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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Chicknmelt graced us with his presence, & I think he adapted pretty well. Footsie was in every £11 game, & Gelders joined us briefly late evening, & won his £11er I think. I know I didn't.....

    Posted by Tikay10

    yep, your training notes were very helpful. although winning was a sweet & sour experience, as I had to knock you out to save my own skin. not allowed to say sorry I know but sorry.
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited November 2013
    Love your work Tikay!  There is a Mr chunter at the nl tables in the form of ALLEYKITTY at the mo.  So far he has wished I died from cancer 3 times.  Lovely individual.  

    Have a great weekend and win, lose or draw isn't life just wonderful!

    Ohh and before I forget......Merry Xmas!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Love your work Tikay!  There is a Mr chunter at the nl tables in the form of ALLEYKITTY at the mo.  So far he has wished I died from cancer 3 times.  Lovely individual.   Have a great weekend and win, lose or draw isn't life just wonderful! Ohh and before I forget......Merry Xmas!
    Posted by Donttelmum
    Life truly is wonderful, incredibky so, though you'd not think so at times! The Community seems to be very chuntery today.

    Xmas not quite so wonderful......

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hello T & all you Guy`s Just found this thread while browsing the forums and it`s an Excellent read  . Plenty of info for me to digest ...:o) I would luv to share my experiences  profits n losses  over a period of a month , But I seldom find the time as I am usually at the tables way too much. I do put in many ...many hrs per month and have done so for quite a few years, Hopefully I will find  time ,to post and help , whenever possible in the future. Best Regards
    Posted by footsie66
    Hi Kevin,

    You'd be a great addition to the thread.

    Many of the readers have tried The Beautiful Game as a result of this thread, so a few words of wisdom from you can only be good.

    Been very quiet on the Tables so far today, I've only logged 10 or 11 games so far, maybe it will liven up a bit later.
  • DimTzarDimTzar Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2013
    With a Happy Hour running on all cash tables this weekend, it seems like almost everyone will be in the cash world. :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    With a Happy Hour running on all cash tables this weekend, it seems like almost everyone will be in the cash world. :)
    Posted by DimTzar
    I've been there, too.

    Racked up a bunch of Reward Points, equivalent to 10 x £5.50 DYM's, in about 20 minutes!

    May have another session this evening, on the PLO8 Cash Tables.
  • DimTzarDimTzar Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : I've been there, too. Racked up a bunch of Reward Points, equivalent to 10 x £5.50 DYM's, in about 20 minutes! May have another session this evening, on the PLO8 Cash Tables.
    Posted by Tikay10
    What did you play Tikay? NLH or PLO8?

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited November 2013
    Just popped in for a quick read & catch-up!  Too busy doing family stuff over w/e to play :-( but will be donating next week! As Tikay knows I REALLY enjoy plo8.  I'm fairly new to the game and have one MAJOR flaw which I am addressing with some success.  30 secs decision time would also help me enormously!!

    @Tikay - "chunter" is a marvellous word. I also am a bit of a logophile!

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : What did you play Tikay? NLH or PLO8?
    Posted by DimTzar

    I never ever play NLO8, for me - just a personal thing - both 8 or Better & Omaha are nothing like as enjoyable when NL, & I dislike it so much that I never play it. Hardly anyone does, actually, & with good reason.

    If the only available format of both games was NL, I would quit both in a heartbeat.
  • DimTzarDimTzar Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : PLO8. I never ever play NLO8, for me - just a personal thing - both 8 or Better & Omaha are nothing like as enjoyable when NL, & I dislike it so much that I never play it. Hardly anyone does, actually, & with good reason. If the only available format of both games was NL, I would quit both in a heartbeat.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    My question was if you played Holdem or PLO8 cash not if you you played No limit Omaha 8 or better or PLO8.

    Where is your mind? Haven't you had your latte yet?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : My question was if you played Holdem or PLO8 cash not if you you played No limit Omaha 8 or better or PLO8. Where is your mind? Haven't you had your latte yet?
    Posted by DimTzar
    Oh I'm sorry, misread by me.

    The answer, oddly, is the same. I still enjoy, & am reasonably proficient, at PLH, but I'm history @ NLH.

    I enjoyed my biggest successes as a Pro - sorry, lolpro - in PLH Events.

    Last time I played it live, it was an embarrassment, with a table full of players who could not work out what a pot-sized bet amounted to. "How much is it to bet the pot?" was all I heard all evening, bless. I explained to one that a pot bet in an unopened pot was 3.5 times the BB, or 7 x SB, but he could not even work that out. And when I told him he did not HAVE to bet the full pot, he looked at me gone out.

    The thing is, Online poker does all this stuff for us, it's like the tills in Tesco which calculate the change you are due mean that the checkout staff no longer know how much change you are due from a tenner for a £7.38 bill without the help of an electronic aid.
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    HUGE session yesterday, 30 games, with an incredible TWENTY games @ £11, which for a site like Sky Poker is an extraordinary volume of PLO8 DYM's. The less good news is that I pretty much trod water all session.  Won 6 of the first 7, & the outlook was good, but then the wheels went awry, & I fell into a bit of a hole, got myself out of it, then lost 3 of the last 4, all @ £11, to turn a decent winning day into small losing day. Bleurgh. I threw away 2 @ £11 earlier due to errors on my part, whilst I was experimenting with how best to tile my tables with the new software. When Mr footsie potted it, & I re-potted, leaving myself half a Big, then he re-potted, as expected, accidentally folding was probably a bad - & pretty infuriating - misclick......ha! In fact, I did that TWICE.  Anyway, eventually I got my new "layout", to suit the new software (which I loved) & so that's all good now.   There was a "new" player on the scene, clearly VERY good, & he battered the regulars. Good - very good - PLO8 HU player, & it took me a goodly while to suss out how best to combat him. With position, it was OK, out of position, quite difficult. He's far better than I will ever be, but never be afraid of one player, three get paid, & these guys can bust everyone else along the way, so, where possible, I kept out of his way. When needs must, of course, I tangled. He's got a cracking game though. The £11-ers were running back to back all evening, & I always had three on the go at once, an unbelievable situation, unheard of a month or two back. Chuffed to bits. Peeps complain at Sky for all sorts, why don't they do this that or the other to improve liquidity in these minority interest games, but the players can do this too, & between us, we have. Power to the people.   There was one really weird game where one poor chap was AWAY all Tourney. Unforch, the other players never thought this through, & kept limping into his Big Blind. All they had to do was min-raise, & he auto-passes. And of course, whilst not even present, he kept doubling up in these limped pots! You can't say anything in the chat-box, that'd be improper, but I was sort of talking to the screen, RAISE lads, BET! Naturally, he kept doubling up, & I managed to lose that one, despite being 4 handed with one of the 4 away......all's fair in the end, but what a weird thing.  Chicknmelt graced us with his presence, & I think he adapted pretty well. Footsie was in eveey £11 game, & Gelders joined us briefly late evening, & won his £11er I think. I know I didn't..... Mr Chunter paid us a visit, chuntered for England, non-stop, ****** Sky did me over again, this site is ****, what a pile of ****, they **** me over on the river deliberately . I had a long think about him, & - whilst I'm not 100% sure of this - I sort of get the vague impression that he does not always enjoy his poker. All joking aside, what a shame that is. Not sure I could play the game if I did not really enjoy the whole experience, the anticipation of every game, hand, flop, turn, river, winning, losing, highs & lows (in every sense), the whole thing gives me a buzz. Blaming others for our demise is not a human trait much to be admired, whereas losing with a modicum of dignity is something I always grew up to believe, is how a grown-up should conduct him or her self.  Guess it takes all sorts, eh?       
    Posted by Tikay10

    lol - graced. nothing graceful about it!

    as for adapting: I know basic DYM strategy, and I know the rules... as a result, think I'm pretty decent preflop... no idea post flop though! please do point out mistakes if you see/remember them.

    I think learning to bite your tongue comes with experience. I used to find it very hard, but now I rarely make comments.

    superroller TK?

    i was going to play a DYM or 2 tonight - and ever regged for one, but when I noticed it was just you and the HU PLO8 guy you mentioned... I checked his SS and promptly unregistered lol. I'm such a wimp. maybe if I'm not playing so many NLH tables too I'll play.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : lol - graced. nothing graceful about it! as for adapting: I know basic DYM strategy, and I know the rules... as a result, think I'm pretty decent preflop... no idea post flop though! please do point out mistakes if you see/remember them. I think learning to bite your tongue comes with experience. I used to find it very hard, but now I rarely make comments. superroller TK? i was going to play a DYM or 2 tonight - and ever regged for one, but when I noticed it was just you and the HU PLO8 guy you mentioned... I checked his SS and promptly unregistered lol. I'm such a wimp. maybe if I'm not playing so many NLH tables too I'll play.
    Posted by chicknMelt
    It was great to see you there. Call again, if you don't like money, as Mr Nguyen is so fond of saying....

    I think, as you describe it, "basic DYM strategy" is more than half the battle in these things. I almost think I could cut it in NLH DYM's, actually, though I just prefer PL by a country mile. I did try NLH DYM's 4 or 5 years ago, & I'm still paying the bill, so maybe not.....

    Lol, I saw you had regged & un-regged for one in which just the argonaut & myself were in, but I don't think in a DYM you should be bothered about one player, 3 pay spots are up for grabs. He is certainly good, though, VERY good.
    Tonight's Super-Roller? Probably not, so stop tempting me please! I promised myself that I'd play a little cash yesterday, often a graveyard for me, & if I won £100, I'd play tonight's Super Roller. I won precisely £4.75 on the Cash Table.....

    Good luck today, whatever you play, & I'll keep an eye on the Super Roller Leaderboard to see if you can crush.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited November 2013

    Saturday 23rd November

    Played 23


    Lost 9


    £2.25 - Played 0, won 0, Lost 0

    £5.50 - Played 16, won 8, lost 8

    £11.00 - Played 7, won 6, Lost 1

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £452.89

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 2,914

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited November 2013

    November so far.....

    Played 427

    Won 251

    Lost 176

    Win-rate, November, 58.78%
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013

    With it being widely accepted that NL is getting harder and people looking for their edges. Do you think a time is approaching when these versions of the game will played more? 
    Personally, I don't think it will happen anytime soon with NL being "the Cadillac of Poker' and having seen attempts by casinos to introduce variants failing.
    I think DTD have run Omaha tourneys in the past but didn't get the runners.
    Pot limit was played as much as No limit when I first started and I could never really understand why it disappeared.

    It's funny that everyone wants to only play NL but nearly all the bigger cash games that run in Casinos are DC.

    Congrats on profits made so far.
    Not bad is it?
    Enjoying a game and making money.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited November 2013

    Very topsy-turvy day yesterday, but it all ended surprisingly well eventually.

    Note that the profit & Reward Points includes a small contribution from a short PLO8 cash session whilst I was awaiting some DYM action, & that profit came to £4.75 (oooh!) plus 48 Reward Points. 20 minutes of cash yielded as many Reward Points as 10 x £5.50 DYM's!

    Now, back to basics.

    Lost 6 of the first 7 played, all @ £5.50, so the eventual £5.50 tally of W8, L8 was quite a stunning reversal of form.

    The £11-ers were not too frequent yesterday, just 7 of them, & I lost the very first, but then won the next 6 for a pleasing W6, L1 count.

    I tweaked a few things yesterday, &  think they worked, but I ran so good in some spots it is hard to tell. In one £11er, I raised 7 straight hands on one ocasion, the quality of hands I was geting was almost embarrassing. I often - very often - play less than 7 hands in an entire DYM! I was just getting lovely cards. Need to remember this on the "dry" sessions. 

    Was getting a bit of noise, & stick, in the chat-boxes over the new software, which I thought was a tad unfair on a Saturday, in my R & R time, but to be fair, I guess it comes with the job, & I should not feel bad about it, all things considered. It's just a bit tough to have a meaningful chat or debate with someone whilst 3 & 4 Tabling, or it is for me. One chap suggested that the new Tables give him a headache after "4 or 5 hours". I wisely avoided the temptation to make any number of very obvious replies. 

    So, the yoyo-ing in the £400's continues, & we are back above £450 for only the 2nd time I think. Began the month @ £215, so very pleased with that.

    My Reward Points for November now near 3,000 (currently 2,914 worth £29.14), but at 3,000, they suddenly become worth 50% more. On a starting roll of £200, & a current roll of £450+, that is a very meaningful amount. I'd really love to get to £500 (including Reward Points) by the end of the month. Cue the inevitable downswing......

    Enjoy your Sunday, whatever your plans, & good luck especially to SUPER ROLLER & UKPC Final aspirants. 

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Morning With it being widely accepted that NL is getting harder and people looking for their edges. Do you think a time is approaching when these versions of the game will played more?  Personally, I don't think it will happen anytime soon with NL being "the Cadillac of Poker' and having seen attempts by casinos to introduce variants failing. I think DTD have run Omaha tourneys in the past but didn't get the runners. Pot limit was played as much as No limit when I first started and I could never really understand why it disappeared. It's funny that everyone wants to only play NL but nearly all the bigger cash games that run in Casinos are DC. .. Congrats on profits made so far. Not bad is it? Enjoying a game and making money.
    Posted by Jac35
    Morning Paul.

    Sadly (for me), no, I think NLH will remain the game for the masses, despite it being very obvious that it is getting harder & harder to win, & almost nobody has much of an an edge.
    The WSOP used to be Stud until quite recently, but it was only when it bacame NLH, a game almost anyone can play, that the huge burst of popularity began the poker boom as we know it, just 10 years ago. My, that 10 years has flown.

    But now saturation point has been reached, there are other angles & niches to exploit & discover, & I have a few plans in mind (personal,) as to how poker can still be taken to a lot more new faces. This is key - new blood.

    Enjoying the game & making money? Never enjoyed it so much, ever, am having a ball. My current poker world revolves around the WSOP PLO8 Events - best fun I have EVER had at poker & I am busting a gut to find a way to do them again - & enjoying myself quietly each evening playing these fun DYM's. Oh, & the UKPC, of course, where things are happening every single day, including some stunningly good news yesterday, though it involved dozens of phone calls & convos. Worth it though.

    It is, for me, such a lovely escape from the pressures, hassles & moany-moany stuff that seem to accompany my life these days. I register for a few Tables, & it just relaxes me completely for a few hours.

    Have a good Sunday, Paul.
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited November 2013
    Morning Tikay.  Always enjoy your updates and its nice to see the good guys winning.  I always enjoy seeing TommyD, Ryan, Ross etc etc doing well as they are just nice people.  Do you think your view or attitude would change if you relied on the game to make an income?

    I am worried about the software, as I play for a living and can't get used to it.  I guess while I still have the option Im going to stick with the old mini view and what I know.  I think making a newer version just replicating the old version as best as possible would keep alot of us mass table grinders happy.  Just a suggestion.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : It was great to see you there. Call again, if you don't like money, as Mr Nguyen is so fond of saying.... I think, as you describe it, "basic DYM strategy" is more than half the battle in these things. I almost think I could cut it in NLH DYM's, actually, though I just prefer PL by a country mile. I did try NLH DYM's 4 or 5 years ago, & I'm still paying the bill, so maybe not..... Lol, I saw you had regged & un-regged for one in which just the argonaut & myself were in, but I don't think in a DYM you should be bothered about one player, 3 pay spots are up for grabs. He is certainly good, though, VERY good.   Tonight's Super-Roller? Probably not, so stop tempting me please! I promised myself that I'd play a little cash yesterday, often a graveyard for me, & if I won £100, I'd play tonight's Super Roller. I won precisely £4.75 on the Cash Table..... Good luck today, whatever you play, & I'll keep an eye on the Super Roller Leaderboard to see if you can crush .  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Ha - a bit more confident now you've seen how bad I am :)

    It wasn't just him I was avoiding ;)

    do you remember the hand where you potted it pre, and I called form the BB... I CR your pot bet on the flop and you insta folded? I get the feeling you folded wuite a big hand then... you probably guessed correctly that I had a monster... think it was the nut low and 2nd nut high or something. probably should have let you hang yourself rather than RR?

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