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Rlt's Diary. First update of 2017



  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited December 2015
    Thanks JD and TK.

    just finished a late morning early afternoon session and very pleased with how it went considering the standard of opposition i was up against in most games.

     £3.30 DYMS£5.50 DYMS£11 DYMS£22 DYMSMTTsTotalBalanceWeekly PP
    # Played27000 27 216
    # Cashed18000 18 Monthly PP
          0 863
    Profit/loss18.9000 18.9165.47 
    got a few errands to run now, but will have another session tonight and hopefully win myself a hoody :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663
    edited December 2015

    Craig - I really like the way you have set out that "table" of results.

    I may "borrow" that, if you don't mind.
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited December 2015
    its lee, but sure you may borrow it :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663
    edited December 2015

    ops, sorry.
    I have no idea why I did that.
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited December 2015
    its all good, get called worse on a daily basis :) especially at work, you couldnt imagine how upset peple get over burgers and chips :)
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited December 2015
     £3.30 DYMS£5.50 DYMS£11 DYMS£22 DYMSMTTsTotalBalanceWeekly PP
    # Played82000284 462
    # Cashed40000040 Monthly PP
          0 1109
    while the stats in this table look bad, considering how i badly i ran, to finish the session only £30 is a success in my eyes, never had a session like it, and cant imagine ill have one similiar for a while either. 
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited December 2015
    After having the worst night on the site that i can remember last night, tonight turned out to be a decent one (although i let myself down in the mini should of got a lot higher cash but hey ho) played the mini and 2 free rolls along side a bunch of £3.30 dyms. managed to win the UKPC FR but as i wouldnt be able to attend i bought in and took the cash instead.

     £3.30 DYMS£5.50 DYMS£11 DYMS£22 DYMSMTTsTotalBalanceWeekly PP
    # Played26000329 545
    # Cashed17000017 Monthly PP
          0 1192
    will update the DYM tables shortly
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited December 2015
     £3.30 DYMS£5.50 DYMS£11 DYMS£22 DYMSMTTsTotalBalanceWeekly PP
    # Played43100650 701
    # Cashed26000026 Monthly PP
          0 1348
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited December 2015
    had a long mtt session today, was it enough to make the top 50 points earners? who knows, will play some more this evening hopefully but had a very good day so far regardless.

     £3.30 DYMS£5.50 DYMS£11 DYMS£22 DYMSMTTsTotalBalanceWeekly PP
    # Played00003333 836
    # Cashed000000 Monthly PP
          0 1483
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited December 2015
     £3.30 DYMS£5.50 DYMS£11 DYMS£22 DYMSMTTsTotalBalanceWeekly PP
    # Played06000868 1185
    # Cashed03500035 Monthly PP
          0 1483
    figured as its gona 12 id update, dyms did well, tried satting into the ME today did well to get into the early semi, then fnished that 2 places early in 7th :( abit gutted but played well and im sure ill sat in one day soon.

    Just managed to take a 10th place finish in the 10:40 bh, but it could/should of been better and im sure im gonna win it soon :)

  • spinky6108spinky6108 Member Posts: 253
    edited December 2015
    Hi Lee good to see you back grinding and well done on your results. 

    Congratultions on the birth of your son you will be able to have baby chats with wardy at the tables.

    My poker not going so well for a while now i'm playing breakeven poker at least i'm not losing much. Still struggling with the 5s. its a bit frustrating to be honest. 

    See you at the tables

  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited December 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    Hi Lee good to see you back grinding and well done on your results.  Congratultions on the birth of your son you will be able to have baby chats with wardy at the tables. My poker not going so well for a while now i'm playing breakeven poker at least i'm not losing much. Still struggling with the 5s. its a bit frustrating to be honest.  See you at the tables Andy
    Posted by spinky6108
    morning andy, 

    keep at it, the 5's are definetely tougher but not so much that you wont still have an edge over most of the recs and some of the regs. im sure that given a decent side sample you will be turning over a good profit.

    im sure I'll bump into you soon, run good mate.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663
    edited December 2015

    There you go Bus Bloke, the results of the MTT challenge are HERE

  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited December 2015
    thanks tikay, i knew if i made it it would be pretty low down so im happy to take the £20 ontop of what was already a good day at the tables :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663
    edited December 2015


    Well done.

    To bankroll nits like us, £20 is a very handy bit of bunce.

    Today is SNG points day, & with liquidity @ £5 & above in PLO8 DYM's pretty thin, I've got very little chance, but I'll be giving it a shot. It's an excuse to play poker a bit longer than usual. ;)
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited December 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    ^^^^ Well done. To bankroll nits like us, £20 is a very handy bit of bunce. Today is SNG points day, & with liquidity @ £5 & above in PLO8 DYM's pretty thin, I've got very little chance, but I'll be giving it a shot. It's an excuse to play poker a bit longer than usual. ;)  
    Posted by Tikay10
    theres plenty of liquigity in the NLH £5 dyms, come join us for a few ;) 

    as a dym grinder obviously im giving todays promo a shot aswell, im at 298 points for the day so far, but again not sure what kind of target to aim for. seeing as its excluding prio i imagine 500 will be more than enough so thats the target
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663
    edited December 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary : theres plenty of liquigity in the NLH £5 dyms, come join us for a few ;)  as a dym grinder obviously im giving todays promo a shot aswell, im at 298 points for the day so far, but again not sure what kind of target to aim for. seeing as its excluding prio i imagine 500 will be more than enough so thats the target
    Posted by RLT16
    Ha, good luck.

    I keep detailed daily records of all sorts of boring stats when I play, including points earned, & realistically, 150 is about the maximum I can earn this evening. I managed 237 yesterday, but I started at 3.30pm, & played until 9pm, but of course Sunday night liquidity is much higher. 

    Leicester v Chelsea on telly tonight wont help either, but never mind, if I can make £20 profit from results it'll not be in vain. On the other hand, if I drop £50 trying to earn £20.......

    I suppose I could revert to NLH this evening, but those boys would probably eat me alive these days.

    Jeez, it's time I grew up & did something more worthwhile with my evenings, but I just love poker.
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited December 2015
    heres an interesting hand in the main event satelitte, I consider the villain to be a very good player, TAG. im 17/25 with 21 getting a seat and 22nd getting £6.60 (not of interest to me), do u think i should be calling here and attempting to all but garuntee my seat, or is the fold going to be thre right one in the long run? 
    ThenutxsSmall blind 200.00200.0016500.00
    RLT16Big blind 400.00600.006710.00
     Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    xxxAll-in 4979.005579.000.00
    xxxWin 1000.00 1000.00
    xxxReturn 4579.000.005579.00
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited December 2015
    gotta love tens lol
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited December 2015
    I fold personally - looks like we are ok blind wise tbh, yeah win hand seat almost locked - but prefer to shove a few and keep ticking over - is amazing how tight people get in calling late stage
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