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£40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM/CASH challenge.



  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    day 145  wednesday  5/11/14

    part 2...


    1 X £5 & 1 X £3

    WON £7.20  B/R £483.11  PTS 148  £5 GAMES W 1 L 0  TOTAL W 83 L 64 PROFIT +£21.50

    NEW ROI ON £5 GAMES = 2.66% :)

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    day 146  thursday  6/11/14

    received Oct c4p £16.68  B/R £499.79

    1 X £5 & 1 X £3

    WON £1.20  B/R £500.99  PTS 156 £5 GAMES W 1 L 0 TOTAL W 84 L64 PROFIT +£26.00
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited November 2014
    Well done Ian on getting to £500
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge....(current b/r £500.99):
    Well done Ian on getting to £500
    Posted by VespaPX
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited November 2014
    Well done, almost halfway!
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    Thanks mrsd x

    day 147  friday  7/11/14

    £5 & £3  4 tables...

    LOST £0.40  B/R £500.59  PTS 180  £5 GAMES W 2 L 1 TOTAL W 86 L 65 PROFIT +£29.50

    lost 1st £5 game on a flip on bubble, so happy with the 2-1 win.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    day  147  friday  7/11/14

    part 2...

    1 x £5 & 2 x £3

    WON £9.90  B/R £510.49  PTS 191  £5 GAMES W 1 L 0 TOTAL W 87 L 65 PROFIT +£34.00

    perfect session, also gives me my highest profit so far on £5 games played :)
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    day 148  saturday  8/11/14

    £5 & £3   4 tables...

    WON £6.20  B/R £516.69  PTS 226  £5 GAMES W 3 L 1 TOTAL W 90 L 66 PROFIT +£42.00

    lost 1st £5 game but continued anyway, & to win 3-1 & boost my winnings even further is great for my confidence as well as my b/r,  & I now am beginning to believe that at long last the £5 level is beatable... hoooray  :)
    ok, a bad run can spoil everything, I know that,  & things can change 'just like that' but as long as things continue as they are
    then I  see no reason to change anything & simply continue with the slowly slowly approach for the time being at least.

    NEW ROI FOR £5 GAMES = 4.89%
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    day 148  saturday  8/11/14

    part 2...

    1 x £5 & £3  4 TABLES...

    WON £3.30  B/R £519.99  PTS 246  £5 GAMES W 1 L 0 TOTAL W 91 L 66 PROFIT +£46.50

    just a quickie :) ROI = 5.39%  -:)

     I know I can't keep this win rate up on the £5's but am on a roll for the first time & it has come at exactly the right time for me, so I'm not complaining, ha ha.
    I try & take it not just 1 game at a time but 1 decision at a time on every hand, & as long as I get the majority right then the rest is out of my hands so to speak.
    (I made a couple of bad decisions y'day after giving them more thought but luckily they were on 2 x £3 games, one was an allin with ak on kxx after opponent re-raised my initial raise.. he had kk,
    the other a tight player raised 450 pre flop I went allin with a7 trying to steal chips(on the bubble)thinking he would fold, he had aq & held, so another 2 lessons learnt... just shows I'm human though I guess, & still learning as we all do especially from our mistakes, I think.)
    I know a losing session is coming as winning every time is impossible, so I am ready for it & damage limitation will be my priority when it comes.
    anyway, just a few of my thoughts for you.

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited November 2014
    Almost half way there mate! The first half is always the hardest. I have no doubt you will complete this, and well deserved. This is a perfect example of how BR management works.

    All the best.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge....(current b/r £519.99)..................................... profit from £5 games..£46.50:
    Almost half way there mate! The first half is always the hardest. I have no doubt you will complete this, and well deserved. This is a perfect example of how BR management works. All the best.
    Posted by CraigSG1
    Thanks Craig.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    day 149  sunday  9/11/14   day off
    day 150  monday 10/11/14

    £3 & £2  4 tables... 

    WON £0.90  B/R £520.89  PTS 270  £5 GAMES  TOTAL W 91  L 66  PROFIT £46.50

    just a quickie, not chasing points & being careful on table selection as lots of sharks about -:)
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    day 151  tuesday  11/11/14

    £5 & £3  6 tables...

    WON £1.00  B/R £521.89  PTS 530  £5 GAMES W 9 L 8 TOTAL W 100 L 74  PROFIT +£43.00

    went 1-4 down on the £5 games (losing one game aipf on bubble with AQ V A10.. 10 hit 1st card :(
    so to come out of session 9-8 up (winning last 2 games comfortably as chip leader) was a great result -:)

    not sure if I should be playing this many games per session, but I guess when you go behind then you have to trust your game is good enough to get you out of trouble,which thankfully it did today.
    anyway, I'll take each day & each session as it comes & make the necessary decisions as best I can.
    nice points today... 260 but don't want to get carried away with trying to make them a priority, & hopefully will make 6 tables my maximum, as I feel any more than that I just end up 'pressing buttons' & not paying full attention to my 'opponents game play' which of course is very important too.

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    day 152  wednesday  12/11/14

    2 x £5 & £3   6 tables...

    WON £10.50  B/R £532.39  PTS 580  £5 GAMES W 2 L 0 TOTAL W 102 L 74 PROFIT +£52.00

    Good session, just a quickie 'booked the win' after y'days mini-marathon.
    At last hit the £50 profit barrier on the £5 games, which I was only thinking about the other night...
    'if I can make that then I can make the next one of £100' was my exact thought...
    now it's done, let's hope I'm right, ha ha.
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2014
    Hi dev, ive been a way for a while i think last time i was around u had just completed your last dym challange i really enjoyed reading that so im glad to see you've started another challange and i'm glad its going well.

    I also have some good news for you, im nearly rolled for £5 dym's now so you will have some softer opposition very soon ;)
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge....(current b/r £532.39)..profit from £5 games...£52.00:
    Hi dev, ive been a way for a while i think last time i was around u had just completed your last dym challange i really enjoyed reading that so im glad to see you've started another challange and i'm glad its going well. I also have some good news for you, im nearly rolled for £5 dym's now so you will have some softer opposition very soon ;)
    Posted by RLT16
    Ha Ha RLT,
    Thanks for the kind words...much apreciated.

    I was going to reply to your number of buy-ins question earlier, but I guessed you would get plenty of good advice from others.
    My best advice would be to beat the level you are playing now, ie; the £1.  add 1x £2 table then once we are winning around 2 from 3 or (3 from 5) games in total, & b/r is around £80-£100...could be less even £60,  then drop the £1 games & think about adding a 1x £3 game to your £2 games and so on.
    Experiment & find what works for you but as long as you use some sort of good brm then you will be fine I'm sure.
    good luck,
    edit; you say you are nearly rolled for the £5 games. 20 buy-ins is £100... that is not enough imo.
           beat the £3 level first before even thinking about the £5's is my advice.
           once you can do that then the £5's are worth trying but a b/r of £200 would be better, I think.

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    day 153  13/11/14

    £5 & £3   6-7 tables...

    WON £3.60  B/R £535.99  PTS 868  £5 GAMES W 12  L 9  TOTAL W 114  L 83 PROFIT +£56.50

  • 5501355013 Member Posts: 336
    edited November 2014
    Do you not do the paintings anymore?
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge....(current b/r £535.99)..profit from £5 games...£56.50:
    Do you not do the paintings anymore?
    Posted by 55013
    Haven't done any for a couple of months mate, as I have an old rsi injury(from playing to much poker on my last challenge)  lol
    so am resting my painting arm right now.
    hope to do some more in the new year though.
    thanks for asking.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2014
    DAY 153  13/11/14

    PART 2...

    £5 & £3   6-8 TABLES  

    LOST £28.50  B/R £507.49  PTS 1258  £5 GAMES W 14  L 16  TOTAL W 128  L 99  PROFIT +£31.50

    WOOOOPS   so much for playing safe  :(

    went down early...again,  & spent the next few hours chasing which has cost me tonight.
    I always knew that this session was coming so am not surprised at all, in fact it could have been worse as I won my last 2 games which was nice.
    It's not like I've not been here before, so I will re-group & hopefully re-build again.
    still showing a profit so no need to panic... just yet.
    also have to remember these games have given me good points too, which add up to another £11.35 in bonus so far since I started playing them last month.
    anyway, it's all over now & I have no regrets, I gave it my best as always, but some bad run & no doubt some bad play mixed in there too has cost me today.
    I always look at the bigger picture after sessions like today... which is that I am £467.49 up since I started,(and over 3K up in total winnings), so it's never quite as bad as it seems & by tomorrow another session will begin & we start all over again...
    as Tikay or was it Carlo that says "It's a never ending game" -:)

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