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Heads up Omaha Hi Lo standard result



  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Doesnt change my experience. You guys make me say the same thing over and over and then you post something (which the minions actually then agree with) which is totally irrelevant.

    Last time i will say this, as its been months now. Decks are written to maintain customer numbers, therefore if someone is playing badly calling off big pots with very little on obviously beat boards, it will produce a ridiculous amount of runners and set up hands for you to lose.

    So in your games, it appears you were of a similar standard, there was not alot of poor calling going on, therefore there is no recognition for the need to help out.

    I can see now that if i am playing someone making a huge amount of poor calls and getting away with it, the flopped nut straight is something that comes up alot, that never wins any part of the pot. Personally, i have not seen it hold for me ever.

    Say the same things over and over, yet the same people make the inane comments that cant grasp the reasons behind it. That not aimed at you TooTrue, as you have just come in the middle of a conversation, but these guys have read the lot for months!
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    bbMike said:

    Perhaps they have written this particular quirk just for you. Well done on spotting it, means you can comfortably fold the flop whenever you’ve got the nuts in future. Hopefully no-one spots you going against this.

    Its a tough one, i tend to not bet it and keep the pot as small as possible. It will be certainly a consideration to fold to any bet in the future. I dont really understand the thick boys saying why have you been in the hand if you know... obviously i have had to log it when i noticed it, to know for sure and this takes time and experiencing it.

    When posting here im now at the stage to adjust my play because of it.

    Ive noticed particulary 2 clubs are on the flop when a nut straight flops a helluver lot... i just smile because i know.... i know.... that means my opponent has a club flush draw... and also the turn is a club... i dont know how many times i have seen this!!!

    I also know when i play live that when this scenario flops on an unraised preflop board, my opponent could hold absolutely anything... here its like 'ah he has 2 clubs in hand'......
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    TheWaddy said:

    Doesnt change my experience. You guys make me say the same thing over and over and then you post something (which the minions actually then agree with) which is totally irrelevant.

    Last time i will say this, as its been months now. Decks are written to maintain customer numbers, therefore if someone is playing badly calling off big pots with very little on obviously beat boards, it will produce a ridiculous amount of runners and set up hands for you to lose.

    So in your games, it appears you were of a similar standard, there was not alot of poor calling going on, therefore there is no recognition for the need to help out.

    I can see now that if i am playing someone making a huge amount of poor calls and getting away with it, the flopped nut straight is something that comes up alot, that never wins any part of the pot. Personally, i have not seen it hold for me ever.

    Say the same things over and over, yet the same people make the inane comments that cant grasp the reasons behind it. That not aimed at you TooTrue, as you have just come in the middle of a conversation, but these guys have read the lot for months!

    Do you ever consider that there may be a reason why people say the same things to your posts?
    Maybe it’s you that doesn’t grasp things
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    Thewaddy, how do you know the standard of tootrues opponent, was you watching there game.
  • TOOTRUETOOTRUE Member Posts: 206
    Hi TheWaddy. In your opening post you made no reference to the requirement in the difference in ability between the two players or the quality of play at the time. If you could provide some clarification of the extent in difference in ability required or extent of losing sequence needed that would be helpful as I can then review my sessions to see what my experience is in that scenario.

    In addition, in the example which you posted the sharkscope rating of both players is relatively close and actually shows you having the lower rating of the two.
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    Yeah he thinks helissio is a bad player, which is a joke
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited July 2022
    TooTrue I am just telling you my experience, i have no idea what difference is required, i did not write the software!!!

    Helissio is a winning player, no doubt, but when he plays me i cant believe the mistakes he makes. This is probably cos he tilts given the opponent, ie me.

    If i have always lost in this scenario, the maths tells me there is something not right. I just pointed this out, i have no idea how it works, i can only guess!

    I mean u just posted 5 examples that i can only dream of, so obviously somethings not quite right? All i know is players are sucking out 6/7 times all in to squeeze out half pots via runners.... then the flopped straight comes and i get no part of the pot.

    By saying your not losing at all, only compounds its odd to say the least and completely against all maths, as with my trying it with a real deck.
    Kinda6677 said:

    Yeah he thinks helissio is a bad player, which is a joke

    I think you should have noticed by now, that no-one is interested in the childish comments.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Jac35 said:

    TheWaddy said:

    Doesnt change my experience. You guys make me say the same thing over and over and then you post something (which the minions actually then agree with) which is totally irrelevant.

    Last time i will say this, as its been months now. Decks are written to maintain customer numbers, therefore if someone is playing badly calling off big pots with very little on obviously beat boards, it will produce a ridiculous amount of runners and set up hands for you to lose.

    So in your games, it appears you were of a similar standard, there was not alot of poor calling going on, therefore there is no recognition for the need to help out.

    I can see now that if i am playing someone making a huge amount of poor calls and getting away with it, the flopped nut straight is something that comes up alot, that never wins any part of the pot. Personally, i have not seen it hold for me ever.

    Say the same things over and over, yet the same people make the inane comments that cant grasp the reasons behind it. That not aimed at you TooTrue, as you have just come in the middle of a conversation, but these guys have read the lot for months!

    Do you ever consider that there may be a reason why people say the same things to your posts?
    Maybe it’s you that doesn’t grasp things
    There are a huge amount of players who dont believe what they are seeing, purely because maths tells them not to do so. They can get very frustrated losing so often, to sillyness.

    Can i ask someone who believes, why they get so aggressive and protective over something that is not frustrating them?

    I dont get it! Is it just anger problems generally in life?
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,409
    edited July 2022
    TOOTRUE said:

    Hi The Waddy. I had a look back through all my hands on my plo8 hu session this afternoon. There were five instances where either I flopped the nut straight or my opponent flopped the nut straight but the hand went to showdown. Below is the outcome of each hand:

    Hand No: 1712558124 - I flopped the nut straight - split pot
    Hand No: 1712557761 - We both flopped the nut straight - split pot - both had the same straight
    Hand No: 1712557086 - I flopped the nut straight and won pot on the river when opponent folded
    Hand No: 1712528401 - opponent flopped nut straight - split pot
    Hand No: 1712522468 - I flopped the nut straight - split pot

    As I said above, would be happy to show the hands if someone could let me know how to post the hand histories. My experience today appears to be very different to your experience.


    (I think you probably know points 1- 7), but for those that don't....

    Firstly it's usually best to have two SKYPoker tabs open .......One on the Forum thread where you want to post the Hand History(HH), and one for the HH you want to copy,

    1. click on the 'My Sky Poker' tab ....a small drop down menu appears........
    2. click on 'Hand History' and screen changes
    3. change the 'hands from' tab to when approx. the hand was
    4. change Format to 'Tournaments' and Type (of Tourneys) appears
    5. should be on 'Sit-n-Go' ,but change to 'Scheduled' if the hand is from a MTT
    6. If you have the Hand ID, enter it in the Box and Click on Search for Hands button
    7. Click on 'details' (in blue) at the Right Hand End and the hand appears.....scroll down to make sure it's the right one :)
    8. Press the COPY button
    9. go to the place/page where you want to post it ( @TheWaddy Thread usually :p)
    10. On your keyboard, press Control (Ctrl) and V key at the same time, (this 'Pastes' the HH) and LOADS of writing will appear ( @mumsie will tell us the proper word for it!..... CODE maybe??
    11. You can 'Preview' if you want to check before
    12. you then 'Post Comment

    Hope this helps :)
  • TOOTRUETOOTRUE Member Posts: 206
    Thank you MISTY4ME.

    Here is hand number 1712558124. I will just show this one and one other as don't want to clog up the thread with numerous hand histories. However, if TheWaddy would like me to post all five examples then I am happy to do so.
    TOOTRUESmall blind30.0030.001430.00
    yorkie63Big blind60.0090.001480.00
    Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 10
    • 9
    • 9
    • 7
    • J
    • 8
    • A
    • 3
    • Q
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 7
    • 10
    • 9
    • 9
    TOOTRUEWin highStraight to the Jack180.001460.00
    yorkie63Win low7-low180.001540.00
  • TOOTRUETOOTRUE Member Posts: 206
    Second example - hand number 1712557761
    TOOTRUESmall blind20.0020.001320.00
    yorkie63Big blind40.0060.001620.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • 10
    • 6
    • 8
    • J
    • Q
    • K
    • 6
    • 5
    • A
    • 10
    • 6
    • 8
    • 10
    • J
    • A
    • 8
    yorkie63Win highStraight to the Ace1340.001660.00
    TOOTRUEWin highStraight to the Ace1340.001340.00
    No qualifying low hand
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    I dont need anymore and didnt doubt that you had won with these hands in the first place. As i say, it just compounds the incredible run that i have had, when you have had the same results as i did with a real deck.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Even more bizarre, i would say Yorkie has been my biggest income on this site, appalling reg on the hi lo scene.

    So any flopped straights for me would not be getting anything here!
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    Oh they switched to a 'real' deck for tootrue did they. Do you even read what you've written before posting, cos you sound like an idiot
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Maybe, just maybe they were playing as bad as each other. Who knows, i dont have the answers.

    But i did play Yorkie last night, he raised and reraised me all in with low blinds and similar stacks, with the 5th best lo and no hi at all. No sense to it whatsoever. He survived and shortly after a hand gave a river were it was the only 2 left in the deck that could give us both a FH... his better....

    Didnt feel like a set up after recognising appalling play at all....
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    Those 'magic's decks eh, they only switch to it when they know you're playing
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    So when tootrues hands held up or chopped, what deck were they using?
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Ask an adult.
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    Sorry I thought you were
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