im of the thinking if you dont like sky then dont play on the site, no good twining but for the past couple of months ive stopped enjoying my poker, been winning aswell so that makes it even stranger, i just thought i needed a break but after playing elswhere lately ive realised its not me its sky im fed up with, night after night of rubbish tournaments has just took its toll on me and after a change of sites i feel ready to play away til my hearts content.
its such a shame aswell because ive played here since 2008 and given 95% of my play to sky and ive made decent coin from the site so i cant complain and if it wasnt for sky poker tv id have never gotten any better but until sky provide a decent schedule of mtts i think i will only be playing selcted tournaments on here from now on and dedicating my time elsewhere.
any other sky stalwarts feel the same or just me?
What dont you like?
Whats wrong with the MTTs?
How would you like to see it improved?
Maybe then this will be seen as a meaningful post rather than a moan & hence ignored?
It wouldn't be an essay to write one line of what tournaments you are referring to.
If you point out exactly what you are not happy about it, Sky could take it on board.
What's the formats you like on other sites? Why not bring that up as a suggestion.
Of all the sites I have played on, I consider Sky by far the best at asking for its memberrs opinions and input. Why bother typing that and not bother talking to Sky about your ideas/concerns?