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Rlt's Diary. First update of 2017



  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    So i dont update my diary for one day and it dissapears down to page 4, u guys talk to much. anyway i forgot to do an update yesterday as i was abit busy so i got two days worth of updates to do.
    yesterday went OK only played 11 games winning 6 and losing 5 but my play was better than it had been in recent days so i was happy.
    As for today again i only had time for a low amount of games but from the 8 i played i won 6 and the other 2 i went out on the bubble so i dont really have any bad thoughts about today i did make one semi loose call on the bubble of the last game but i think it was probably the right decision to make in the long run.

    yesterday and todays results combined

    dyms played 19
    dyms won 12
    dyms lost 7
    last 2 days profit/loss +£9.30
    C4P 493
    Balance £54.99
    total games played this month 159/400

    Im well ahead of the games id like to play for the month target at the moment and im happy that ive managed to do it so far without losing money overall, I've met some really nice guys while playing who have been very helpful in giving me tips and advice some of it has really helped my game and i have no doubts that without that advice id of already lost most of my bankroll playing the 159 games that i have so far. so id ust like to say thanks everyone that has offered up advice and if anyone has any more for me keep it coming :)

    couldnt playthe orfordable tonight as unfortunately i have to start work soon (got to love overnight shifts) and i didnt want to crush it get to the final table then have to leave so i figured i would let someone else take all the gory :)

    good night all and best of luck at the tables
  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited January 2015
    Hi RLT replied to ur PM
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    Cheers Stuart im on my phone at the moment which wont allow me to see my pk's without flash player so I'll give it a read in the morning. Thanks again was fun playing tonight (always easier to win when theres a player away to my right and left) :)
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    hello again, like yesterday only a short session as im back of to work in a minute and also like yesterday it went very well, i can see why people say weekend games are softer some of the plays i've seen were borderline crazy but if im being honest i was probably making similiar moves not so long ago so i shouldnt be harsh, and like i see you all say these are the players i want to be playing agaisnt so long may it continue

    Todays DYMS played 5
    DYMS won 4
    DYMs lost 1
    todays profit/loss +£7.50
    C4P  508
    Total games played 164/400

    Balance £62.49

  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited January 2015
     Always interested to know what the night workers are up to, so what do you do 
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
     Always interested to know what the night workers are up to, so what do you do 
    Posted by 68Trebor

    Hi Trebor.

    Im currently a floor manager of a mcdonalds store in chippenham, we are a 24/7 store so we get some quite crazy shift patterns, however the jobs alright its fast paced, pays the bills, affords me a couple of hoildays a year and pays for my hobbies, what more can a person ask for. 

    If any of you ever fancy a burger feel free to pop in and say hi :) 

    What about you whats your proffesion? 
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    so last nights sessions was very up and down, i started of with a 5 game winning streak (although 1 of these was extremely lucky hitting a 2 outer on the river) and then i dont know what happened to play but it went out the window, i dont know if theres such a thing as positive tilt but it seems like the results from last 2 days and the start i had last night led me to thinking i was capable of pulling of whatever i wanted, when infact it was being senisble and playing smart poker. well anyway this led to me losing the next 7 dyms and wiping out most of my profit for the last 2 days. i did manage to re coup some of that in a £5.50 game this morning though.

    i also allowed my self to play a £5.75 bounty hunter as abit of a reward for my poker the last couple of days, i didnt make the cash but dont think i played to badly in it the aggresive nature isnt really my style though and i think im better suited to the deep stacks.

    dyms played 13
    dyms won 6
    dyms lost 7
    todays profit/loss -£10.85
    C4p 5.57
    Balance £51.64

    total games played 180/400

  • imhardworkimhardwork Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2015
    nice read :)
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    nice read :)
    Posted by imhardwork
    thankyou very much, im honored that you have chosen my diary for your first post to the forum :)
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    Hello again a much better day today, started of well and continued in much the same way, i stayed relaxed and played sensible poker for the whole session, no negative or positive tilt just smart play (or its probably better described as positive variance) it could of gone a little bit better had i not shoved 88/jj/kk into aces 3 games straight all on the bubble. but the plays were defiantly the right ones to make at the time just got unlucky that they had it each time and held.

    I also spent a bit of time watching the £5.50 games and taking some notes on a few guys ready for when i have a BR to take a couple of shots, and if i continue to play the way that i did today then hopefully it wont be to long until i can take those shots. going to aim to get 22 buy ins as suggested in johnconnors blog take the 2 shots and see how it goes.

    I was looking forward to playing the DTD games tonight as i really like the structure, but something came up and i wasn't able to so instead i concentrated on the DYMs, which on the plus side probably saved me some money.

    Todays dyms played 21
    Todays dyms won 14
    Todays dyms lost 7
    Todays profit/loss +£14.70
    C4P  620
    Total games played 201/400
    Balance £66.34

    So i'm half way through my challenge and i'm still very much enjoying my poker which is the main thing, but enjoying it a lot more than i would of in the past as i've actually made money during this period rather than losing it, its no massive amounts and it isn't going to get me rich, but like i said at the start of the diary that's not my goal, i just enjoy playing poker and want to be able to do so without as little cost, or no cost whatsoever. I feel my game has come on a long way in a relatively short period of time. with my ROI increasing what i consider to be a massive 7.8% so far. But i don't want to stop there i know there's plenty of learning and improving still to do.
     Games playedAv profitAv stakeAv ROIProfit
    Before1st jan 20153237-£0.19£2.75-5.40%-£600
    1/5/2015 - present197£0.09£3.012.40%£17.50

    I know i've already said it but i feel like i should say it again thank you to anyone has offered up advice to help improve my play, stuarty117 deserves a special mention as he has been by far the biggest contributor so far. along with johnconnors DYM blog (which ive probably read 9 or 10 times)

    Good night everyone and Gl at the tables

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2015
    Nice going RLT...keep it up
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited January 2015
    very nice improvement lee
    well played and long may it continue
  • a00rocka00rock Member Posts: 832
    edited January 2015
    Its great to see a diary where a player is truly enjoying the game. Also the gradual improvement in results is a bonus for the effort you are putting in. Keep up the good work ;-)
  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited January 2015
    Hi RLT

    Thank you for the mention.

    A few guys have helped me to become better so its only right to pass on some of my experiences.

    I am glad they are helping.

    As i was saying that was a fold last night reasons are: -

    Guy has shoved and someone has called even if we have AA we could fold, because we can cash by folding. Plus you called for nearly 3/4 of your stack which only left you with 500 odd chips. Yes its a call if we only have to call say 1/4 of our chips as we have plenty behind to have a 2nd bite at the cherry.

    But in the end you got a little lucky and cashed anyway lol.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2015
    Thank you Lee for thinking about me while I lost connection today, a real gent.
    not many about these days.
    Gl GL GL GL
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    Thank you Lee for thinking about me while I lost connection today, a real gent. not many about these days. Gl GL GL GL dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    Your welcome i dont do it for eveyone just the ones who i know or feel would try and do the same if the situation was reversed :), i did steal one bb of you but i was justified in raising as i had AA :)
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary : Your welcome i dont do it for eveyone just the ones who i know or feel would try and do the same if the situation was reversed :), i did steal one bb of you but i was justified in raising as i had AA :)
    Posted by RLT16
    Thanks mate,
    just wrote out a nice post & a ****** sky pop up came up, so had to delete it...aaaaaagh.
    nice hand btw.
    yeah, stealing chips from away player is never nice, especially when we know them, but it's all part of the game.
    everyone does it, myself included, doesn't make it right though.
    best wishes & good luck,

  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    Hello again all. I didn't update my diary yesterday basically due to work commitments but i did manage to play 4 games before i had to work, however i lost all 4 and it was a total disaster, i wiped out nearly all the profit i had made from the day before, so i was abit annoyed at myself, i looked back through the hands to see what went wrong and basically it was just me being a moron, there were no bad beats, i cant blame variance, it was just me making stupid plays, not getting value for my strong hands chasing draws without the outs to make the calls worth while, just pretty poor all round play really.

    However today i threw steady progression out of the window instead opting to just crush everyone that got in my way. i started of pretty poor losing 2 of my first 3 games, what happened after that was unexpected to say the leas, i played a total of 26 games today winning 20 of them, i ended the night on a 12 win streak, and having seen Devs thread in which he has achieved 18 straight wins (albeit at the £5.50 level) im hoping i can carry on the good form and maybe sneak 19 in a row :)

    i learned a valuable lesson in table selection today, 3 of the 6 games i lost came at the hands of one man, mr JohnConnor, i thought having read his blog countless times id have a good idea of how he plays, what he's holding when he shoves on me etc etc, and to be honest i think i did, but it didn't help at all he still took all my chips even though i had position on him. however it was a good learning experience watching what he does and how he goes about it.

    Yesterdays dyms played 4
    yesterdays dyms won 0
    yesterdays profit/loss -£13.20

    Todays dyms played 26 (one of these was a 2.25)
    Todays dyms won 20
    Todays dyms lost 6
    Todays profit/loss +£33.25
    C4P 710
    Balance £86.39
    Total games played this month 231/400

    I wont get carried away by todays results, overall i played well but i spotted a few more areas of my game that need improving one of which being my value bets, i tried posting a hand to the clinic but its being a bit rubbish for some reason and just posting a complete mess. so instead ill ask here, i know its abit general but how do you go about getting value from hands when you've flopped a set or better, i understand it depends a lot on the texture of the board wether its wet or dry, but it seems at the moment whenever i get these hands i struggle to get as many chips as i should be for them, sometimes i slow play them, sometimes i bet them, either way idont think im maximizing my return, i try and check into the aggressive players and let them bet into me, and try and bet into the calling stations, unless these people are picking up really good reads on me and just know when i have it, i'm not really sure what i can do to improve this area of my game to be honest. any advice greatly apprieciated.

    once again, good night and good luck to you all!

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2015
    Nice going Lee,
    gl with your winning streak today.
    unlucky to lose those 4 games mate & I know how you feel, but it happens, so we have to learn how to deal with it, at least the next day made up for it, wp.
    Table selection is important, as you found out, & johnconnor is 'the master' so don't feel bad losing to him, I have many many times, but at least you are getting a good lesson at the same time so that's some consolation, ha ha
    I think most players would find their results improved if they used it more often, but I guess if you are going to play at certain times that appeal to you then you have to play whoever is there.
    you never stop learning at this game as I am finding out, which is great & means we can only move forward from there & win even more games & money in time.
    getting value from hands is a fine art in itself & sometimes we have to accept we are not always going to get the maximum, unless one or more of our opponents have hit the hand too.
    if you limp in with pocket pairs,(not saying you do), but many do, trying to hit their sets, then suddenly on a 27j board say, start going mad betting like 250 from a 300 pot for example, then it's an obvious tell they have hit their trips, so maybe 1/2 pot bet might be better.
    checking is ok but a 1/2 pot bet each time is a good place to start, I think, as checking is just wasting a betting street if no-one else does it for you, & we are losing chips. if everyone else has missed completely we are getting nothing anyway, so by betting & building the pot if a player calls you then we are in business as they have something, top pair maybe, flush, something anyway.
    also raising with pocket pairs just as you would/should with AK or QQ KK AA etc, is an option & what I would do with them,(if & when I choose to play them), this builds the pot so when we hit we should get a good return, we can also bluff when we miss & rep any K or A if we choose to.
    some things to think about anyway. we also have to remember we only hit our set 1 in 7.5 times so need to have a back up plan for when we do miss. yes we will normally fold but at least by raising pre-flop we have options to still play & win the hand.
    I know some players say limping in with pocket pairs is the best way of playing them & getting in for cheap seems a good strategy, which is fine, but I think raising is the better option long term & gives us the better rewards & options. It's all a matter of opinion though & finding out what works best for you is what matters.
    have a good day today

  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    so another session over with and another good profitable day, thats 5 of the last 7 days in profit which for me is a massive improvement, i have come such a long way in a relatively short amount of time very happ with how i played once again today, although i did stupidly get myself into a flip during my last game that i didnt really need to get involved in. I started of with 3 more wins, continuing my streak from yesterday, but sadly after 15 wins my run came to an end, so devs 18 in a row still stands tall. but who knows maybe sometime next week, its definitely not an easy task thats for sure.

    didnt really bump into any of the regs today, which i have to admit is quite nice ur great to chat to but having you there doesnt make the game any easier.

    only a short session today as lucky me has gone from working over night shifts a few days ago, to starting at 5 o'clock in the morning today.. got to love shift work...

    Todays DYMs played 13
    Todays DYMs won 10
    Todays DYMs lost 3
    Todays profit/loss +£17.10
    C4P  749
    Total games played 244
    Balance £103.49

    im close to the 20 buy ins i was aiming for to take a few shots at £5.50 dyms and feel its important to move up the levels when playing well, so if tommorow starts well i will take a couple of shots up at the 5.50 level and if that doesnt go so well move back down to the £3.30's, if nothing else it should be interesting.

    Good night again all, see you tommorow
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