Hi izzy, this should be an interesting thread, so here is my reasons for my alias..
when I started work as an apprentice mechanic I was quiet dangerous with sharp objects and hammers, and the other mechanics gave me the nick name dangerousdai, as there where 2 davids already working there..
This had to be slightly shortened for sky so it had to be dangerdai,
As a lifelong fan of Plymouth Argyle, and thus a member of the Green Army, the choice was obvious so, like the previous poster, the answer is stupidity.
Following an 'On-pitch' altercation with the Hardest Man in Argentinian Rugby, Hugo Porta, [Later became Argentinian Minister of Sport], in Buenos Aires, about 1989, I became known throughout ShepBush, White City, Harlesden as 'Hitman Harvey', pmsl!
My kids are (Ma)tt (Ca)rl and (C)allum. I use Macac as part of all online usernames, as it's easy to remember. One of the boys registered me here, did the process and he chose girl1 to follow Macac. I mentioned in a previous thread, the same delightful young man chose my online banking username. Macacbumface.
hi IZZY, my alias came from my favorite show at the time,called the charmed ones,my favorite character was paige Matthews the 5 in my alias is when she joined the series,yes you lot series 5 and not the year i was born as some of you think :):):)
Mine came from my sky sports dream team name "jdsallstarS". When I signed up to sky poker i got a little confused during the sign up process and somehow typed my team name in again but the full name didn't fit so "jdsallstar" was born.
Regretted that moment ever since lol it's a bit like wearing fluorescent pink football boots you have to actually be good to get away with it. Sigh
Mine is because of my love for one of the greatest singers around. Such a beautiful voice for such a big guy. How, or why he never appears in UK top 40 nowadays is one of life's mysteries!
Mine is because of my love for one of the greatest singers around. Such a beautiful voice for such a big guy. How, or why he never appears in UK top 40 nowadays is one of life's mysteries! LONG LIVE RIK!!!! Posted by waller02
So does this mean that if we all call you Rik you won't do one now you've learnt to embrace it?
Seeing as this character was on TV in the 70s I just know at some point I'm going to have to ask Customer Services to rename me...
So poker name Years later was easy!
....and im only a Titch!!!
I use Macac as part of all online usernames, as it's easy to remember.
One of the boys registered me here, did the process and he chose girl1 to follow Macac.
I mentioned in a previous thread, the same delightful young man chose my online banking username. Macacbumface.
because there isn't enough space for for Ishopattesco's
hi IZZY, my alias came from my favorite show at the time,called the charmed ones,my favorite character was paige Matthews the 5 in my alias is when she joined the series,yes you lot series 5 and not the year i was born as some of you think