speaking of "sussing" games... I thought it would be a good idea to swap session "sweats" with someone. what I mean by this, is you record a session, someone else does the same, and you swap videos. The plan would be to both spot leaks, and pick up some moves you hadnt thought of. When you have finished analysing the video you can point out mistakes you think they are making and ask questions about some of the lines they have taken... Would anyone be interested in this? Posted by chicknMelt
Interested... but not sure how to record a session? Im assuming I can download something online to do this?
In Response to Re: Can a chicken turn pro? : Interested... but not sure how to record a session? Im assuming I can download something online to do this? Posted by gazza127
yeah, there was a suggestion of using BBFlashBack Express in the extra curricular activities thread - havent tried it myself, but I'm sure it would work...
I dont know if you know how good it feels to have a good night when you've been in a downswing - it feels gooood!
I started off the night pretty badly, as per usual this month… losing with 8dTd vs 67o on an 87dxd board (runner runner straight with no diamonds) in a £22 bh and AQ vs KQ in a satellite. But then something strange happened… my hands started to hold! About 80% of the time at least J … all I could ask for!
My 1st + for the night was cashing for a seat in the £55 bh @9pm from a 7pm sat… a small dent in the £300-£400 of tourneys per night I enter.
The next result came from the £22 deepstack @ 7:30pm – I finished 2nd for about £200, which was a pretty good result considering I was 12/12, 11/11, 10/10 etc etc and 6/6 with 6 paid going into the final table J
From the 7:45 £11 bh I came 3rd for £40 (I only got 1 bounty)
in the main event I ended up bluffing off my stack... it felt like a good spot to bluff, but the villain showed up with a hand that should have folded long ago to knock me out.
Then in the 8:15 £11 £1kgtd bh @ 8:15 I finished 2nd again for £125
Cashed for about £20 in the 8:40 £5 timed
Finished 1st in the £11 turbo at 10pm for £200
Then to finish the night I finished 4th in the £55 big for aroud £400. I was 1/6 going into the final table but I got pretty UL on the final table, running into big hands every time I 3bet shoved etc. tomorrow I may look at 1 or 2 of the marginal (at best) hands I played. I'm sure if I was a bit tighter I would have finished higher, but very pleased none the less.
finished the night around £650 in profit.. A nice big dent in the hole I have got myself into this month! Ran well and played well tonight ...out of the 19 tourneys I entered I final tabled 6!
I made a pretty big adjustment to my game yesterday (which didnt pay off yesterday obv), but I carried it on today and it vertainly paid dividends.
Ok, no update for 2 days – so I’ll update you with what I can remember…
Friday: In general ran pretty good except for a brutal half hour or so around 11:30. This about sums it up: £55 speed bh – mattbates shoves for around 15 bb from the CO, and I call from the BB with AK. He flips over K7… happy days…. A on the flop … yey… turn is a heart to give MB a FD, river another heart. Ouch. Couple of hands later I lose a race to go from around about the chips leaders to out on the bubble! I managed to bink my last tourney of the night though to turn a £200 loss into a £50 win J the only other decent cash was coming 4th in a £22 bh. For a laugh, I played a few DYM PLO8’s with Tikay…he is such a nit ( I don’t think he will mind me saying that), which suits DYMs…makes it very scary when he pots you lol…although I did repot him once and he insta folded. I know the rules, and know basic DYM strategy, so I managed to cash in 2/4… I have no idea what I’m doing post flop though lol.
Saturday: Played well and ran pretty well too – both giving and taking some nasty beats. I had a CRAZY big BH too! – very fun, getting about 7 bounties but still managing to bubble after getting up to 30k chips with 2nd place under 20k – I bust 3 people in one hand after flopping very disguised trips and getting it in v AA, TP, and a FD and holding! Bounties meant a profit still though. I also managed to finish 20th in the main event – frustrating again because I was in the top 3 from about 50 players down to about 30 players, 6th in a £22bh, win a seat to the super roller, win the 9:30 £11bh for £520, 3rd in the 10pm £11 turbo, as well as a few more cashes. I threw away another seat in the UKPC final by getting a bit to agro, and could have found a fold to stay in the big bh and attempt to scrape a cash – I flopped TPTK with AJ, and the turn was a Q… villain had QJ…it was one of those hands where you had already committed about half your stack and have a choice of folding with 9bb left, or calling all in after one of the worst turn cards in the deck hits.
If you include the seats I have won, I’m now at break even for the month, maybe even a few quid in profit… about a week ago I was £1500 in the hole!
*Edit* - just checked SS - I was £2k+ in the hole at the start of the week. now I'm just -£37
I was definitely playing too agro before this week, and got in too many very tricky spots. That along with being semi tilted the whole time made it difficult to lay hands down, and I ran badly. That is my thinking behind how I managed to get so deep in the red this month. I have never been that far in the red in any other months since moving to sky, although I have come close a few times. Coming out of downswings makes it a lot easier to cope with the next ones – my first one was completely demoralizing!
Points: 8135 … gonna be close. Will be my first ever month as priority if I make 10k points.
I have barely played on the other site since my last update on it because getting priority is going to be so close – I think I have dropped around $50 playing MTTs (which I shouldn’t really have played).
Well done coming out of the downswing, takes some toughness and skill that. did you change your schedule, or just reevalute some spots and grind through it?
But I think your biggest achievement this month is repotting tikay... in a DYM... and winning the hand.
-tried to keep tilt under control so is top making embarrassing mistakes. Lol. When u are tilted it surprising how often you think "**** it, I call...oops" clear thinking is needed at all times because you need to be able to make some big lay downs.
Lol, yes I think I had the nut low and 2nd nut high. So that did help a little I was still surprised when he folded though. He probably insta folded quite a big hand, which would have been correct, because he knows I know how he plays - and I'm not good enough to know good spots to bluff yet.
Well done on winning the £11 BH last night. I thought you may go on and win it after knocking me out in a double elimination with AA v QQ v my KK with 14 players to go. Posted by darryn1973
Haha, oh yeah- I nearly forgot about that hand! AA v KK v QQ... And the AA holds- doesn't happen often! Wp btw - nothing u could do there.
even my wife knew how bad I was running because she had to tell me to stop swearing at my computer screen. lol. There is more of the above I could bore you with - massive outdraws and coolers all over the place... After such a promising start too. I won a seat to the big BH, a super roller seat, came 2nd in the £5.50 rebuy and won the £400gtd BH for £200, and had an amazing start in the superroller...before it all started to go wrong.
in the superroller I was up to about 30k within half an hour or so and cruising. I did spew off half my stack, getting it in twice behind vs much shorter stacks before regaining composure and rebuilding back up to about 20k... then the JT hand above happened... anyone think I should have played it different? as you cant see the suits - the board had 2 flush draws on the turn, neither of which I had.
I think the bad beats did make me spew a little bit, but in general I played quite well.
I finished around £150 down, or £500 down if you include the seats I was already regged for (super roller and UKPC final). sigh.
for a bit of fun - I'll give anyone a tenner if they can guess what hand the villain has in their first guess... (players on the table excluded). FYI, there are no flush draws.Hand History #713681345 (00:13 25/11/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancechicknMeltSmall blind30.0030.002145.00xxxxBig blind60.0090.001880.00Your hole cards·Q·Aelvisg1972Foldallan1951Foldexec66FoldchicknMeltRaise150.00240.001995.00xxxxCall120.00360.001760.00Flop·3·4·10chicknMeltCheckxxxxBet120.00480.001640.00chicknMeltCall120.00600.001875.00Turn·8chicknMeltCheckxxxxCheckRiver·2chicknMeltCheckxxxxCheckchicknMeltShow·Q·A
well, tonight was rubbish! even my wife knew how bad I was running because she had to tell me to stop swearing at my computer screen. lol. There is more of the above I could bore you with - massive outdraws and coolers all over the place... After such a promising start too. I won a seat to the big BH, a super roller seat, came 2nd in the £5.50 rebuy and won the £400gtd BH for £200, and had an amazing start in the superroller...before it all started to go wrong. in the superroller I was up to about 30k within half an hour or so and cruising. I did spew off half my stack, getting it in twice behind vs much shorter stacks before regaining composure and rebuilding back up to about 20k... then the JT hand above happened... anyone think I should have played it different? as you cant see the suits - the board had 2 flush draws on the turn, neither of which I had. I think the bad beats did make me spew a little bit, but in general I played quite well. I finished around £150 down, or £500 down if you include the seats I was already regged for (super roller and UKPC final). sigh. Posted by chicknMelt
is your shove ever getting called by worse? might have ended up the same resullt depending on your reads but a smaller raise or even a call (i can be too passive at times though) might have been better on the turn.
In Response to Re: Can a chicken turn pro? : is your shove ever getting called by worse? Posted by GELDY
no, probably not (although I've seen it happen plenty of times). The reason I shoved was because there was sooo many draws it was likely the villain was betting with a pair/draw combo or just semi bluffing. I really didnt want to let them catch up on the river cos the pot was already massive... That may have been flawed thinking though. I posted the details cos I was hoping people would give their opinions
I dunno Geldy, top 2 on a double flushing board, think there is more we beat than beats us. Plus jamming there gives the impression we may be chasing and makes our hand look much weaker than it actually is.
I dunno Geldy, top 2 on a double flushing board, think there is more we beat than beats us. Plus jamming there gives the impression we may be chasing and makes our hand look much weaker than it actually is. Harsh exit for you by the way. Posted by hhyftrftdr
but 2nd barrel from an initial raiser doesn't have to indicate a lot of strength
a smaller bet on the turn keeps in a lot more of his hands that are beat, and if he is worried about the flushdraws and shoves you can re-evaluate then
In Response to Re: Can a chicken turn pro? : is your shove ever getting called by worse? might have ended up the same resullt depending on your reads but a smaller raise or even a call (i can be too passive at times though) might have been better on the turn. hand quiz 34s? Posted by GELDY
In Response to Re: Can a chicken turn pro? : but 2nd barrel from an initial raiser doesn't have to indicate a lot of strength a smaller bet on the turn keeps in a lot more of his hands that are beat, and if he is worried about the flushdraws and shoves you can re-evaluate then Posted by GELDY
yeah, I think if the turn bet hadnt been a pot sized bet i would have considered just calling - but for almost 1/4 of my stack, I didnt want to call, have one of the many draws hit, then have to fold when he shoves the river.
I think we've palyed a couple of times, and I was impressed with your game. Best of luck Posted by patwalshh
thanks muchly.
I still have a bit of work to do in the tilt control dept. I remember your name, but I couldnt remember where from - so i SS'd you. it must have been from PLO8 DYMs? or the rebuy main??... you CRUSH DYMs! especially recently. never seen a run so redicuous in DYMs 40 out of your last 50 were cashes! nice work!
In Response to Re: Can a chicken turn pro? : but 2nd barrel from an initial raiser doesn't have to indicate a lot of strength a smaller bet on the turn keeps in a lot more of his hands that are beat, and if he is worried about the flushdraws and shoves you can re-evaluate then Posted by GELDY
I'm not so sure. You gotta figure, on that board texture, that top 2 is ahead a fair chunk of the time, but as Mr Melt says there are a number of river cards that could be very ugly. Not only ugly for us, but also potentially for our customer, and we risk not getting paid off by AA/KK if it's a nightmare river. FWIW I think a 2nd barrell leans me more towards him having something he's gonna pay us off with, just unfortunate the 'something' he had was one of the very few hands that were beating us.
I don't think I play it much, if at all, differently to you chicken.
I can see where you are coming from Geldy, but think I'm happy to play for stacks on that turn.
I started off the night pretty badly, as per usual this month… losing with 8dTd vs 67o on an 87dxd board (runner runner straight with no diamonds) in a £22 bh and AQ vs KQ in a satellite. But then something strange happened… my hands started to hold! About 80% of the time at least J … all I could ask for!
My 1st + for the night was cashing for a seat in the £55 bh @9pm from a 7pm sat… a small dent in the £300-£400 of tourneys per night I enter.
The next result came from the £22 deepstack @ 7:30pm – I finished 2nd for about £200, which was a pretty good result considering I was 12/12, 11/11, 10/10 etc etc and 6/6 with 6 paid going into the final table J
From the 7:45 £11 bh I came 3rd for £40 (I only got 1 bounty)
in the main event I ended up bluffing off my stack... it felt like a good spot to bluff, but the villain showed up with a hand that should have folded long ago to knock me out.
Then in the 8:15 £11 £1kgtd bh @ 8:15 I finished 2nd again for £125
Cashed for about £20 in the 8:40 £5 timed
Finished 1st in the £11 turbo at 10pm for £200
Then to finish the night I finished 4th in the £55 big for aroud £400. I was 1/6 going into the final table but I got pretty UL on the final table, running into big hands every time I 3bet shoved etc. tomorrow I may look at 1 or 2 of the marginal (at best) hands I played. I'm sure if I was a bit tighter I would have finished higher, but very pleased none the less.
finished the night around £650 in profit.. A nice big dent in the hole I have got myself into this month! Ran well and played well tonight
...out of the 19 tourneys I entered I final tabled 6!
I made a pretty big adjustment to my game yesterday (which didnt pay off yesterday obv), but I carried it on today and it vertainly paid dividends.
Ok, no update for 2 days – so I’ll update you with what I can remember…
Friday: In general ran pretty good except for a brutal half hour or so around 11:30. This about sums it up: £55 speed bh – mattbates shoves for around 15 bb from the CO, and I call from the BB with AK. He flips over K7… happy days…. A on the flop … yey… turn is a heart to give MB a FD, river another heart. Ouch. Couple of hands later I lose a race to go from around about the chips leaders to out on the bubble! I managed to bink my last tourney of the night though to turn a £200 loss into a £50 win J the only other decent cash was coming 4th in a £22 bh. For a laugh, I played a few DYM PLO8’s with Tikay…he is such a nit ( I don’t think he will mind me saying that), which suits DYMs…makes it very scary when he pots you lol…although I did repot him once and he insta folded. I know the rules, and know basic DYM strategy, so I managed to cash in 2/4… I have no idea what I’m doing post flop though lol.
Saturday: Played well and ran pretty well too – both giving and taking some nasty beats. I had a CRAZY big BH too! – very fun, getting about 7 bounties but still managing to bubble after getting up to 30k chips with 2nd place under 20k – I bust 3 people in one hand after flopping very disguised trips and getting it in v AA, TP, and a FD and holding! Bounties meant a profit still though. I also managed to finish 20th in the main event – frustrating again because I was in the top 3 from about 50 players down to about 30 players, 6th in a £22bh, win a seat to the super roller, win the 9:30 £11bh for £520, 3rd in the 10pm £11 turbo, as well as a few more cashes. I threw away another seat in the UKPC final by getting a bit to agro, and could have found a fold to stay in the big bh and attempt to scrape a cash – I flopped TPTK with AJ, and the turn was a Q… villain had QJ…it was one of those hands where you had already committed about half your stack and have a choice of folding with 9bb left, or calling all in after one of the worst turn cards in the deck hits.
If you include the seats I have won, I’m now at break even for the month, maybe even a few quid in profit… about a week ago I was £1500 in the hole!
*Edit* - just checked SS - I was £2k+ in the hole at the start of the week. now I'm just -£37
I was definitely playing too agro before this week, and got in too many very tricky spots. That along with being semi tilted the whole time made it difficult to lay hands down, and I ran badly. That is my thinking behind how I managed to get so deep in the red this month. I have never been that far in the red in any other months since moving to sky, although I have come close a few times. Coming out of downswings makes it a lot easier to cope with the next ones – my first one was completely demoralizing!
Points: 8135 … gonna be close. Will be my first ever month as priority if I make 10k points.
I have barely played on the other site since my last update on it because getting priority is going to be so close – I think I have dropped around $50 playing MTTs (which I shouldn’t really have played).
I thought you may go on and win it after knocking me out in a double elimination with AA v QQ v my KK with 14 players to go.
Exit hands from the big bh (top), UKPC final, and super roller (bottom) – SIGH!
Hand History #713641068 (22:28 24/11/2013)
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
· A
· A
· A
· A
· 8
· 8
· 9
· 4
· 10
· 6
· 8
Three 8s
Hand History #713637460 (22:20 24/11/2013)
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
· K
· A
· A
· K
· 10
Unmatched bet
· K