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January Diary



  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    Played a few games last night with mixed results :
    07 Feb '14 at 04:02 Poker £25 Gtd Speed £-2.20 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    07 Feb '14 at 04:01 Poker Maine Road £-9.91 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    07 Feb '14 at 03:30 Poker Hale Barnes £11.47 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    07 Feb '14 at 03:18 Poker £20 Gtd (15 mins) £2.70 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    = + £2.06

    Haven,t really played last cpl of days but hope to make up for that over the weekend. Got some plans for rest of the day, but will have a session at tonight at some point. Can,t play tommorow until night time but want to try and get my points up this wekend and will be aiming for at least 2k points this month which will get me into 2 of the trilogy freerolls

    BR £2513.03
    Pts 374
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    Started off with a few satlites and a cpl of DYM,s but didn,t go so well. Was about £15 down but didn,t want to post another losing session so decided to pick out some NL4 tables i felt were quite soft and won nearly 6 buyins to finish £7 up


    BR £2520.03
    Pts 420
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited February 2014
    Are you not bored at nl4 with a 2k bankroll MP? Whats the biggest buyin you have made since starting the diary?
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    Missed the 2K FR today but decided to play a bit of cash during the happy hour . Mainly 4p/8p. It was a stream of bad beats. The happy hour started at 6pm and by 6.60pm i,d had aces 4 times. Shame they only held up once.
    Was going to play my HU games in the forum HU comp but oppoent didn,t turn up which was a bit annoying.

    Anyway currently about £12 down but just playing some £3 DYM,s. I,ve 2 days free coming up so am thinking of having 1 day just playing DYM,s but we,ll see. They,ve changed a lot since they first came out. Was just playing 2 and still 6 players left on both tables by level 6 which was pretty much unheard of when they 1st came out. Also playing a cpl of games elsewhere . They,re both leaugue games so have to try and play them as much as possible. Just signed up for a cpl of $10 freezouts as well as youy don,t seem to get many on Sky nowadays. The MTT,s are mainly Bounty Hunters

    Will update roll when i,ve finished but looking for a good run of DYM,s and hopefully making some good notes for when i play them this week. Still trying to work out if theres much difference between the £3 DYM,s and the £5 DYM,s. really not sure at the moment

    EDIT : Managed to get most of my money back in the £3 DYM,s although made bad call in the last one . Can,t post it as its an omaha hand but i knew as soon as i pressed call i,d made the wrong move and everytime i do this recently i never seem to get a bit of luck. (Must be nice to be Mattbates :) )
    Just short of 500pts so gonna have a brk , watch MOTD and get up to 500 before bed
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2014
    I find there is very little difference between the £3 and £5 Dyms.
    A few more regs maybe. 
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Low Stakes Diary Thread in the Shed ( £40 BR > 1K and beyond???):
    I find there is very little difference between the £3 and £5 Dyms. A few more regs maybe. 
    Posted by Jac35
    I,ll soon find out in next few days . I,let you know what i think when ive played a few (will just be playing DYM,s for nxt few days)

    Just watched MOTD and then got into a film after it. "Brooklyns Finest". Came back on for 20 minutes and got up to 500pts ( was only 8 off). played another £3 DYM which went ok and 3 cash games 1 at 2p/4p 1 at 4p/8p and 1 at 5p/10p. they went ok as well despite losing the biggest pot on last hand AK vs 66 AIPF. Ended up £4 on the day though. Just pleased to get the early losses back and a cpl of quid extra
    Was gonna carry on but the Everley brothers are on tele at The Albert Hall
    10 Feb '14 at 01:43 Poker Capped 21 (�3 max) £1.66 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    10 Feb '14 at 01:43 Poker Hale Barnes £1.22 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    10 Feb '14 at 01:40 Poker Lubin £0.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    10 Feb '14 at 01:32 Poker Axbridge £2.97 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    10 Feb '14 at 01:31 Poker Double Your Money £2.70 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    BR £2524.04
    Pts 506
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    Got in a bit later than i was expecting so didn,t start playing till about 8.30 - 9pm
    Started off my little DYM challenge and although i,m down i,m pretty happy with how it went, considering the bad beats and learnt a bit along the way by watching how some of the other ( winning) players played.

    I,ve heard it said plenty of times about the rake being a killer in DYM,s but i can,t complain considering i,ve not won more than i,ve lost (Evens in the end - Won 13 - Lost 13)

    This is a rundown of the results

    £5 DYM,s  Won 6 Lost 5
    £3 DYM,s  Won 6 Lost 8
    £2 DYM,s  Won 1 Lost 0
    Pts 100

    = - £8.15
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    Only got half an hour to play tonight. Had to many tokens and other offers  to go through and having to go out shortly (won £43 on n-lose bingo - it used to be a lot better tho - when the sites first came out )

    Sigh - Just folded Aces while writing thi spost - gotta stop doing that. Not concentatrating - Just entered a PLO8 game by mistake - Dont even know the lowest hand is (playing 4 x DYM,s - 3s £5 and  1x £3)
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    Started to late due to other things popping up but playing 4 at the mo inc.l a PLO8 which i regd for by mistake. oddly enough i just crushed that one with over 6k but lost 2/3 on the others
    11 Feb '14 at 21:15 Poker Double Your Money £-3.30 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    11 Feb '14 at 21:15 Poker Double Your Money £-5.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    11 Feb '14 at 21:15 Poker Double Your Money £4.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    11 Feb '14 at 21:14 Poker Double Your Money £4.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History


    = -£7.95

    Pts 118

    £5 DYM,s Won 8 Lost 6
    £3 DYM,s Won 6 Lost 9
    £2.25 DYM Won 1 Lost 0

    EDIT - Cheers for that benc

    Ended just playing 8 tonight but went 2-2 then 3-1. Didn,t quite get my 100pts tho. Sigh . Just regd for another one by mistake

    £5 DYM,s Won 11 Lost 7
    £3 DYM,s Won 8 Lost 10
    £2.35 Won 1 Lost 0

    = +£2.95
    ts 148

    Also played a stelite, the £5.75 Bh a £3 timed and a £2 speed MTT which i didnt mange a penny from but won it back on cash - 2 tables at 2p/4p and won 3 buy ins for £12 and a £4.80 on 2 x 4p/8p

    Total Pts 701
    BR £2526.99

    Can,t play anymore as its shutting for mainteance in 1 min
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2014
    Spinning £40 up to 2.5k  by being patient disciplined and enjoying the game this diary should definitely get more credit, nice work keep it up.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    Played a bit of zom poker earlier. I wish they,d bring it to Sky. Won about $25

    Got some other games to play and starting after midnight theres an STT race elswhere for the weekend. If i can manage 26 DYM,ms in a night i,m sure i can give myself a chance at winning the most STT,s . The top 20 pay and its 150 euros for 1st. The level i,ll be playing is between 10 cents and 3 euro,s. Just gonna sign up for a few games on here but re-start the DYM challenge after the weekend. I,ll update how the STT race goes over the weekend

    EDIT - The 2 DYM,s were a disaster as i dbld up in both but let them slip. I did satelite into the 3K BH tho
    13 Feb '14 at 20:41 Poker £3,000 B/Hunter £0.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    13 Feb '14 at 19:47 Poker Double Your Money £-5.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    13 Feb '14 at 19:47 Poker Double Your Money £-3.30 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    13 Feb '14 at 19:46 Poker £3,000 BH Sat £-2.40 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    13 Feb '14 at 19:13 Poker £100 Gtd (30 mins) £3.43 £0.00 Internet Hand History
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    BR £2512.25
    Pts 751

    My DYM chalenge has stopped whilei do this rake race thingy elselwhere. Its STT wins from 10cents to 5 euros. I should be on the middle tier midway as well but its not updated. This is the bottom tier. Not looking god to catch 1st but can deffo hold on to 2nd ( i,m joebananas )

    EDIT : Its Sunday night now and with 5 hours to go and although i,ve dropped a place i,m knocking it on the head. Can,t reach 2nd and don,t think i can be caught in 3rd. I,ll check it about 11pm though just in case. Currently playing the Sunday storm
    Place Nickname SnG Wins Prize
    Place Nickname SnG Wins Prize
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    Time to get back to my DYM challenge after playing over 400 super turbo STT DYM,s. Think its helped me learn a bit about DYM,s tho

    Played 6 - Won 5 Lost 1
    Pts 24
    6 Feb '14 at 19:44 Poker Double Your Money £2.70 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    16 Feb '14 at 19:43 Poker Double Your Money £4.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    16 Feb '14 at 19:39 Poker Double Your Money £2.70 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    16 Feb '14 at 19:07 Poker Double Your Money £4.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    16 Feb '14 at 19:07 Poker Double Your Money £2.70 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    16 Feb '14 at 19:03 Poker Double Your Money £-5.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    = + £11.60


    £5 DYM,s Won 13 Lost 8
    £3 DYM,s Won 11 Lost 10
    £2.35 Won 1 Lost 0

    = +£14.55

    ts 172

    EDIT : Just spotted another rake race elsewhere. Its similar to the one Sky did a while back. Three tier levels and its the most hands won so i could just multi-table the micro cash
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    Its now Monday night and i haven,t played on here tonight . I,ve decided to go for the cash wins race elsewhere . I,m playing 4 x zoom tables at 2c/5c as its just hands won, nothing to do with rake. In 4th place so far but hoping to move up. will be happy with 2nd. It only lasts 48 hours and ends tommorow night at midnight

    Ended up 3rd in the STT race for 75 euros and made about 10 euros on the games. Also got a cash in the Sunday Storm for $77 by finishing 1259th which was a bonus

    Table so far (Top 20 pay)

    Place Nickname Hands Won Prize
    (I,m joebananas)
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Low Stakes Diary Thread in the Shed ( £40 BR > 1K and beyond???):
    Spinning £40 up to 2.5k  by being patient disciplined and enjoying the game this diary should definitely get more credit, nice work keep it up.
    Posted by benc

    Don't post but always read, great diary
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    Cheers mate. What about yourself? Have you any plans on starting a new diary or challenge? I noticed you were grinding a small roll under £50, then the following month had got several thousand points togethor and chasing the PS4 promo

    I,m back on here tonight as Mr Orford very kindly entered me into the 5K turbo ME for my DYM challenge on his own thread, so i,ll see how it goes for the first half hour then probably play the mini as well. Really need to get an early night though as i,ve hardly slept in last few nights and theres also a little footy match on tonight

    Been carrying on the cash wins race elsewhere and with less than 5 hours to go of the 48 i think i,ve got 4th locked up as i currently stand in 3rd so will play a little more and try and consolidate that place. It seems the same person who won the STT race over the weekend will be winning this one as well (Must be DTM). His win rate is so quick he must be playing more tables than me and i,ve been up to 6 zoom tables during this promo. Also about £20 up in cash from this one as well.

    Latest Table :
    Place Nickname Hands Won Prize
    Will be happy with another 3rd
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited February 2014

    No there will be no new diary or challenge from me for a while. I built my roll back up to a comfortable level again and didn't see the need to carry on with it as the main reason I started the diary was to made sure that I stuck to good BRM whilst trying to rebuild.

    I went for the PS4 freeroll by grinding DYMs, I didn't have the best month but ended slightly up after C4P was paid. I lost the will to live and my enjoyment of the game during this process so from now I'm back to playing the MTT's with a few DYMs on the side. Won't be putting in that amount of volume ever again.......fair play to the grinders!!!!!

    All the best.

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Low Stakes Diary Thread in the Shed ( £40 BR > 1K and beyond???):
    No there will be no new diary or challenge from me for a while. I built my roll back up to a comfortable level again and didn't see the need to carry on with it as the main reason I started the diary was to made sure that I stuck to good BRM whilst trying to rebuild. I went for the PS4 freeroll by grinding DYMs, I didn't have the best month but ended slightly up after C4P was paid. I lost the will to live and my enjoyment of the game during this process so from now I'm back to playing the MTT's with a few DYMs on the side. Won't be putting in that amount of volume ever again.......fair play to the grinders!!!!! All the best.
    Posted by waller02
    lol . After competing in these recent rake races elsewhere i know what you mean - and they were only 2 days at a time. Don,t think i could manage a month of pretty much non-stop poker. Just going to do similar myself for rest of month and stick with satelites, MTT,s and theres another race next week for 2 days on HU games so will put in extra volume then , but just as a one off

    EDIT : Just had a cpl of bad beats and think i,ll leave it for tonight .Not in the mood for poker , plus the fact that i can,t remember the last session on here i had w/o disconnection issues.  Lost about £15 but i,ll add up tommorow
    20 Feb '14 at 21:38 Poker £3,000 B/Hunter £-11.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    20 Feb '14 at 20:58 Poker Double Your Money £4.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    20 Feb '14 at 20:57 Poker £3,000 BH Sat £6.40 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    20 Feb '14 at 20:57 Poker £200 Guaranteed £-5.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    20 Feb '14 at 20:22 Poker £3,000 BH Sat £-2.40 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    20 Feb '14 at 20:22 Poker £300 Gtd (30 mins) £-5.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    20 Feb '14 at 19:54 Poker £3,000 BH Sat £-0.20 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    = - £13.05

    EDIT : Currently playing a 1 euro rebuy with a free token . 583 players and down to 2 tables in 2nd. unfortanely theres only just over 1K euros in the pot but certainly looking good for an FT or better

    EDIT : 2nd from 14 - Got 10 euros locked up, but hoping for a bit of rungood now
    EDIT Unreal  - Been playing it for about 5 hours then i pick a 100k pot to misclick on - down to 4th
    EDIT Just flopped a FH and got paid on it to reach the Ft in 2nd - Got 16 euros locked up
    EDIT : Down to 5 - Got 58 euros locked up . In 2nd but the leader is starting to get away a bit

    EDIT : Finished in 2nd for 145 euros although i did have a 3-1 chip lead at one point and managed to finsih on AA vs K 10 AIPF - he hit 2 pair - so got to be happy with that overall. wudda been nice to win tho
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    BR 2513.45
    Pts 821

    Just signed up for first game but already having problems with connection again so will wait and see how it goes for nxt 10 mins before deciding whether to continue or play somewhere else
    As for the points this month i was hoping for 2 or 3 k but 3k seems out of reach now as there is another 2 day rake race next week i want to play in and will also be away nxt week for last cpl of days so 2k would be more realistic but i, wont be forcing myself to play if i,m not in the mood

    EDIT : Seems a little better now after finally getting into the DYM despite missing the 1st level

    EDIT : Decided to call it a night after 1 game as i,ve got to up tommorow. also playing no-lose bngo. You can normally leave it running in the background but theres only a few playing and they have chat games in the chat box as well so you can pick up points with which to buy your cards. Its normally just an hour but tonight they,ve extended it until midnight. £45 up so far with an hour to go
    21 Feb '14 at 20:30 Poker Double Your Money £4.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    BR £2517.95
    Pts 826

    Only played the 2k Winter FR today. Gonna play tonight and also start a heads Up race elsewhere which starts after midnight
    This was the exit hand from the Winter FR.

    My intentions on the flop were to check-raise all in , but wasn,t expecting the shove and probably should have folded.
    Or should i have bet out first ? and if so how much . Am thinking now looking at it - maybe i should have shoved the flop and tried to take the pot down there and then. I wasn,t to sure if he was that strong as there were a cpl of players sat out in this particular hand and he was the big stack so though he maying be trying the steal
    bigdaddy15 Small blind   100.00 100.00 185.00
    MP33 Big blind   200.00 300.00 1715.00
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 9
    mrc101 Raise   400.00 700.00 6795.00
    pearce10 Fold        
    billyboy11 Fold        
    GREGSTER Fold        
    bigdaddy15 Fold        
    MP33 Call   200.00 900.00 1515.00
    • J
    • 5
    • 8
    MP33 Check        
    mrc101 All-in   6795.00 7695.00 0.00
    MP33 All-in   1515.00 9210.00 0.00
    mrc101 Unmatched bet   5280.00 3930.00 5280.00
    MP33 Show
    • 10
    • 9
    mrc101 Show
    • 9
    • 8
    • A
    • 4
    mrc101 Win Pair of 8s 3930.00   9210.00
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