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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Not at all - I won the hand & in doing so, bust Matey Boy. I was just bemused why the guy would throw away his almost certain win when he never had a chip invested.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    So the whole post was an elaborate way to brag that you won a DYM?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    By the way it was not me this time.
    Posted by pompeynic
    Ha, definitely not - you'd never see a flop with poo like that.
    When I go to war against another player, my first thought is "what is his likely range, & am I beating that?"

    What did he think I had that J-4-4-3 beats?

    Some guys ranges are so good that I almost never take them on voluntarily, unless I am super strong. Eon, Ger, Alexis, Denise (very good indeed), MOTHER (yup, MOTHER), you & a good few others, they all have excellent understanding of ranges.

    I'm always looking for J-4-4-3 man, me.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : So the whole post was an elaborate way to brag that you won a DYM?
    Posted by MattBates
    Got me.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2015
    Not sure I understand the positions here.

    If 2k has open limped and you have potted how has matey boy not invested a chip? they are the SB I assume (not that it makes much difference - although if 1k bloke is on the BB it certainly should be important. Matey boy could fold and see a good chance of a shortie busting or 2 shorties take a BB hit down to 4 and 1.5BBs and both be in the blinds next hand.

    @Hendrik - Situationally given the stacks (4BB and 1.5BB behind for the shorties) even with a premium hand Tikay should fold there to a repot - would cash more times folding than calling I would venture (assuming we don't know repotter is doing this with J443) which should always be the main decision making criteria on a bubble.

    Yup generally if potting late stages Tikay is calling a repot but we all know his range is rightly wider on the bubble with big blinds and if he has enough chips behind relative to any shorties he will pot/fold too.

    So much more than our own hand ranges behind these decisions on the bubble when blinds are big. Relative stackssizes and any notes we have on how other players adjust their calling ranges etc.

    I cant really stand NL dyms but with PLO8 the hi/lo dynamic and the Pot Limit makes these variants so much more interesting/enjoyable.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited October 2015

    Phantom is correct - J-4-4-3 man was in the SB, so had invested 200 (5%, or one--twentieth) of his stack.

    Makes no real difference though. ;)

    Love poker, so many questions we can't answer, even the serious heads cant explain some of these things.
  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited October 2015
    Good afternoon Sir Tikay.
    Sorry to intrude on your thread, but was wondering if you are not busy this afternoon, would you be available to play the £2.20 @2.20 deepstack.
    All the best.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Good afternoon Sir Tikay. Sorry to intrude on your thread, but was wondering if you are not busy this afternoon, would you be available to play the £2.20 @2.20 deepstack. All the best. Rainman397. P.S HAS ANYONE MENTIONED THE £2.20 @ 2.20 DEEPSTACK YET
    Posted by rainman397
    Sorry Mr Rainman, missed that Post, been down the gym since 2pm.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,663
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    What WAS he thinking? You must all have experienced it 1,000 times, when a player does something quite inexplicable. If we get beat, we chunter to ourselves, but either way, that thought always hits is - " what WAS he thinking?" And it happens every night, that play that we just can't fathom.  Earlier this week, 4 of us left in a DYM. I have 5,000, Matey Boy has 4,000, two shorties, one has 2,000, one has 1,000. Blinds are 200-400. This is as good as won for two of us, the third spot is a coin toss between the two shorties.  2,000 chip man, inexplicably, limps. I've got really good Aces, double suited & with a deuce. Lovely.   I pot it, that will just about set him all in in he wants to go to war. And now the strangest thing happens. The other big stack, without having invested a single chip in the pot so far, & playing 4,000, repots it, all-in.   The other two, including Mr Limp with 5 Bigs (4 now....), both fold.   Now of course, really, I ought to fold here. My win is assured, I'm 99.9% certain to win this. But I'm not really concentrating, so I get it in, (a technical error), my man calls the rest, & it's on their backs.  His hand? J-4-4-3 He's not a PLO8 Newbie, either, he has played hundreds of PLO8 DYM's.   Explain that.     
    Posted by Tikay10
    Just a long winded way of showing that you can win a pot with the best hand pre. I know I can't , what's your secret?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited October 2015


    Feel for you, tuney, know you've had a tough week.

    Hang in there, it'll turn.
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    ^^^^ Feel for you, tuney, know you've had a tough week. Hang in there, it'll turn.
    Posted by Tikay10

      His week got worse in FOSP last night, suffered some cruel beats, but took em all in his stride, as you would expect.

      But, as you rightly say, will turn.

      PS.  Any plans for you to play the FOSP 1 week, good fun, plenty of banter. Sky could even offer a bounty on your head which I am sure would bump the figures up. Bounty needn't be too expensive, say, free entry into the following week's tourney.
  • ajmiltonajmilton Member Posts: 1,458
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? :   His week got worse in FOSP last night, suffered some cruel beats, but took em all in his stride, as you would expect.   But, as you rightly say, will turn.   PS.  Any plans for you to play the FOSP 1 week, good fun, plenty of banter. Sky could even offer a bounty on your head which I am sure would bump the figures up. Bounty needn't be too expensive, say, free entry into the following week's tourney.
    Posted by pomfrittes

    I think it would deferentially boost figures, and a great incentive 
    for players to take you on. (as if i wasn't enough, already)
    Plus there's an added incentive for you, you'll need the MTT practise.
    for when you play the plo8 UKOPS.

    All the big sky plo8 players play the Thursday league tourneys. 
    This would be a great chance, for you  to take notes on these players.
    Which in turn, would help you to cruse into second place in the UKOPS event (obv's i'll take it down)

    So if you are free, Thursday the 15th October 
    come and join us ploppers (sort it out Sky Dan)

    Regards Alan (future plo8 ukops champ) 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited October 2015

    Pommy & AJ.

    Yes, I'll give it a whirl, but it can't be next Thursday (15th) as I won't be playing Thursday/Friday/Saturday next week, as I have company. 

    Saturday is the 10k Richmond Run. Can't miss that.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2015
    What time are you aiming for in the 10k Tikay?

    I got beaten up last night, think we clashed a few times and I definitely ran terribly in those.

    I also made a couple of clear mistakes - not quite on A game - multi-tabling and chatting.

    I am going to post some hands up on the strategy thread later - be good to get some PLO8 discussions going there again.

    I wont bother with the I was ahead and got outdrawn stuff, or coolered, just the 2/3 where I am not sure myself whether I did the right thing.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    What time are you aiming for in the 10k Tikay? I got beaten up last night, think we clashed a few times and I definitely ran terribly in those. I also made a couple of clear mistakes - not quite on A game - multi-tabling and chatting. I am going to post some hands up on the strategy thread later - be good to get some PLO8 discussions going there again. I wont bother with the I was ahead and got outdrawn stuff, or coolered, just the 2/3 where I am not sure myself whether I did the right thing.
    Posted by Phantom66
    Me? Me run 10k? Are you serious? No no, its Gill - her first ever "organised" run. Much excitement, I can tell you.

    I'm her Coach, oh yes, and I don't want her to be bothered about pace, or where she finishes - just competing makes her a winner for me. I've got her a little trophy already, it will a nice surprise for her, & it says "WINNER"  on it. To me, just doing it makes her a winner. She had never jogged, or done any meaningful physical exercise, until 3 months ago.  

    She does 6.6 miles in an hour & forty usually, but as long as she does  her best, I'm not fussed if she finishes stone last.

    She has some gadget that records her data when she jogs, here's a recent example, this was Hampton Court to Kempton racecourse & back.

    Created by Google My Tracks on Android
    Name: 26/09/2015 09:48
    Activity type: jogging
    Description: -
    Total distance: 10.55 km (6.6 mi)
    Total time: 1:40:28
    Moving time: 1:40:24
    Average speed: 6.30 km/h (3.9 mi/h)
    Average moving speed: 6.30 km/h (3.9 mi/h)
    Max speed: 15.30 km/h (9.5 mi/h)
    Average pace: 9:31 min/km (15:20 min/mi)
    Average moving pace: 9:31 min/km (15:19 min/mi)
    Fastest pace: 3:55 min/km (6:19 min/mi)
    Max elevation: 71 m (234 ft)
    Min elevation: 41 m (134 ft)
    Elevation gain: 174 m (570 ft)
    Max grade: 13 %
    Min grade: -14 %
    Recorded: 26/09/2015 09:48
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    What time are you aiming for in the 10k Tikay? I got beaten up last night, think we clashed a few times and I definitely ran terribly in those. I also made a couple of clear mistakes - not quite on A game - multi-tabling and chatting. I am going to post some hands up on the strategy thread later - be good to get some PLO8 discussions going there again. I wont bother with the I was ahead and got outdrawn stuff, or coolered, just the 2/3 where I am not sure myself whether I did the right thing.
    Posted by Phantom66
    Yes, I noticed you were having a rough time of it last night, so stick some hands up & we'll have a look at them, see if there are any glaring leaks.

    You mention "multi-tabling & chatting". I must say, chatting whilst multi-tabling, or even reading the chat, will DEFINITELY reduce your efficiency & win rate - no question about it. Apart from "hi, & good luck all" or the occasional "oooohhhh" I try to avoid chatting too much, as it means I lose my focus, & when we lose focus, bad things happen if we are trying to play several at the same time.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Me? Me run 10k? Are you serious? No no, its Gill - her first ever "organised" run. Much excitement, I can tell you. I'm her Coach, oh yes, and I don't want her to be bothered about pace, or where she finishes - just competing makes her a winner for me. I've got her a little trophy already, it will a nice surprise for her, & it says "WINNER"  on it. To me, just doing it makes her a winner. She had never jogged, or done any meaningful physical exercise, until 3 months ago.   She does 6.6 miles in an hour & forty usually, but as long as she does  her best, I'm not fussed if she finishes stone last. She has some gadget that records her data when she jogs, here's a recent example, this was Hampton Court to Kempton racecourse & back. Created by Google My Tracks on Android Name: 26/09/2015 09:48 Activity type: jogging Description: - Total distance: 10.55 km (6.6 mi) Total time: 1:40:28 Moving time: 1:40:24 Average speed: 6.30 km/h (3.9 mi/h) Average moving speed: 6.30 km/h (3.9 mi/h) Max speed: 15.30 km/h (9.5 mi/h) Average pace: 9:31 min/km (15:20 min/mi) Average moving pace: 9:31 min/km (15:19 min/mi) Fastest pace: 3:55 min/km (6:19 min/mi) Max elevation: 71 m (234 ft) Min elevation: 41 m (134 ft) Elevation gain: 174 m (570 ft) Max grade: 13 % Min grade: -14 % Recorded: 26/09/2015 09:48
    Posted by Tikay10
    GL Gill

    and I thought all those "gym" sessions you have were leading up to something.

    Well apart from admire and commend her Tikay - seems you should follow her example.

    +13% gradient - she doesn't pick the easy route does she?

    PS What is Hampton Court like? Mrs P wants a visit - she is into all the Tudor history.

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Yes, I noticed you were having a rough time of it last night, so stick some hands up & we'll have a look at them, see if there are any glaring leaks. You mention "multi-tabling & chatting". I must say, chatting whilst multi-tabling, or even reading the chat, will DEFINITELY reduce your efficiency & win rate - no question about it. Apart from "hi, & good luck all" or the occasional "oooohhhh" I try to avoid chatting too much, as it means I lose my focus, & when we lose focus, bad things happen if we are trying to play several at the same time.   
    Posted by Tikay10
    Chatting did have an effect - I think it severely limited my ability to make player specific decisions. Butchered a hand vs bbMike to get quartered early doors for example and took on Vespa defending my bb when he had potted utg - always going to be behind there.

    Also repotting you - even though I had the better of the ranges - in a couple of  cases I think I could have just passed - no need to get involved - was not too shallow and had chips - getting it in 5 handed when you don't need to is likely to be -EV.

    I'll do some proper homework before posting the hands but i'll signpost them here when they are up.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : GL Gill and I thought all those "gym" sessions you have were leading up to something. Well apart from admire and commend her Tikay - seems you should follow her example. +13% gradient - she doesn't pick the easy route does she? PS What is Hampton Court like? Mrs P wants a visit - she is into all the Tudor history.
    Posted by Phantom66
    If you only ever do one thing I say, make it this one - take her to Hampton Court Palace. 

    It's nothing short of magnificent, & beautifully sited, right alongside the Thames, with Bushy Park & the all it's graceful deer adjoining it. 

    They could not build something so beautiful, so grand, so perfectly-scaled, these days.
    And 100 yards from the Palace, just across the road - literally - still stands the house in which Sir Christopher Wren lived whilst he was re-building the Palace. It's got one of those blue plaque things.

    Henry VIII had dozens of Palaces, but only two remain - Hampton Court, & St James's Palace.

    Take the train from Waterloo (every 30 minutes, 45 minute journey), then amble across Hampton Court Bridge to the Palace - it's but 200 yards from the station.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Chatting did have an effect - I think it severely limited my ability to make player specific decisions. Butchered a hand vs bbMike to get quartered early doors for example and took on Vespa defending my bb when he had potted utg - always going to be behind there. Also repotting you - even though I had the better of the ranges - in a couple of  cases I think I could have just passed - no need to get involved - was not too shallow and had chips - getting it in 5 handed when you don't need to is likely to be -EV. I'll do some proper homework before posting the hands but i'll signpost them here when they are up.
    Posted by Phantom66
    Well first up, quit the chit chat, it REALLY costs us money, because we are not concentrating properly. I like to chat, don't get me wrong, but it costs money. I was trying to play an £11er as few nights ago, 4 left, really tough table, & there were two players who had not even played it having a convo in the chat box. And it WAS an interesting convo, I could not help but read it, but it deffo affects concentration.
    The highlighted part above is the key point you may want to address, imo.  

    For better or worse, & until it's 4 handed & we need to get busy, I try to avoid conflict, "let them have it".
    I might be dealt, say, A-J-4-3, which is a decent enough hand to open with, but once someone else opens, it's going in the bin. FIRST TO OPEN is key.

    Don't go to war with players who have good ranges, where possible, either. Late stages, big blinds & 4 handed of course, it all changes. 

    One other point.

    4 handed, with big blinds, I'm not folding A-K-2-x to anyone, unless my win is locked already, in which case we just fold. Early doors, though, it's a  MUCH different hand, & I may take a flop if it's cheap, but really, it's not easy to play multi-way with small blinds. It's power is in getting people to fold, & if they do call, we are rarely in terrible shape. So a wonderful hand late von, not so much early doors.
    All imo of course, & I should add I'm very risk-averse in these things, give me the easy path every day.     
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited October 2015

    I thought i was doing well with my 3k. glgl

    Played a few games over the last couple of days for practice in case i decide to play UKOPS. Really enjoyed it just one problem. I have lost all ability to multi-table hilo. One game and i know exactly where i am, 3 tables and i'm clicking buttons. it's amazing what practice, or the lack of it, can do to our abilities. Guess the same may well apply to chat.

    (PS can still multi table nlhe no problem, just the hilo where it all goes pear-shaped)
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