And to go back to the original post... was talking to this guy who had never played before.... he confirmed he had the nut flush on the river. Flopped straight, turn FH board, river runner flush boar… (View Post)
I have just withdrawn £500 from £1 games, but your all welcome to state im an idiot and dont know what im talking about. The key to online games is when your opponent is playing particulary badly, is… (View Post)
Wow even misty4me is backing me now! He certainly is a clown out of his depth. Your losing your own people disciple Mark.... even spelt it your way (nero) just for an extra dig! Nice one Misty <3 (View Post)
Im hateful and angry from your perspective? Wow you guys see things in a very odd manner whilst sticking together. A guy goes off his **** with a foot long angry post in capitals, both of you add thi… (View Post)