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Further misadventures of a fish at the cash tables



  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2014
    Hey Shakin

    Well done on hitting 1k, very nice going:)

    Gl with 20nl, I would say take it slow and steady, it's quite a different animal to 10nl.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: a fish en route to NL20:
    In Response to Re: a fish en route to NL20 : What 2pr/Pair + Draw hands can they have?
    Posted by 77Chris91
    QJ, J10, Q10, KQ, KJ, AQ, K9, Q9, K10 etc are all hands that can call that bet pre - especially suited
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited July 2014
    cold calling the 3bet and also going to be out of position for rest of the hand and myself knowing TMT game quite well the range you have given craig you be lucky if TMT held one of those hands imo.
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited July 2014
    Cheers for the hand feedback. Always good to hear some different ways of looking at things.

    The hand ranges quoted/inferred possibly show the difference starting to sneak in from NL10 (where all hands Craig lists are probably viable) to the less-leaky hands suggested by Chris and Liam?

    I muttered 'sigh AK' or words to that effect before eventually calling the all in.

    I guess learning to actually find the fold button as opposed to 'getting curious' is a big difference between a break-even / losing player and being able to keep eeking out small wins!
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: a fish en route to NL20:
    Hey Shakin Well done on hitting 1k, very nice going:) Gl with 20nl, I would say take it slow and steady, it's quite a different animal to 10nl.
    Posted by LARSON7
    Cheers Larson.

    Yeah I think the big bit at the moment is trying to get some notes/feel for the new opponents, whenever I remove the safety net of playing the same old names at NL8/NL10.

    I suppose that means a short-term loss could well be likely without necessarily playing completely horrific...  It'll only be the odd table here and there at NL20 though, until/unless I get comfortably north of £1k.
  • 77Chris9177Chris91 Member Posts: 375
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: a fish en route to NL20:
    In Response to Re: a fish en route to NL20 : QJ, J10, Q10, KQ, KJ, AQ, K9, Q9, K10 etc are all hands that can call that bet pre - especially suited
    Posted by CraigSG1
    Doubt they call pre with any of these hands barring maybe AQs if they are a tight reg.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2014
    Nice going Shakin...
    run golden at nl20
    best wishes,
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited July 2014

    In truth there wasn't a huge amount of poker over the weekend as I went out Friday and remember nothing between sinking a 3rd free jaegerbomb of the night at sometime just before midnight and waking up on the couch with half a burger stamped across my face at about 8am Saturday morning, washing it off and very unstably getting up the stairs to bed.  I am beyond being too old for this nonsense.

    That did leave me booze-free on Saturday night though and, having enjoyed the late lie in, played a few tables till about 1.30am... the 797m hand looked like it may have come with the speed the hands were ticking over in the run up to midnight but it obviously slowed right down after then.  Dropped a tenner or so in total.

    Sunday morning I then fired up 10 tables, albeit a lot of NL4, to see if I could be online for the magic hand... not even close lol... I've missed playing such a daft number of tables though - from a technical point of view I think I possibly play better because it tightens up my starting range massively... from a player point of view I'm useless... as witnessed by losing a stack to one of the mega nit NL10 regs when getting it in on the turn with TP&NFD (he, wholly expectedly, turned over a small made flush and held)

    So the poker roll continues to drip away after the positive start to the month. The frustrating part is that I don't think I can really blame variance, there have been too many errors (opponent specific) that I could and should have avoided.

    In other bits:

    Played a little micro PLO on Saturday night. Fun game but, even after reading a few articles, I still don't really know what to do except try and (exploitably) nut peddle. Would love to improve here but nothing seems to click yet.

    Messi taking the Golden Ball - probably not justified after his last 2 games, but got me out the hole in WC betting so am happy to applaud the corrupt FIFA officials this time... they were always going to want a known star to take the award.

    Now the WC is over, I need to sharpen my act and get fit. Pretty sure my current unhealthy body = unhealthy mind for poker. Have been nothing but lazy since busting my back and need to regain a regular gym schedule. May lose the amount of time I can play cards, but am certain that will be compensated by better quality.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited July 2014
    Really enjoy your writing style and honesty in your posts. 
    I did see the 'free' bit before jaegerbomb, hope that's key. Surely no one over the age of 18 drinks jaegerbombs?
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: a fish en route to NL20:
    Really enjoy your writing style and honesty in your posts.  I did see the 'free' bit before jaegerbomb, hope that's key. Surely no one over the age of 18 drinks jaegerbombs?
    Posted by Jac35
    Thanks Jac. I wouldn't complain if a law was brought in to make it illegal to serve such nonsense to anyone over the age of 21, unless it is to be provided to a stag!

    Personally, I blame my consumption on my mates being a couple of years younger and me being easily led :(
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited July 2014

    Played some more cash on Monday and ended up about £4 or so. Definitely played better though, especially later in the session.  Lost about £11 in a pot where I had top 2 (AK) vs a set and given the oppo I don't think it could ever be a fold.

    The jump came from the Poker Player leg 2.  The first tourni I've played for 2 months (exc freerolls) and worth every penny of the entry even if I hadn't cashed... it's a shame I'm still so poor at tournis as the thrill of a long run is still better than, probably, all cash sessions.

    It all started very slowly, but that may be because my only recent tournis on Sky are freerolls or BHs. Everyone at my table was just taking little jabs here and looking at the lobby that appeared to be the case across all tables.

    Then I picked up a little run of cards that played themselves, got to about 3 x starting stack, KO'd one of the PP journos and was able to open up a bit more and keep sneaking lots of little pots.

    With about 30 left and 21 paid I was near the top in chips, had KO'd a second PP journo and was loving life.
    Then came the start of the war of attrition. I got it in AK vs AT against another biggish stack (possibly an ICM error on my part?) and despite flopping my K, running clubs brought in a T-high flush and I was down to about 5BB.

    I never got above that stack again until we got to the bubble, flitting between 1.5 - 3.5 BB for about 3 orbits, somehow staying alive thanks to two very tight blinds to my button.

    Then bang - two big stacks collided and the bubble was gone with my paltry 2bb still in play. Another few knocked out before I shoved UTG, doubled on a flip, was all-in again from my SB and hit a FH to quadruple up.

    And although I never really got above 10BB I nursed that stack to the best I could, somehow meeting all the mini goals (be nice to make the min cash +1, be nice to make final 2 tables, be nice to make the top 10, final table would be a bonus).

    Alas, in spite of all of that, 2nd hand of the FT I shoved A5 on the button, got called by 88 and good night me for a bit over £80 and some good PPT points.

    And I shut the laptop down feeling disappointed I couldn't go on to get top 3.  Miserable bloke I am, ought to be happy at getting anything after being on life support for so long!! :)

    Lesson of the day - book more early starts... I always end up having good (long) sessions when I'm meant to be up early the next day. I was falling asleep at all sorts of bad times after trawling to London at 7am yesterday!
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited July 2014
    Just to add to the never ending number of Royal Flushes being kicked out this year...

    I think this one deserves a bonus prize for being a super-RF... just need the 8 next time to tick off the mega-RF!
    xxxSmall blind  £0.04 £0.04 £16.26
    xxxBig blind  £0.08 £0.12 £15.79
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • A
    shakinaces Raise  £0.20 £0.32 £9.32
    xxxCall  £0.12 £0.44 £15.67
    • 6
    • J
    • K
    xxxBet  £0.08 £0.52 £15.59
    shakinaces Raise  £0.40 £0.92 £8.92
    xxxCall  £0.32 £1.24 £15.27
    • 10
    shakinaces Bet  £0.56 £1.80 £8.36
    xxxCall  £0.56 £2.36 £14.71
    • Q
    shakinaces Bet  £2.36 £4.72 £6.00
    shakinaces Muck     
    shakinaces Win  £2.18  £8.18
    shakinaces Return  £2.36 £0.18 £10.54
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited July 2014
    No pokers again last night, stuck in work till stupid o'clock, always fun :/

    Got home to find delivery of Mental Game of Poker and Check Raising the Devil - only read the intro chapter to MGoP but sounds really good and look forward to getting stuck into that when I get a good hour in a daytime.

    CRtD is much more bedtime reading so spun through a couple of chapters before I nodded off. Seems like it's going to be an entertaining read and am enjoying Matusow's style of writing so far. It's a while since I've gotten ahead of the game and read the book before the film.

    Going back to Monday, I realised how old I'm getting when instead of pouring a large whisky around the FT, I went to Amazon and ordered another book to celebrate winning a few quid. Alligator Blood gets good reviews so another one for the pile... really need to book a holiday to get in some quality reading time as they start to stack up.

    And some storage. My house is a mess given I moved in 5 months ago now and still have barely any furniture, just piles of stuff. The plus side is that the stack of poker magazines is tall enough to operate as a makeshift bedside table so it's easy to find my latest reading material.

    Also forgot I encountered my first chatbox trolling for some time on Monday. I assume there was multi-accounting involved as well, with some multi-personality handing out the grief, then their 'dad' coming in with more abuse, with the 'uncle' not far behind.

    Wasn't directed at me and not really fussed by that stuff anyway but reported it and fair play to Sky, it seemed to shut down almost immediately. A quick death threat appeared on one of my other tables about 30 seconds after Sky intervened and then that account disappeared as well lol.

    Not an easy task trying to multi table and use live chat though. I don't think I'll be doing the honourable thing much more frequently!
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited July 2014

    Well wasn't that a fun weekend!

    Friday night rolled straight from work into a beer garden to take advantage of the scorching weather... things just seem... prettier, when the sun is shining.  The beer wasn't bad either.

    Alas, the downside to being the only single among my close mates is that a) everyone has become a terrible wingman and b) things have a tendency to end quickly when a barrage of angry girlfriend calls and texts arrive.

    So before midnight was reached I found myself mildly innebriated and playing 5-6 tables of cash poker.  Oddly, my Friday and Saturday night record after a few pints is surprisingly good.  Not sure if it's positive variance always hitting at the weekend (and actually I'm winning way less than I would if sober), or whether I genuinely see a bit of improvement after a few pints.

    Either way, I was up almost £40 by the time I caved in and hit the sack. Plus the 100+ poker points would turn out to come in handy

    Saturday was pretty boss all round.  Played a bit more poker early doors and although I ended a bit down I played well and just caught some bad spots (I think).  KK into AA, that sort of thing.

    Then a trip to the local Chilli-fest... only just resisted the urge to take part in the chilli eating comp (obviously not alpha-male enough), but in retrospect I wish I had... I've eaten way hotter chillis than the one where the final contestent threw up everywhere then collapsed to the floor (fair play to her, she battled fantastically). My cupboards are now full of evil stuff though, most of which I sampled on the day

    Of course... I got home from that and found myself barely 15,000 hands or so from the 799m so, in some pain still from ridic chilli sauces, I eventually swapped from NL10 to 13 NL4 tables for the final few thousand hands and BINK. Happy days.

    Even more happy days, I log on this lunchtime to see the win has been credited and Sky have very kindly rounded up the prize to £300.  Good times :)

    That was enough poker... Dr No and Total Recall were playing back to back on telly. She may be old enough to be my great-grandma, but Ursula Andress is still one of the best Bond girls of all time (IMO)....

    and Total Recall (the original, I refuse to watch the sequal) is still among my very favourite movies. I may have mildly annoyed my housemate by shouting out Arnie's quotes on a regular basis during the film in a very bad Austrian accent.

    I probably shouldn't still own Arnie based t-shirts at my age.

    A small bit of continued rungood on Sunday as I played and won a £3.30 timed tourni for £15 at midday, before the internet was taken away (booo) and I gutted the downstairs of my house.... ready to spend thousands on renovations after my run good got me a last minute booking with the builders.

    Kind of hurts looking at measly poker roll vs how much I'm going to have to spend this week on the house.  I could give N50 or even NL100 a bash if I put the money into poker instead.


    Hopefully can fudge some internet access somehow this evening... I need the PPT points to keep on track for a top 20 leaderboard finish!!
  • warticwartic Member Posts: 403
    edited July 2014
    Well done and I feel your pain, wife has ordered new windows but it's the extension next year which will stop me playing even more out of my depth
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited July 2014

    Probably shouldn't have rushed home yesterday for the PPT game. Not sure many had adjusted to the game being full ring and everyone seemed to be playing way too many hands.  Didn't stop me busting KK vs 76 that rivered two pair.

    I imagine that was an error on my part, having not played much in terms of tournament and over-valuing one pair. Frustrating nevertheless.

    Played enough cash to rack up 50pp and make a bit of profit which can't be bad. Think it should have been more but think I maybe missed a trick at an NL20 table and wasted the profit I'd snuck through at that point.

    Still a bit of a mental block with regards losing when I play NL20. I think I've overcome it, weirdly, at MC NL10, but feel like I'm playing with scared money at NL20.  Maybe it's just not knowing the others, maybe it just needs lots more hands to get more used to losing £20+ on a more regular basis.  I don't feel like I'm far off being sensibly rolled for it though.

    When I get onto the Jared Tendler book, perhaps I can find a few tricks to overcome this.

    Alas at the moment I'm racing through the Matusow book. Aside from the endless bad beats he can reel off from over a decade ago, it is an easy read lol

    Fingers crossed I get home in time to play a pointlessly nuts number of NL4 games to try and get back-to-back milestone hands.  I think my 8pm-ish prediction will be way off and I'll need to be at home super early from work!
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited July 2014

    I suppose a win and a runners-up spot in the 800 millionth hand means that I am officially barred from ever making a negative comment about run-bad on Sky again? :)

    I dropped about £16 last night in the short burst I was playing (ending with 14 tables lol) kicking out numerous river suckouts, but was definitely worth it!

    Although still a little gutted that I couldn't find the miracle river that would have doubled my bankroll!!

    It nearly all went wrong with about 2,000 hands to go, as my poor laptop started to melt and just completely froze up. I only got dealt back into all tables with a couple of hundred hands left to run and let out a big sigh of relief.

    So £420 from promos in the space of 4 days... which nearly covers 10% of what I'll be paying workmen for home improvements this week... just another £3,600 to go!

    Not sure whether to leave this cash in the account... it skews my learning and looks like I've been way more successful than I have.

    Nearly finished the Matusow autobiography... raises (for me) an interesting question about drugs in poker. Obviously he took it too far, but if being on meth, coke, ritalin or similar is able to make you a better poker player than your peers, should there be a clampdown on players using them?

    It doesn't seem a huge jump from the likes of Lance Armstrong, to somebody like Matusow pretty much admitting that the super focus he got from the drugs led him to win tournaments where he otherwise may have finished further down the field.  Only one of them is now a complete pariah in life and his sport, the other can carry on as if nothing happened, with more than a few sympathisers.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2014
    Nice going mate... b/r looks great doesn't it...
    I remember looking at 4 figures once... BRIEFLY  ha ha.

    run good shaky,
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited July 2014
    So last night involved very limited amount of poker as I inadvertently got booked into to go to a friend's house for dinner... so the 800m hand freeroll was the limit of my playing.

    Having squeezed in around 15mins play before I had to leave, it was a bit of a drag as even though my tournament play is sketchy, deep stacked vs the 5 oppo on my table I was easily picking up lots of little pots and building a bit of a buffer.

    Then drove at breakneck speed to said friend's house and while shaking hands / hugging etc was simultaneously logging on to Sky via my phone (addict?  moi?)

    Wish I hadn't now, as I lasted precisely... one hand.  Sigh.

    I repeat my weak tournament play and need to knuckle down to improve, so please feel free to pull this play apart. Yes random oppo got lucky, but am I ever really going to get three streets / full stack value in this spot? I figure at the minimum, I should check river and then aim to bluff catch?
    shakinaces Small blind  50.00 50.00 1675.00
    villainBig blind  100.00 150.00 2835.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • 9
    shakinaces Raise  150.00 300.00 1525.00
    villainCall  100.00 400.00 2735.00
    • A
    • 8
    • A
    shakinaces Bet  200.00 600.00 1325.00
    villainCall  200.00 800.00 2535.00
    • 6
    shakinaces Bet  400.00 1200.00 925.00
    villainCall  400.00 1600.00 2135.00
    • 7
    shakinaces All-in  925.00 2525.00 0.00
    villainCall  925.00 3450.00 1210.00
    shakinaces Show
    • A
    • 9
    • 9
    • 10
    villainWin Straight to the 10 3450.00  4660.00
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited July 2014
    On only vaguely related poker matters, on the way to work this morning I finally placed where I recognise one of the many builders currently working in my house.

    Absolute spitting image of Simon 'Aces' Trumper... called Simon as well coincidentally... maybe times are tough at DTD and he's seeking a way to earn a bit on the side...
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