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Rlt's Diary. First update of 2017



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603
    edited January 2015

    Am enjoying this Diary so far, keep it coming Mr Aussie Rules Champ.
  • a00rocka00rock Member Posts: 832
    edited January 2015
    A good read so far RLT. As for avoiding the so called better players maybe watch them play a few of their games as an observer you may pick up a few tips/tells and sitting with them in future may be far more enjoyable ;-) Good luck with your quest.
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    A good read so far RLT. As for avoiding the so called better players maybe watch them play a few of their games as an observer you may pick up a few tips/tells and sitting with them in future may be far more enjoyable ;-) Good luck with your quest.
    Posted by a00rock
    Yeh thats something i try to do quite often at the moment im only playing 2 tables at a time, but i generally have another two open watching other games normally other dym's but if the main event has an interesting table with some well known names sat together i will watch that instead of one of the dym's, i try and watch some of devinfish or john connors games as far as im aware they are two of the biggest DYM grinders here so i figured they would be some of the best people to watch. 
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited January 2015
    Nice read , best of luck fella

  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    Nice read , best of luck fella Pat
    Posted by day4eire76
    cheers pat, been good fun playing dyms with you recently :)
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited January 2015
    RLT, you left me an open goal with that post a couple of spots above, but for once I'm not gonna tap it in.
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    RLT, you left me an open goal with that post a couple of spots above, but for once I'm not gonna tap it in.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    i think i spotted what u meant and have edited it now, was sent in from my phone so the autocorrect feature must have been trying to change my sentences again
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    Day 3 Update.

    unusually i started of this session witha  major losing streak so that was a nice bonus, however i played some pretty awful poker throughout the session, playing tomany hands, not knowing when to let my bluffs go and instead just donating chips to people. i managed to turn it around a little in the end. but two bad beats in my last two games (ak vs aq AIPF, and QQ Vs JJ AIPF) meant today was a losing session instead of a profitable one, but hey it happens things like that dont both me i know ill dish out just as many as i take :)

    Todays results

    Dyms played 26
    dyms won 13
    dyms lost 13

    Todays rofit/loss -7.80
    C4P = 204
    Balance = £47.80

    challange update 68/400 games played

    im well on target for the amount of games id lieto play for the month, and my loses/profits are defiantly bareable, theres not alot in it and if i keep improving im sure they will start getting a little better.

  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited January 2015
    best of luck with the diary will follow with interest
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    So due to some technical issues i wasnt able to do an update last night after playing (lost my internet for a few hours) it was abit annoying really as i was sat in two DYMs both with over 3500k chips and while there was no garuntee id cash i am confident i would of, but anyway thats online poker and it happens and i should of done better in my other games to ensure that something was already covered for.

    yesterdays results

    dyms played 24
    dyms won 12
    dyms lost 12

    profit/loss -£7.20
    C4p 279

    so i seem to be sitting around 50% most days i need to work harder on my game, i think ive spotted one or two leaks in my game after reviewing some hands, so im going to work hard on those during tonights session to hopefuly cut down on some of the losses.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2015
    Good luck with the diary.

    Shared a table with you which wasnt good for me when you were the big stack and to my left.

    I got unlucky on the bubble when my kk was beaten by aj but thankfully i got lucky v you spiking a k to win with with kq v your aq to get a decent stack back. At least we both cashed.

    Wasnt being anti social i was just playing on phone otherwise would have been on chat to say hi.
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    So due to some technical issues i wasnt able to do an update last night after playing (lost my internet for a few hours) it was abit annoying really as i was sat in two DYMs both with over 3500k chips and while there was no garuntee id cash i am confident i would of, but anyway thats online poker and it happens and i should of done better in my other games to ensure that something was already covered for. yesterdays results dyms played 24 dyms won 12 dyms lost 12 profit/loss -£7.20 C4p 279 so i seem to be sitting around 50% most days i need to work harder on my game, i think ive spotted one or two leaks in my game after reviewing some hands, so im going to work hard on those during tonights session to hopefuly cut down on some of the losses.
    Posted by RLT16
    Keep it going Rlt16 your not far off on most of your days so far.
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    Good luck with the diary. Shared a table with you which wasnt good for me when you were the big stack and to my left. I got unlucky on the bubble when my kk was beaten by aj but thankfully i got lucky v you spiking a k to win with with kq v your aq to get a decent stack back. At least we both cashed. Wasnt being anti social i was just playing on phone otherwise would have been on chat to say hi.
    Posted by Phantom66
    np i always wonder when i see people i normally chat to while im playing on my phone if they are just sat there talking away at me :), was good to see you at the table with me any advice from what u saw?
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    Not a long session today as im about to start work so spent most of the afternoon/evening asleep :)
    but the games i did play went well winning 4 of the 6 i played with the 1 of the losses a sucker punch and the other a very unusual game where there were still 6 players with the blinds 300/600 and to be honest i wasnt really sure what to do just ended up shoving 2 random cards every now and again. the other loss was on the button my KK vs A3 and flop comes 33x. nothing i can do about that it was right move to make so overall happy with my short amount of games today.

    todays update

    dyms played 6
    dyms won 4
    dyms lost 2

    todays profit/loss +£4.20
    c4p 297
    total games played this month 98/400

    see you all tommorow and best of luck to you all
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary : np i always wonder when i see people i normally chat to while im playing on my phone if they are just sat there talking away at me :), was good to see you at the table with me any advice from what u saw?
    Posted by RLT16
    I didnt have the opportunity to get involved with you much - you had position on me and a big stack.

    There was one hand were I open raised and you reraised me from the button. I actually had a small pair and folded - as your raise seemed super strong plus you had position and the big stack. I dont recall us ever going down the streets.

    From what a remember your play came across as solid - not entering too many pots and always open raising and reraising or folding if there was action ahead of you. 

    By the bubble though I think you probably got a bit more involved than you needed to - you had over 6k in chips - the money was more or less locked in and you should have just let the 3 2k avg stacks fight it out. 

    I dont mean sit out everything, just keep ticking over with the occasional raise to maintain the advantage. I have seen some big stacks shut down literally completely and get blinded down and lose that is the 2nd biggest sin in a dym with a big chip lead. The biggest though is to get involved unecessarily and lose a big chunk of chips in one go and get sucked back into a battle and lose.

    One example I think you were reraised all-in after a minraise and called with TT. Opponent had AJ I think and hit the jack, you have no need to go to war and took a dent in your stack. 

    Your call to my shove over your raise with AQ was probably correct though (I didnt want it or like it - until I luckboxed the river) but in that case I think the relative chip stacks meant it was right to call. In the previous hand blinds were much lower and opponents stack was bigger so you had less invested and more to lose.

    Bubble DYMs is where all the money is won and lost and its really about understand the dynamics of the table, relative chip stacks and picking up on shoving and calling ranges - both from general play and specific differences with opponents from their frequency and showdowns when you see them.

    PS If you like getting a big chip stack and being able to use it effectively - try a few 6 max - there you get to play more and use the stack to make sure you win where the bigger money is rather than sitting on your hands waiting for the cash/

  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    Hi phantom thanks for your reply and thoughts. 

    I have had problems with my bubble play as a big stack before and to be honest im not sure what works best for me yet or whats the most profitable way to play it, I've probably had better results playing the way i did yesterday, my thoughts behinds play were that with a heavy chip lead none of you 3 are going to want to play against me and risking going all in unless very strong, so your all folding a wider range of hands against me, meaning i can raise with a wider range of hands and get through. 

    As for the pocket 10's vs AJ hand i think the  guy was sat at around 1.3-1.5 k chips at the time with me sat on 6k i figure against his shoving range  this would be a profitable play in the long run as even after the all in im going to be sat with 4.5k chips and more times than not it was going to be a 50/50 race situation. Im probably wrong but those were my thoughts at the Time and maybe its something i should be avoiding but  at the moment my thinking is to take the chance.

    I think i was probably using the same reasoning when i made the call to your all in i had made my way back over 6k chips and was still likely to cash.Im definitely more confident with my play when im a short stack and can either shove or fold as I've been in that situation more often.

    I tried some 6 Max's recently and actually had some good results it might be worth looking into but I'm not confident enough of getting into the top 2 regularly enough to make it profitable at the moment. 
    Thanks again for your advice I'll try and apply it to what I'm doing and see how it works out.

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    Hi phantom thanks for your reply and thoughts.  I have had problems with my bubble play as a big stack before and to be honest im not sure what works best for me yet or whats the most profitable way to play it, I've probably had better results playing the way i did yesterday, my thoughts behinds play were that with a heavy chip lead none of you 3 are going to want to play against me and risking going all in unless very strong, so your all folding a wider range of hands against me, meaning i can raise with a wider range of hands and get through.  As for the pocket 10's vs AJ hand i think the  guy was sat at around 1.3-1.5 k chips at the time with me sat on 6k i figure against his shoving range  this would be a profitable play in the long run as even after the all in im going to be sat with 4.5k chips and more times than not it was going to be a 50/50 race situation. Im probably wrong but those were my thoughts at the Time and maybe its something i should be avoiding but  at the moment my thinking is to take the chance. I think i was probably using the same reasoning when i made the call to your all in i had made my way back over 6k chips and was still likely to cash.Im definitely more confident with my play when im a short stack and can either shove or fold as I've been in that situation more often. I tried some 6 Max's recently and actually had some good results it might be worth looking into but I'm not confident enough of getting into the top 2 regularly enough to make it profitable at the moment.  Thanks again for your advice I'll try and apply it to what I'm doing and see how it works out.
    Posted by RLT16

    That bold bit is 100% spot on to start with but the last bit is what will get you into trouble "meaning I can raise with a wider range of hands and get through".

    It's not about being able to raise with a wide range of hands just because they will (probably) get through.

    When you are big stack you are going to get more than your fair share of walks in the BB. Getting one raise through every 2/3 orbits will be all you need to maintain your stack size and so you dont have to "open your range" too much. 

    I just sensed you were min-raising a bit too often - with position I may have taken advantage of that, without it I just had to bide my time. My preference would always be to not go to war with the big stack - I just had to take my chance from the BB with a s/stack and KQ and got lucky.

    In terms of the 2 all-in calls - I said I think you were right to call me. The TT v AJ is more marginal - It's not a bad call, just one you dont need to make. I would suggest posting that in the clinic and/or running it through an ICM calculator to get a better view and help you with similar decisions.

    If you do play 6 max I would recommend you dont think about cashing (unless very short on the bubble) and always be thinking about going for the win with the x4BI reward it is all about 1st place. It also helps improve HU play which you will never learn from dyms.

  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    i'll pop it on the clinic, i ran it through an icm calaculator and it said it was a marginal call ($0.04) more icm equity
    but if im being honest im not 100% sure that i am using the icm calculator right when it says to estimate hero's equity agaisbnt villians range so it could be well outside of that lol.

    i understand what your saying about becoming to loose though just oen more thing i hae got to work on and will improve at :)
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    so last night wasnt a very good night and it ended up with me tilting, not at the game but at myself I did some stupid things in a few DYM's and instead of reacting the right way i did even more stupid things, im not a very tilty (is that a word) person normal im quite open about the fact that im generally a losing player and that i expect it and im working on ending it. but this is just another part of the learning curve and i know i will get through it.

    I was given a free entry into the £11 turbo tuesday main event and was a tad unfortunate to go out as early as i did but i dont see how i could of played it alot differently, got involved in two hands first was QJ from the button with no action so raised it 3x got called by BB, flop comes T J Q BB raises to about 350 i reraise to 1250 he calls, turn blanks BB checks i check behind trying not to go all in. rivers comes 9, BB checks again, and i check behind he reveals AK for the nut straight. i was probably abit to agressive with this hand on the flop but i couldnt see him having AK at the time having not reraised pre flop.

    then next hank i got dealk AK spades from the small blind with arond 1300 chips remaining, no acton round to the button he 3x raises, i shove on him thinking he could be raising with alot from there. he cals and shows AA and hits another A on the flop.

    as for the DYMs well they started of really nicely i won the first 5 i played which is unusual for me i normally start bad then improve, after that though i only won 2 of the next 10 i probabnly got to overconfident with the way i was playing and instead of sticking to it let myself get to involved with poor hands that i shouldnt of been playing. ah well i liver and learn. im still £1.50 in profit since new years day so its not all bad i just know it could of been alot more if i had just been more disciplined.

    I also found some great value in an early morning tournament it was a £20 garunteed (15 minute) tournament, that only had 2 runners with a minute left to reg, by the time i regged two more had also but there was a little overlay and i managed to increase my stack for a 2.70 profit in that so not bad going :)

    DYMS WON 7

    C4P 355
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    A much better day today in the end although once again i found myself starting of terribly, i only won 2 of my first 10 dyms,the issue is defiantly with my style of play i think i find myself wanting to play more when i first start playing then once i've lost a few i give myself a telling off and revert back to what normally wins me games.

    For the first time since i joined sky poker got some moron keyboard warriors at my tables today which was obviusly a little disappointing but i know theres always gonna be people like that wherever you play poker, or anywhere online for that matter, needless to say i reported them and expect them to recieve a chat ban shortly. i'm all for banter at the tables and im fine with swearing to but the stuff this guy was saying was out of order. anyway i wont dwell on it as it has no bearing on me or my poker or my enjoment of the game as i took his money anyway ;)

    I was really pleased with my play tonight (the 10 games i played at lunch time were abbysmal) i seem to have got myself in a real good run, i played suited connectors alot better than i normally do (althought it does help when u flop the nuts) i also seemed to be getting better at getting vlue from my good hands but will have to wait and see over next few days wherever its anything ive actually improved on, or if i just had abit of good luck.

    got a busy weekend ahead so i dont expect to be on much which is a shame but im sure ill fit a few games in.

    Todays DYMs played = 27
    DYMs won = 15
    DYMs lost = 12
    Total games played 140/400 (well ahead of target)

    todays profit/loss +90p (also recieved my £4.79 from last months c4p)
    C4P = 4.36
    Balance £45.69

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