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The New Adventures of TINTIN

TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
edited February 2014 in Poker Chat
hi guys and gals, its me again. happy new year to you all.

ive had a bit of an enforced break over the last 6 months or so mainly because ii wasn't enjoying the game and also because I found I didn't have the time to actually play when I did feel better about poker (more shortly). now with the new year starting I feel I can give it a bit more attention.

as some of you know I used to play micro stakes a LOT, some crazy hours if im honest and that finally took its toll. I had been long term unemployed and was desperate to get back out to work, I had been for months. I lost count of the number of jobs I had applied for and heard zero back from them, not even an acknowledgement that they had received my application, that's feels worse if im honest because it feels as tho they haven't even read your letter application cv etc but hey ho it seems to be the way these days. I guess they get so many per job its not possible but even a genetic email doesn't go a miss.

however, I finally got a break in july, got asked for an interview, got an induction and got offered a position all be it its thru an employment agency and on a temp contract. due to the nature of the job I didn't expect it to last too long. workmattes had told us about what periods historicaly were busy and what were quiet and I fully expected to had finished u long before xmas. as a result I was working all the overtime I was offered, a lot of weeks were 60 hour weeks. I had the unexpected bonus of not being paid off, ive last til xmas where they have 2 weeks holiday and I start back with the rest of the workforce on sunday night ( oh I forgot to mention its shift work). so things on this front are looking promising for the first time in a long time. its not the most glamourous job and certainly not a good paying job but its work and if im honest its made me feel a lot better about myself.

now onto the poker bit. ive been toying with starting up a thread for a few months but as I said before I just never had the time to keep at playing. I had deposited a few times, played a couple of sessions then withdrfew it, rinse repeat a few weeks later etc.

this time I feel better, probably have a bit more time than before the hectic run up to xmas, and probably more importantly don't have a huge need to contastly withdraw any profits.

I want to build a decent roll and enjoy the game again. the first bit will hopefully come in time it wont be a quick jump as im prob only able to play about 10% of the volume I was 12 months ago. the 2nd part I hope is instant, well I know it is. I really want to find where my level is thru this. I know im never gonna be a big hitter playing biggish stakes that dream died a long time ago but I woiuld love to see where I can actually reach and not just play to break even.

I did deposit a few days ago but this isn't about keeping track of figures, its more about keeping track of how things go in poker and in the real world. things have been going reasonablyand I am getting that poker buzz back that had been missing for over 12 months if im honest.

I will post hands, I will post the good and the bad, I will hopefully post about other stuff too.

anyway thanks for taking the time reading, may see some of you at the cash tables. ive waffled on a bit so some more later


  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited January 2014
    Hey TT!

    Will be a great read, first time i have seen you do a "diary"!

    All the best
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited January 2014
    Gl bud, seen you being a pain in the rear on NL10 recently, lol. 

    Keep going bud :) 
  • SlykllistSlykllist Member Posts: 2,888
    edited January 2014
    Nice to see you back TINTIN and great OP, look forward to seeing you at the tables.
  • pilgrim07pilgrim07 Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2014
    Welcome back TT. Delighted to hear about your new job. glgl 
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014
    cheers guys thanks for the kind words.

    its good to be back and I wanted to get posting again and getting involved. I had been reading the forum daily even tho I wasn't playing
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,706
    edited January 2014
    Nice to meet you, TINTIN :)
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014
    I guess one of the reasons I wanted to do this was to be able to kick my own backside when its needed. its just typical that within 10 mins of starting this I proceed to play the worst ive done all week. I did turn it around at the end but that's not the point. need to focus on doing things right or the best I can from the start.

    I do want to say this. I know theres a promo on for the ps4 and I want to say I am NOT going for it, don't really have the bankroll and I certainly don't have the time.

    one of the main things that I had in my mind was that I wanted to cut back on the number of tables I am playing at once. im trying to stick to 6 but ive been playing 7,8 or 9 the odd time. I defo aint going above 9. I like to think ive learned from past mistakes with playing a. tgoo many tables and b. chasing a promo.

    I am putting in a bit of volume the nxt few days, it is the last few days im on holiday before I start back on sunday nightshift. I got an email yesterday about reward points. now I don't know if its out of reach for me but its certainly in the back mof my mind.

    I aint going to push the issue, if I get near it towards the end of the month I might push a little but if not then so be it. it wouldn't be a big bonus anyway. it does go against what I was aiming for and that was playing when I felt like it and not because I have to so we will see what happens
  • booboo5205booboo5205 Member Posts: 319
    edited January 2014
       I Hearge you not to take this up !
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited January 2014
    Great opening post.
    Congrats on the job front. Never played against you, but it seems clear that your game is highly respected.
    Subscribed as they say.

    Good luck
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2014

    If you could bottle your work ethic and flog it you'd never have to work again!

    Good to see the thread back.

    Good luck again TinTin.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited January 2014
    Welcome back TT. Best of luck on the tables and well done on the jobfront
  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited January 2014
    Welcome back NITNIT
  • _G__G_ Member Posts: 172
    edited January 2014
    Happy New Year Tintin

    Con Grats on your job hope it goes well for you, hope to see you on tables and you start to enjoy it again, all the best 

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2014
    Good luck TT, have played you a few times but strangley we have never really clashed even though Ive played you alot. I have my own diary and I promise you this, if you keep it up it will help you improve just through your own self annalysis.
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014
    thanks once again guys, means a lot.

    had a bit of a mare of a session. a bit of everything really but had the worst result of the week. kinda knew it was coming. aint gonna moan and grumble. I will post my personal favourite from the session.
    haidyboy Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £10.98
    TINTIN Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £10.75
    Rubbernix Sit out     
      Your hole cards
    • 3
    • 3
    angermoose Fold     
    jfturkey Call  £0.10 £0.25 £15.36
    Call  £0.10 £0.35 £7.53
    haidyboy Fold     
    TINTIN Check     
    • 2
    • J
    • 3
    TINTIN Bet  £0.26 £0.61 £10.49
    jfturkey Fold     
    Call  £0.26 £0.87 £7.27
    • J
    TINTIN Bet  £0.65 £1.52 £9.84
    Call  £0.65 £2.17 £6.62
    • 5
    TINTIN All-in  £9.84 £12.01 £0.00
    All-in  £6.62 £18.63 £0.00
    TINTIN Unmatched bet  £3.22 £15.41 £3.22
    TINTIN Show
    • 3
    • 3
    • 5
    • J
    Win Full House, Jacks and 5s £14.25  £14.25
    gonna kick back for maybe an hour in the timed freerolls as a bit of fun
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014
    other news.

    spent the afternoon building a lego set for the son. well its a lego rival, mega blocks I think just will be easier to refer tom it as lego. problem being its one of those with what seems millions of tiny pieces. its to do with Halo, some rocket launcher mobile. I honestly haven't a clue.

    well I don't mind building regular lego sets for the boy, he's had umpteen ninjago and chima sets and they are a breeze compared to this. well it somehow took me 2 hours squinting at the instuctions trying to get thisd thing built. gave me a thumping headache and everything. when I find the genius who got him it for his xmas I might have to connect my foot with their backside.

    defo more tilting than poker
  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited January 2014
    nice to see you back Tintin
    well done with the job

    nice to see I'm not the only one having issues with Chima sets. Bane of my life over Christmas
    Fun though when I see my son's face when it's (finally) done!
    Good luck
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2014
    Good luck Tintin look foward to reading this, when i ventured onto the cash during the summer months i never enjoyed facing you, will defo crush with good volume and some motivation in 2014.
  • lonesomelonesome Member Posts: 78
    edited January 2014
    Hey Tintin, good to see you back ......... I think.  Happy if you're playing NL10 tho', i don't venture to those giddy heights very often.  Gl, although I know you don't really need it.
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014


    pretty disasterous day. wont bore you all with too much detail. I did play terribly at times. I did have some coolers go against me, i did spew some when a little tilted. wanted to play on but best not. can only see one outcome if i do and that's major damage. today was a bit of a flesh wound.

    2 things stick in my head from today and theres not much you can do about it.

    1. i couldn't win a hand when i was allin pre v shorter stack and dominating. e.g JJ v Ax i lost the lot. mind you i pretty sure i never won a hand when i was behind in that kind of situation either today.
    2. i run KK into AA what seems a crazy amount of times when im playing nl10. there was at least 5 times today i can recall this happening without going over hands. i did have the reverse situation once in my favour and held thankfully

    i did start a few days ago with with quite an aggressive amount buyin wise and was on a mini heater and got to a reasonable level for the stakes and number of tables. today was a step back. cant have too many of those tho.

    anyway tomorrows a new day

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