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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? :   It is now afternoon in Wigan, unsure what time zone is in Derbyshire  :-).   Nice results again for you last night i see. HEATER  BAH HUMBUG i say, just good at the game.   Managed 4/5 myself last night, enjoying it muchly.   Went to hossy today to have the hand checked out and was told no driving for another 3to 4 weeks. My daughter, who is doing a degree in special effects make up took me and as soon as the dressing was removed she had her camera out as she wants to recreate the wound for her coursework next term (every cloud
    Posted by pomfrittes
    PM sent, Pommy.

    See you later, maybe.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2013
    Just caught up on the last few updates and they are some very impressive numbers Tikay, well played. Nice spin up from your original £200... keep going like this and maybe you could use it to play the UKPC main :) ... unless you have Sky duties (which I imagine is highly likely)
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : PM sent, Pommy. See you later, maybe.
    Posted by Tikay10

      Thank you kind sir, noted.  Yes i will definitely be on later this evening, need to rack some points up as i am off to Newcastle for a , dare i say it on this thread, works Xmas do on Saturday and it could get messy so probably won't be able play again until Monday.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? :   Thank you kind sir, noted.  Yes i will definitely be on later this evening, need to rack some points up as i am off to Newcastle for a , dare i say it on this thread, works Xmas do on Saturday and it could get messy so probably won't be able play again until Monday .
    Posted by pomfrittes
    Don't forget to wrap up warm, just like all the ladies do up there.

    Oh wait.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Don't forget to wrap up warm, just like all the ladies do up there. Oh wait.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    SPT was incredible. The weather was horrific. The Friday night was about the worst weather I'd ever driven in.
    Didn't seem to affect the ladies attire too much.
    Aahhh memories.

    Tikays eyes were popping out of his head!!!!!!!! 7, by the way, to save you counting ;)

    Sorry for derail :)

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited December 2013

    Thanks for the kind comments about the "diary" by melty, Shuv & gelders.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Just caught up on the last few updates and they are some very impressive numbers Tikay, well played. Nice spin up from your original £200... keep going like this and maybe you could use it to play the UKPC main :) ... unless you have Sky duties (which I imagine is highly likely)
    Posted by Lambert180
    Thanks Paul, yes, going along nicely now, though I suspect I'm on the crest of a wave, & what goes up generally goes down eventually. We'll see. I'm enjoying it so very much though, thats the key thing.

    Play the UKPC? Lol, I wish.Work has to come first, so no chance of that, but as long as it is a success, I'll be chuffed to bits, its pretty much my main priority at ther moment, helping to make it a great event. Got a cracking "name" signed up today, top top guy, though not associated with poker. Seen regularly on Sky Sports, every week, though.
    In terms of me playing stuff, my current fixation is to get to Vegas for the entire period of the WSOP, & play non-stop PLO8 Tourneys around town, including a few PLO8 WSOP Events. We shall see. If not, I'll go up to the Scottish Higlands for a few weeks around WSOP time, where there is no internet, & cut myself off from reading WSOP & Vegas stories, & I'll enjoy that just as much I guess.     
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited December 2013

    Friday 20th December

    Played 30

    Won 17

    Lost 13


    £2.25 - Played 0, won 0, Lost 0

    £5.50 - Played 25, won 14, lost 11

    £11.00 - Played 5, won 3, Lost 2

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day £7.50

    PROFIT/LOSS per game

    PROFIT/LOSS in December, £251.10


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £728.31

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 3,300
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited December 2013

    December to date....

    Played 345

    Won 206

    Lost 139

    Win-rate, November, 59.71%

    Profit/Loss per game =
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited December 2013
    Morning Tikay

    Could i ask your advice on this hand from last night on a table we shared.
    As soon as the board paired on the turn i thought a FH was possible.
    Just a sigh call on river???
    Ice_Tiger Small blind   10.00 10.00 1975.00
    boothy23 Big blind   20.00 30.00 1960.00
      Your hole cards
    • 2
    • A
    • J
    • 2
    VespaPX Raise   70.00 100.00 1990.00
    gayson75 Fold        
    tikay1 Fold        
    GELDY Fold        
    Ice_Tiger Fold        
    boothy23 Call   50.00 150.00 1910.00
    • 10
    • K
    • Q
    boothy23 Check        
    VespaPX Bet   75.00 225.00 1915.00
    boothy23 Call   75.00 300.00 1835.00
    • K
    boothy23 Check        
    VespaPX Check        
    • 4
    boothy23 Bet   120.00 420.00 1715.00
    VespaPX Call   120.00 540.00 1795.00
    boothy23 Show
    • A
    • K
    • 3
    • 4
    VespaPX Muck
    • 2
    • A
    • J
    • 2
    boothy23 Win high Full House, Kings and 4s 540.00   2255.00
      No qualifying low hand        
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited December 2013

    Was unable to play on Thursday, as I was working.

    Anna hosted a great show, & we had so much fun, what with Train Quizzes & BSA Bantams. Really enjoyable to do, though the Studio aircon broke down, & it was like a sauna in there. 

    Over 5 hours under a battery of studio lights - they throw out a ton of heat -  no aircon & no air circulation was stamina-sapping, but we had so much viewer interaction, especially during the Sky Sports simulcast, that it was still enjoyable. Even got a memo from the Top TV Suit, "good show". First in 7 years I think, but thats partly as I work with Orford so much, & he's so bad.
    Amnyway, BIG session yesterday to make up for the lost day. 30 Games (17-13 in my favour), & a whopping (for me) 175 Reward Points. Nearly got £50 worth now.
    A profit of just £7.50 overr 30 games is pretty bad really, but it beats a loss I suppose.
    Managed to lose three different games on the very first hand, which must be some sort of record for me. I had good aces all three times, & lost v Aces twice, in one I was drawing dead on the flop, he flopped the world. In the third one, the guy was new to PLO8, & we got the lot in pre. He turned over Q-Q-A-2, so I had him all locked up, I had A-A-Q-2 DS, so he was in real bad shape. Until the case Queen doored. So embarrassing to exit first hand!

    Plenty of traffic last night, too, which was good to see. A few threads on the Community suggest there were problems with Tables not opening last night, but mine ran smooth as silk, & the amount of DYM traffic suggests it was the same for most others. It's really weird how these problems affect some, & not others.

    Hoping for another good session today, as tomorrow will be a bit awkward, as I have some stuff to do for 861.
    Bit busy today, so thats it for now, but enjoy your Saturday, whatever you plan to do.       
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Morning Tikay Could i ask your advice on this hand from last night on a table we shared. As soon as the board paired on the turn i thought a FH was possible. Just a sigh call on river??? Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance Ice_Tiger Small blind   10.00 10.00 1975.00 boothy23 Big blind   20.00 30.00 1960.00   Your hole cards 2 A J 2       VespaPX Raise   70.00 100.00 1990.00 gayson75 Fold         tikay1 Fold         GELDY Fold         Ice_Tiger Fold         boothy23 Call   50.00 150.00 1910.00 Flop     10 K Q       boothy23 Check         VespaPX Bet   75.00 225.00 1915.00 boothy23 Call   75.00 300.00 1835.00 Turn     K       boothy23 Check         VespaPX Check         River     4       boothy23 Bet   120.00 420.00 1715.00 VespaPX Call   120.00 540.00 1795.00 boothy23 Show A K 3 4       VespaPX Muck 2 A J 2       boothy23 Win high Full House, Kings and 4s 540.00   2255.00   No qualifying low hand        
    Posted by VespaPX
    Yes Mick, a sigh call I think.

    Late on, with the Blinds much bigger, we can let go of this one easily enough, but as this stage, yes, I think we have to call, as we have plenty of time & chips to recover.

    Thats the key - we can recover.

    He does not HAVE to have the house, of course, but as played, he probably does.

    I still call at that Blind Level though, but deffo not when the Blinds are big. We have enough edge without taking risks like that.
    Seeing that Ice-Tiger was on that table reminds me, Ice ran SO bad last night, it was criminal. We both had the Aces, but I won the hand, then Ice had Aces & lost again a few hands later. Horrible game when it goes like that, & I felt quite bad about it.
    Nice mix of players last night again, plenty of "new" faces. 

    One regular, who was in every game, limped into EVERY single hand the whole evening, incredible!

    I tried popping it up, they still called, lol. Never folded a hand pre flop all night. DID OK, too. I still want him on every table I play though. ;)

    Hope to see you on the Tables a bit later Mick. Am at the Office right now, but will be off home shortly, & firing up a few tables. Not literally, like. 

    How did you get on in your maiden Main Event last night? Enjoy it?    
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited December 2013
    I still call at that Blind Level though, but deffo not when the Blinds are big. We have enough edge without taking risks like that.
    Not sure I agree with ya here tikay! When the blinds get bigger our skill advantage evaporates as it essentially becomes a shove/fold game.  Therefore if we are in a situation where a call is going to be very +ev it pays to take it later on since it's hard to find big +ev situations.

    However early on there will be plenty of situations we can find ourselves in that are hugely +ev so we can pass up on making 'crying' calls because we want to preserve our chips in case we do find a really +ev situation. 

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Yes Mick, a sigh call I think. Late on, with the Blinds much bigger, we can let go of this one easily enough, but as this stage, yes, I think we have to call, as we have plenty of time & chips to recover. Thats the key - we can recover. He does not HAVE to have the house, of course, but as played, he probably does. I still call at that Blind Level though, but deffo not when the Blinds are big. We have enough edge without taking risks like that.   Seeing that Ice-Tiger was on that table reminds me, Ice ran SO bad last night, it was criminal. We both had the Aces, but I won the hand, then Ice had Aces & lost again a few hands later. Horrible game when it goes like that, & I felt quite bad about it.   Nice mix of players last night again, plenty of "new" faces.  One regular, who was in every game, limped into EVERY single hand the whole evening, incredible! I tried popping it up, they still called, lol. Never folded a hand pre flop all night. DID OK, too. I still want him on every table I play though. ;) Hope to see you on the Tables a bit later Mick. Am at the Office right now, but will be off home shortly, & firing up a few tables. Not literally, like.  How did you get on in your maiden Main Event last night? Enjoy it?    
    Posted by Tikay10
    Thanks Tony

    My maiden ME , best not talk about that.
    Be on later to do battle :-)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    I still call at that Blind Level though, but deffo not when the Blinds are big. We have enough edge without taking risks like that.
    Not sure I agree with ya here tikay! When the blinds get bigger our skill advantage evaporates as it essentially becomes a shove/fold game.  Therefore if we are in a situation where a call is going to be very +ev it pays to take it later on since it's hard to find big +ev situations. However early on there will be plenty of situations we can find ourselves in that are hugely +ev so we can pass up on making 'crying' calls because we want to preserve our chips in case we do find a really +ev situation. 
    Posted by F_Ivanovic[/

    Thanks Sergeant Ivanovic.

    I entirely get what you are saying, but I'm not wholly sure I agree 100%.

    What matters is that we get ourselves 4 handed, with blinds, typically 150-300, & a stack of between 1,000 to 2,000, ideally 1,500 to 2,000. Nothing else matters.

    Along the way, all decisions must bear that in mind. + or - Ev, bla bla, is all relative. We just need to get 4 handed with a playable stack.
    Yes, 4 handed & blinds big, we are now in shove/fold territory, but I disagree it reduces the skill advantage. This is where our edge comes in, knowing when, & with what, to shove. It is VERY hard to call at this stage (I almost NEVER call at this stage, I only BET), & I bet with TWO WAY HANDS every time. It MUST be two wayers, no matter how weak the low end is, but it is the HIGH hand that really matters, because we an GUARANTEEE there will be a High. We can't guarantee there will be a low.

    Anyone who wants to call these bets is likely to be behind at one or both ends. Generally, & for reasons which completely baffle me, many players call the first bet with a low only hand. When the flop comes high, & we fire again, they have to fold. 

    To be fair to you, PLO8 plays VERY different to NLH, because of the "two pot" thing, which completely changes the dynamic.         
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited December 2013

    Saturday 21st December

    Played 26

    Won 12

    Lost 14


    £2.25 - Played 0, won 0, Lost 0

    £5.50 - Played 20, won 9, lost 11

    £11.00 - Played 6, won 3, Lost 3

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day £26.00

    PROFIT/LOSS per game

    PROFIT/LOSS in December, £225.10


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £702.31

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 3,455
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited December 2013

    December to date....

    Played 371

    Won 218

    Lost 153

    Win-rate, November, 58.76%

    Profit/Loss per game =
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited December 2013

    Them 1, Me 0.

    I got a bit beat up yesterday, I even lost the Game-Count (VERY rare for me) by 14-12.
    Think I probably deserved it in truth, I was not quite on my A-Game, & it only takes being slightly under par, & the results suffer. The margins are fine, we need to win 55% to break even, & winning 57.5% to 60% gives us a very workable profit. I won 46% yesterday, which is a LONG way short, especially as I played a decent sample size, 26 games.

    So, £26 went the other way, & the roll goes back to £702 from £728.
    Reward Points are ticking over nicely though, 3,455 now is close to £52, & I still have several days play left in December.
    Plenty of £5.50 games yesterday, but scant action at £11. Thought there would be more £11 games, as the site was incredibly busy. So hard to predict these things.

    Only playing a reduced session today, as tonight, I have to work.* 

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,401
    edited December 2013

    * work?

    Well not exactly work, & I'm not doing the Show tonight, that will be Stu Rutter & whatshisname.

    But I will be playing THREE NLH Tourneys tonight - The Super Roller, the Mini, & another "special" Tourney which I had better not mention, as I can't yet see it in the Lobby. Assuming it goes ahead (the unmentionable one) I'll have a £50 Bounty on my head, & whoever busts me gets that.
    I'll also be doing several Skype updates to the Show during these Tourneys.
    All things considered, guess I'll need to abandon the DYM's this evening, as juggling that little lot, the NLH Tourneys, & Skype calls, it'll be a bit much for me.
    The Skype calls are not just a 2 minute call either, to do it properly, I need to keep notes of what has happened on my Table, names for shoutouts, bits of promo, bla bla.
    I resisted Skype initially, but everyone else on Ch 861 agreed, so I got a bit stranded, & had to agree eventually. The nice man installed it on my Lappie on Thursday, & it seemed to work ok, but I've never used it in my life, so it might be a bit interesting tonight. 

    I don't play poker on my Company Lappie (where the Skype is installed) so I'll be juggling two Lappies tonight during the Skype-Ins. Gawd knows where I am supposed to look when I'm playing poker on one, & Skyping on the other. TV Gold it will not be. And Orford is in the Studio, so we can rely on him to be sympathetic, right?

    Roll on tomorrow.   
  • PokerNoonPokerNoon Member Posts: 202
    edited December 2013
    I am in awe of your technological wizardry, Tikay.

    If all goes wrong in the poker world, I'm sure NASA will have an open door for you.
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