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Tuesday Night Live on Sky Poker TV with Rich and Ryan ***BOOSTED PRIZE FOR TONIGHT'S LAST LONGER: a

edited November 2013 in Poker Chat

It's the morning after the nights before!





Our amazing run of 8 consecutive UKOPS shows is over. Hope you all enjoyed it. And so this Tuesday we're back to our regular service, bringing you the full interactive experience of...



I feel the need. The...


And your speed merchants will be Richard Orford and Ryan Spittles...




...who will be casting their eyes over...





And here’s how the show will go-


7pm40K UKOPS Main Event final table from Sunday 3rd November.

                                                                                                                           8pm- Live coverage from the TURBO OPEN

9pm Live action from the Master Cash tables.


10pm–midnight- Live coverage from the Turbo Open till we get a winner.

Look out too for our...


Yes, once more we've got a free seat to Thursday's main event-the £33 buy-in £12K Sky Sports Bounty Hunter to the player who registers in our Last Longer competition  and, as the name suggests, lasts longer than the other competition entrants in tonight's main event.

Email your registration or post on here to say you're in it. Any entries submitted after 8pm Tuesday night won't count..


More to follow...



  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited November 2013
    ...and- let's jump on the psychiatrist's couch and be self-critical about our play this Tuesday night...

    RATE YOUR GAME in '13!

    Score out of 10 please! 


    What's been the single biggest improvement in your game in 2013?

    And where's the biggest room for improvement?


    OK, here's mine:

    Score out of ten: I think my game has gone up one notch this year. Personal opinion of course, other opinions are available! 

    If 0 out of 10 is someone just learning the rules of the game (or just completely hopeless), 10 out of 10 is Phil Ivey, and the average player is 5 out of 10...then I'm rating myself this year as a 6 out of 10

    I think I'm just nosing now into the top half of all players- the 50% who are above the average mark. What do you think? Too much, just right, not enough? Am I flattering to deceive? How about yourself?

    Biggest improvement: bet sizing. I'm utilising 2x and 2.5x bets more often these days and not just sticking to 3x all the time.

    Biggest room for improvement: still being taken off pots by aggressive players when I've a little something but nothing earth-shattering e.g second/third pair or overcards and you get the feeling that your opponent missed the flop completely but are just more gung-ho and cavalier than you, and you end up playing the cautious/passive route of folding to a sustained battering. Yes, I'm talking about you, MattBates!!!!

    Be honest, you're amongst friends :-) And Ryan will no doubt be on standby to help with advice.

    Looking forward to your answers, and good luck in the event and Last Longer.


    See you at 7 on Tuesday.

  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited November 2013

    Biggest improvement: finally seem to be not losing at cash

    Biggest room for improvement: cut out TIIIIILLLLLT

    put me in the last longer please
  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,573
    edited November 2013
    In the longest lasting!

    My biggest improvement  is studying the odds of random 2 cards against the field from any position, more accurate in 6 max but difficult in more than 8 players at the table.

    I have a table by my side when I play, cannot use it when playing live, but certain hands in certain positions get embedded in your mind.

    Most accurate when playing heads up, but I hate heads up!

    Gives one a certain edge when down to final 2 players.

    Where do I need to improve, I need Ryans luck!

    He took me out the other day in a ukops mtt. Iwas under the gun and made a raise with a big pair, he was in the big blind and called my raise with 96 os. and hit the 96 on the flop, need I say more, I got sucked out,kept callin my raises.

    Today is my birthday (5th Nov. 75 years old)

    Please Sky Poker Gods give me the luck of Ryan(Smiley) Spittles!

    Looking forward to the show!
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited November 2013
    Cheers guys. Will read those out later.

    OK everyone, today's the day.

    Let's have your thoughts on where you've improved this year and where you haven't. 

    And make sure you register for the last longer competition.

    it's free and if you're in the main event then you may as well give yourself a shot at a freeroll tomorrow night with about a grand up top!
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited November 2013

    Biggest improvement: Not calling all-ins just because I'm a risk taker and they "may be bluffing". Now I'm assessing the situation more and folding where appriopriate.

    Biggest room for improvement: Need to find the ability to multi-table without making poor decisions. This is a strange one, when I'm two-tabling I don't feel particularly rushed, but my results are much worse than if I am on a single table.

    My rating: 6/10 - better than an average player, but still have a lot to learn.

    In for the last longer please!
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited November 2013
    Cheers Pete.

    I've amended the topic slightly as well.

    As well as the improvement questions, I'm now asking you all to honestly rate your game this year out of ten.

    See above for my thoughts on my score, but in summary, I've gone for 6 out of 10.

    Let the flaming commence!
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Tuesday Night Live on Sky Poker TV with Rich and Ryan ***+ sign up free on here for the Last Longer competition***:
    In the longest lasting! My biggest improvement  is studying the odds of random 2 cards against the field from any position, more accurate in 6 max but difficult in more than 8 players at the table. I have a table by my side when I play, cannot use it when playing live, but certain hands in certain positions get embedded in your mind. Most accurate when playing heads up, but I hate heads up! Gives one a certain edge when down to final 2 players. Where do I need to improve, I need Ryans luck! He took me out the other day in a ukops mtt. Iwas under the gun and made a raise with a big pair, he was in the big blind and called my raise with 96 os. and hit the 96 on the flop, need I say more, I got sucked out,kept callin my raises. Today is my birthday (5th Nov. 75 years old) Please Sky Poker Gods give me the luck of Ryan(Smiley) Spittles! Looking forward to the show!
    Posted by wynne1938
    Happy Birthday mate! Going well for an old 'un!

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,667
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Tuesday Night Live on Sky Poker TV with Rich and Ryan ***+ sign up free on here for the Last Longer competition***:
    Cheers Pete. I've amended the topic slightly as well. As well as the improvement questions, I'm now asking you all to honestly rate your game this year out of a hundred. See above for my thoughts on my score, but in summary, I've gone for 6 out of 100 . Let the flaming commence!
    Posted by RICHORFORD

    FYP! :)   (you are still higher than me though)
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited November 2013

    last longer please

  • jdsallstarjdsallstar Member Posts: 1,675
    edited November 2013
    Biggest improvement: bet sizing and overall strategy

    Biggest room for improvement: Where to start?! Tilt has to be numero uno on the list. Losing my stack too often with big hands either bluffing with them or not believing villain called my original raise with such trash even though it's very obvious they have hit big time. Oh and learning when to 3 bet more profitably.

    May or may not be able to play tonight but sign me up for last longer comp just in case!

    GL for the show!

    Oh and happy birthday Wynne!!!!!!
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited November 2013
    last longer
    7.6 up from 5.8
    must have been shot by an agent earlier this year as suddenly I started seeing what was happening much more clearly
    now on to the machine world where I hope to become able to see Matt Bates cards
  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,573
    edited November 2013
    I rate my game 6/10,plenty of room for improvement.

    I think ,I should carry on as I started,usually do well,and then later change my game and become more tighter,probably my biggest mistake, I will try to carry on as I started, be bold!
    See if it changes my game!
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited November 2013
    Rate my 2013 game out of 10...


    Started with a solid 8... then a steady decline to 4/3... then a boost to 8/9.  Currently rate myself as about a 1/10.

    Cant do anything right.

    How do you deal with it Rich?

    So I guess about a 6 overall as I am in bit of profit for the year.

    Biggest improvement - cash poker.  Before I used to sit on cash tables and just stay until I lost the lot (even if I went up a couple of BI's in the session).  That was mostly due to the fact that Im used to playing tournaments where there is a definitive end to my session - win or go broke.  Took that across to cash but as you can't 'win' cash... it almost always ended with me just going broke.  Now im much better at standing up when in decent profit when the cards look like theyre being a bit meaner to me.

    Biggest improvement I need to work on - BR Management.  Terrible at this.  Oh I just went out of a £5 BH.... meh theres a £55 BH starting in 6 minutes, i'll just enter that.  Sigh.

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited November 2013
    Oh and stick me in the last longer please.
  • cleansweepcleansweep Member Posts: 598
    edited November 2013
    Biggest Improvement - Table awareness (Understanding what to do, and when to do it) Trouble is, i usually achieve the epiphany the hand after my exit! lol

    Room for improvement - Concentration (i often achieve my objective to build a stack. Then spew hard earned chips widening my range against short stacks because I start to believe i'm invincible and can win every time)

    Thoroughly enjoyed the UKOPs coverage by the way!

    I  hope to take part in the last longer this evening depending on whether I have to be the family taxi
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited November 2013
    Great replies so far!

    News just in- the prize for the player who lasts the longest in tonight's main event out of everyone who registers on this thread is now
    a free seat in Thursday's £12K Sky Sports Bounty Hunter worth £33!

    Just 9 people contesting that at the moment!
    Get on it!
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited November 2013
    Evening all.  Looking forward to tonights coverage especially of the final table on Sunday.  I was railing a friend from about the last 3 tables and am looking forward to seeing everyones hole cards now!

    I would rate my play this year as a 6.5 out of 10 up from a 6 last year.  The main thing I have been working on is tempering my natural aggression and not spewing off large chipstacks which I have been guilty of in the past.  Biggest room for improvment, cash.  One day I will learn how to play it and be a consistant winner.  That day is not today though.

    Almost forgot, in for the last longer :)

    Run well everyone
  • 88MickyC88MickyC Member Posts: 74
    edited November 2013
    hi Rich & Ryan,

    could i be put in the last longer please?

    looking forward to the show tonight, should be a good'un!!
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited November 2013
    In for Last Longer please.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2013
    in for last longer
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