Thought it would be nice to have a thread where people can post any good documentaries films or other interesting poker media contained in one neat and tidy thread :-)
I am happy to start this off with a short documentary I watched the other night on Jason K o o n s (would not let me spell it) WSOP entries into the $111.111 and the Aria 500k highroller both in the same week.
Also includes little snippets of Ivey esfandiara haxton etc.... really good watch
(scroll down the link for full video about 12 mins in length)
Great idea, this thread, well done.
PS - Was great to share a couple of tables with you last night. I had too many tables open to chat, but I hope you did OK.
I saw you cashed in that £11 jobbie played together. I never.......
There was one really incred player in that, had me all tied up every time I took him on. We are supposed to "put players on a range". Good luck doing it against that Gent. He won 3 from 4, too. Incred scenes.
I was a bit wary of you, as I know you are a good short handed player, so I tried to keep out of your way for the most part.
A really fun evening.
Echo Jimi's post, this is a quality thread and looking forward to catching up with those links I've not seen previously. Keep up the good work!

Agree that another version of 2m2m would be well received. Should have gotten some of the Sky regs to sort that (with a lower cash target lol) while they were all out for the Vegas packages.
Every poker players house should have a tilt room