It's funny how much things can change in such a short space of time. Around 8 months ago I started a diary about having a crack at the cash tables, I had built up and maintained a 4 figure roll from 30 quid and I felt that I could take anyone on...........confidence is a must in poker, overconfidence can lead to things going down the pan.
Here is the last diary was a disaster, I jumped into cash at 30 - 50nl during the kings of cash promo (think thats what it was called??) and I got destroyed most sessions. I should have started at 10nl max and learnt how to be a competent cash player. At the time I wasn't too bothered, I had a go, it didn't work out.
I went back to MTTS with my tail between my legs and about 300 quid worse off. At that time I think I had around 1100 left in my account and we needed a new TV so I withdrew all but 500 quid and bought probs, I would soon build it back up, right??.......WRONG!!
I have lost the lot since the turn of the year.
Am I gutted? Yeah a bit but in all honesty I deserve to have blown it.
My BRM went from being strict to pretty much non-existent.......I could buy in to any of the mains because it would only be a mater of time before I final tabled one of them (here lies the other reason why I'm where I am right now........I thought I was a lot better than I actually was!!!)
So what's the plan?
Well all I have left in my account is £6.27 (I also have about 4 quid to come when C4P is paid). I should really deposit 50-100quid and have a proper go but I'm too stubborn (I have only ever deposited twice, the last time being around 3yrs ago) and I don't want to admit defeat....YET!!!
With this measly amount left in my account BRM is not an option.....I'm gonna play £1 DYMS, £1.10 DS and maybe some £2.30 BH's (if the DYMS get off to a good start).
It's all or nothing now........I don't wanna deposit out of sheer PRIDE!!!!
This could be a very short diary or a long road to recovery.
Ego is locked away and I'm OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Just do a Garyqqq:P
Odds are against you, but anything is possible in poker.
Good luck
something sensible 50/100.
You good enough, just play small and have some fun again.
Good luck mate.
Also, where in my post does it say I withdrew 600???? It says I withdrew all but 500.....if you take the time to actually read it that is........this dig is coming from a so called team mate too!!!
You are also assuming I'm in a position where I can just stick another 100 quid on like it's nothing...........I'm not.
Cheers for your kind words anyway
Besides, nobody NEEDS a new tv, especially one that costs £600
Lack of bankroll management may have cost you in the end, but your problem started with lack of a long term bankroll plan.
If I put my roll on to £25/50 HU v style and lost it all, I'd be broke, but still be thousands up.
Not much consolation when it's all been spent/tied up elsewhere and I log in to £0.00.
Good luck waller, I'm not sure how players who are as rock solid as you can go on big downswings on sky, probably not much to do with your game. Still think you can make it at cash if you get in a position to take it on again in the future.
Don't get your hopes up style, it's not happening.
but seriously john, I think you are misunderstanding the point of my post......this is going to be a diary to see if I can build it back up.
Not sure what your beef is tbh???????
Also, in before the inevitable "at least take a shot at a level where you can afford 100xbb" rubdowns