In Response to Re: The New Adventures of TINTIN : my thoughts exactly. is there any reason to make any changes? ie; add more tables, reduce tables, change your style of play? are you happy with the 'slowly slowly' approach, with minimal risk, or do you think playing more tables say 9+ and a more flamboyant style shall we say, which might give bigger swings and possibly more rewards, is the way to go? I don't as a matter of interest, well not at the moment anyway, as I'm no good at cash lol, but you know what I mean. 'have a nice day' enjoy the party!!! dev Posted by devonfish5
I don't think theirs any need to make huge changes, just small tweaks here and there as I go. to me it would be hard to be flamboyant so to speak play 9+ tables, that many does tend to side with the more robotic approach.
for the most part im sticking to 6 tables, there is times I have 7 or 8 on the go but its not too often. sometimes its maybe because im trying to get a new table on the go to drop one of the others where im maybe not overly thrilled with my seat. I had 9 at one point and because I haven't done it in a while I was struggling a little to keep up, it quickly got shut down.
the party was actually ok. I'll post in my days write up about it lol
well I got a couple of hours in this evening after everything was taken care off.
kids party was surprisingly bearable. it was at the bowling alley so I managed a game or 2 on my own to pass the time. there was 20 10 years at it so you can imagine what chaos that would create all hyped up on e numbers lol. my son scored the hioghest out the lot and won a certificate and small prize. low and behold he walks up to me to show what he won only to place a box of lego in my hand. just a small lego set tho but me and them don't mix well. needless to say I had to build it with him when I got home
the Mrs' birthday taken care of. not too much just a visit to the in laws tho for some dinner.
onto the poker. prob about 2.5 hours and won 2.5 buyins. a bit of symmetry there. got involved in a few big pots along the way one I stacked 2 people after flopping a set another where I ended up with stacks in on flop with an overpair to the board only to be called by a player who had pretty much a gutshot draw who promptly went runner runner 2 pair on me.
this week has went well. I still don't feel im setting the world on fire and their is a fair few mistakes along the way that I need to remember about even tho the results are positive at the minute. sometimes results can mask the bigger picture so I need to be aware.
almost at that 5k mark, prob wont be tomorrow but likely Tuesday before I get there for the offer to kick in.
won just under £35 altho I had a spell of about 20 mins where I donked a fair bit away so it really should have been more. I may complain at times I don't hit anything, typical of us players really with selective memory and all that, well tonight I seemed to flop a fair amount of sets and get paid on a fair few of them. better put it on record for future reference.
still got a few things to work on, mainly these short spells where I donk a bit away. may be a bit of positive tilt atm I dunno. some things to ponder in my head tomorrow at work anyway.
a kinda short session tonight. not fully into it to be honest. its the first time this month ive sat and played for playing sake. thank goodness it was only a short session. did have a small loss of 2 buyins so it wasn't disaterous.
standout hands from the session, well their wasn't any that I won of huge signifigance, I did play pocket jacks about as stupid as you can and lost a stack. and I flopped top 2 pair v flopped set and couldn't improve.
told you it was brief session.
by playing for so little tonight let me catch up on the wwe royal rumble. still a big kid at heart really. don't watch it every week but its getting into wrestlemania season so I will be tuning in more regular
yesterday was pretty non existant. I was 30 points shy of the 5k points mark and I played til I hit the mark, couldn't really be bothered much about playing so ended up a buyin down after about an hour.
tonight was a bit of a roller coaster. played really bad for long spells. I was down, approaching even, down again before ending up for the night only half a buyin down.
memorable hand. I turned the nutstraight with 89hh on a JhTh7xXx board and got it in v 2 players both holding top 2 pair, not that I really needed the river more dodge the few cards but in drops the Qh for a straight flush.
had a good bit of momentum going a few days ago but that has vanished. 3 losing days on the trot now to almost close out the month, not ideal but far from a disaster. totals about 3.5 buyins but the run had to end sometime. a couple of those sessions I was playing for playing sake and they were also reasonably short sessions so I cant complain too much. got to get back to being more focused on wanting to play.
'got to get back to being more focused on wanting to play' that's not easy when playing almost every day mate, especially when multi-tabling. I have found now I'm only playing 2 tables and being much more selective table wise, if I don't see a table I fancy playing, I simply don't play, which then gives me some time off. think I recently went 3 days without a session due to that reason. at least it's keeping me fresh and when I do play 'I'm hungry for it' obviously different for you, maybe just take the odd day or two off when your focus is going. remember back to last year mate and how much you played. it's still only January, got a long way to go. be lucky dev
ps; another thing I also do when not playing, is watching, usually you mate lol it's cheap, always good for a laugh...and I'm always learning/making notes on players, etc he he
right it is the end of the month and time to do a mini recap.
first of all tonight was ok ish. started of badly, got it back and went in front and just kinda stayed round the same mark for the rest of the evening. ended 3 bins up somehow. suprising really considering the start and how badly I was playing, common theme emerging. maybe my initial bad play is getting me paid in spots later on or im just getting lucky. tonight I got dealt JJ a shed load of times. on 1 table I got it 3 hands in a row and another I got them twice in 2 orbits only to be against AA both times lol, thankfully the pots weren't for stacks.
right recap time.
most of the month has been fairly steady if unspectacular. apart from a bad 36 hours one weekend I haven't had many major losing days, altho recovering from that weekend did take about a week. I feel as tho ive learned a fair bit about my game just not always able to put it all into practice which is something to work on going forward.
I did deposit to start playing again 1 or 2 days before the new year so i'll try n break these figures into 2 so to speak.
from start of this diary im around 15 buyins up from the deposit im around 32 buyins up.
ive also earned 5300 points but im getting 20% rakeback on that so don't know an exact figure for those til it arrive but estimating it could be anywhere between £130- £150. its all dependant on happy hours etc but I wasn't able to pound them so to speak because of the work hours. only got 1 per day at most.
so accounting for the rakeback im looking at about 45 bins for the month (or just over the month). guess that's not too bad.
happy with the results, not overly happy with how ive been playing. I am playing because I want to in the most part so that was one aim.
plan for feb: would be happy with the same results but want to be happy with how im playing more, try to cut out those silly mistakes that are occurring just now. I aint got bankroll aims or that just consolidate on what ive done so far.
prob play a bit first few days. theres another points race, sky does flood it when they run them, once again wont be doing much damage or having it as my main aim but with a lot of players ineligible for the first part theres a chance I could creep on to a leaderboard. we will see
'got to get back to being more focused on wanting to play' that's not easy when playing almost every day mate, especially when multi-tabling. I have found now I'm only playing 2 tables and being much more selective table wise, if I don't see a table I fancy playing, I simply don't play, which then gives me some time off. think I recently went 3 days without a session due to that reason. at least it's keeping me fresh and when I do play 'I'm hungry for it' obviously different for you, maybe just take the odd day or two off when your focus is going. remember back to last year mate and how much you played. it's still only January, got a long way to go. be lucky dev ps; another thing I also do when not playing, is watching, usually you mate lol it's cheap, always good for a laugh...and I'm always learning/making notes on players, etc he he Posted by devonfish5
on the whole I have been wanting to play. the start of this week I didn't have much notion for it I only logged on to get those last few points. i just wanted it out the way, not leave it til last kick, i was planning those days off but it didn't work out. they were short session of like an hour not the usual 3 that i have been playing, so i most of the way there to taking a break lol.
there will be more days off from the poker in the future, most are likely to be work dictated due to a potential back shift being introduced on my work pattern. that will balance me out.
guess old habits die hard after some of the hours i used to rack up but its still way down. i guess that's why i felt good when logging on almost every time.
if your watching my tables it must be fun. you prob hve a big list of "dont's" if been observing me lol the last few days hasn't been great
'got to get back to being more focused on wanting to play' that's not easy when playing almost every day mate, especially when multi-tabling. I have found now I'm only playing 2 tables and being much more selective table wise, if I don't see a table I fancy playing, I simply don't play, which then gives me some time off. think I recently went 3 days without a session due to that reason. at least it's keeping me fresh and when I do play 'I'm hungry for it' obviously different for you, maybe just take the odd day or two off when your focus is going. remember back to last year mate and how much you played. it's still only January, got a long way to go. be lucky dev ps; another thing I also do when not playing, is watching, usually you mate lol it's cheap, always good for a laugh...and I'm always learning/making notes on players, etc he he Posted by devonfish5
Thats not such a bad idea , especially if your playing the same levels.
Have you found it hard sometimes Tintin when you haven,t played for a while to get back up to the amount of tables you were playing before? I,ve found this to be the case and am having to learn over again how to multi-table by normally adding one ata time
In Response to Re: The New Adventures of TINTIN : Thats not such a bad idea , especially if your playing the same levels. Have you found it hard sometimes Tintin when you haven,t played for a while to get back up to the amount of tables you were playing before? I,ve found this to be the case and am having to learn over again how to multi-table by normally adding one ata time GL for Feb Posted by MP33
I have found if I play 9 I am a bit behind the pace where as before I was fine. even when I first started back I was fine just sitting down and loading 6 tables, which was the amount I was planning on playing the most anyway so it was alright.
from this point I have found its now a case of 1 extra at a time and at this minute even thinking about 12 just nopw is a daunting thought just like when I first thought about playing that many, so in some respect I have to learn how to mass multi table again
a real mixed day today. I managed to play a fair bit and things started off well, well I mean really good. after my first 2 sessions I was up about 11 buyins. I was hitting and getting paid which is nice. I wouldn't say I was running super hot more getting the weak callers when I had a big hand.
it didn't last long tho. from about 8pm I could barely win a hand. the total opposite of what had went before. even when I was fortunate to flop say trips with good kicker my opponent would also have trips but catch their low dangler for the house kinda thing. you all know what I mean so lets not dwell on it. the evening was broke into several session and they all followed the same line, so after a super start it dwindled away.
I did get out of the day with a decent result. just under 6 buyins. not bad considering but could have been a **** of a lot better. was planning a late one as well to try n get the body clock onto nightshift mode ahead of sunday night but the tables weren't great and they just kept breaking. maybe a blessing in disguise considering the last few hours.
might have to find some guff to watch on the tv for the nxt few hours
very frustrating day. was behind all day long, at one stage as much as 7 buyins down. just nothing going my way. did get a little tilted thru it all. just enough to shout FFS a few times but stopped when I got like that before really spewing off.
mounted a bit of a recovery but couldn't get it all back. was only really the last 90 mins I played where I gained it, to finish the day only 1 buyin down. i'll take that
now to deal with the first nightshift, always the worst. oh well roll on 9 am til I get to bed. its gonna be a long one
right first of all Monday. up a bin. not much of note except running the nut house into runner runner quads. bit of an ouch moment.
tonight didn't go great. had an hour before my dinner and got up a couple of buyins quickly, half hour break for a bite then back to it. it then proceeded to go downhill from there. in the main it was just the usual stuff. 2 hands that stick in my head were v same opponent. both hands I got it in on flop after opponenthad pushed full stacks. both times I had 2 overs a flush draw and was v 2nd pair both times. as it happened both times I picked up extra outs on the turn by picking up a gutshot to go with the other outs but faded all both times. not 100% sure if it was totally wise calling the shove off. I did figure I had a lot of equity in the hands but maybe I could have bided my time a bit more because I knew what he was doing.
anyway the days result is not a big one. down nearly 2 buyins so its not too bad but felt worse after being ahead early. oh well.
having a little struggle at the tables at the minute. yesterday I broke even. same routine as day before. got up in first session only to lose it the nxt. didn't play gfreat in the 2nd session either which didn't help so cant complain too much with the outcome.
got my reward payment yesterday as will the rest of you. as I said I was getting 20% rakeback just for jan thru an email promo I got so I only really had a ball park figure I thought it may be. turns out it was the hiogh end of my estimate and I got back £153. the points widget if I was on it for 5300 equated to £107 so it worked out £46 better off.
I was a little optimistic going into these winter games promo's that a top 50 place might be within reach on the first 2 weeks leaderboard. when I looked yesterday I had fallen out the top 50. can only see myself going further south if im honest. prob get top 100 but will defo lock up my place in all the freerolls that are available thru the promo throughout the month. ive learned not to make these races big aims and quite frankly I don't have the time to dedicate to chasing them. thankfully I may add. if I can scrape a little at the end of it then its a bonus.
the prem league darts starts tonight. really looking forward to the tourney. not quitye sure how much I will get to see of it over the nxt few months but will keep up to date with results. I see this week the man I cant stand has switched darts suppliers and will be chucking new arra's. wonder if he will have the same struggles he did a few year back when he went from the knitting needles to the "phase" range. could be worth backing against him in the first few weeks til he gets totally comfortable with them. cant really see by MVG for the overall title but seen Anderson had a good weekend there winning a euro tour event. he's defo coming back into form. people say its between MVG Lewis and Taylor for the title but my outside bet would be Anderson, can you really call him an outside bet in a field of 8?
for the most part im sticking to 6 tables, there is times I have 7 or 8 on the go but its not too often. sometimes its maybe because im trying to get a new table on the go to drop one of the others where im maybe not overly thrilled with my seat. I had 9 at one point and because I haven't done it in a while I was struggling a little to keep up, it quickly got shut down.
the party was actually ok. I'll post in my days write up about it lol
good session tintin?
I was watching
kids party was surprisingly bearable. it was at the bowling alley so I managed a game or 2 on my own to pass the time. there was 20 10 years at it so you can imagine what chaos that would create all hyped up on e numbers lol. my son scored the hioghest out the lot and won a certificate and small prize. low and behold he walks up to me to show what he won only to place a box of lego in my hand. just a small lego set tho but me and them don't mix well. needless to say I had to build it with him when I got home
the Mrs' birthday taken care of. not too much just a visit to the in laws tho for some dinner.
onto the poker. prob about 2.5 hours and won 2.5 buyins. a bit of symmetry there. got involved in a few big pots along the way one I stacked 2 people after flopping a set another where I ended up with stacks in on flop with an overpair to the board only to be called by a player who had pretty much a gutshot draw who promptly went runner runner 2 pair on me.
this week has went well. I still don't feel im setting the world on fire and their is a fair few mistakes along the way that I need to remember about even tho the results are positive at the minute. sometimes results can mask the bigger picture so I need to be aware.
almost at that 5k mark, prob wont be tomorrow but likely Tuesday before I get there for the offer to kick in.
won just under £35 altho I had a spell of about 20 mins where I donked a fair bit away so it really should have been more. I may complain at times I don't hit anything, typical of us players really with selective memory and all that, well tonight I seemed to flop a fair amount of sets and get paid on a fair few of them. better put it on record for future reference.
still got a few things to work on, mainly these short spells where I donk a bit away. may be a bit of positive tilt atm I dunno. some things to ponder in my head tomorrow at work anyway.
well done mate,
how would you sum up the month so far? happy with how it's gone and more of the same next month.
standout hands from the session, well their wasn't any that I won of huge signifigance, I did play pocket jacks about as stupid as you can and lost a stack. and I flopped top 2 pair v flopped set and couldn't improve.
told you it was brief session.
by playing for so little tonight let me catch up on the wwe royal rumble. still a big kid at heart really. don't watch it every week but its getting into wrestlemania season so I will be tuning in more regular
yesterday was pretty non existant. I was 30 points shy of the 5k points mark and I played til I hit the mark, couldn't really be bothered much about playing so ended up a buyin down after about an hour.
tonight was a bit of a roller coaster. played really bad for long spells. I was down, approaching even, down again before ending up for the night only half a buyin down.
memorable hand. I turned the nutstraight with 89hh on a JhTh7xXx board and got it in v 2 players both holding top 2 pair, not that I really needed the river more dodge the few cards but in drops the Qh for a straight flush.
had a good bit of momentum going a few days ago but that has vanished. 3 losing days on the trot now to almost close out the month, not ideal but far from a disaster. totals about 3.5 buyins but the run had to end sometime. a couple of those sessions I was playing for playing sake and they were also reasonably short sessions so I cant complain too much. got to get back to being more focused on wanting to play.
'got to get back to being more focused on wanting to play'
that's not easy when playing almost every day mate, especially when multi-tabling.
I have found now I'm only playing 2 tables and being much more selective table wise, if I don't see a table I fancy playing, I simply don't play, which then gives me some time off.
think I recently went 3 days without a session due to that reason. at least it's keeping me fresh and when I do play 'I'm hungry for it'
obviously different for you, maybe just take the odd day or two off when your focus is going. remember back to last year mate and how much you played. it's still only January, got a long way to go.
be lucky
ps; another thing I also do when not playing, is watching, usually you mate lol
it's cheap, always good for a laugh...and I'm always learning/making notes on players, etc he he
first of all tonight was ok ish. started of badly, got it back and went in front and just kinda stayed round the same mark for the rest of the evening. ended 3 bins up somehow. suprising really considering the start and how badly I was playing, common theme emerging. maybe my initial bad play is getting me paid in spots later on or im just getting lucky. tonight I got dealt JJ a shed load of times. on 1 table I got it 3 hands in a row and another I got them twice in 2 orbits only to be against AA both times lol, thankfully the pots weren't for stacks.
right recap time.
most of the month has been fairly steady if unspectacular. apart from a bad 36 hours one weekend I haven't had many major losing days, altho recovering from that weekend did take about a week. I feel as tho ive learned a fair bit about my game just not always able to put it all into practice which is something to work on going forward.
I did deposit to start playing again 1 or 2 days before the new year so i'll try n break these figures into 2 so to speak.
from start of this diary im around 15 buyins up
from the deposit im around 32 buyins up.
ive also earned 5300 points but im getting 20% rakeback on that so don't know an exact figure for those til it arrive but estimating it could be anywhere between £130- £150. its all dependant on happy hours etc but I wasn't able to pound them so to speak because of the work hours. only got 1 per day at most.
so accounting for the rakeback im looking at about 45 bins for the month (or just over the month). guess that's not too bad.
happy with the results, not overly happy with how ive been playing. I am playing because I want to in the most part so that was one aim.
plan for feb: would be happy with the same results but want to be happy with how im playing more, try to cut out those silly mistakes that are occurring just now. I aint got bankroll aims or that just consolidate on what ive done so far.
prob play a bit first few days. theres another points race, sky does flood it when they run them, once again wont be doing much damage or having it as my main aim but with a lot of players ineligible for the first part theres a chance I could creep on to a leaderboard. we will see
there will be more days off from the poker in the future, most are likely to be work dictated due to a potential back shift being introduced on my work pattern. that will balance me out.
guess old habits die hard after some of the hours i used to rack up but its still way down. i guess that's why i felt good when logging on almost every time.
if your watching my tables it must be fun. you prob hve a big list of "dont's" if been observing me lol the last few days hasn't been great
well played mate, really impressive results.
best of luck for February,
Have you found it hard sometimes Tintin when you haven,t played for a while to get back up to the amount of tables you were playing before? I,ve found this to be the case and am having to learn over again how to multi-table by normally adding one ata time
GL for Feb
from this point I have found its now a case of 1 extra at a time and at this minute even thinking about 12 just nopw is a daunting thought just like when I first thought about playing that many, so in some respect I have to learn how to mass multi table again
it didn't last long tho. from about 8pm I could barely win a hand. the total opposite of what had went before. even when I was fortunate to flop say trips with good kicker my opponent would also have trips but catch their low dangler for the house kinda thing. you all know what I mean so lets not dwell on it. the evening was broke into several session and they all followed the same line, so after a super start it dwindled away.
I did get out of the day with a decent result. just under 6 buyins. not bad considering but could have been a **** of a lot better. was planning a late one as well to try n get the body clock onto nightshift mode ahead of sunday night but the tables weren't great and they just kept breaking. maybe a blessing in disguise considering the last few hours.
might have to find some guff to watch on the tv for the nxt few hours
very frustrating day. was behind all day long, at one stage as much as 7 buyins down. just nothing going my way. did get a little tilted thru it all. just enough to shout FFS a few times but stopped when I got like that before really spewing off.
mounted a bit of a recovery but couldn't get it all back. was only really the last 90 mins I played where I gained it, to finish the day only 1 buyin down. i'll take that
now to deal with the first nightshift, always the worst. oh well roll on 9 am til I get to bed. its gonna be a long one
night night zzzzzz
tonight didn't go great. had an hour before my dinner and got up a couple of buyins quickly, half hour break for a bite then back to it. it then proceeded to go downhill from there. in the main it was just the usual stuff. 2 hands that stick in my head were v same opponent. both hands I got it in on flop after opponenthad pushed full stacks. both times I had 2 overs a flush draw and was v 2nd pair both times. as it happened both times I picked up extra outs on the turn by picking up a gutshot to go with the other outs but faded all both times. not 100% sure if it was totally wise calling the shove off. I did figure I had a lot of equity in the hands but maybe I could have bided my time a bit more because I knew what he was doing.
anyway the days result is not a big one. down nearly 2 buyins so its not too bad but felt worse after being ahead early. oh well.
having a little struggle at the tables at the minute. yesterday I broke even. same routine as day before. got up in first session only to lose it the nxt. didn't play gfreat in the 2nd session either which didn't help so cant complain too much with the outcome.
got my reward payment yesterday as will the rest of you. as I said I was getting 20% rakeback just for jan thru an email promo I got so I only really had a ball park figure I thought it may be. turns out it was the hiogh end of my estimate and I got back £153. the points widget if I was on it for 5300 equated to £107 so it worked out £46 better off.
I was a little optimistic going into these winter games promo's that a top 50 place might be within reach on the first 2 weeks leaderboard. when I looked yesterday I had fallen out the top 50. can only see myself going further south if im honest. prob get top 100 but will defo lock up my place in all the freerolls that are available thru the promo throughout the month. ive learned not to make these races big aims and quite frankly I don't have the time to dedicate to chasing them. thankfully I may add. if I can scrape a little at the end of it then its a bonus.
the prem league darts starts tonight. really looking forward to the tourney. not quitye sure how much I will get to see of it over the nxt few months but will keep up to date with results. I see this week the man I cant stand has switched darts suppliers and will be chucking new arra's. wonder if he will have the same struggles he did a few year back when he went from the knitting needles to the "phase" range. could be worth backing against him in the first few weeks til he gets totally comfortable with them. cant really see by MVG for the overall title but seen Anderson had a good weekend there winning a euro tour event. he's defo coming back into form. people say its between MVG Lewis and Taylor for the title but my outside bet would be Anderson, can you really call him an outside bet in a field of 8?