Best acheivement - you'll laugh at this but for me it was getting the courage/stupidity up to attend the live SPT event in Dublin. After the first one I was hooked (even though I went out around 10pm on the Sat night lol).
Oopps - just realised the question was what was best improvement. For me it was probably learning that BH games and Deepys are not played the same way. It was hard to get my head round it but I think I'm finally getting there.
As for room for improvement there is just too much to mention!! I still don't understand all the poker terms, I seem to be very easy to read for when I have a good hand and have no real understanding of bet sizes etc - but I've just bought a few books so you'll all have to be careful for when I finally get round to reading them!!
Rating prob 4 out of 10 (but better than 2 out of 10 for my facebook poker games lol)
Good evening Richard and Bryan, Ry Ry, Ryland, Scotty and whoever else is there with you... I would rate my understanding of the game as 9.4/10 It might sound conceited but to say less would be false modesty. I know my stuff, I do. I would rate my actual performance as 3.1/10 For someone that knows as much about the game as I do, I really do play badly. I'm being generous and giving myself an extra 0.1, though. I suppose that averages out to 6.25/10 Biggest improvement needed in my game - Playing greater volume . I play very infrequently and have no discipline at all: Why shouldn't I 5-bet bluff against someone that I haven't seen 4-bet in weeks? There has been no improvement in my game this year. Have a great show, chaps. Posted by BorinLoner
Kudos Borin. For one reason or another I actually chuckled at this post.
If anyone ever feels the need to complain about a cooler, refer back to last night's final table of the WSOP ME where Marc-Etienne McLaughlin was eliminated after a huge cooler of running Kings into Aces, costing him hundreds of thousands (and potentially millions) of dollars.
Some of those dollars were of course formerly Tikay's!
In Response to Re: Tuesday Night Live on Sky Poker TV with Rich and Ryan ***BOOSTED PRIZE FOR TONIGHT'S LAST LONGER: a seat in Thursday's £33 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter! Sign up for free on here if you're playing the main event tonight! : Kudos Borin. For one reason or another I actually chuckled at this post. Posted by gazza127
Laughing at the enormous size of my ego? lol
Work it out based on say 10 million poker players. I think I'm under-selling myself, actually.
Hi Richard & Ryan Loving the show. Congrats on your win Richard. Loving your post. Please enter me for the last longer. I would say my poker game is 3.5 to 5.5 sometimes I do well when I concentrate then others just lose it when not. Thank you
I would rate my understanding of the game as 9.4/10
It might sound conceited but to say less would be false modesty. I know my stuff, I do.
I would rate my actual performance as 3.1/10
For someone that knows as much about the game as I do, I really do play badly. I'm being generous and giving myself an extra 0.1, though.
I suppose that averages out to 6.25/10
Biggest improvement needed in my game - Playing greater volume.
I play very infrequently and have no discipline at all: Why shouldn't I 5-bet bluff against someone that I haven't seen 4-bet in weeks?
There has been no improvement in my performance this year.
Have a great show, chaps.
last longer please
Best acheivement - you'll laugh at this but for me it was getting the courage/stupidity up to attend the live SPT event in Dublin. After the first one I was hooked (even though I went out around 10pm on the Sat night lol).
Oopps - just realised the question was what was best improvement. For me it was probably learning that BH games and Deepys are not played the same way. It was hard to get my head round it but I think I'm finally getting there.
As for room for improvement there is just too much to mention!! I still don't understand all the poker terms, I seem to be very easy to read for when I have a good hand and have no real understanding of bet sizes etc - but I've just bought a few books so you'll all have to be careful for when I finally get round to reading them!!
Rating prob 4 out of 10 (but better than 2 out of 10 for my facebook poker games lol)
Some of those dollars were of course formerly Tikay's!
Work it out based on say 10 million poker players. I think I'm under-selling myself, actually.
Hope the show goes with a bang this fireworks night (not literally of course);-)
I'm in the last longer please.
Loving the show. Congrats on your win Richard. Loving your post. Please enter me for the last longer.
I would say my poker game is 3.5 to 5.5 sometimes I do well when I concentrate then others just lose it when not.
Thank you
Good luck to all in the main and mini tonight. Please enter me into the last longest.