I'm fairly new (couple of months) to Sky Poker and plying thje 'Micro' tables but find I am continually frustrated by players letting the clock run out rather than making a positive action. I appreciate some may be playing multiple tables and it is a 'Turbo' table, but I still consider it very discourteous to other players to just do nothing! If you are going to Check of Fold there are buttons to press that will perform this action when your turn arrives! If three or four players do this the table is effectively no longer a turbo....
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Hi Ry, & that was your maiden post, so welcome to the Sky Poker Community.
Yes, it can be a little frustrating, especially if you are one-tabling, but there's nothing that can be done about it.
In fact, over the years, on this Community, I've seen, literally, hundreds of Posts arguing the opposite, that players should receive MORE thinking time, not less.
From the perspective of the Business, making LESS "thinking time" to act would be a big plus, as more hands would be played. But they can't, they have to allow time for a balanced range of needs. Reduce that time & there'd be a right hoohah, probably rightly so.
I'll be honest, I can no longer "one-table", as the action is not fast enough for me, I like to think & act fast when pokering. So my solution is to open more tables, so I always have action. Reduces variance, too. That does not mean investing more money, just spreading it around better.
Anyway, good luck at the tables.
Welcome to the forums ryfunere
I'd also add (from personal experience) that the tech limitations of laptops / broadband connections can cause this through no fault of the player. If the software freezes or the connection drops momentarily it can be even more frustrating for the 'no action' player to get back just to find they've timed out and folded a good hand!!
Hope it doesn't spoil your enjoyment too much and that you play lots more poker on Sky.
and just type in the name of any player on your table
it will tell you how many tables said player is playing.
Regards Alan
You're kidding, right?
I think 3 seconds would be a bit quick especially if you are multi tabling. I don't play anymore than 4 and if 2 are "on the clock" at the same time 3 seconds would be too quick for me.
Maybe you could have tables with that length of clock and then you can play with like minded players.
Good luck