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My own wee diary! how long will i survive?

churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
edited February 2014 in Poker Chat
well don,t know where too start with this but here goes.

A little about me im 34 from glasgow  I,am a Rangers fan got two kids boy of 8 and a baby girl of the grand old age of 24 days!
I recently lost my job so no income coming in other than the missus so i will be a stay at home daddy for the next couple months or so unless of course i manage too find a job that affords the childcare :@)

I have been playing on sky for a wee while now been mostly omaha hi/lo dyms.I play the odd b/hs,and the occasional timed tourney and of course some of the freerolls.i do ok then lose it all by entering games too far out of my bankroll which too be honest i have never really thought about always just played for fun! But now with money a bit tight need too be a little bit more careful with what i have in my account which i have withdrawn down too £24.82 needs must:@(

I understand that this is a very small amount for the games i will have too play. you don,t get that many 60p or 1.15 dyms going in hi/lo or i would start there. so for me too get a game its the £2.25dyms and also the small £1.10  hi/lo tournaments that run.and of course will be doing the freerolls.

so i,am doing this diary more too try and improve my play and keep a record of my highs and lows.And maybe try and build a wee bit of extra money for the summer

I,ll post any interesting hands that happen and hopefully get some advice and hints on how i might improve my play. all advice will be greatly appreciated.

i will post my games played/won and losses/profits either in the morning or at the end of the night.

good luck all


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited January 2014

    Ooh, good luck Churchy.
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited January 2014
    Very good luck with this.  I hope you run as well as I have today :)
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: My own wee diary!:
    Ooh, good luck Churchy.
    Posted by Tikay10
    ty tikay just trying too use this too focus myself a bit more and stop me making some of the silly calls that i do on occasion!

    good luck in your games...As might not be on your table,s for a wee while unless i gamble but don,t think it would be very wise chancing a 5th of my br on one game but we will see :@)

    ty and  i hope so cenchav run good
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2014



    best wishes
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited January 2014
    GL Churchy

    I'll be along to donate to you as usual on the PLO8 DYM's
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2014
    Well i picked some day too start this diary!
    so even although i knew my b/roll was too small for certain games i still took risks and played £5.50 dyms which i should not have done started of well played 3x 2.25 dyms won 2 and 1 5.50 dym and won that as well. then won the 1.10 hi/lo tournament for a 9.50 cash so far not a bad start. 16 quid up after a few games.

    And then came the worst session i can remember having for a quite a while and it all came crashing down.
    Makes me wonder if im any good at all after days like that!but then u have days when u just can,t seem too lose so i,ll just need too pick myself up dust myself down and ready myself too start again.

    got it in a few times some good some very bad and got caught out a few times as happens in poker.
    enabler145 Small blind   100.00 100.00 2862.50
    jod67 Big blind   200.00 300.00 1417.50
      Your hole cards
    • 5
    • A
    • 9
    • 6
    grumpy Raise   700.00 1000.00 900.00
    churchy18 Raise   1800.00 2800.00 1520.00
    tikay1 Fold        
    enabler145 Fold        
    jod67 Fold        
    All-in   900.00 3700.00 0.00
    churchy18 Unmatched bet   200.00 3500.00 1720.00
    grumpy Show
    • 2
    • 9
    • A
    • 7
    churchy18 Show
    • 5
    • A
    • 9
    • 6
    • 2
    • K
    • 10
    • 10
    • Q
    Win high Two Pairs, 10s and 2s 3500.00   3500.00
    this hand i felt at the time it was worth pushing with and taking on one of the shorties double suited and 2 straight draws! Looking at it now though i can see maybe it was a bit early too be trying it.
    bigcee Small blind   150.00 150.00 5262.50
    Big blind   300.00 450.00 1225.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • 7
    • 5
    • 10
    churchy18 Raise   1050.00 1500.00 1340.00
    huuuuume Fold        
    bigcee Fold        
    All-in   1225.00 2725.00 0.00
    churchy18 Call   475.00 3200.00 865.00
    • A
    • 8
    • 10
    • 3
    churchy18 Show
    • A
    • 7
    • 5
    • 10
    • 8
    • 8
    • 7
    • 4
    • 10
    Win high Full House, 8s and 10s 1600.00   1600.00
    Win low 8-low 1600.00   3200.00
    got it in again here again double suited and connectors.need too stop doing that.
    RUMI Small blind   15.00 15.00 2320.00
    churchy18 Big blind   30.00 45.00 1960.00
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • 3
    • 5
    • 6
    freshener Fold        
    Call   30.00 75.00 1667.50
    hunter Call   30.00 105.00 2122.50
    jazzyjay05 Fold        
    RUMI Call   15.00 120.00 2305.00
    churchy18 Check        
    • 5
    • 9
    • 5
    RUMI Check        
    churchy18 Check        
    Bet   30.00 150.00 1637.50
    Call   30.00 180.00 2092.50
    RUMI Fold        
    churchy18 Call   30.00 210.00 1930.00
    • J
    churchy18 Check        
    Bet   60.00 270.00 2032.50
    churchy18 Call   60.00 330.00 1870.00
    Raise   352.50 682.50 1285.00
    Call   292.50 975.00 1740.00
    churchy18 Call   292.50 1267.50 1577.50
    • 9
    churchy18 Check        
    Bet   633.75 1901.25 651.25
    Call   633.75 2535.00 1106.25
    churchy18 Call   633.75 3168.75 943.75
    • 2
    • J
    • 2
    • J
    • 6
    • 3
    • 2
    • 9
    churchy18 Show
    • J
    • 3
    • 5
    • 6
    Win high Full House, Jacks and 9s 3168.75   3820.00
      No qualifying low hand        
    this hand i should not have been in but was bb so saw the flop and got sucked in.just shows that a f/house is never a guaranteed winner!especially in hi/lo

    so basically i had a shocker yesterday and busted out:@) but im persistent and i knew i was gambling playing higher stakes with such a small b/r. but this is why im doing this diary that way i can look back and try and figure out where i,am going wrong.

    so here is the games played and and won/lost.makes for some shocking reading but its happened before and no doubt will happen again.The one thing i know i must do is play less hands and wait for better spots when pushing. hindsight its a wonderful thing!
    buy in     p   w/l         losses
    £5.50     5    1/4       -£17.50
    £2.25     10  2/8       -£14.50
     60p       2    1/1        -20p
    £1.10 hi/lo tourneys  played 2 won 1 £9.50 lost 1 +£7.30 
    in the second hi/lo tourney was chip leader and down to the last 5 3 get payed and my comp goes on the blink so turn on the lappy start using that and then a proper miss click if thats what u can call it i would say more of a touch. got raised on this hand and went too use the touch pad too move too fold and the **** things clicks on call.never again will be sticking a mouse in it.serves me right for playing the hand too start with.
    churchy18 Small blind   400.00 400.00 9508.74
    Big blind   800.00 1200.00 8871.24
      Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 7
    • 3
    • 2
    Darlomark_ Fold        
    saint21 Fold        
    koko10 Fold        
    churchy18 Call   400.00 1600.00 9108.74
    Raise   1600.00 3200.00 7271.24
    churchy18 Call   1600.00 4800.00 7508.74
    • 3
    • 10
    • J
    churchy18 Check        
    Bet   4800.00 9600.00 2471.24
    churchy18 Call   4800.00 14400.00 2708.74
    • Q
    churchy18 Check        
    • K
    churchy18 Check        
    churchy18 Show
    • 6
    • 7
    • 3
    • 2
    • 5
    • 6
    • A
    • A
    Win high Pair of Aces 14400.00   16871.24
      No qualifying low hand        
    so a total loss of £24.50 :@(
    So basically putting another £20 in and going too start again but the will try and stick mainly too 60p and 1.15 games this time until i have a enough buy ins too take a run like yesterday.

    before i move up to say the 2.25 games how many buy ins should i be looking too have? 20,30,50 seen different people give differing amounts so just asking.
    P.s thanks for the goodlucks people and i hope i have done the hands properly

    comeback tommorrow for another chuckle good luck at the tables.  churchy
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited January 2014
    Hey Churchy,

    Gl mate.

    I started a thread on freerolls for January, don't know if you've seen it, but definatly worth checking out.

    I'm trying to play the freerolls to see how much I can make from them in January.

    Never played Omaha much before, but sat down at a 10nl table last night.

    My first hand (auto posted) was Ah Ax 10h x

    I checked it lol some guy raised, and I re popped it, he shoved for £3, other guy called, and I was forced to call (couldn't raise it)

    Flop came down Kxx, with 2 hearts, I jammed, short stack guy who had shoved had Kings in his hand, I hut my flush, he hut his fh lol

    Crazy game.

    Good luck building up the bankroll, and not long before the gers will be back in the top flight.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited January 2014

    Churchy, think I can help you with something, hope you don't mind me posting this.

    We played a PLO8 DYM the other day, & with 4 of us left. @ 150-300, you LIMPED from a 4BB stack. I then potted it, & you CALLED.
    I had (something like) A-K-5-2, you had A-10-4-4. I busted you. 

    You can ONLY......BET or FOLD. 

    You want to give yourself TWO WAYS TO WIN - force a fold, or your hands wins at Showdown. Forcing a fold GUARANTEES we win.
    If you had potted it, I fold my A-K-5-2, & you survive. It's that simple. 

    I don't hate your hand (A-10-4-4) as a "shover", though I prefer A-10-10-4, as the 2nd 4 is a dead card really. But the most important thing is NEVER LIMP CALL at this stage.

    We don't really want to call with A-10-4-4 after limping either. You can shove with far worse, in fact, as most of the time you don't get a caller. But you cannot, ever, limp call in that spot.
    Good luck m8.
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2014
    thanks larrson i am trying them but doing rubbish. if i get any cashes i will post on your thread gl m8.and yeah the mighty gers will be back too reclaiim our rightful place at the top :@) can,t say im looking forward too the trouble that goes with it but that 1st game is going too be crazy!

    not at all tikay any advice is greatly appreciated.

    so only played 4 games 2x £5.50 lost and 2x £2.25 won 1 lost1 so was down 11.50 so just thought give the cash games a go and ended up busting on 1 table but walking of the other with £10.03 profit i was on 19 quid on it but lost a few hands was really suprised i did ok on them i lost a couple of decent pots as well on other tables the worst being aa v 22 and the other guy got his 2 oh well it happens like my jk busting kk with a that was me down too £13.03 must do better at the hi/los

    so yesterday played a little better but still taking risks with my balance by playing the 100gtd hi/lo at 5.50 and a cas table or 2 which i lost at my from today i am righting down a record of the games i enter so it is easier too know than looking through the account.

    played 14 £2.25 games won 12 for a profit of £14.75 

    i played 10x £5.50 games won 5 lost 5 for a loss so down £5  on those.

    finished 5th in the £1.10 hi/lo tourney got £2.80

    also played 2x£1.15 dyms and won 1 and lost 1.

    so my account is at £20.33 at least it has gone up 1 day for a change ..

    really need too stop entering the bigger buy in games until my roll is bigger gl all
  • ryderrooryderroo Member Posts: 119
    edited January 2014
    Looking through your last post, you,ve achieved a really good win rate at £2.25 level and below, however the £5.50 level you have to win 7 out of every ten to make any profit so withyour br id stick to those levels, with maybe the odd higher stake game as your br increases, gl
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2014
    Gl Churchy

    Important to make a B/R pledge - even more important to stick to it.

    In a DYM format with a 50/50 outcome hard to beat the rake at lower levels.

    Both losing and winning runs are highly likely so really need to watch the entry levels.

  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited January 2014
    Hi Churchy, I think I've played you enough times to offer a little advice.
    Firstly, I'd recommend you find a game you are most comfortable with, either the £1 or £2 DYM.  Stick to it, don't deviate.  The bank roll you have set yourself, isn't imo, big enough to play the £5 DYM games.  Although the best DYM player in the world can often win ten games on the trot, the very same player can very easily lose five games straight. That isn't a problem if the bank roll can accomodate such losses, but it is a problem if the losing streak leaves you busto.  That's the last thing you want to happen. There's also a danger that you will be scared to lose if you are playing too high a stake DYM.  If that happens your game will be affected.
    Secondly, be selective with your hands in the early levels. Very selective.  You will know by name the regular players who are more than keen to call with any four.  As you know, these guys try to get involved in every pot.  During the early levels, playing only the best starting hands at least maximises your chance (over the long run) of beating them.
    Thirdly, and probably most importantly, as others have said, when it gets to the later stages, the final four, get aggressive. Especially if you are short stacked. Don't flat call with a good hand, get your chips in the middle,  If you run into a better hand, so be it, if you get outdrawn by rubbish, so be it.  In the long run, being aggressive wins out. People will fold if they are holding junk and you raising with above average hands will see you winning more hands than not, when you do get called/put all-in.
    Finally, (From very personal experience I know this!) try not to play if you are distracted or half busy doing something else at the same time.  The times I have miss-clicked, or literally misread my cards is insane. The game is hard enough to win when fully concentrated on what is happening, so don't reduce your chances even further by playing with one eye on the screen. That must be difficult with a new baby (congrats btw) but try your best.

    It is possible to win and to build a bankroll playing DYMs, it does just take time, patience, and a love of the game you are playing.  You have to enjoy it,  it is afterall a game, a hobby.  That ultimately has to be more important than simply playing a game in order to win money.

    Very best of luck to you and everyone else at the HiLo tables.  Apart from that bloke who calls everyone a clown, or worse.  He needs a smacked bottom as he's a very naughty boy.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: My own wee diary!:
    Hi Churchy, I think I've played you enough times to offer a little advice. Firstly, I'd recommend you find a game you are most comfortable with, either the £1 or £2 DYM.  Stick to it, don't deviate.  The bank roll you have set yourself, isn't imo, big enough to play the £5 DYM games.  Although the best DYM player in the world can often win ten games on the trot, the very same player can very easily lose five games straight. That isn't a problem if the bank roll can accomodate such loses, but it is a problem if the losing streak leaves you busto.  That's the last thing you want to happen. There's also a danger that you will be scared to lose, if playing too high a stake. If that happens your game will be affected. Secondly, be selective with your hands in the early levels. very selective.  You will know by name the regular players who are more than keen to call with any four.  As you know, these guys try to get involved in every pot.  During the early levels, playing only the best starting hands at least maximises your chance (over the long run) of beating them. Thirdly, and probably most importantly, as others have said, when it gets to the later stages, the final four, get aggressive. Especially if you are short stacked. Don't flat call with a good hand, get your chips in the middle,  If you run into a better hand, so be it, if you get outdrawn by rubbish, so be it.  In the long run, being aggressive wins out. People will fold if they are holding junk and you raising with above average hands will see you winning more hands than not, when you do get called/put all-in. Finally, (From very personal experience I know this!) try not to play if you are distracted or half busy doing something else at the same time.  The times I have misclicked, or literally misread my cards is insane. The game is hard enough to win when fully concentrated on what is happening, so don't reduce your chances even further by playing with one eye on the screen. That must be difficult with a new baby (congrats btw) but try your best. It is possible to win and to build a bankroll playing DYMs, it does just take time, patience, and a love of the game you are playing.  You have to enjoy it,  it is afterall a game, a hobby.  That ultimately has to be more important than simply playing a game in order to win money. Very best of luck to you and everyone else at the HiLo tables.  Apart from that bloke who calls everyone a clown, or worse.  He needs a smacked bottom as he's a very naughty boy.
    Posted by Macacgirl1
    Churchy - read that Post, then read it again, it is pure gold, & written by a PLO8 DYM player who is feared & respected by anyone who knows their backside from their elbow. Macacgirl is as good as it gets in PLO8 DYM's.

  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2014
    thanks ryderoo,phantom,macacgirl, all saying the same about my b/r this is 1 of my many flaws when it comes too poker i get bored and just start playing random games/levels.

    yeah macacgirl clowno is a fool he just rants on and on even when hes winning he is still moaning total tool of a man. gl and thanks for reply

    I know myself that realistically i should be doing 60p dyms but there is no where near enough games for me even the £1.15 dyms don,t run very often so it is the £2.25 games i will have too try and beat.until i have enough too try and move up just need too try and be disiplined.

    And tikay macac is one of the best hi/lo players on here without a doubt always so consistent.

    thanks for the replies and advice people. now for yesterday/early morning and more downs than ups but its all good.good luck at the tables

  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2014
    So yesterday went ok until we get til early morning and then it all went a bit pear shaped.

    1st things 1st but played 13x £2.25 dyms won 8 lost 5 profit £2.75

    only played 3 £5.50 dyms won 1 lost 2 -£6.50

    played 2 hi/lo tournaments £1.10 in the 1st finished 1st for £11.50 and the 2nd i finished 2nd for £6.90 for a profit of £17.20

    now on too the games and buy ins i really should not be doing/playing.played 3.30 hi/lo tourneyment finished 2nd but only 3 runners so only 1st gets payed.

    then tried a £5.50 bounty hunter got 1 head £1.88 and then got busted out so minus another £3.62.

    had called it a night at that point as no other games going.....But then baby decides its play time.and decides she is getting up so feed her and feel awake and bored so shove on the lappy and see what games are going.

    entered a £5.50 timed game. and took a risk with my 33 here is the hand top pair held.
    Small blind   50.00 50.00 1600.00
    NOSBIG15 Big blind   100.00 150.00 2050.00
      Your hole cards
    • 8
    • 8
    keysey Fold        
    churchy18 All-in   1925.00 2075.00 0.00
    Raise   3750.00 5825.00 350.00
    All-in   1600.00 7425.00 0.00
    NOSBIG15 Fold        
    Smilodon Unmatched bet   1825.00 5600.00 2175.00
    icuessex Show
    • K
    • K
    churchy18 Show
    • 8
    • 8
    • Q
    • Q
    • 9
    • 4
    • J
    • 9
    • 4
    Win Two Pairs, Kings and 9s 5050.00   5050.00
    Win Two Pairs, Queens and 9s 550.00   2725.00
    then tried some cash games here is a couple of hands.this 1st hand was a bad call by me in the 1st place but then got sucked in.
    delboy119 Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £3.14
    churchy18 Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £16.93
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 5
    SpadeFade7 Fold        
    Raise   £0.16 £0.22 £5.46
    delceltic Fold        
    aliabomb Fold        
    delboy119 Fold        
    churchy18 Call   £0.12 £0.34 £16.81
    • 7
    • 2
    • 10
    churchy18 Check        
    Bet   £0.26 £0.60 £5.20
    churchy18 Call   £0.26 £0.86 £16.55
    • 9
    churchy18 Check        
    Bet   £0.65 £1.51 £4.55
    churchy18 Raise   £2.81 £4.32 £13.74
    Raise   £4.32 £8.64 £0.23
    churchy18 Call   £2.16 £10.80 £11.58
    • 4
    churchy18 Bet   £0.40 £11.20 £11.18
    All-in   £0.23 £11.43 £0.00
    churchy18 Unmatched bet   £0.17 £11.26 £11.35
    churchy18 Show
    • 10
    • 5
    • A
    • K
    Win Flush to the Ace £10.41   £10.41
    this one is just 1 of those 1s the guy must have more money than sense!
    SpadeFade7 Sit out        
    ness4 Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £5.78
    delceltic Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £2.12
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    aliabomb Fold        
    KarlMeow1 Raise   £0.12 £0.18 £3.58
    churchy18 Raise   £0.44 £0.62 £13.49
    ness4 Fold        
    delceltic Fold        
    KarlMeow1 Call   £0.32 £0.94 £3.26
    • 6
    • A
    • 5
    KarlMeow1 Check        
    churchy18 Bet   £0.44 £1.38 £13.05
    KarlMeow1 Call   £0.44 £1.82 £2.82
    • Q
    KarlMeow1 Check        
    churchy18 Bet   £1.37 £3.19 £11.68
    KarlMeow1 All-in   £2.82 £6.01 £0.00
    churchy18 Call   £1.45 £7.46 £10.23
    KarlMeow1 Show
    • J
    • 8
    churchy18 Show
    • A
    • A
    • 8
    churchy18 Win Three Aces £6.90   £17.1
    then got it in good with jj here and the only card beating me comes.
    KarlMeow1 Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £8.45
    ness4 Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £7.33
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    churchy18 Call   £0.04 £0.10 £2.72
    KarlMeow1 Raise   £0.10 £0.20 £8.35
    ness4 Raise   £0.40 £0.60 £6.93
    churchy18 All-in   £2.72 £3.32 £0.00
    KarlMeow1 Fold        
    ness4 Call   £2.32 £5.64 £4.61
    ness4 Show
    • 10
    • Q
    churchy18 Show
    • J
    • J
    • 6
    • Q
    • 8
    • 7
    • 8
    ness4 Win Two Pairs, Queens and 8s £5.21   £9.82
    finally this hand here did i play it right but just pushing all in? the caller had been playing quite loose and lots of pot raises and a few all ins him self could not put him on anything really just seemed too be playing any 2 cards
    Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £3.74
    starrygirl Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £8.90
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    ness4 Fold        
    skefan02 Fold        
    churchy18 Call   £0.04 £0.10 £4.57
    KarlMeow1 Fold        
    Raise   £0.10 £0.20 £3.64
    starrygirl Call   £0.08 £0.28 £8.82
    churchy18 All-in   £4.57 £4.85 £0.00
    All-in   £3.64 £8.49 £0.00
    starrygirl Fold        
    churchy18 Unmatched bet   £0.85 £7.64 £0.85
    • K
    • A
    churchy18 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    • 5
    • 5
    • 8
    • 7
    • 2
    churchy18 Win Two Pairs, Queens and 5s £7.06   £7.91
    Well was quite an eventful day/morning i now have the grand total of £10.81 left in my account. no more £5.50 games for a while or i will busto again..any way onwards and upwards..good luck at the tables Churchy
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2014
    well done ok yesterday played the 3 £1.10 hi/lo games 2nd in 1 for £6 and 1st in another for £7 so made £9.70 profit  on those games

    I then played 16x £2.25 dyms won 11 lost 5 for a profit of £8

    played 2 £5.50 won 1 lost 1  loss   -£1

    i also played a 60p dym lost loss 60p

    played 1x£1.15 as well and won   85p profit

    i also played 2x £5.50 15 min tournaments and busted in 1 and finished with £18.62 in the other so a profit of £7.62 

    so all in all a decent day   balance now £35.38
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2014
    had a nightmare yesterday just getting it in at the wrong time or getting it in good and coming out second best.

    played 25 £2.25 games won14 and lost 11 -25p on them.

    played 5 £5.50 games won 2 lost 3 -£7.50 the last one i played yesterday is one that ill post,same thing just kept happening yesterday:@(

    played a £5.50 timed tourmey and lost through a silly call.-£5.50

    played 2x£1.10 hi/lo tourneys busted both - £2.20

    played a 6 max £2.20 as well and busted that too -£2.20

    all in all lost £17.90 yesterday hopefully today i get some of those flips
    OXBOWLER Small blind   300.00 300.00 1671.24
    churchy18 Big blind   600.00 900.00 744.99
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • 2
    • 10
    • J
    65 Call   600.00 1500.00 6513.75
    denise1967 Fold        
    OXBOWLER Fold        
    churchy18 All-in   744.99 2244.99 0.00
    65 Call   744.99 2989.98 5768.76
    churchy18 Show
    • A
    • 2
    • 10
    • J
    65 Show
    • 3
    • 6
    • 2
    • 4
    • 9
    • A
    • 8
    • 6
    • 6
    65 Win high Three 6s 1495.00   7263.76
    65 Win low 8-low 1494.98   8758.74

    Macacgirl1 Small blind   200.00 200.00 2628.74
    121 Big blind   400.00 600.00 3100.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • 6
    • 7
    • A
    churchy18 Raise   1400.00 2000.00 2145.00
    gazzery13 Fold        
    Macacgirl1 Fold        
    121 Raise   2000.00 4000.00 1100.00
    churchy18 Raise   2000.00 6000.00 145.00
    121 All-in   1100.00 7100.00 0.00
    churchy18 Call   100.00 7200.00 45.00
    121 Show
    • 2
    • 4
    • A
    • 10
    churchy18 Show
    • A
    • 6
    • 7
    • A
    • K
    • K
    • 5
    • 3
    • 6
    121 Win high Straight to the 6 3600.00   3600.00
    121 Win low 6-low 3600.00   7200.00

  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2014
    well yesterday i just could not win a couple in a row would win 2 and then lose 2

    played 23 £2.25 games  i won 13 games and lost 10 so in profit of 25p lol

    played 5 £5.50 games won 2 and lost 3 -£7.50 on those

    won a £2.20 six max for £7.80 so £5.60 profit on that 1.

    today not played many but lost most came  2nd in the hi/lo £1.10 tourney for £4.80 and busted in another so £2.60 profit on them

    was down to last £8 odds so thought was going too have too deposit again. so thought why not just go for it and entered the £100gtd hi/lo tournament and went on too win it and got £62.50 :@)

    played a bounty hunter busted out silly call and played £6.60 on the cash tables had top pair on the board both times with a decent kicker and ran into kk and then again into aa the aa was a sore 1 was nice pot.

    so at present my balance is at £57   played 38p on roulette to round it down:@) gl all
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2014
    Congratulations on the take down

    Commiserations on the BRM.

    Kids don't try this at home! Chucking your last few quid at an MTT doesn't always produce these results.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    Nice goin churchy
    I,ve only played a few plo8 DYM,s . They have been by mistake when i,ve thought they were normal PLO DYM,s.

    I,ve done well on them though. The only reason is that i don,t know how to play them and still don,t even know what the qualifying hand has to be for the low end so the only advice i can give is what ive done which is basically sit out the first few levels until your down to 4 and then shove when you find a spot where you,ve a good chance of being HU against 1 opponent

    I,m sure someone will correct me if i,m wrong but its worked for me

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