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Puzzling (?) £1/1 spot. Thoughts welcome.

SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
edited February 2018 in Strategy
Provincial casino, Saturday night. Been at the table half an hour or so and haven't been involved in a hand with villain, who seems tight/competent - but hasn't really shown any hands or been involved in any noteworthy spots. I've won a couple of small, non-showdown pots.

I've got £180, villain covers.

I straddle to £2 (most of the table is straddling). Villain open limps from EP, three other callers (inc blinds), I have A9o and check.

Flop (£10): A74r. I check, villain bets £5. Everyone else folds, I call.

Turn (£20): 9. I check, villain bets £7, I raise to £25, villain looks puzzled (or pretends to look puzzled) then calls.

River K (£70). I lead £55. Villain thinks for a bit, asks how much I've got behind (roughly £100), then jams.


Does it all seem fine until now?



  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    I would raise with a9o preflop to about 14 when straddling

    Given how you have played I would do the following on the streets

    Flop:- Checks fine - would bet out 70-80% here though

    Turn:- Check raise ok, maybe a bit on the light side. 30-35 quid for a check raise is better

    River:- Ugly, given your strength in previous rounds and the amount you have left most should have you beaten. Only thing is I cannot think what to put opponent on, definitely a tank and I would be thinking for a good few minutes on this and analysing opponent.

    AK would be raising pf surely? Smaller two pair possible although overplayed, set would kind of make sense if he is tricky. Meh! Crying call or crying fold! Crying fold barely.....
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,467

    I'd call but only because

    a) I'm a bad player and optimistically think my `A/9's are ahead of his likely 777 or even worse KKK or more gutting -and why didn't they go bigger pre-flop?-AK...

    Thinking it through a bit more, maybe on the flop I'd have re-raised his £5 to about 2.5 bet so £12.50-if he calls or even re-raise at that point I'd think my A9 is possibly not as good as his A`+higher kicker?

    On that basis on the turn the check/raise or bet seems fair-the problem is if I felt I was behind, I normally bet bigger to either push them off or find out! Thats saves me the quandry of the K on the river coz then I'd probably, reluctantly check/fold...

    Hope you won if you called- BUT please let us know, even if it's painful...don't leave us hanging....
  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    SR23 said:

    Provincial casino, Saturday night. Been at the table half an hour or so and haven't been involved in a hand with villain, who seems tight/competent - but hasn't really shown any hands or been involved in any noteworthy spots. I've won a couple of small, non-showdown pots.

    I've got £180, villain covers.

    I straddle to £2 (most of the table is straddling). Villain open limps from EP, three other callers (inc blinds), I have A9o and check.

    Flop (£10): A74r. I check, villain bets £5. Everyone else folds, I call.

    Turn (£20): 9. I check, villain bets £7, I raise to £25, villain looks puzzled (or pretends to look puzzled) then calls.

    River K (£70). I lead £55. Villain thinks for a bit, asks how much I've got behind (roughly £100), then jams.


    Does it all seem fine until now?

    This screams strength to me. I think he has a very strong made hand already- either 777 or 444 (you can't ever have pocket aces and check back the straddle right, so he only loses to pocket nines exactly and you won't necessarily check back pocket nines either pre flop after straddling and facing limps). You can have some semi-bluffs that take this line with hands like 86, 65, 53, 32 that might peel flop then check raise this turn because it's a good spot given that he shouldn't have AAA or 999 (unless this was a game where people were "protecting" their straddles aggressively with wide ranges or open limps were being relentlessly isolated in which case he might sometimes show up with pocket aces, kings and AK I suppose...) You also have 777, 444 and ALL the two pair combo's. That said, I feel his best line is to flat your raise on the turn, expecting you to bomb river with your aces up and your missed draws/random bluffs when he just flats your turn raise, then he can just get it in on the river rather than 4 betting you on the turn which would look so nutted you might just hero fold aces up there and then...

    If you tell me you called river and he mucked 108/86/65 I'm quitting...
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
  • ImplicityyImplicityy Member Posts: 65
    Raise bigger on the turn (£35), then river you can do anything except fold as SPR is <1.5.
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,467
    MynaFrett said:

    SR23 said:

    Provincial casino, Saturday night. Been at the table half an hour or so and haven't been involved in a hand with villain, who seems tight/competent - but hasn't really shown any hands or been involved in any noteworthy spots. I've won a couple of small, non-showdown pots.

    I've got £180, villain covers.

    I straddle to £2 (most of the table is straddling). Villain open limps from EP, three other callers (inc blinds), I have A9o and check.

    Flop (£10): A74r. I check, villain bets £5. Everyone else folds, I call.

    Turn (£20): 9. I check, villain bets £7, I raise to £25, villain looks puzzled (or pretends to look puzzled) then calls.

    River K (£70). I lead £55. Villain thinks for a bit, asks how much I've got behind (roughly £100), then jams.


    Does it all seem fine until now?

    This screams strength to me. I think he has a very strong made hand already- either 777 or 444 (you can't ever have pocket aces and check back the straddle right, so he only loses to pocket nines exactly and you won't necessarily check back pocket nines either pre flop after straddling and facing limps). You can have some semi-bluffs that take this line with hands like 86, 65, 53, 32 that might peel flop then check raise this turn because it's a good spot given that he shouldn't have AAA or 999 (unless this was a game where people were "protecting" their straddles aggressively with wide ranges or open limps were being relentlessly isolated in which case he might sometimes show up with pocket aces, kings and AK I suppose...) You also have 777, 444 and ALL the two pair combo's. That said, I feel his best line is to flat your raise on the turn, expecting you to bomb river with your aces up and your missed draws/random bluffs when he just flats your turn raise, then he can just get it in on the river rather than 4 betting you on the turn which would look so nutted you might just hero fold aces up there and then...

    If you tell me you called river and he mucked 108/86/65 I'm quitting...
    Yep- I orgot about 444..... SO did you fold or Call??
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,467
    madprof said:

    MynaFrett said:

    SR23 said:

    Provincial casino, Saturday night. Been at the table half an hour or so and haven't been involved in a hand with villain, who seems tight/competent - but hasn't really shown any hands or been involved in any noteworthy spots. I've won a couple of small, non-showdown pots.

    I've got £180, villain covers.

    I straddle to £2 (most of the table is straddling). Villain open limps from EP, three other callers (inc blinds), I have A9o and check.

    Flop (£10): A74r. I check, villain bets £5. Everyone else folds, I call.

    Turn (£20): 9. I check, villain bets £7, I raise to £25, villain looks puzzled (or pretends to look puzzled) then calls.

    River K (£70). I lead £55. Villain thinks for a bit, asks how much I've got behind (roughly £100), then jams.


    Does it all seem fine until now?

    This screams strength to me. I think he has a very strong made hand already- either 777 or 444 (you can't ever have pocket aces and check back the straddle right, so he only loses to pocket nines exactly and you won't necessarily check back pocket nines either pre flop after straddling and facing limps). You can have some semi-bluffs that take this line with hands like 86, 65, 53, 32 that might peel flop then check raise this turn because it's a good spot given that he shouldn't have AAA or 999 (unless this was a game where people were "protecting" their straddles aggressively with wide ranges or open limps were being relentlessly isolated in which case he might sometimes show up with pocket aces, kings and AK I suppose...) You also have 777, 444 and ALL the two pair combo's. That said, I feel his best line is to flat your raise on the turn, expecting you to bomb river with your aces up and your missed draws/random bluffs when he just flats your turn raise, then he can just get it in on the river rather than 4 betting you on the turn which would look so nutted you might just hero fold aces up there and then...

    If you tell me you called river and he mucked 108/86/65 I'm quitting...
    Yep- I orgot about 444..... SO did you fold or Call??
    Not only did I orgot, I forgot as well....
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    I have limited cash game experience but why are we straddling and then not raising in this spot?
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    Thanks very much for the replies, everyone.

    I tanked for ages. My line looks dead strong and suggests both what it is and a bunch of stronger stuff: 44, 77 and 99 all make (some) sense and his jam in the face of this strength to me just looks super-nutted, especially as I didn't have tons behind and so me folding is less likely. Plus he looked really comfortable.

    Anyway, I agonised a bit more and...eventually folded. Frustratingly, he showed an ace.

    However, an orbit or so later the same player checked the river in position with AJ on an A553T board in a medium-sized pot and later on also checked 66 in position on a 469TQ rainbow-y board in a biggish pot making me think that he (a) is a little too much on the mubsy side and (b) I probably wasn't good in the A9 hand.

    I reckon it's just a weirdly played AA, possibly AK. AQ/AJ either folds turn (I agree with people saying £30-35 is probably better here) or just calls river and I think (especially after what I saw from him afterwards) his A7/A4 just call river, too. Probably, I don't know - I had the seventh nuts and in my experience not many players call check-raises on the turn then jam over an 80% psb on the river with much less then the seventh nuts at these levels.

    As for straddling, it's not something I really do unless boozy and/or most of the table are doing it. But when I do straddle, I actually raise a fair bit, especially if it goes something like £7, call, call, call, call, call and I've got pretty suited connectors/one-gappers/pairs/monsters/AXs and there's tons of dead money in the middle, but I think A9o in a limped pot is borderline and I probably just looked at it and thought, "I have A9o OOP. I check." Raising could well be better, though.

    Thanks again.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562

  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    Ah, so he did limp aces, story checks out... sick flop and turn for you though :s
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    AK seems the most likely candidate here. His play makes sense on all streets including the puzzled look on the turn. PF is weak though by opponent if its AK.
  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    Given the way opponent played the other hands SR highlighted I think he only calls with AK on the river given that he blocks aces up and SR is essentially repping a set as played.
    More likely he just had AA and the puzzled look on the turn was a feeble reverse tell.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited February 2018
    MynaFrett said:

    Given the way opponent played the other hands SR highlighted I think he only calls with AK on the river given that he blocks aces up and SR is essentially repping a set as played.
    More likely he just had AA and the puzzled look on the turn was a feeble reverse tell.

    I really am - or certainly in his monsters-everywhere mind I am. I think it's very likely he had AA, the more I think about it. It even chimes with his possible 'look at me being clever by limping aces' pre flop, which this opponent may well do from time to time.

    One thing that I completely forgot about and is crucial to the hand is that he did the old, 'shrug, I-guess-I'm-all-in' all-in which is pretty much the strongest all-in out of all the all-ins. Apologies for omitting this (critical) piece of information, but I've only just remembered.

    I said to him a couple of hours later, after the set of sixes hand, something like, "Wow, you must have had the nuts earlier" and he said, "Maybe."

    Far out.
  • THEGRIDTHEGRID Member Posts: 13
    I think this hand is well played.

    A9o not going to be a raise out the straddle, ATo would be though.

    Turn you didnt say whether it brought a FD which is going to affect the sizing you should choose. If the board is still rainbow your sizing is fine, possible slightly bigger maybe 28. If it brings a FD you can make it bigger, like 32, as its easier to find bluffs.

    River is grim but without info I would fold here. Wouldn't worry about being exploited live 1/1 poker and just overfold this spot.


  • j_h_christj_h_christ Member Posts: 6
    what does mubsy mean?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562

    what does mubsy mean?

    Ha. It's not cool to ask, but I'm always well-disposed to uncool people.

    MUBSY - Monsters Under Bed SYndrome.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    Thanks for clearing that up, @Tikay10 .

    And thanks very much for your post @THEGRID - whenever I've ventured up higher than the 10nl and 20nl backwaters you've always owned me, so it's good to hear my thinking/play isn't too off.

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    Don't think turn is a check raise on this run out
    Can't see what bluffs you have here

    I think your right he calls your c/r raise then goes all in on your lead, seems like your beat.
    Your c/r on turn really does narrow his range right down, why I don't like it.

    Your hoping he gets to river with weaker two pairs and one pair hands.

    IDK though not played for a while live 1-1

    If the oppo is a spot and non believer then no problem with c/r turn :smile:

  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    rancid said:

    Don't think turn is a check raise on this run out
    Can't see what bluffs you have here

    I think your right he calls your c/r raise then goes all in on your lead, seems like your beat.
    Your c/r on turn really does narrow his range right down, why I don't like it.

    Your hoping he gets to river with weaker two pairs and one pair hands.

    IDK though not played for a while live 1-1

    If the oppo is a spot and non believer then no problem with c/r turn

    Well, partly this (don't know a great deal about villain, though) and partly that few river lines if I check call turn (check-check? check-call? check-raise? lead(small)-call? etc.) seem particularly appealing.
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