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Heads up Omaha Hi Lo standard result



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280
    edited July 2022
    Whizzewky said:

    Hi Tikay,
    Apologies i have no idea how to copy and paste, i hope you still get this!

    Without doubt those days of plo8 dyms and the banter were great times! It used to get me through a working day with something to look forward to. Only me and Eon left now and occasionally mmmmchips. We both still enjoy it and over the years i have improved to be within touching distance of the G.O.A.T lol.

    As you know i'm not much of a poster on here, but i am a prolific reader and i follow all the big Sky stories and appreciate all the work you do for players, you have an amazing grass roots understanding of ordinary players..Who else would go to all the trouble of sorting out a missing free roll when they had just returned from Vegas? Wonderful!!

    Sadly as far as Spt's are concerned it's just not possible at the moment. I took early retirement 6 years ago to be a full time carer for my partner. She has multiple illnesses including Parkinsons and chronic arthritis, and as a result she hates me being away i don't bother!!

    All this said it doesn't stop me hankering to go to Vegas or to one day attend an Spt. i'll let you know if one day it becomes possible.

    So nice to hear from you too best wishes,



    Hi mate.

    That might be the most enjoyable Post I've read all week, thank you.

    All the years I've "known" you & I never knew the situation with your wife. I'm so sorry to hear it. It's surprising how many players are in a similar spot, @TheEdge949 for example, & I'm sure many others.

    In such cases, the ability to unwind with a relaxing game of poker amongst virtual friends must be a Godsend.

    We are all different, but for me & I suspect you, poker is a relaxant, I just want to share a table with people who play with a metaphorical smile on their face, take their beats with good grace, & just generally play the game to enjoy themselves.

    I imagine @eon1961 still crushes the PLO8 DYM's, goodness me he was a tough opponent to play. Oh, & next time you bump into @mmmchips at the table, give him my best regards please, such a lovely fella, & very very funny.

    Do you remember a player named "county"? Not sure I ever played anyone more "awkward" to counter. Certainly never played by the book, but always profitable, & his awkward style made him a nightmare to play against. Just shows, there are a zillion ways to play the game. Limped into every pot, called every raise, & had very unconventional starting hands. Made money though.

    Wonder what became of @gerardirl & @Macacgirl1? Mac was so much fun.

    I just looked on Sharky, & it seems you & I played some 2,662 DYM's together. Yikes.

    A shame we are unlikely to bump into each other at an SPT or Vegas, but you never know. Fingers crossed.

    Take care my friend, & do please stay in touch.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited July 2022
    TOOTRUE said:

    My apologies TheWaddy. It was not my intention to mislead and it was my mistake.

    Absolutely no problem, this is how it should be, just honest conversation. There should never be hostility in just what different players purely experience, i can only comment on what i see.

    You dont agree, but you post in a non-confrontational manner, no problems at all. And im glad to have shared my only win in hundreds with someone watching live before i broke down in tears. :D
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Kinda6677 said:

    Tell me anyone who agrees with anything you post, bet you cant or you just blatantly ignore the question. As for an apology, what am I apologizing for? What are kind of recognition are you looking for? Or do you just want a hug?

    No-one agrees with my post, as we know there is just a small clique here that post and round upon any who has a different experience to them.

    However, you are not part of that clique even though you think you are. You could try finding someone who has genuinely just become unemployed and belittle them, if thats what entertains you?
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    What cllque is that, I see what I know is the truth having played against you, knowing your an a$$hole at the table always complaining when you get beat, show no respect to your opponent, the list can go on
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    As for you being honest, that is complete bs. I bet you've never got it in bad and won have you?
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    I point out the help once the magical deck has obliged in many hands up to that point. I dont insult or berate the players in anything that can be construed as personally upsetting... i may say ' u cant give it away, its not allowed' that type of thing.

    The reason it ended in a ban for you, is that you chose to go down a route where you thought i may be unemployed as i was playing in the day and you ran with the 'no-one will employ you Giro Jim' and it got progressively worse from there, doing it when you werent even sat at the table.

    I think you may want to look at what might be personally upsetting and what might be just poker banter. Decks get under my skin, my comments are more aimed at them than the player.

    Im not going to address you here anymore, theres nothing more to be said and as all of your 81 posts are just following me round, its a little unnerving......
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    I consider my notes to be pretty accurate, as you say there is a small pool of players. If i notice any change, or anything that no longer seems to apply to the player, its edited accordingly.

    I dont think it is unusual for £1 players to over value their hand, espcially with just a nut low on the flop. They are just not adapting to heads up (as opposed to a full table), when you are likely just to split if you are lucky, with no profit to be made. Many £1 HU hi lo players are just playing hold em within a hi lo game.

    Im ultra wary of flopping hi straights fullstop at hi lo, i certainly would not usually want to inflate the pot ... if i just have 7 8 on a 4 5 6 board and thats the only lo i have, im gonna check, call, fold almost every time. This instance with Helissio was a special case, as hes also not gonna pump with a nut straight here either, so i was confident it was just A2 and it was... albeit with an annoying 7, that made all the difference.

    It was on the whole a bad play... but the only reason for the post was to query why a flopped hi straight never holds up for someone like me, not to demonstrate me being unlucky or anything else for that matter.

    I have adapted my game to what i know since Black Friday. This will not involve 'playing my best' as alot of correct hi lo play will not work online. So we get players like EssexPhil calling me out for bad play.

    If i am playing someone who has called off alot of obviously beaten hands and he is down to around 800 chips or so, i feel that the deck sets up alot of hands to trap. I may get a flop of Ks 3h 4h and i hold Kd 5d 2h Ah when i have raised preflop. If i bet and he raises, live this is an easy all in for me and would be correct play by the book.

    This is the type of hand online however, i have noticed that if i do indeed go all in, he will likely show me Kc 4c 9h 10c and the hand will somehow hold and scoop. That is my experience of the last 11yrs or so, over a number of sites. I dont like to give them an easy way back into the game.

    At this level, though by the book incorrect play, id rather wait to hit my hand before committing, as a £1 player is still likely to call anyway.

    This is were EssexPhil is one dimensional, he doesnt allow for comprehensive experience of deck performance and player notes.... he sees 2 hands, he makes a comment of who is right and who is wrong without any background info. He also does not allow for the stakes that im playing for... alot of my decisions would be completely wrong against a competent player at hi stakes (and indeed incorrect hi lo play in general) , but right given my info on someone who appears to be playing hold em within a hi lo game, as many at this level do.

    My best online is playing with all the info i have in my locker. However, this will differ significantly from my best plays if i was at the WSOP.
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    Yeah they have £1 plo8 games at the wsop
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    If you win enough plo8 hands you could play the main event in 2525 if man is still alive
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited July 2022
    This online poker in a nutshell. If you play the £1000 freeroll, or micro stakes poker in general you will really see the deck for what it is. I think this is why the likes of EssexPhil dont get it, as they are not playing this level and wont be seeing the humongous amount we low stakes players do.

    But in this example, which you will see almost every hand in the freeroll... we get the person 'trying to giveaway' with 2 3 all in preflop call... i repeat call ... flop the nut straight.... the turn gives me top 2 pair, can i hit a FH river? No the 3rd hand that we have forgotten about as having no chance on the flop then takes the lead and the pot by hitting broadway!

    Purely magical! Next hand will be very similar and so on and so forth.

    SJP9BallSmall blind20.0020.002607.50
    Trigger91Big blind40.0060.002645.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • K
    • 5
    • A
    • 4
    • Q
    • J
    • 2
    • 3
    • A
    • K
    • 8
    • 8
    • K
    • 10
    SJP9BallWinStraight to the Ace10017.5010017.50
    Trigger91WinStraight to the 5115.00115.00
    And then tonights... i just put my laptop down....seriously i did when i hit an ace flop.

    There is only one result from there, the 4 is coming turn or river.... i wasnt disappointed!!! I would just think ive won the hand with a real deck, the complete opposite here... Its just the tedious obvious long odds results, the longgggg string which everyone knows is coming.
    myjokras00Small blind600.00600.006445.00
    TheWaddyBig blind1200.001800.001320.00
    Your hole cards
    • Q
    • A
    spartan300Unmatched bet10500.005640.0010500.00
    • Q
    • A
    • 4
    • 4
    • 9
    • A
    • 10
    • 5
    • 4
    spartan300WinThree 4s5640.0016140.00
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    But it's not hu plo8, make your mind up!
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited July 2022
    And to go back to the original post... was talking to this guy who had never played before.... he confirmed he had the nut flush on the river. Flopped straight, turn FH board, river runner flush board, just to make sure your nut straight is doubley beaten....

    Skillfully not bet, therefore no loss, bad luck Sky! He didnt get how qualify for a low despite me explaining (good of me!) got to 2900-100... he went all in 3 times on run, scooped 3 times on run with rags.... Unfortunately he had to go once he had 1200 and i was able to win.... somehow i know i wasnt winning that game if he had stayed! 100%.
    mikeytcrSmall blind10.0010.001460.00
    TheWaddyBig blind20.0030.001510.00
    Your hole cards
    • 9
    • Q
    • 8
    • K
    • 6
    • 5
    • 7
    • 6
    • J
    Thats online poker!!! You become a psychic overnight, but only in an online deck situation.....
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    What's a physic? Are then any good?
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    Do you think sky have got it in for just you
  • Helissio2Helissio2 Member Posts: 62
    This thread is still going on!
  • Bean81Bean81 Member Posts: 638
    No experienced player cares about your whining. So what if you run worse than the majority of players? Somebody has to. I've played millions of hands and run worse than you could ever imagine. I've also run better than you could ever imagine. Both have impacted my bankroll by thousands of pounds.

    Instead of complaining, spend your time on learning to play better.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited July 2022
    Correct play will not work online in the recognised situations :DB):D

    The only way to 'play better' online, is to recognise the situations that you are being set up and adjust your game accordingly.
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    Give us a reminder of the algorithm logic pls, seems flopped nut straight was good on the river here, hmmm. Meanwhile, you're posting up tournament and holdem hands. This is the first time I've played HU for months, so my experience is flopped straights always hold, maybe the opponent wasn't playing badly enough for the computer to adapt the deck :D

  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited July 2022
    Good for you! Clearly if i have won one in hundreds, but yours 'always hold', there appears to be something odd dont you think!?

    That would make the odds even more crazy between the 2 experiences. A flopped hi straight is quite vulnerable, but yours 'always' hold.... this just adds fuel to the fire im afraid, that something isnt quite looking right and rather more of a fixed result for us both.

    I put the freeroll hold em hands up, as the outcomes of most hands are hilarious and the chat box is full of laughter comments.....
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