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Life In The Middle Lane



  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Life In The Middle Lane:
    Hi Julian I've been playing just over two years mainly 2.20 deep stacks and recently some 200 gtd. I started keeping a simple results record the last few months and it has really helped me focus and keep track of profit and loss.  games   wins   final tables   cashes  no good Just wondered if you kept records of on line play, and also what                                  percentage of tournys you aimed to cash in or if it matters to you. I'm sure you would get a great welcome if you could ever find the time                             to play with the 7.15 gang. Thanks. Daggers.
    Posted by daggers747

    hey daggers, sry for the very late reply!

    i keep very detailed live records, online not so much...skypoker is the only site i really play on & by some miracle i think i've only deposited the once,

    i also tend to make (modest) withdawls every couple of months & just keep enough in to work with.

    being an MTT player with £100 being the biggest buy-in quite often i'll just have 30 buy-ins to play with.

    so i don't really track my results on here, if i was to guess i'd say i maybe cash 1 in 8 & FT maybe 1 in 20, could be way off lol,

    gl & hopefully cu on the tables sometime soon

  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2013
    Been up in Manchester for most of the week for the gukpt, late reg'd the 300 at the last minute & busted within 2 revolutions, I opened AK, sb called & bb made what looked like a really transparent 3b meaning I 4b called it off only to find he had AA.
    The 6 max went better, 3 handed I had 20bb & the other two had 40bb each - was loving it when they both got it all in with 2 pretty marginal hands, couldn't get anything going heads up but a nice result all the same for 4k.
    We're 2 levels into the main event, annoyingly I've dribbled down to 16 from 20k but its a great structure so it's far from a problem yet...oh & there's a 75k overlay as we speak, very rare to see those sort of nos outside of dtd!
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2013
    i ended up going quite deep in the main event but slowly petered out midway thru day 2, five spots off the lolly, got home saturday night & it was great to see everyone after being away for four nights.
    with the promise of good weather we went to chatsworth house on was great & if you've never been it's well worth a visit, the grounds are amazing & the boys had a blast getting wet in the cascades & scrambling up & down the rockery.
    i got back just in time to late reg flight 5 of the grand prix at dtd, ran pretty good & bagged up a 140k stack for day 2 on saturday...i might go down again on thursday to try & garner some more chips but the nit in me is thinking how nice it is to be in for just one bullet...we shall see.
    played the main & mini last night after a week away from the online felt; in my defense we did get through a bottle of white prior to me sitting down...& hey i made the first break in both.
    i'm off to meet an old canoeing pal for a few pints tonight then i'll be back on the grind for wednesday nights £10 re-buy, one of my favourites!
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Life In The Middle Lane:
    i ended up going quite deep in the main event but slowly petered out midway thru day 2, five spots off the lolly, got home saturday night & it was great to see everyone after being away for four nights. with the promise of good weather we went to chatsworth house on was great & if you've never been it's well worth a visit, the grounds are amazing & the boys had a blast getting wet in the cascades & scrambling up & down the rockery. i got back just in time to late reg flight 5 of the grand prix at dtd, ran pretty good & bagged up a 140k stack for day 2 on saturday...i might go down again on thursday to try & garner some more chips but the nit in me is thinking how nice it is to be in for just one bullet...we shall see. played the main & mini last night after a week away from the online felt; in my defense we did get through a bottle of white prior to me sitting down...& hey i made the first break in both. i'm off to meet an old canoeing pal for a few pints tonight then i'll be back on the grind for wednesday nights £10 re-buy, one of my favourites!
    Posted by yoyo
    Hi Julian. Just a quick Q regarding your DTD stack. How does that 140k compare to the average? Car load of us heading down on Friday for the last day 1 and making a weekend of it regardless what happens poker wise. Hope to see you on day 2!

    Might see you in the rebuy tonight, also one of my faves.

    Cheers, 'Harry'.

  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,709
    edited September 2013

    Afternoon Julian! This diary certainly makes for interesting reading, and it's a wonderful insight into the world of someone who plays this game we love for a living.

    Just wanted to say it was great to meet you at the SPT in Newcastle (I was at your table, wearing - how shall I put it - the brightly coloured shirt two seats to your left) and hopefully see you on the virtual felt soon. I will definitely be in the Rebuy Open tonight.


  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited September 2013
    wow - 75k overlay - Must be nice 

    Interesting article with Ross Jarvis in Poker Player Mag btw  - 


  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Life In The Middle Lane:
    In Response to Re: Life In The Middle Lane : Hi Julian. Just a quick Q regarding your DTD stack. How does that 140k compare to the average? Car load of us heading down on Friday for the last day 1 and making a weekend of it regardless what happens poker wise. Hope to see you on day 2! Might see you in the rebuy tonight, also one of my faves. Cheers, 'Harry'.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr


    i think average for one stack will be somewhere between 150-180 & with the addition of a few merged stacks prob 180-220?

    come & say hello on saturday yeah & i'll try & give you a break on the FT bubble if ur on for the jackpot tonight ;o)

  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Life In The Middle Lane:
    Afternoon Julian! This diary certainly makes for interesting reading, and it's a wonderful insight into the world of someone who plays this game we love for a living. Just wanted to say it was great to meet you at the SPT in Newcastle (I was at your table, wearing - how shall I put it - the brightly coloured shirt two seats to your left) and hopefully see you on the virtual felt soon. I will definitely be in the Rebuy Open tonight. Regards, Brian
    Posted by Slipwater

    oh hey brian,

    thanks for the kind words & yeah how could i forget that shirt :o)

    glgl tonight

  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Life In The Middle Lane:
    wow - 75k overlay - Must be nice  Interesting article with Ross Jarvis in Poker Player Mag btw  -  GL Paul
    Posted by MP33
    tx paul,

    yeah was happy with how the article read although maybe 'my fears for the younger pros' was slightly ott,

    sounded like tikay, sigh
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2013
    ahh the weekend & i can't believe the weather is still so good,
    the bad news is that i'm thru to the dtd grand prix with a decent stack so hopefully i'll be stuck inside all afternoon, the good news is that there's 50k up top so it ain't all bad.
    pretty sure there'll be a few sky regs there too, rosjim & neil are usually permanent fixtures at these events.
    will def be jumping in the roller tomorrow night if i'm out then it's down to london for the ukipt on tuesday evening, legend has it the streets are paved with gold...
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2013
    really enjoyed playing the grand prix, despite poor cards my healthy stack meant i was able to hang around for a long while,
    i got fortunate squeeze jamming 10-6 from the SB v a late position open only for the BB to snap with AK - the A,3,5 flop didn't look so good, oh hold on, 2,4 run-out for a chop...
    hung around with 10-15bb for most of the day then managed to get some momentum during the last hr or two to bag up an average 2m with 36 left.
    day 3 didn't go so well & i eventually shipped 16bb from the button with KQ, didn't mind getting a call from 88 in the BB but's a lot to just open-shove but i was really trying to get a super laggy/spewtard image going.
    cashed for 500.

    jumped into the super roller & boy did i run good, i remember cracking KK with the nut flush & AA with the nut flush, both all-in pre, i'm sure there were many more but i don't think i lost a flip til 3 handed. 
    i had 1.2m from 2.9m chips in play at the start of the FT after a pretty sick spot w AK v AQ blind on blind 3 handed on the FT bubble, then i had 2m when we were 3 handed.
    lost a 40/60, then a flip to level it out & just 5b spewed 40bb w K10s v sam1986s JJ. gg sir.
    disappointed that i didn't mentally re-group after losing two pots, guess i thought i was invincible, but wow, 40bbs, so much play left!
  • watto84watto84 Member Posts: 172
    edited September 2013
    Cracking FT and WP!

    I look forward to seeing our hand that put me on Tilt!!

    Congrats to Sam too!!
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2013
    what did you have btw?
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,709
    edited September 2013
    Great game last night guys - well done Julian (and watto)
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited October 2013
    tx brian,

    nice playin with you again
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited October 2013
    off to london tonight,
    meeting a couple friends down there & will be late reg'ing the £80er at the vic.
    will play day 1b of the ukipt on thursday - i've got a 5% swap with scotty who plays 1a, how can i not make $$$ on this venture!
    there's a 500 satellite to the ept on friday night which i'll play if i've busted.
    i can't win online sats for nuts, used to think i was terrible at live ones but having played quite a few dtd events where you need to finish in the top 10% i'm feeling like i'll at least be competitive.
    i haven't played an ept for 3 years now, in fact the last one i played was in london & i hated every minute of it.
    it was pretty much the tail end of a 18 month downswing, confidence was rock bottom & i was just going through the motions.
    i dropped down in stakes & eventually things levelled out...that's still where i am today & i'm so much happier for it; if the stakes you play cause too much stress & unhappiness in your life you're playing too high.
    and there endeth todays lesson.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited October 2013
    Good Luck JT
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited October 2013
    Good luck Julian.
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,709
    edited October 2013

    It’s refreshing to hear someone of your experience and ability talk about ‘dropping down a level’, and being more comfortable there, because I think that too many poker players are of the mindset that they have to climb the ladder as fast and as high as possible or else it isn’t worth it. If you jump the gun there, all you’re really doing is losing more money faster.

    Good luck in your games this week, Julian.

  • a00rocka00rock Member Posts: 832
    edited October 2013
    Gl to both you and Ryan.
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