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Life In The Middle Lane



  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited April 2013
    Was nice to see you on the weekend Jules, thanks again for the charger :) 

    The thursday night meet up was very good and was great to see everyone again. 

    Hopefully you can get back on the saddle and run like "thewy" again soon #bettertobeluckythangood #weeeeeeee
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited April 2013
    yeah you too chap...49 days & counting!
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited April 2013
    sick slippers tekkers.

    just to confirm, thewey is still a yoying youngster with his super aggression.

    either that or he got KK+ 45 times in 10 minutes in the charity side event straight after sitting down!
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Life In The Middle Lane:
    sick slippers tekkers. just to confirm, thewey is still a yoying youngster with his super aggression. either that or he got KK+ 45 times in 10 minutes in the charity side event straight after sitting down!
    Posted by beaneh
    err, pretty sure you got the wrong guy...altho i did a rather spectacular get there with Ks2s v KK all-in pre...the dealer (phil) puts the flop out;
    then someone realises there's 2 burn cards, so the flop is now;
    QsJ8s   #weeee
    2          #weeeeeeeee
    KK man went a bit loopy & asked them to check the cameras.
    phil's rather famous in dtd, a few years back in another monte carlo event rob yong moved his short stack all-in from the 5 seat, got two callers & phil accidentally swept robs cards into the muck...
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited April 2013
    i had to go to london this week; i bought a flat down there in 1989 & somehow, through thick & thin i managed to hang onto it.

    i lived there for seven years until i moved up to nottingham & it's been let out ever's in west norwood, an area in SE london that's yet to come's a little tatty & every couple of years i go down there to give it a lick of paint.

    luckily it didn't need too much work & while i was down there i managed to fit in visits to two poker clubs in south london that i hadn't been to before, the big slick in purely & the royal surrey in morden...we played snooker in the royal surrey & i got to donate £200 in the £100+1 at the big slick.

    got back friday evening just in time for the weekend, the weathers been fine & i'm hoping to play well in the big £25k gtd on here at 8 tonight...i'm gonna try recording tonights session on the universal replayer software to review later in the week, i've heard it's a great way to spot lazy errors, wish me luck navigating the download lol.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited April 2013
    Enjoying the diary Julian and look forward to more to come and hopefully learning from it

    I,ve never heard of this universal replayer until now. I,ve just been looking at the tutorials and think i,ll leave it until tommorow to have a propper look at , but if you do get it downloaded pls let us know what you think of it and in what ways it can best help our game.


  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited April 2013
    tx paul,

    the download was successful, will attempt to load up last nights session tomorrow & i'll let you know how i get on.

    having been away offline for a few days i felt really good going into last nights session & was playing solidly for the first few hours but kind of got carried away as my stack grew & opponents stacks shortened...meaning i didn't pass up any opportunities to gamble & felt pretty stupid when or two decent shots got frittered away.

    been lacking a lot of 'late stage discipline' both live & online recently, really need to address this & find a few more folds in spots where i can comfortablly just give up & move onto the next hand.

    got some masterchef episodes to catch up on tonight so i'll probably just go for a spin up in the 8/8.15pm's on the couch in front of the telly
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2013
    we've got a skip arriving sometime this morning; been doing alot of work in the garden lately,mainly attacking our weed-infested vegatable feels great to be outside, working up a sweat especially now spring seems to have arrived...the trouble is after an hour or two i'm absolutely knackered & the only solution is to lie down for a while #tikaystyle

    i actually played quite a bit yesterday, some DYMs, some cash & some HU hypers...including a best of 5 vs supersnedd...clearly there must have been a glitch in the software as he just nudged it on the last game, was good fun & i'm sure we'll have a re-match at some point.

    there's a monthly £150 at star city in birmingham this evening...undecided at the moment whether to trundle on over there or or hit the 8pm re-buy on here, that being said, the mother-in-law arrives this afternoon which might just nudge it...
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2013
    i can't remember a bank holiday with such sunny weather for a long time, we managed to squeeze 3 bikes & a scooter in the back & went off to sherwood pines for the day...all the boys had a ball with virtually no tears, pretty unheard of & they ended the day cleaning off under the sprinkler in the garden; probably one of our best days out!

    i played the 150 deepstack at dtd over the weekend, made day 2 average-ish, hung around, got a lucky double to get back to nearly average then brain-**** my way out the door two off the money cramming 22bb in w 99 UTG+1 right into UTGs KK...tbh i probably do most/all of my chips if i flat anyway as the board ended up 8 high, hate my shove, hate 3b/folding, an awkward spot, i guess flat call, call, fold is prob the best line but tough when stacks were shallow.

    i finalled the 10 re-buy last wednesday with nearly 40% of the chips & managed to finish 4th, luckily i played better in the 50 BH turbo last night, managing to nudge out the very competent mattbates in a short HU tussle...i'm guessing the turbo nature might have favoured me slightly ))

    the skips half full, still need to put some hours in this week & hopefully i can get rid of it before heading to SPT dublin on friday
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,836
    edited May 2013

    How did you get on in Sunday's PRIMO?

    I did the Show, & when we went off air, there were 2 Tables left & you were proper caked up.....
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2013
    oh yeah, 

    tx for reminding me mate, slow-played a set & got runner-runnered outta the least i now know how it feels!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,836
    edited May 2013

    You were outdrawn? History is made.

    See you Friday, in Dublin.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited May 2013
    In Response to Re: Life In The Middle Lane:
    i can't remember a bank holiday with such sunny weather for a long time, we managed to squeeze 3 bikes & a scooter in the back & went off to sherwood pines for the day...all the boys had a ball with virtually no tears, pretty unheard of & they ended the day cleaning off under the sprinkler in the garden; probably one of our best days out! i played the 150 deepstack at dtd over the weekend, made day 2 average-ish, hung around, got a lucky double to get back to nearly average then brain-**** my way out the door two off the money cramming 22bb in w 99 UTG+1 right into UTGs KK...tbh i probably do most/all of my chips if i flat anyway as the board ended up 8 high, hate my shove, hate 3b/folding, an awkward spot, i guess flat call, call, fold is prob the best line but tough when stacks were shallow. i finalled the 10 re-buy last wednesday with nearly 40% of the chips & managed to finish 4th, luckily i played better in the 50 BH turbo last night, managing to nudge out the very competent mattbates in a short HU tussle...i'm guessing the turbo nature might have favoured me slightly )) the skips half full, still need to put some hours in this week & hopefully i can get rid of it before heading to SPT dublin on friday
    Posted by yoyo
    Well played Julian! Best of luck in Dublin
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited May 2013

    is that a compliment?
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited May 2013
    In Response to Re: Life In The Middle Lane:
    #verycompetent is that a compliment?
    Posted by GELDY
    Most of the time I get called a luckbox or a lot worse so I am taking it as a win!
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2013
    In Response to Re: Life In The Middle Lane:
    In Response to Re: Life In The Middle Lane : Most of the time I get called a luckbox or a lot worse so I am taking it as a win!
    Posted by MattBates

    #wasgeniune #hasluckboxtendencies

  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2013

    i've always loved playing poker in ireland so it was nice to re-visit two old haunts, the fitzwilliam on friday night & then the SPT at the sporting emporium on saturday & sunday.

    dad picked me up from the airport & we met my brother & his two daughters for dinner & then i was off to hook up with some of the regs at the boozer adjacent to the fitzwilliam; tommyD, dave his dad, giant, greghog & dewicool were all there for a few pints before kick-off...we started a little late & it was good to see jamie louise, mrs B, & goldenballs already sat down & playing...tikay eventually made an appearance although i gather he was a very early casualty.

    not one to be outdone by tikay i also managed to dust off my chips fairly early, (despite an early donation from greghog) which meant i was well rested for the main event; i met mum for lunch, followed by a quick guinness with dave to steady the nerves.

    had a fun table & i managed to chip up from 30 to 55k within the first 4 or 5 levels; then the hijack opened but accidentally threw in a 5k chip meaning the raise was 7k....he had 20k back & that 7k was just too tempting so i shoved A-J, happy to put him to a decision for his tournament life - alas, he called with 3-3 & i was back to a starting stack.

    so my stack fluctuated between 20 to 30k for the rest of the day, my raises & 3b shoves never getting called & i was very happy to bag up 33k/16bb & be in with a shot of a deep run on day 2.

    the cards continued to frustrate on day 2 but once again i managed to survive with many uncalled shoves getting through; i got my first double up when A-K held vs A-4, then i 3b shoved Q-6hh blind on blind, ran into A-K & despite an ace high flop i managed to river the heart flush (as mike sexton might say, i earnt that pot).

    that pot got me up to average but i still struggled to get any momentum going & it was squeaky bum time both on the money bubble & final table bubble; luckily i managed to sneak in with 20bb as one of the shorter stacks, it didn't matter though, as long as you're there, anything can happen.

    after folding for a couple of rounds i opened 9-7s UTG+1 & got lucky when a big stack in the BB opened shipped the J99 flop with K-Q, hehe...that finally gave me some wiggle room & i was confident i could hang around until we got short-handed which is pretty much how it panned out.

    the card rush i had patiently waited for finally arrived when we got down to four, i remember a sequence of four consecutive hands; JJ, AK, 33 (made quads) & AK & all of a sudden i was way out in front.

    i had a slight lead heads-up, there was plenty of play left & i was pretty sure it was mine to lose...luckily not long in i hit a magic flop, trips vs top pair & we got it all-in on the river to seal the deal.

    after the photos, interviews & handshakes we had a few beers in the downstairs bar & my arm was twisted to jump in the .50/1 game; the bromleys, barrats & thompsons were all present & wouldn't you know, that old scallywag adam had to spoil my whole weekend when he busted my set of eights with a flush.

    suffice to say, i have big plans for him at SPT birmingham...

  • bromley04bromley04 Member Posts: 416
    edited May 2013
    What an amazing post Mr Thew and what an amazingly well deserved result at the weekend sir.

    p.s. is that enough to prevent your revenge mission at Birmingham ;)
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2013
    In Response to Re: Life In The Middle Lane:
    What an amazing post Mr Thew and what an amazingly well deserved result at the weekend sir. p.s. is that enough to prevent your revenge mission at Birmingham ;)
    Posted by bromley04
    was a good giggle & yes all is forgiven
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2013
    Very well played at Dublin Julian, and a great summary above.

    You gonna be playing Birmingham in a few weeks?
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