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Off with the walk-on girls?

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665

The TV companies have told the PDC (who run most Televised Darts) that "walk on girls" ae no longer acceptable in this day & age, & are banned forthwith.

If you are unfamiliar with the scenario, it's usual for the incoming contestants to be flanked by two nubile & scantily clad young ladies, who pose & pout on stage before departing, then, displaying acres of thigh & cleavage, face the cameras & blow a kiss in what is a bile inducing moment of schmaltz.

Are you in favour of the ban, or against it.

And why?



  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,301
    McEnroe....... the Great Barrier Reef's loss. Hot Pants to the lot of em.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    I'm against the ban. I don't see the problem with it, just a bit of harmless fun and the girls themselves have spoken about how they will lose 60% of their earnings as a result of the ban.

    It's an example of the world becoming too PC in my opinion.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,301
    Double Top pair.
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    Whichever snowflake made this decision should be glued to a wall and have the moon fired at them.

    I am sick to death of all this PC nonsense where everything might be offensive and everything is racist even when it isn't.

    I don't even know what 'being offended' is like, because I don't have that character defect.

    And of course the perfectly happy girls are now losing part of their livelihood.

    Now I need some more Lisinopril because my BP is shooting up over 200/150...
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    Oh FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFS. The F1 snowflakes have now followed suit.
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    It won't be long before the snowflake cretins "are offended" by any sort of human relationship.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2018
    May or may not have got into a debate on the DTD Facebook page and made some people grumpy. Oops. Anyway, I'm not a fan of the DTD valet uniforms.

    Might seem like a double standard to think the darts/F1 girls are okay and DTD isn't, but totally different kettle of fish with DTD, IMO. Unlike grid/walk-on girls where that's literally the job you're signing up for, for DTD valets making themselves look attractive and having their b00bs on display isn't necessary for them to be able to do their job.

    I'm not offended by it or anything like that, but it just doesn't add anything to playing Poker there - I'd be just as happy if an fat elderly bald guy brought me my drink.

    Plus when you've got a sixty-something bloke staring at this 18 year old valet's chest and telling everyone what he'd like to do to her... I've been there when that's happened, and it's as awkward as you'd imagine.
  • paige55paige55 Member Posts: 2,953
    Sorry Mr pingu, I no we do not get on that well on this forum but I totally agree with your posts on this subject , and sorry if some have been offened by your posts on the DTD what ever that is regards paige
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,301
    Think we need Leave or Remain referendum put to the Nation.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited January 2018
    EvilPingu said:

    Agree it's all massively OTT in this case. Honestly wouldn't surprise me if there's more women who are upset at losing jobs of this nature than there are people offended by their presence.

    F1 is following suit, too.

    I won't miss them, I don't really feel like they ever added much to anything by being there so I really couldn't care less that they're gone in that sense. I'm watching darts to see MVG/Taylor/Barney, and I'm watching F1 to see pileups and carnage Hamilton get his butt handed to him by any driver who I actually like.

    But the fact they're losing a job that they're happy to do because other people (predominantly women) want to tell them what to do and how they should behave is ridiculous.

    The irony is that we're all happy to have F1 races in countries like Bahrain, China and India and ignore the actual mistreatment of women that goes on in those countries. But as long as we don't have grid girls, everything's fine, everyone's all equal and happy so we can just ignore that.

    Also, there's a Premier League Darts round in The Netherlands, so the walk-on girls can't walk anyone down to the stage, but it's totally fine for them to sell sex to the tourists that come to the darts, provided they're properly licensed and everything. Seems legit. (Fwiw, I'm in favour of legal/regulated prostitution, but it still demonstrated the absurdity of the situation)

    Great post as ever, I couldn't agree more.

  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,670
    I'm just amazed that they can ban the walk on girls yet, as a society, we allow the fashion industry to glorify and promote unhealthily stick thin models. This has lead to thousands of young girls doing themselves untold harm trying to be as thin as possible, thinking that this is what men find attractive.

    Ironically the people in the fashion industry that decide what is 'attractive' and 'sexy' are very rarely heterosexual men.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665
    Enut said:

    I'm just amazed that they can ban the walk on girls yet, as a society, we allow the fashion industry to glorify and promote unhealthily stick thin models. This has lead to thousands of young girls doing themselves untold harm trying to be as thin as possible, thinking that this is what men find attractive.

    Ironically the people in the fashion industry that decide what is 'attractive' and 'sexy' are very rarely heterosexual men.

    I suspect that's because the Print Media live off advertising revenue from the fashion industry. So that makes it all right. Allegedly.

    There is nothing more hypocritical than the media.
  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    There’s a managed red light area in holbeck Leeds @Evilpingu 😀
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,301
    Will Moto GP be next ! Who's gonna hold the Umbrela's

  • 5501355013 Member Posts: 336
    I couldn't think of much worse than having to go to watch Darts or F1 tbh. If i ever had been forced to go i must admit i probably would have had a quick admiration of the nice ladies and then split, sharply.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,301
    Think these girls next.

    Remind me please what sell's cars.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited February 2018
    55013 said:

    I couldn't think of much worse than having to go to watch Darts or F1 tbh. If i ever had been forced to go i must admit i probably would have had a quick admiration of the nice ladies and then split, sharply.

    Even as a fan of both, I'm somewhat in agreement. I suspect from the wording of your post that you don't like either, but IMO even for fans they're both better watched on TV.

    Been to a few different motorsport events here. I found F1 is a bit meh to watch live, relatively speaking. You get your seat and that's the only place you can really watch from (at most circuits), you get to see the cars once a lap, it's difficult to follow who the leader is especially once you get cars lapping each other and stuff, and you get mugged off for an extortionate ticket price because circuits pay stupid money to host races and have to recoup that. Gotta be the one of the worst options for fans of any motorsport IMO, and possibly any sport in general. I'd go again if ticket prices were maybe a quarter of what they are, but it's just terrible value for money and you have to watch the race again on telly to know what happened anyway.

    When I went to the British Grand Prix in 2002, I thought the winner was someone else until I saw the papers the following morning.

    IMO anyone who is interested in watching motorsport is much better off going to watch a national level championship (E.g. BTCC) where you're free to roam the circuit perimeter and watch from wherever you want for a fraction of the price, but they're still big enough to have all the fun stuff around the event to check out.

    It's a bit like how with Cricket, it's probably better going to a smaller capacity ground with a grass bank to sit on and you can walk from midwicket to mid-off at will (Just not in front of the sightscreen!), instead of a 20k all seater stadium where you're just kinda stuck in your one seat. Unfortunately, everyone would rather have all seater stadiums because higher attendances = more £££.

    Paradoxically, if you're not a motorsport fan, the best place you could probably get dragged to is the 24 hours of Le Mans, where it's basically a 24 hour drinking session with food, funfair etc and by the way there's some race cars circulating somewhere in the background but you can pretty much forget about them for hours at a time.

    +1 to Darts live too, atmosphere looks quality but I'd rather have a couple of mates over, get some beers in, turn the TV on and at least be able to see the dartboard.
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    Refreshing to read most of the posts on here. Some women are very happy to promote their looks/femininity in these types of ways and if this is what they want to do they should feel free to do so.

    The argument by the feminists would be that this sends out the wrong message to young girls. What exactly is the message they are trying to send out though? Maybe something like... 'Behave and act as we see fit'. Hardly seems like freedom of choice for women.

    If women want to be career driven and wear 10 layers of clothing then I would defend their right to do so. At the same time I would defend the right of women to do grid walks and pose on page 3. The message should be that women have the choice to express their individuality and not have to conform to a feminist ideal. Something I honestly feel feminism has completely lost sight of.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,301
    Do we have Flawed do good'ers should their argument be stripped bare.
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