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In the beginning

tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
The title of the thread is a well known start to one of the most famous and often vilified books in history, some say the cause of most of mankind’s wars.

Without going into ‘ its fact’ or ‘ complete tosh’, ( may not be possible), would it be beyond the realms of possibility to have another view to how man got on this planet, or is it either God or the Big Bang and we evolved from Apes?

It’s hard to comprehend that the universe consists of just us as a ‘ life form’, reading that there are more stars than grains of sand on the planet is truly mind blowing.

Is it so ridiculous to consider we as a species were ‘ put here’ by what some would call aliens, sounds crazy right?

Some scoff at the ‘ Virgin Mary’ giving birth, nowadays it’s not uncommon to give birth without meeting the father, ( I’m not talking about a drunken night in the local hot spot)

That’s just the start, my grandson wants me 😊


  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    It’s been the subject of many a film, ‘Super advanced Aliens’, is it a bit far fetched to consider a race which evolved the way we are going, and just like Superman story, realising the error of their ways decided to start life on another planet, but take out something from our brains to hinder our advancement to their level.

    I read that we only use a small % of our brain, could this be the reason?
    Was Jesus the offspring of an alien sent to teach us to love and care for each other, instead of following the path we seemed destined to?

    Mankind seems on a path of destruction, be it race against race, or by destroying the planet in one way or the other., if we were advanced enough,would we reach for the stars, start again but with a plan to avoid the destruction we seem to be heading towards., would it be similar to the ‘Super advanced Aliens’......
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,602

    Hi Thug,

    How did humans come to be here?

    Pretty sure its just nature working it's magic.

    It began with microbe & bacterial life in swamps & chemical reactions, & just slowly evolved from there.

    Don't think God had a hand in things. He just decides who gets relegated from the Premier League, minor stuff like that.
  • TheMadMonkTheMadMonk Member Posts: 294
    Is their aliens on earth,yes ,us,we are aliens who originated in outer space,earth didn't always exist,it came about by explosions in outer space,so every living thing that exists on our planet came from far away Galaxy's so no reason to believe its not happened elsewhere as well
    as for religion ,its just a cult that became popular,and turned into a good money making scam.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,358
    edited January 2018
    I hope im not lowering the tone after an eloquently written thread start.
    tomgoodun said:

    Was Jesus the offspring of an alien sent to teach us to love and care for each other

    Did this man actually walk the planet ?

    I find, if I look into evidence of his existence Im swayed easily, depending on the agenda of the narrator. Texts saying he was fabricated have me believing he was fabricated. Texts saying he lived and breathed have me doubting the doubters.

    One thing I am certain of.

    However we came to be here I'm quite sure it wasn't a via a deity passing down texts and appearing in dreams, with threats of eternal persecution should we not subscribe with T&Cs depending on our birth location.

  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited January 2018
    Great thread Tom.

    To pick up on 2 points...

    "I read that we only use a small % of our brain, could this be the reason?" (tomgoodun)

    This would sort of depend on how you looked at the brain. If you took a neurobiological approach and examined the brain using a method such as an EEG then it shows that we use very large portions of our brains. There are a lot of neural pathways linking different regions of the brain which enables different regions to work in unison.

    If you consider something 'trivial' like walking down the street... Our brains have to coordinate our balance, vision, breathing, heart rate etc etc. This requires some serious effort.

    If you think about the portion of our brain we use from a mental health perspective. It often does not take much to 'push us over the edge' which suggests we can often be working close to the capacity of which we can handle.

    "Did this man actually walk the planet ?" (mumsie) As far as I was aware... There was some agreement that Jesus walked the earth. It was just up for debate as to whether he was actually responsible for all/any of the bold claims made in the bible.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,665
    There have been literally tens if not hundreds of thousands of 'Gods' throughout modern man's existence. It's always good to ask Christians and the like how many 'Gods' they believe in. They will usually say 'the one true God'. To which you can answer 'oh so you don't belive in all the other thousands of Gods then? The only difference between me and you is that I don't believe in one more God than you'.

    Religion is also the root cause of millions of deaths over the years through persecution and wars, if there is a God up there he's a pretty evil one.

    Give me evolution any day.

    ps we now have threads on politics and religion and everyone is getting on well in these threads with no personal insults, who'd have thought?

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    markycash said:

    Great thread Tom.

    To pick up on 2 points...

    "I read that we only use a small % of our brain, could this be the reason?" (tomgoodun)

    This would sort of depend on how you looked at the brain. If you took a neurobiological approach and examined the brain using a method such as an EEG then it shows that we use very large portions of our brains. There are a lot of neural pathways linking different regions of the brain which enables different regions to work in unison.

    If you consider something 'trivial' like walking down the street... Our brains have to coordinate our balance, vision, breathing, heart rate etc etc. This requires some serious effort.

    If you think about the portion of our brain we use from a mental health perspective. It often does not take much to 'push us over the edge' which suggests we can often be working close to the capacity of which we can handle.

    "Did this man actually walk the planet ?" (mumsie) As far as I was aware... There was some agreement that Jesus walked the earth. It was just up for debate as to whether he was actually responsible for all/any of the bold claims made in the bible.

    Back soon though.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    This might be straying slightly off topic, but sometimes when I'm having a deep moment I can't help but wonder what happens when you die.

    I'm not a man of religion so I don't believe in the afterlife or reincarnation or any of that gibberish.....but surely something has to happen? It all seems a little too simple or convenient that one day we'll close our eyes for the last time and then that's it, nothing for the rest of time. And the beauty is that we'll never know, cos when it happens were dead. It's all so futile!

    Anyway, happy Saturday.

  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited January 2018

    This might be straying slightly off topic, but sometimes when I'm having a deep moment I can't help but wonder what happens when you die.

    I'm not a man of religion so I don't believe in the afterlife or reincarnation or any of that gibberish.....but surely something has to happen? It all seems a little too simple or convenient that one day we'll close our eyes for the last time and then that's it, nothing for the rest of time. And the beauty is that we'll never know, cos when it happens were dead. It's all so futile!

    Anyway, happy Saturday.

    Agreed, pretty deep question. It is not the most pleasant though to think that when we die... pfft, that is it.

    I used to think about this one quite a lot. I came to the personal conclusion that to think anything other than nothing happens after death would really just be wishful thinking on my part. It would be great if it did but I really don't think there is anything else after we die.

    This does not really trouble me anymore. Once I accepted this I came to the personal conclusion that if I want anything to do with me to continue after I die then it would have to be in the form of a legacy. By a legacy I mean my kids living on in general and having their own kids. Hopefully they would also take on some of my better qualities and pass these on to their kids. I also try and push myself to achieve what I can while I am here so that I hopefully cause a few ripples in the pool of life and leave some sort of lasting impression.

    Also I feel if we can accept the above it means we are forced to make more of the time we do have.

    Besides that our atoms will still 'live on' after we are gone.

    I also wouldn't mind my ashes being planted with a new tree or something so I live on physically through that (that one might seem a bit 'out there' to some).

    Anyways that is my couple of pence on it for whatever that is worth.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,665
    edited January 2018

    This might be straying slightly off topic, but sometimes when I'm having a deep moment I can't help but wonder what happens when you die.

    I'm not a man of religion so I don't believe in the afterlife or reincarnation or any of that gibberish.....but surely something has to happen? It all seems a little too simple or convenient that one day we'll close our eyes for the last time and then that's it, nothing for the rest of time. And the beauty is that we'll never know, cos when it happens were dead. It's all so futile!

    Anyway, happy Saturday.

    Yup tough question. I am completely anti religion but I dare say I might convert and repent on my death bed just to cover all bases. Hang on, if all these peadophile priests get to go to heaven then I think I might have a better time in h ell anyway.

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    Yeah the whole 'unknown' thing doesn't bother me, I'm just curious about it all.

    I guess if you believe in the afterlife then you can glide through life pretty content with what happens when the time comes. Its not my bag but if people wanna believe in that then that is their prerogative.

    For everyone else, we'll find out when the times comes :)

    Gonna leave instructions for my ashes to go to Sky HQ in Leeds, a parting gift from me to them.
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,240
    I want to be reincarnated as a cat, these lazy **** have the life of Reilly, only slight issue I have is the thought of licking my own ****.

    As for religions, they are all ****.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,296
    The other brain teaser is ...... why are you you and not me why are you here now and not one hundred years ago.

  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,071
    In the beginning was the word.

    And the word was "flob-a-lob"

    The Gospel according to Bill & Ben.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,296
    The "Ten Commandments" the Teachings of the " Bible" are the Rules we live by, nothing wrong with them, where they came from we can speculate, we're all free to believe what we want follow the rules or not. Will I go to Heaven or **** when I die, think it's called "oblivion"!
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    goldon said:

    The "Ten Commandments" the Teachings of the " Bible" are the Rules we live by, nothing wrong with them, where they came from we can speculate, we're all free to believe what we want follow the rules or not. Will I go to Heaven or **** when I die, think it's called "oblivion"!

    Can anyone name all 10 ( Without the aid of google 😊)
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,358
    goldon said:

    The "Ten Commandments" the Teachings of the " Bible" are the Rules we live by, nothing wrong with them, where they came from we can speculate, we're all free to believe what we want follow the rules or not. Will I go to Heaven or **** when I die, think it's called "oblivion"!

    There is plenty wrong with them and we dont live by them.

    They harp on about Egypt and bondage and cattle servants and neighbours wives.

    Thou shall worship the sabbath?

    Really, work all week and worship on a sunday?

    Thou shall not murder ?

    Give me a rifle with a scope , ive got nephews that need holes in their heads.

    Thou shall not steal ?


    Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance
    BClark19 Small blind 50.00 50.00 10100.00
    7grant7 Big blind 100.00 150.00 2307.50
    Your hole cards

    Taximan007 Fold
    kgee Fold
    mumsie Raise 200.00 350.00 16955.00
    BClark19 Fold
    7grant7 Fold
    mumsie Muck
    mumsie Win 250.00 17205.00
    mumsie Return 100.00 0.00 17305.00

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,296
    only got 2 Don't call Allin. Fold AA.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,296
    other rules to be obeyed, unless you're a sinner.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,296
    In the Beginning, stay till the end. !

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