reading up and watching videos as some of the guys have obviously done. would it be worth trying the lower buy in's and perhaps even an earlier start time by an hour to encourage more people to play?
    Sorry if this is a rubbish idea but I would love to play and perhaps many people would too but are unwilling to commit the large entry fee / late finish time on a Sunday evening before work the next day.
    Over to you
  • watto84watto84 Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2014
    How many gtds have actually not been met? *

    I feel by changing gtds and not allowing any overlay will not attract the overlay hunters. Which in turn will help to make the gtd.

    I am sure changing gtds week by week say is actually going hurt sky as a brand. If you dont make the gtd ..... its not always down to it being a slow period.  I play on alot of sites and dont see anybody else changing gtds.

    I was going to buy in direct this week to the roller but decided against it purely down to the change in gtd. I started a thread about it and got some smart as* comment in reply.

    In my opinion.... regardless of activity. Keep the gtds the same and the numbers will come. I am sure you will make it back in other avenues. The reputation was already dammaged when the servers dropped and now the gds fluctuate.

    Of course all IMO!! But thats what I think.
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