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The New Adventures of TINTIN



  • shuvshuv Member Posts: 1,436
    edited January 2014
    You guys dont think playing in the pdc might make him a better player???? Ok how hes playing at the moment he may fail to break the top 10, but hes constantly playing dross at the moment so doesnt need to play any better.  If he makes the switch and plays class week in week out, Think it could be the making of him, whilst I dont think MVg has anything to worry about think he could match players like Wade
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2014
    Think Bunting would be a lot better than Hamilton and Wade if challenged.

    He'd be in the group just below Taylor/MVG/Lewis. Would make the 1/4 final every comp and maybe the semi with a good draw.

    Weird in darts how playing better players improves peoples performance, it happens all the time more than in any other sport I reckon.

    Unless you're James Wade, when you just bottle it every single time. 'Catastrophe theory.'

    Get the feeling if someone averages 100+ against Bunting he could match it. Abit like Lewis. Don't think he can hit the 105+ over a decent sized game like Lewis can though.

    Hope he switches.
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited January 2014
    Hey TINTIN, I am also losing a little at the start of sessions.  Often calling too many flop reraises with top pair and being behind- im now starting to fold until I have a general read on the player. Its annoying folding esp. to a min rr but im often hanging around on the turn with tpgk vs players who 20 minutes later im sure will never reraise flop with less. Its also too tempting to call those small river bets ace-high when you miss your draws, just to confirm that the other guy had a marginal hand  :)  I justify to myself by saying that im picking up a read for the future but I think its prob best to let somebody else pay for my reads. 
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014
    3 time this week ive wrote a post and for a pop up to kill it.

    more tilting than the pokerz
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: The New Adventures of TINTIN:
    You guys dont think playing in the pdc might make him a better player???? Ok how hes playing at the moment he may fail to break the top 10, but hes constantly playing dross at the moment so doesnt need to play any better.  If he makes the switch and plays class week in week out, Think it could be the making of him, whilst I dont think MVg has anything to worry about think he could match players like Wade
    Posted by shuv
    I agre with you shuv but I guess I didn't word it as good. of course playing better players should improve his game and I think hes got another level or 2 within him. I think theres not much difference in the rankings from 4th to about 12th and would slot into this bracket without too much trouble. where exactly he ends up who know til it actually happens. I think hes more than good enough to replicate what chisnall has done on the floor to get his ranking as high as he is but also has the ability to be at the business end of a few tv majors and scopp some of them. would be fun to follow his progress if or when it happens
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: The New Adventures of TINTIN:
    Hey TINTIN, I am also losing a little at the start of sessions.  Often calling too many flop reraises with top pair and being behind- im now starting to fold until I have a general read on the player. Its annoying folding esp. to a min rr but im often hanging around on the turn with tpgk vs players who 20 minutes later im sure will never reraise flop with less. Its also too tempting to call those small river bets ace-high when you miss your draws, just to confirm that the other guy had a marginal hand  :)  I justify to myself by saying that im picking up a read for the future but I think its prob best to let somebody else pay for my reads. 
    Posted by jimb0d1
    a lot of what you've wrote im guilty of myself, not all the time tho but some of it. its all about learning what your doing and trying to stop I where possible. as ive said before theres nothing we can do about coolers and can only change the silly parts that's costing us overall.

    I see your taking up a challenge at nl10 yourself, best of luck with it. no doubt there will be some interesting hands between us at some point
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014
    yesterday went ok despite losing less than a buyin, sorry there was no update as I started losing track of time and had to rush out the door. cant remember much about it so it couldn't have been too eventful.

    today has been the same theme for much of the week, posting small wins. I had an hour this morning after work which I grabbed a win of 2 buyins and this evening I won what I lost yesterday, so a couple up on the day. im inching forward again which im happy about but once again I played 2 pots horrendously in the space of 5 mins which really annoyed me.

    im been quite level headed as well most of the time ive been playing this week and not letting things get to me, a definite improvement from the weekend . I did cost myself more of a loss than I should have done last weekend, so I hope to keep this frame of mnd going.

    ive got my last nightshift tonight then its back to normality with dayshift for the next two weeks so I have a "long"weekend this weekend so to speak. cant wait, I forget what daylight is lol
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    Haven,t postd yet but been following your diary.
    Just wondering how you,ve found the step up from NL4 to NL10 as i struggled a bit with it and mainly stick to MTT,s now.

    As for Bunting in the darts. I remember watching him last year or the year before and he really lacked confidence and wasn,t half the player he is today. I think he,ll go along way as he,s only young and will only improve

    GL with rest of diary
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014
    another steady day at the tables. managed to get a few hours more than I have been of late but im calling it a night as I can feel really tired. didn't get a lot of sleep today because I want off this nightshift routine and for the last hour I was started to drop off. normally when I feel like that I get a bit spewy but tonight I was the opposite, I tightened right up. the only reason I stayed on prob 30 mins longer than I should have was I was so close to the 3k points barrier and just wanted the few extra that took me thru it. a bit ocd of me.

    anyway I got a short afternoon session in. started of okay. I made 2 straight flushes inside the first 20 mins, got paid about half a stack on 1 and nxt to nothing on the other. the rest was pretty uneventful just grinding out small pots again for a small win for the session.

    this evening was more of the same tbh. just grinding small pots for the most. I was on the good end of a sick cooler against jimbod1. I flopped quad 10s and the river ace gave jimbod the full house with his pocket aces. that river is just carnage. did call 1 or 2 silly river bets again but they are becoming less frequent than before. one of them I slow played queens against a player who I suspected of overplaying top pair on a 9 high board. another 9 on the river and I still call pretty much knowing what hes got by the bet size. need a slap on the knuckles for that.

    overall it resulted in almost a win of 3 buyins and closer to recovery. im happy grinding out the small wins just now even if it isn't flattering reading. I'd love to report winning 6,7,8 buyins in a session but hopefully they aren't too far in the future. I am still tweaking things and trying a few different things at the moment so small steps are ok by me atm
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: The New Adventures of TINTIN:
    another thing I have noticed is that not many people percentage wise are willing to get it in light so to speak, so many times at the tables ive witnessed AA v another premium pair wether it was me involved or not. thee is more 3 betting in position etc but just observing hands at the table almost every 4 bet has been AA. I should really bold and underline almost before people jump on me lol. but then again its all about adjusting your game which hopefully I will and get right in the end. ive got to remember its only 2 and a bit weeks into the month and what ive just said may be a bit distorted due to the small sample so far but its certainly noted so far. 
    Posted by TINTIN
    I dont know if you noticed but I typed the same thing in the chatbox tonight while we were playing. I have'nt seen one 4bet without AA that didnt involve me (losing)! In fact I dont think ive seen more than 3 4-bets in 10 hours playing and I have been 3 betting a lot (too much).
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: The New Adventures of TINTIN:
    In Response to Re: The New Adventures of TINTIN : I dont know if you noticed but I typed the same thing in the chatbox tonight while we were playing. I have'nt seen one 4bet without AA that didnt involve me (losing)! In fact I dont think ive seen more than 3 4-bets in 10 hours playing and I have been 3 betting a lot (too much).
    Posted by jimb0d1
    im sure I seen you put that in the chat box, I was abit busy on another table so didn't see all of what you wrote.

    4 bets are certainly rare, the only ones ive seen that haven't been AA or KK have been from players who have around 50ish bb or under and are looking for a gamble, tbh even they have woke up with AA a fair amount of times.

    its been playing really tight in general I think, that's why im trying to work out different ways instead of thnking ive a big hand how do I get it in, oh sxxt they've Aces again.
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited January 2014
    Yep. Its super tight alright, need to work on my check-raise and try and mix it up but ill save that for when I get my balance going in the right direction again.
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014
    well Saturday was a mixed bag. ground out another small win on the day of almost 2 buyins to keep the trend going.

    had a mare to begin with at lunchtime. everything went against me, I wasn't doing too much wrong just getting outdrawn. I did make a stupid play which really indicated it was time to stop. end result for that session I was almost 6 buyins down.

    came back later on and had a quick session while I was waiting on my dinner cooking and clawed around 4 buyins back in about 1 hour. don't feel I done too much different in this short sessin than I was earlier in the day just that I was getting paid in some spots and I did have a big hold with QQ v AJ v KJ on a J75 rainbow flop for around a £25 pot

    later on in the evening I clawed some more back and ended a little in front. I must admit my game was a little erratic at times. I did feel I loosened up a little, maybe tried too many bluffs as I got caught  on a fair few of them. suppose it wont do my image any harm.

    I have said on the thread I have been on the wrong end of AA vKK quite a lot. well I better report I had it in my favour yesterday. first I can recall for a while. wasn't all in pre either. went in on the turn on a 722J rainbow. was a £30 pot as well, im sure it happened in the quick hour sessioni had.

    other stuff. I managed to watch The wolf of Wall Street. thought it was great. im no film buff so my opinion doesn't mean a great deal but I certainly watch it again despite being 3 hours long. can understand why its tipped to do well at the Oscars. would certainly recommened
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2014

    Hi mate,

    glad to hear of another winning session, well done.
    you say you went 6 buy-ins down at one point and won 4 buy-ins back in an hour later, just thought I'd get your thoughts on this.
    do you think that this is likely to be a normal thing playing nl10 and did it happen to you at nl4?
    of course I'm sure it must have but what I'm asking I guess is this, do you think that this is likely to happen more often at nl10 especially when multi-tabling, as I know you are.
    which brings me to my next question, if as here there can be a 10 buy-in swing in such a short space of time, do we have to simply accept that this might/will happen sometimes?, and do you think it's simply 'the run of the cards' being the factor here, or possibly some good or bad play on your part?

    cheers tintin,
    be lucky
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2014
    The swings continue at all levels, its just your ability that counts more towards these swings. Plus it seems worse as there is more money involved, thats why we think of it in buyins and not money.

    And what I mean about ability is not only how good you are but how you deal with various beats and how you react. Good players will just keep playing exactly the same no matter if they are ahead or behind. A lot of players will tilt in different ways such as the obvious when things are going wrong such as calling too much, playing too loose and overly aggressive trying desperatly to claw money back. But what people dont think of is when they are ahead a few buyins they will do exactly the same as when they are behind! Play too loose and aggressive and call down light, etc.

    As long as you know you are a long time winner and have confidence in your game then relax and what happens, happens. Its the long term that counts.

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2014
    Hi Craig,
    thanks for your reply...

    so are we saying 10 buy-in swings are a common thing ? (when multi-tabling)

    and is it simply put 'the cards' variance call it what you will ? or down to our own good/bad play ? (or a mixture of the 2 perhaps?)

    I understand why players say I've lost/won a number of buy-ins, rather than saying I won x amount of money, I get that bit, but to me it now makes no difference, it's still the same however you dress it up.
    I like to use the term 'money won or money lost' as it then seems real somehow.
    but then I'm only playing nl4 atm, maybe it all changes the higher you go and players bankrolls are a guarded secret, mostly. :)

  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited January 2014
    I have just come off such a downswing multitabling nl10 and I expect I will experience another before I hit my goal of +50 buyins. Playing the mastercash tables probably didnt help and ive noticed a few regulars buying in for 1 reg buy in/100bb (Jackl/sure TinTin has once or twice) probably to limit thier swings. While multitabling its easy to misclick call, miss a paired board, mix up your reads etc aa well and any mistake can cost you a full stack. Did you ever lose 8-10 dyms on laat years challenge dev?  Dont underestimate variance.
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: The New Adventures of TINTIN:
    Hi mate, glad to hear of another winning session, well done. you say you went 6 buy-ins down at one point and won 4 buy-ins back in an hour later, just thought I'd get your thoughts on this. do you think that this is likely to be a normal thing playing nl10 and did it happen to you at nl4? of course I'm sure it must have but what I'm asking I guess is this, do you think that this is likely to happen more often at nl10 especially when multi-tabling, as I know you are. which brings me to my next question, if as here there can be a 10 buy-in swing in such a short space of time, do we have to simply accept that this might/will happen sometimes?, and do you think it's simply 'the run of the cards' being the factor here, or possibly some good or bad play on your part? cheers tintin, be lucky dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    to be honest you will find all cash players have swings like that no matter what level. some days just don't go your way no matter how well you play or how good you consistently get it in. you've just got to accept these days really as they are gonna happen.

    I think if I break down each session within the days ive had 4 or 5 sessions where ive either finished or been down 5+buyins, some ive pulled back and some I haven't. if I recall I had 2 days back to back where I lost a combined 12 buyins. that was a mini downswing but a bigger one can see a big dent, that's why having a bankroll that can sustain them is so important.

    I do admit mine is not the largest and it couldn't sustain much more if I was carrying on on that downswing. another time I would have stepped down but because im playing less tables I know I was still ok'ish.

    regarding your question if I think its normal for nl10 and if I suffered the same at nl4 then its yes on both counts. I fully expect more to come at nl10 just a matter of when really, they are inevitable. as for nl4 I had many a day I was down 5-8 buyins in a session but the nxt session or sessions within the day I was able to recover and end in profit, some days I couldn't but you just got to shrug them off.
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: The New Adventures of TINTIN:
    I have just come off such a downswing multitabling nl10 and I expect I will experience another before I hit my goal of +50 buyins. Playing the mastercash tables probably didnt help and ive noticed a few regulars buying in for 1 reg buy in/100bb (Jackl/sure TinTin has once or twice) probably to limit thier swings. While multitabling its easy to misclick call, miss a paired board, mix up your reads etc aa well and any mistake can cost you a full stack. Did you ever lose 8-10 dyms on laat years challenge dev?   Dont underestimate variance.
    Posted by jimb0d1
    I rarely venture on to mastercash tables for a few reasons. when I do I usually buyin for 100bb unless I forgewt what table it is and click the max button.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: The New Adventures of TINTIN:
    I have just come off such a downswing multitabling nl10 and I expect I will experience another before I hit my goal of +50 buyins. Playing the mastercash tables probably didnt help and ive noticed a few regulars buying in for 1 reg buy in/100bb (Jackl/sure TinTin has once or twice) probably to limit thier swings. While multitabling its easy to misclick call, miss a paired board, mix up your reads etc aa well and any mistake can cost you a full stack. Did you ever lose 8-10 dyms on laat years challenge dev?   Dont underestimate variance.
    Posted by jimb0d1
    Hi jimbo,

    sorry to hear of your downswing mate.they do hurt don't they, but I'm sure you will battle through it and reach your 50 buy-ins target. gl with that.
     yeah those mastercash tables I'd imagine can get expensive when buy-in is double.
    interesting that 'regs' are buying in for just 100 bb, surely the idea of those mastercash tables is to win more by being bigger stacked to start with, just my opinion.
    yes I'm sure I must have lost 8-10 dym's (I'm guessing you mean in a row), but I played so many it really never hurt me that much, apart from when I moved up to the £11's and lost either 6/7 or was it 7/8 can't remember now but I know it was a costly night also playing £5's too, £129.xx from memory.  :(
    still got there in the end didn't I.  :)

    gl mate
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