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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2013

    A very relaxing & enjoyable session yesterday, played 33 games (a lot for me) & won the Game Count 20-13.

    A profit of £22.75 does not sound much, but little & often suits me fine, trickle trickle as she goes, & we are tantalisingly close to the 'roll being £600.

    Very few £11 games ran yesterday, just 6, but plenty @ £5.50.

    The heavy hitters all seemed to be absent, footsie, Argonaut, hotwheals, PatWalsh, ChicknMelt & co, but that apart, all the regulars were around, plus plenty of new faces.
    I managed to get myself in quite a hole early doors, & even after winning 7 of the last 8, including 2 @ £11, the profit was only £22 odd, so it shows how badly behind I was, & I guess I was lucky to get out of it. Think I played much better yesterday, though.
    The margins of profit are quite fine, so I need to keep concentrating fully. 

    My Reward Points are now 1,832, which I'm delighted with, & I plan one last big push today while Double Rewards lasts. Hopefully, I can get to around 2,100 in total by close of play, leaving me the rest of the month to get over the important 3,000 threshold.

    Will be playing much less next week, due to diary committments, so gotta go make some hay whilst that sun is shining. 

    Enjoy your Sunday, whatever you do, & remember, if I bet, I've got it.*

    * T & C's apply. In the event of a dispute, whatever I say goes. Sort it out.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : I suspect, young Gelders, that is a subject only you & I would be interested in, enough to debate, anyway. But to me, this is a really interesting matter. You are, of course, correct. It makes a difference of around £60 overall, which is a big % of the original £200 'roll. On the month, it makes (approx) £20 difference, but £60 in total. My current reported balance of £472.19 is the ACTUAL balance, in the account as of now, so I've under-reported almost £60 really. But....... I spend the last 22 years of my working life running businesses for a chap named John Kirkland OBE, & he always preached " keep some wool on your back ". He was BIG into financial prudency. On his office wall he had a plaque, Profits are vanity, cash is king .   So, at month & year end, we would hold back profits where possible, usually by an accounting  "dodge" called WIP, ("Work in Progress").   And my mind still works that way. So I have £60 in reserve to get December started & if I encounter some heavy weather or rough seas, I'll have a bit of cushion. I actually misappropiated another tenner, too. My last November DYM never ended until 10 minutes after midnight, so the result SHOULD go in December, & I'd start with a tenner loss. Not good for the mind, the psychological part, a good start always helps. But we made a good few bob in November, so it suits me better to slide that tenner loss into November, & start December with a nice clean slate. And I have £60 squirrelled away in my back pocket. That feels good. ;) In truth, the important thing is to report consistently, & not move the goalposts to suit the results.  
    Posted by Tikay10

    ie he would cook the books and report wrong numbers - ie lie about the true state of the business aka cheat
    and i know many do the same (and i am hyping this up for effect - i am not trying to say he was trying to cheat - just that is how it could be interpreted given his deliberate intent to adjust the figures - and i also know there are accounting schemes that allow this to be done so it could well have been legal as well.)

    just i don´t think it is appropriate for evaluating one´s performance at poker

    i do appreciate when you say your mind works that way you are referring to the prudency - not the cheating - i would/could never accuse you of cheating, you are always totally above board as to the what´s and why´s of what you are doing.

    and i also know many who use "prudent" accounting techniques aren´t doing it to cheat. but the reality is that it is not providing a "true and fair" view of the performance of the business and is therefore not, imho, ..... well you know my opinion by now.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2013

    The daily figures EXACTLY represent the closing balance of my Account each night. Anything else would not represent the actuality.

    I also clearly state "these EXCLUDE Reward Points payments due to me until received".

    I am unclear how that could possibly be misinterpreted.

    I felt my reply to you was fair & balanced in its entirety.

    Enjoy your evening.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    The daily figures EXACTLY represent the closing balance of my Account each night. Anything else would not represent the actuality. I also clearly state "these EXCLUDE Reward Points payments due to me until received". I am unclear how that could possibly be misinterpreted. I felt my reply to you was fair & balanced in its entirety. Enjoy your evening.
    Posted by Tikay10
    I agree totally
    and you have provided all the information
    so we can adjust your cashflow numbers to accruals if we want to
    I hope to enjoy my evening and you yours
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2013

    Sunday 8th December

    Played 40

    Won 23

    Lost 17


    £2.25 - Played 2, won 1, Lost 1

    £5.50 - Played 26, won 15, lost 11

    £11.00 - Played 12, won 7, Lost 5

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day

    PROFIT/LOSS in December, £126.60


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £603.81

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 2,344

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2013

    December to date....

    Played 186

    Won 110

    Lost 76

    Win-rate, November, 59.13%

    Profit/Loss per game =
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2013

    Loads of action yesterday, even at PLO8, I missed a few hours, but still played 40 games, the recent increase in liquidity in these games is astonishing.

    By some bizarre quirk of stats, my Results for £5.50 games on both Saturday & Sunday were identical = P 26, W 15, L 11.
    Frustratingly, heading for the finish line with a near £50 profit on the day, I lost 5 of the last 7, including 2 @ £11, to end with a slightly sub-par £14.50 profit on the day. Reward Points, at 512 on the day (256 x 2) was my highest daily total ever. With 2,344 RP in the bag now, the important 3,000 point threshold is well in sight, even though I'll have to miss 3 or 4 nights this week & next week.

    Been a really enjoyable week, bagging 2,344 RP, & increasing the bankroll by £134 (includes £50 of Reward money for November), so I'm chuffed to bits with progress.

    It was sort of on my little Bucket List to play an intensive week of Online Poker, & I've never done that before. Part of me is a bit ashamed that I never put a whole week to better use, especially at my ripeness, but part of me wanted to do it, & I'm pleased I did.   
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2013

    Most enjoyable game yesterday was my very last game of the day, my 40th game.

    All of us were PLO8 regulars, but one chap, who has an opening range as wide as the Thames Estuary, busted two players in the very first orbit in quite spectacular style, when he got the lot with the inexplicable 7-7-8-8!

    So, he has 6,000, & the other 3 of us all had 2,000 each, give or take 50 chips.

    Now, this lad opens EVERY pot, or just flats. He never passed a single hand - he never does - so this was going to be tricky, 3 of us vying for 2 places.
    He had position on me, to my immediate left, which was awkward, but I had position on the other two, to my right. Both of the other shorties were canny, "thinking" players, & it was obvious this would have more to do with strategy than cards. It was like a chess game, fantastic fun.

    We were all letting Mr Big raise & take every pot, & only resisting in the most carefully selected spots. Not bothered about him pinching our Blinds, all we were bothered about was being ahead of the other 2 shorties.
    It went on like this for ages, & the hands were whizzing round, as there was no stalling or dwelling, & we were getting tons of hands per Level, which suited me.

    Eventually, I flopped BOTTOM set & check-called Mr Big. I turned the under-house, ugh. He could have ANYTHING. I had to control this pot. Check called the turn, & when the river came, I was hoping he'd check behind. Fat chance, he potted it again. I flatted it, my hand was good, & I took a chunky pot, & this was crucial, as I now had the other two shorties well covered. I just had to hold station from there, & all would be fine.
    Hardly "pure poker", is it? Had to be done though.

    I can barely believe so much fun can be had winning a tenner, though I guess some might say "little things please little minds". Each to their own & all that.  
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited December 2013
    Hi there. 

    Im thinking about doing the same sort of thing.

    I play mainly for fun most nights a few DYMs at low stakes.
    Cant afford too play too much.

    Im looking to improve my game and possibly if goes well play for higher stakes.

    Im quite confident in my game and always room for improvment. Which the forum has helped great over the last week.. So thanks everyone for being friendly and helpfull.

    I enjoy mtts, and cash every so often. Coming 6th in 5.50 deep stack last night. 
    I play the turbo tuesday for the last 3 weeks only cashing once. 

    My plan is to deposit around £50 and play 2-3 tables at a time posting my stats nightly hoping too get feed back and if im moving ib the right direction.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hi there.  Im thinking about doing the same sort of thing. I play mainly for fun most nights a few DYMs at low stakes. Cant afford too play too much. Im looking to improve my game and possibly if goes well play for higher stakes. Im quite confident in my game and always room for improvment. Which the forum has helped great over the last week.. So thanks everyone for being friendly and helpfull. I enjoy mtts, and cash every so often. Coming 6th in 5.50 deep stack last night.  I play the turbo tuesday for the last 3 weeks only cashing once.  My plan is to deposit around £50 and play 2-3 tables at a time posting my stats nightly hoping too get feed back and if im moving ib the right direction. Cheers. 
    Posted by Chris_Mc
    Morning Chris - excellent!

    It really helps if you do a little Daily Update, or I find it does, It can be via a daily note (private) on your PC, you can start a thread, or you can include it on this thread if you prefer, the more the better as far as I am concerned.
    Try & "template" something, that makes it easier to update each day, you just have to update the numbers then, & it keeps it nice & consistent.

    I'm a bit rubbish at NLH, well, I'm OK at the theory, for beginners, but I lack bottle & aggression when actually playing, so I'm not much help with NLH playing advice, but if you pose any questions, either I or one of the regulars will always help with replies & advice.
    One note of caution to get you going. You say you finished 6th in a Deep Stack last night - well done - but failed to cash in three attempts at Turbo Tuesday. Tournaments are VERY high variance, the highest there is. They are also awesome fun.

    DYM's, on the other hand, are THE lowest variance poker there is, & by some disatance, imo.

    If you want your money to go further, "more poker per £" so to speak, DYM's will be a better route, unless of course you get lucky - & you HAVE to get lucky - & bink a nice cash in an MTT early doors.
    Play whatever you enjoy, but DYM's will definitely make your money go further, & besides, they are relatively easy to beat, & that alone gives personal satisfaction & pride. A little bit of profit each week soon adds up, even £5 per week profit annualises to around £250.
    Anyway, enjoy it, & if you need any help, don't be shy asking.
    Good luck on yoor poker journey, bon voyage, happy binking.
    PS - Is the young lady behind you in your avatar holding a really really giant cup of tea, or is she really really small?     
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited December 2013
    nice results again Tikay
    sorry if i came across a bit ott on the topic of "prudent" accounting
    absolutely nothing personal 
    just i hold it as a key contributer to the economic crisis
    and i heard some tragic news yesterday due to that

    clearly cashflow accounting as applied to c4p is not at all related
  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited December 2013
    Good morning Chris.
    The afternoon Deepstack @2.20 for £2,20
    is a great way 2 improve your game, and a friendly bunch of players.
    Congratulations on the cash in the Deepstack.
    All the best.
     In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hi there.  Im thinking about doing the same sort of thing. I play mainly for fun most nights a few DYMs at low stakes. Cant afford too play too much. Im looking to improve my game and possibly if goes well play for higher stakes. Im quite confident in my game and always room for improvment. Which the forum has helped great over the last week.. So thanks everyone for being friendly and helpfull. I enjoy mtts, and cash every so often. Coming 6th in 5.50 deep stack last night.  I play the turbo tuesday for the last 3 weeks only cashing once.  My plan is to deposit around £50 and play 2-3 tables at a time posting my stats nightly hoping too get feed back and if im moving ib the right direction. Cheers. 
    Posted by Chris_Mc
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    nice results again Tikay sorry if i came across a bit ott on the topic of "prudent" accounting absolutely nothing personal  just i hold it as a key contributer to the economic crisis and i heard some tragic news yesterday due to that clearly cashflow accounting as applied to c4p is not at all related
    Posted by GELDY
    Thank you Gelders, no worries. I thought the word "cheat" was a bit clumsy, or insensitive, to tell the truth, it's a challenge against myself, with my own money, but never mind, lets move on, I'm too late in life to be getting uppity or falling out. From here to the terminus, I just want peace all the way now.

    I was a businessman running companies most of my life, & I have certain views on accounting, financial engineering, & other forms of window-dressing, you have different ones, I don't really see the problem with that.
    Hope to see you on the Tables tonight, they were good fun yesterday.

    Sadly - very sadly - MOTHER, one of THE nicest & most inoffensive players we could ever wish to meet, or share a table with, was dreadfully abused in the chatbox yesterday by one individual, & I confess, it upset me more than it should. Players like Mother, just regular folks quietly & happily enjoying their little hobby don't deserve to be spoken to that way.

    Some folks say "if you don't like it, ignore it, or turn the chat off", but that's dodging the issue, the tail wagging the dog, & suggests a certain insensitivity to the views of others. It costs nothing to keep a civil tongue in their head. If he had said that to her a a "live" poker Table, he'd have got a good slap from several, he would, & he'd be ejected from the Casino.

    Anyway, rant over, & breathe.......  
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited December 2013
    Thanks for the advice again it is always appreciated.

    I enjoy the deepstacks feel u have a lot more time with no rush too build a stack. 

    I did cash one if tuesdays tikay. Although it was just after the bubble. I enjoy the tuesdays because they suit my affordable buy ins. Also flutter with the satalites and find my profit on DYM.s are used on these chances at larger cash awards.

    I work mon-fri so most of poker is at night.

      I play live alot and find i go deep at most casino tournaments i play. But normally between 70-80 players. I find running deep in the main events more difficult because the volume of hands played and end up getting my money in miby too much in spots which could be avoided.  Most of the time i am ahead when i get my money in but alot of the time it just goes the other way and i find can really affect my game. Im my own enemy in this when the tilt comes but working daily to avoid this and taking a breath. Or a break lol

    So going too deposit in january and start my progress. I have some just now but will play main event tomorrow as usuall and enjoy my time on the skypoker site.

    As for the picture tikay that is wonderfull lady with a large cup lol...although nit always that happy when stick on skypoker lol.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Thanks for the advice again it is always appreciated. I enjoy the deepstacks feel u have a lot more time with no rush too build a stack.  I did cash one if tuesdays tikay. Although it was just after the bubble. I enjoy the tuesdays because they suit my affordable buy ins. Also flutter with the satalites and find my profit on DYM.s are used on these chances at larger cash awards. I work mon-fri so most of poker is at night.   I play live alot and find i go deep at most casino tournaments i play. But normally between 70-80 players. I find running deep in the main events more difficult because the volume of hands played and end up getting my money in miby too much in spots which could be avoided.  Most of the time i am ahead when i get my money in but alot of the time it just goes the other way and i find can really affect my game. Im my own enemy in this when the tilt comes but working daily to avoid this and taking a breath. Or a break lol So going too deposit in january and start my progress. I have some just now but will play main event tomorrow as usuall and enjoy my time on the skypoker site. As for the picture tikay that is wonderfull lady with a large cup lol...although nit always that happy when stick on skypoker lol.
    Posted by Chris_Mc
    Good stuff, & yeah, I agree, using DYM profits to fund MTT's is probably a good balance.

    Where do you play Live poker?
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited December 2013
    I play mainly the genting and the alea, 
    Only problem is need to be off the next day because if u run deep it a 3am final table.
    I also play in a poker league on a monday but find not too much value in this game just a night of cards in god company. But feel its not helping my game here as theres lots of bingo involved lol but as i say its all in good fun.

    So hoping to improve my online play and take it a little more serious. Because DYM.s and even the mtt.s run much quicker and finish at reasonable times. Also im quite comfotable playing 3 tables rather than the one game.

    I enjoy playing and dont ever seem too get bored of playing even love playing when im on tilt lol.

    So starting at level 1 going too see how i do keeping an eye on my stats games played and games won. 

  • AmarieAmarie Member Posts: 448
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Thank you Gelders, no worries. I thought the word "cheat" was a bit clumsy, or insensitive, to tell the truth, it's a challenge against myself, with my own money, but never mind, lets move on, I'm too late in life to be getting uppity or falling out. From here to the terminus, I just want peace all the way now. I was a businessman running companies most of my life, & I have certain views on accounting, financial engineering, & other forms of window-dressing, you have different ones, I don't really see the problem with that.   Hope to see you on the Tables tonight, they were good fun yesterday. Sadly - very sadly - MOTHER, one of THE nicest & most inoffensive players we could ever wish to meet, or share a table with, was dreadfully abused in the chatbox yesterday by one individual, & I confess, it upset me more than it should. Players like Mother, just regular folks quietly & happily enjoying their little hobby don't deserve to be spoken to that way. Some folks say " if you don't like it, ignore it, or turn the chat off ", but that's dodging the issue, the tail wagging the dog, & suggests a certain insensitivity to the views of others. It costs nothing to keep a civil tongue in their head. If he had said that to her a a "live" poker Table, he'd have got a good slap from several, he would, & he'd be ejected from the Casino. Anyway, rant over, & breathe.......     
    Posted by Tikay10

    Thank you for this, it was rather shocking!!

    The Sky poker comunity are on the whole a truly tremendous group of people of which 'the family' are proud to be a part of, sadly as in all walks of life some people do not share the same values, but we wont let them stop us from enjoying ourselves!!

    See you at the tables

  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited December 2013

    A couple of posts back i said im going too try a similar thread to tikay. Taking my game alot more serious next month.

    Having only £19 in my account i played some DYM.s.
     Wasnt on for too long and played a total of 7 games each at £3.30.

    Not the best run. 

    Won. 3
    Lost .4

    First i had 2 tables with 2 wins. Then when i went on later and i tried 4.

    I feel i played reasonbly well and called of my stack in 2 games feeling i was ahead.. 
    I was .        QQ v k6 lose to 34567 lol ahhh well.
    Next was   A10 v A6 lose to 6 on river. Ahhh well. 

    Miby u ask why i called of with A10. IM BB for 300 leaving 1000  behind. Having watched the player he was also low and i tbought he was on a steal for the blinds.

    So for my first flutter at this altbough im in a loss im still happy with the way i played and know that i wont always be beat when ahaed pre. 

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Well...... A couple of posts back i said im going too try a similar thread to tikay. Taking my game alot more serious next month. Having only £19 in my account i played some DYM.s.  Wasnt on for too long and played a total of 7 games each at £3.30. Not the best run.  Won. 3 Lost .4 First i had 2 tables with 2 wins. Then when i went on later and i tried 4. I feel i played reasonbly well and called of my stack in 2 games feeling i was ahead..  I was .        QQ v k6 lose to 34567 lol ahhh well. Next was   A10 v A6 lose to 6 on river. Ahhh well.  Miby u ask why i called of with A10. IM BB for 300 leaving 1000  behind. Having watched the player he was also low and i tbought he was on a steal for the blinds. So for my first flutter at this altbough im in a loss im still happy with the way i played and know that i wont always be beat when ahaed pre. 
    Posted by Chris_Mc
    Good stuff Chris, I don't think you did much wrong there, these things are standard, part & parcel of the game.

    If you keep getting it in good, (QQ v K-6 & A-10 v A-6) you'll win more than you lose. It dos pinch a bit, for a second or two, when a bad call by the oppo gets there, but then you realise you want & need these calls all day every day, thats how you win.  

    You just need to play enough of these to ensure variance evens out.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Thank you for this, it was rather shocking!! The Sky poker comunity are on the whole a truly tremendous group of people of which 'the family' are proud to be a part of, sadly as in all walks of life some people do not share the same values, but we wont let them stop us from enjoying ourselves!! See you at the tables Anne x
    Posted by Amarie
    Yes MOTHER, I agree.

    I do frequent other Forums & poker sites, where different standards are applied, a little more earthy, but none where that sort of language would ever be tolerated. It is a word that comes across, as so many do, terribly when written. In real life, OK, in the right company maybe, but never in writing, where it is open to all to see.

    Hope you had a winning night last night.
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