The AA vs 78 hand, you are 44% to win that hand (on the flop) plus you need to consider rake when you win. Long term stacking off there will cost you money. Posted by calcalfold
I've never really understood rake to be honest, as a new online player lol. What is it exactly? And i was 44% to win it outright, and 6% for it to be a split pot so it was 50/50 wasn't it?
Anyway i decided to come back online and do another session as tv on thursday nights is terrible haha. Brilliant session it was, 1 hour, 4 tables, profits of £6.85, £1.31 and £3.25. One loss of £2.75. Total profit of £8.66
Most profitable hands were winning a flip with queens against ace-king suited, not going to lie after the turn card i was ******** myself hahaha :P and winning with aces against someone who bluffed me with queen 8 off, almost got me to fold it as well! Hands are below:
Seat 1: Stassedov (£5.72 in chips) Seat 3: Radumc (£10.59 in chips) Seat 5: Siergy (£4.00 in chips) Seat 8: Ryanshire01 (£5.22 in chips) Seat 10: nelutzzu5y6 (£5.00 in chips)
Stassedov: SB £0.02 Radumc: BB £0.04
*** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Me [Qs Qh]
Siergy: Raise To £0.12 Me: Raise To £0.40 Stassedov: Fold Radumc: Fold Siergy: Raise To £4.00 (all in) Me: Call £3.60
*** FLOP *** [10s 2c 2s]
*** TURN *** [7c]
*** RIVER *** [4s]
*** SHOW DOWN *** Siergy: shows [Kc Ac] (Pair) Me: shows [Qs Qh] (Two pair)
*** SUMMARY *** Total pot £7.53 Rake £0.53 Me: wins £7.53
Seat 1: vvvmusicvvv (£18.02 in chips) Seat 2: epertom (£4.00 in chips) Seat 3: freebus (£6.25 in chips) Seat 4: E1C836 (£8.86 in chips) Seat 5: Me (£5.74 in chips) Seat 6: krasata (£6.18 in chips) Seat 8: p0k3r5t4rs87 (£0.76 in chips) Seat 9: winnie86 (£4.14 in chips) Seat 10: Dujemix (£5.18 in chips)
latest session was pretty much a disaster, absolutely no luck at all, got my aces cracked twice and kings got beat by pocket 7s and the amount of times i got rivered was unbelievable haha. Oh well, everyone has a session like this i suppose, i will go out to clear my head a bit and come back to do another session after teatime.
Session summary:
1 hour 10 mins, 6 tables, profits of £3.27, 45p and 14p. Losses of £5.26, £2.84 and £1.40. Total loss for the session: £5.64.
You know what? I'm delighted this has happened, because coincedentally every time i have a bad session online, i play great live and vice versa hahaha. Tomorrow is national final day in Stoke, so come on, i want to lose another £5 so i'm guaranteed to win tomorrow!!! hahaha.
Well that next session didn't go quite to plan, i ended up winning 3 massive pots with ace-king twice and kings thats my luck out of the window for tomorrow now i bet hahaha :P i'm only kidding really i'm delighted with the wins
Session summary:
3 tables, 45 minutes, profits of £4.96 and £6.09, One small loss of 58p. Overall profit for this session was: £10.47
Here is the biggest pot i won:
Seat 1: DaCaPooo (£13.84 in chips) Seat 3: fudge382 (£5.28 in chips) Seat 5: babkiu (£7.23 in chips) Seat 6: pokerfacefatman (£3.30 in chips) Seat 8: 26197425 (£4.68 in chips) Seat 10: Me (£5.45 in chips)
*** SUMMARY *** Total pot £10.18 Rake £0.72 Me: wins £10.18
The 2nd massive pot was when i 4bet all in with ace-king against an aggresive player who 3bet quite a lot, but he called with kings and i rivered the ace, lucky! lol.
That is me done for today, going to bed early tonight so i can get a good nights sleep before Stoke tomorrow, won't be playing online at all tomorrow so my next diary entry will be on Sunday probably, see you all then!
It's easy to say you're 44% (or whatever) against AA on that flop so therefore it's bad, but you don't know he has AA until he turns his hand over so it's meaningless. You have to look at his whole range which given the action is probably gonna be made up of sets, straights, overpairs, 2prs and if you stick that into pokerstove, you're pretty crushed.
It is a bad call, but don't base your opinion on the hand he showed on this 1 occasion.
Thats me back from Stoke now, didn't do too well in the national final was very unlucky twice i flopped top pair, top kicker and my opponent flopped a set haha. But now i'm back to try and build my bankroll even more, off to do a session right now I shall post results when i am done
1 hour 20 minutes, 6 tables, profits of £3.74 and £3.18. Losses of £1.81, £1.40, £1.75 and 6p. Total profit for the session: £1.88
Not much to talk about or exciting hands to post, i was up about £4 before some guy shoved pre flop for £2.50 with 2,4 off suit and i called with my queens, the river gave him 2 pair lol. Other than that, pretty standard stuff happened.
Will do another session after the football tonight probably, it's been a week since i started this diary and I am £45.22 in profit in one week, is that good for a new online player who has just been playing NL4 and nothing else lol?
Latest session summary: 1 hour 20 minutes, 6 tables, profits of £3.74 and £3.18. Losses of £1.81, £1.40, £1.75 and 6p. Total profit for the session: £1.88 Not much to talk about or exciting hands to post, i was up about £4 before some guy shoved pre flop for £2.50 with 2,4 off suit and i called with my queens, the river gave him 2 pair lol. Other than that, pretty standard stuff happened. Will do another session after the football tonight probably, it's been a week since i started this diary and I am £45.22 in profit in one week, is that good for a new online player who has just been playing NL4 and nothing else lol? Posted by skeg_poker
hi Ryan, yes it is m8. i've been playing nl4 & nl10 since the 1st of January and i'm £24.24 down. lol
mind you i've never been any good at cash. ha ha. made a few quid playing dym's though,luckily.
seriously,any profit is good and as each week goes by you will be able to see exactly what your weekly/monthly average is. i would say £45 a week from nl4 is pretty decent,that's £180 a month,obviously. some players will make that in a week or fortnight,some will only make that in a month...or less.
best wishes, keep up the good work. ps;any tips for me? apart from the obvious;go back to playing dym's lol
hi Ryan, yes it is m8. i've been playing nl4 & nl10 since the 1st of January and i'm £24.24 down. lol mind you i've never been any good at cash. ha ha. made a few quid playing dym's though,luckily. seriously,any profit is good and as each week goes by you will be able to see exactly what your weekly/monthly average is. i would say £45 a week from nl4 is pretty decent,that's £180 a month,obviously. some players will make that in a week or fortnight,some will only make that in a month...or less. best wishes, keep up the good work. ps;any tips for me? apart from the obvious;go back to playing dym's lol (* *) ^ dev Posted by devonfish5
I doubt i will be able to keep winning £45+ every week, i mean it just seems like a lot of money for just playing 2-3 hours of NL4 per day haha. But i will take any profit, i'm mainly doing this to improve my game, so any profit made along the way is just a bonus for me (will be spent on beer and in the bookies probably!) haha.
And the only tips i have for you for NL4 is don't play too much at one time, do a session between 30-90 minutes, then have a break, come back a few hours later, and do the same again lol. If i had to stare at a computer screen with 3-5 tables on it for more than 2 hours at a time i wouldn't be able to concentrate that well.
Also, i'm sure you already know this but ABC poker is the best way to play NL4, don't ever bluff unless necessary, as you will more likely be called down when the oppo has bottom pair or something haha. Read dohhhhs (can't remember his name correctly) guide on how to play NL4, i did and it helped a lot
Off to do another session right now, wish me luck!
Not the best of sessions, had quite a few bad beats, lost one buy in with my queens running into aces and another buy in with my aces getting cracked off 2 5 off suit (lol)
Overall for this session i have lost £3.26, which considering the bad beats i had and the amount of hard call/fold decisions i had i will take, was only profitable on one table where i won £5 or so with a full house against a flush (hand history won't load so can't post any hands atm lol)
So overall, today was a losing day, but only by £1.38. My bankroll stands at £161.96
Hopefully i run better tomorrow haha, might do another session tonight if i can't sleep, but depends if i feel like it, the beats i had to take tonight were quite bad so might need a little recovery time (a.k.a a few beers hahaha)
Since it is exactly a week since i started playing online and made this diary, i will post how much profit/loss i have made in the week. So this week my profit is: £41.96
Wow, can't believe how bad NL4 players are at titan, lost £4 with ace,10 against 2 3 off suit, and another £4 with kings against 4,8 off suit, absolute joke honestly haha. Wish i had the bankroll to play at higher limits where the play must be better so frustrating when things like that happen, especially 10-15 times in one day like today lol.
Rant over, lost just under £5 in that latest session, was down about £10 at one stage but got it back after this hand:
Seat 1: sethmoro27 (£1.00 in chips) Seat 3: effy00 (£5.00 in chips) Seat 5: aj859 (£2.52 in chips) Seat 6: Me (£8.72 in chips) Seat 8: carlostj (£0.20 in chips) Seat 10: Olimpobb (£5.02 in chips)
Well i decided to play a little bit of blackjack to take my mind off the bad beats i had suffered from playing poker today, (in the casino section of titan poker) and i won £25!! Beginners luck eh? :P definitely cheered me up anyway haha.
I know it doesn't count as I didn't earn it from playing poker but i'm just mentioning it as it has made my bankroll a little bit bigger, it is now at £182.71.
That's me done for today, not a very good day poker-wise, but blackjack was fun hahaha.
1 hour, 281 hands, 5 tables, profits of 80p and £2.78, losses of 70p, 20p and £1.35. Total profit for the session was £1.33.
I also got a £3.35 points bonus, so i'm up £4.68 in total.
Not many hands to talk about, was pretty much card dead during the session, made small losses here and there and small profits here and there haha. Biggest pot win was this hand: Seat 1: strentz (£2.71 in chips) Seat 3: MisterMinusEV (£5.78 in chips) Seat 5: Me (£4.00 in chips) Seat 6: BuratinoZ (£5.32 in chips) Seat 8: Twicetheprice (£0.30 in chips) Seat 10: mintymat (£1.16 in chips)
Just finished another session, was in a confident mood since i won at live poker tonight haha.
Got off to a bad start though, lost £3 with trip jacks v a full house, but i kept being patient, grinding away and it paid off in the end after winning a few medium sized pots.
Session summary:
1 hour 45 minutes, 502 hands, 7 tables. Profits of £4.34, 48p and 8p. Losses of 4p, £1.02, 76p and 47p. Total profit for the session was: £2.61
Decent session, was a really good grind. Patience was definitely the key lol, that's me done for today, i will probably do my next session tomorrow afternoon if i have time, if not it will be after teatime. Current bankroll:£189.96
Quite a rollercoaster ride that last session haha, was down £6 after my kings got rivered by jacks and then got most of it back with my jacks surviving a flip v ace-king lol. Hand history is taking too long to load so can't post any hands at the moment.
Session summary:
350 hands, 6 tables, profits of £5.40, £5,30 and 2p (lol) and losses of £4.94, £4.10 and 76p. Total profit was 92p, every little helps i suppose haha.
My next session will probably not be until i'm home from poker tonight, see you then!
Anyway i decided to come back online and do another session as tv on thursday nights is terrible haha. Brilliant session it was, 1 hour, 4 tables, profits of £6.85, £1.31 and £3.25. One loss of £2.75. Total profit of £8.66
Most profitable hands were winning a flip with queens against ace-king suited, not going to lie after the turn card i was ******** myself hahaha :P and winning with aces against someone who bluffed me with queen 8 off, almost got me to fold it as well! Hands are below:
Seat 1: Stassedov (£5.72 in chips)
Seat 3: Radumc (£10.59 in chips)
Seat 5: Siergy (£4.00 in chips)
Seat 8: Ryanshire01 (£5.22 in chips)
Seat 10: nelutzzu5y6 (£5.00 in chips)
Stassedov: SB £0.02
Radumc: BB £0.04
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Me [Qs Qh]
Siergy: Raise To £0.12
Me: Raise To £0.40
Stassedov: Fold
Radumc: Fold
Siergy: Raise To £4.00 (all in)
Me: Call £3.60
*** FLOP *** [10s 2c 2s]
*** TURN *** [7c]
*** RIVER *** [4s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Siergy: shows [Kc Ac] (Pair)
Me: shows [Qs Qh] (Two pair)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot £7.53 Rake £0.53
Me: wins £7.53
Seat 1: vvvmusicvvv (£18.02 in chips)
Seat 2: epertom (£4.00 in chips)
Seat 3: freebus (£6.25 in chips)
Seat 4: E1C836 (£8.86 in chips)
Seat 5: Me (£5.74 in chips)
Seat 6: krasata (£6.18 in chips)
Seat 8: p0k3r5t4rs87 (£0.76 in chips)
Seat 9: winnie86 (£4.14 in chips)
Seat 10: Dujemix (£5.18 in chips)
freebus: SB £0.02
E1C836: BB £0.04
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Ryanshire01 [Ac Ah]
Me: Raise To £0.16
krasata: Fold
p0k3r5t4rs87: Fold
winnie86: Fold
Dujemix: Fold
vvvmusicvvv: Call £0.16
epertom: Fold
freebus: Call £0.14
E1C836: Fold
*** FLOP *** [7s 6h 2c]
freebus: Bet £0.04
Me: Raise To £0.52
vvvmusicvvv: Fold
freebus: Call £0.48
*** TURN *** [4s]
freebus: Check
Me: Bet £0.92
freebus: Raise To £2.00
Me: Call £1.08
*** RIVER *** [6c]
freebus: Bet £3.57
Me: Allin £3.06
*** SHOW DOWN ***
freebus: shows [8d Qh] (Pair)
Me: shows [Ac Ah] (Two pair)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot £11.42 Rake £0.77
freebus: wins £0.51
Me: wins £10.91.
That is me definitely done for today anyway, can't take anymore sweats like them ones hahaha.
Bankroll at end of today: £158.85.
you would need a zero rake, and a 51% win to make this play +ve long term, which you were not getting.
latest session was pretty much a disaster, absolutely no luck at all, got my aces cracked twice and kings got beat by pocket 7s and the amount of times i got rivered was unbelievable haha. Oh well, everyone has a session like this i suppose, i will go out to clear my head a bit and come back to do another session after teatime.
Session summary:
1 hour 10 mins, 6 tables, profits of £3.27, 45p and 14p. Losses of £5.26, £2.84 and £1.40. Total loss for the session: £5.64.
You know what? I'm delighted this has happened, because coincedentally every time i have a bad session online, i play great live and vice versa hahaha. Tomorrow is national final day in Stoke, so come on, i want to lose another £5 so i'm guaranteed to win tomorrow!!!
Session summary:
3 tables, 45 minutes, profits of £4.96 and £6.09, One small loss of 58p. Overall profit for this session was: £10.47
Here is the biggest pot i won:
Seat 1: DaCaPooo (£13.84 in chips)
Seat 3: fudge382 (£5.28 in chips)
Seat 5: babkiu (£7.23 in chips)
Seat 6: pokerfacefatman (£3.30 in chips)
Seat 8: 26197425 (£4.68 in chips)
Seat 10: Me (£5.45 in chips)
Me: SB £0.02
DaCaPooo: BB £0.04
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Me [As Kd]
fudge382: Fold
babkiu: Fold
pokerfacefatman: Fold
26197425: Fold
Me: Raise To £0.12
DaCaPooo: Call £0.08
*** FLOP *** [Qc Js 10s]
Me: Check
DaCaPooo: Bet £0.16
Me: Call £0.16
*** TURN *** [6d]
Me: Check
DaCaPooo: Bet £0.40
Me: Raise To £1.00
DaCaPooo: Raise To £2.60
Me: Raise To £5.17 (all in)
DaCaPooo: Call £2.57
*** RIVER *** [7c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
DaCaPooo: shows [9h Kh] (Straight)
Me: shows [As Kd] (Straight)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot £10.18 Rake £0.72
Me: wins £10.18
The 2nd massive pot was when i 4bet all in with ace-king against an aggresive player who 3bet quite a lot, but he called with kings and i rivered the ace, lucky! lol.
That is me done for today, going to bed early tonight so i can get a good nights sleep before Stoke tomorrow, won't be playing online at all tomorrow so my next diary entry will be on Sunday probably, see you all then!
Current bankroll: £163.34
It's easy to say you're 44% (or whatever) against AA on that flop so therefore it's bad, but you don't know he has AA until he turns his hand over so it's meaningless. You have to look at his whole range which given the action is probably gonna be made up of sets, straights, overpairs, 2prs and if you stick that into pokerstove, you're pretty crushed.
It is a bad call, but don't base your opinion on the hand he showed on this 1 occasion.
No session done tonight, was playing in the league, and i'm off to bed early as i'm up at 7 for the national final. See you all sunday!
As you build your roll, the bad beats will hurt less and less, until you just reload and carry on without hardly flinching!
Thats me back from Stoke now, didn't do too well in the national final was very unlucky twice i flopped top pair, top kicker and my opponent flopped a set haha. But now i'm back to try and build my bankroll even more, off to do a session right now I shall post results when i am done
1 hour 20 minutes, 6 tables, profits of £3.74 and £3.18. Losses of £1.81, £1.40, £1.75 and 6p. Total profit for the session: £1.88
Not much to talk about or exciting hands to post, i was up about £4 before some guy shoved pre flop for £2.50 with 2,4 off suit and i called with my queens, the river gave him 2 pair lol. Other than that, pretty standard stuff happened.
Will do another session after the football tonight probably, it's been a week since i started this diary and I am £45.22 in profit in one week, is that good for a new online player who has just been playing NL4 and nothing else lol?
yes it is m8.
i've been playing nl4 & nl10 since the 1st of January and i'm £24.24 down. lol
mind you i've never been any good at cash. ha ha.
made a few quid playing dym's though,luckily.
seriously,any profit is good and as each week goes by you will be able to see exactly what your weekly/monthly average is.
i would say £45 a week from nl4 is pretty decent,that's £180 a month,obviously.
some players will make that in a week or fortnight,some will only make that in a month...or less.
best wishes,
keep up the good work.
ps;any tips for me?
apart from the obvious;go back to playing dym's lol
(* *)
And the only tips i have for you for NL4 is don't play too much at one time, do a session between 30-90 minutes, then have a break, come back a few hours later, and do the same again lol. If i had to stare at a computer screen with 3-5 tables on it for more than 2 hours at a time i wouldn't be able to concentrate that well.
Also, i'm sure you already know this but ABC poker is the best way to play NL4, don't ever bluff unless necessary, as you will more likely be called down when the oppo has bottom pair or something haha. Read dohhhhs (can't remember his name correctly) guide on how to play NL4, i did and it helped a lot
Off to do another session right now, wish me luck!
Overall for this session i have lost £3.26, which considering the bad beats i had and the amount of hard call/fold decisions i had i will take, was only profitable on one table where i won £5 or so with a full house against a flush (hand history won't load so can't post any hands atm lol)
So overall, today was a losing day, but only by £1.38. My bankroll stands at £161.96
Hopefully i run better tomorrow haha, might do another session tonight if i can't sleep, but depends if i feel like it, the beats i had to take tonight were quite bad so might need a little recovery time (a.k.a a few beers
Since it is exactly a week since i started playing online and made this diary, i will post how much profit/loss i have made in the week. So this week my profit is: £41.96
Rant over, lost just under £5 in that latest session, was down about £10 at one stage but got it back after this hand:
Seat 1: sethmoro27 (£1.00 in chips)
Seat 3: effy00 (£5.00 in chips)
Seat 5: aj859 (£2.52 in chips)
Seat 6: Me (£8.72 in chips)
Seat 8: carlostj (£0.20 in chips)
Seat 10: Olimpobb (£5.02 in chips)
Olimpobb: SB £0.02
sethmoro27: BB £0.04
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Me [9c 9h]
aj859: Call £0.04
Me: Raise To £0.16
carlostj: Fold
Olimpobb: Fold
sethmoro27: Call £0.12
aj859: Raise To £2.52 (all in)
Me: Call £2.36
sethmoro27: Allin £0.84
*** FLOP *** [Ah 3d 5s]
*** TURN *** [7s]
*** RIVER *** [9d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
sethmoro27: shows [10h 6h] (None)
aj859: shows [Qd Kh] (None)
Me: shows [9c 9h] (Three of a kind)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot £5.66 Rake £0.40
Me: wins £5.66
Villian was shoving pre flop almost every hand with any 2 cards so i called with my 9s hoping to hold lol.
Bankroll is now at £157.04, at least i get a £3.33 bonus soon haha.
Oh yeah, why is this topic now at the top of this section in the forum? I thought it was meant for important topics etc?
Well done! top of the list:D
lol maybe ill need to start up diary again:D
Lets do a 2p 4p challenge, who can make the most profit over a period of time.
I know it doesn't count as I didn't earn it from playing poker but i'm just mentioning it as it has made my bankroll a little bit bigger, it is now at £182.71.
That's me done for today, not a very good day poker-wise, but blackjack was fun hahaha.
See you all tomorrow!
1 hour, 281 hands, 5 tables, profits of 80p and £2.78, losses of 70p, 20p and £1.35. Total profit for the session was £1.33.
I also got a £3.35 points bonus, so i'm up £4.68 in total.
Not many hands to talk about, was pretty much card dead during the session, made small losses here and there and small profits here and there haha. Biggest pot win was this hand:
Seat 1: strentz (£2.71 in chips)
Seat 3: MisterMinusEV (£5.78 in chips)
Seat 5: Me (£4.00 in chips)
Seat 6: BuratinoZ (£5.32 in chips)
Seat 8: Twicetheprice (£0.30 in chips)
Seat 10: mintymat (£1.16 in chips)
strentz: SB £0.02
MisterMinusEV: BB £0.04
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Me [Qc Kd]
Me: Raise To £0.12
BuratinoZ: Fold
Twicetheprice: Fold
mintymat: Fold
strentz: Call £0.10
MisterMinusEV: Fold
*** FLOP *** [8c Kc Ac]
strentz: Bet £0.28
Me: Call £0.28
*** TURN *** [3c]
strentz: Bet £0.84
Me: Call £0.84
*** RIVER *** [7s]
strentz: Check
Me: Bet £1.26
strentz: Allin £1.47
Me: Call £0.21
*** SHOW DOWN ***
strentz: shows (mucked) [10c 10s] (Flush)
Me: shows [Qc Kd] (Flush)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot £5.10 Rake £0.36
Me: wins £5.10
Biggest loss was about £1 with ace, jack suited i folded to a £2 shove after the turn was a terrible card for me lol.
Off for my tea now, and i have poker at the pub tonight so my next session will probably not be until i'm home tonight
Got off to a bad start though, lost £3 with trip jacks v a full house, but i kept being patient, grinding away and it paid off in the end after winning a few medium sized pots.
Session summary:
1 hour 45 minutes, 502 hands, 7 tables. Profits of £4.34, 48p and 8p. Losses of 4p, £1.02, 76p and 47p. Total profit for the session was: £2.61
Decent session, was a really good grind. Patience was definitely the key lol, that's me done for today, i will probably do my next session tomorrow afternoon if i have time, if not it will be after teatime.
Current bankroll: £189.96
Session summary:
350 hands, 6 tables, profits of £5.40, £5,30 and 2p (lol) and losses of £4.94, £4.10 and 76p. Total profit was 92p, every little helps i suppose haha.
My next session will probably not be until i'm home from poker tonight, see you then!
The most profitable hands were:
Seat 1: krasata (£6.04 in chips)
Seat 3: u3p0gBUL (£5.43 in chips)
Seat 5: IONUTZZ1212 (£1.02 in chips)
Seat 6: Xmatador81X (£4.49 in chips)
Seat 8: Me (£5.10 in chips)
Seat 10: Jabatzsti (£4.00 in chips)
Xmatador81X: SB £0.02
Me: BB £0.04
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Me [Ah 6d]
Jabatzsti: Fold
krasata: Fold
u3p0gBUL: Fold
Xmatador81X: Raise To £0.12
Me: Call £0.08
*** FLOP *** [Ac Jh 2s]
Xmatador81X: Bet £0.24
Me: Call £0.24
*** TURN *** [6s]
Xmatador81X: Bet £0.72
Me: Call £0.72
*** RIVER *** [3c]
Xmatador81X: Bet £1.96
Me: Call £1.96
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Xmatador81X: shows [3s As] (Two pair)
Me: shows [Ah 6d] (Two pair)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot £5.68 Rake £0.40
Me: wins £5.68
Seat 1: u3p0gBUL (£4.00 in chips)
Seat 3: mari1mar (£4.30 in chips)
Seat 5: Me (£4.00 in chips)
Seat 6: Jabatzsti (£5.51 in chips)
Seat 8: destinyspath (£9.94 in chips)
Seat 10: UnableToFind (£5.35 in chips)
mari1mar: SB £0.02
Me: BB £0.04
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Me [6s 5s]
Jabatzsti: Fold
destinyspath: Fold
UnableToFind: Raise To £0.16
u3p0gBUL: Call £0.16
mari1mar: Call £0.14
Me: Call £0.12
*** FLOP *** [8d 9s 4s]
mari1mar: Bet £0.48
Me: Call £0.48
UnableToFind: Fold
u3p0gBUL: Fold
*** TURN *** [10s]
mari1mar: Bet £3.66
Me: call (all-in) £3.36
*** RIVER *** [2s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
mari1mar: shows [Kh 9c] (Pair)
Me: shows [6s 5s] (Flush)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot £8.07 Rake £0.55
mari1mar: wins £0.30
Me: wins £7.77
That's me done for tonight, my bankroll is nearing the £200 mark already, can't believe it haha.
Bankroll at end of today: £195.31