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Further misadventures of a fish at the cash tables



  • 77Chris9177Chris91 Member Posts: 375
    edited August 2014
    Wouldn't worry to much about the above shakin. Seems ok to me.

  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014

    Meh, it's like walking through treacle this week lol

    In the main I didn't play badly yesterday but was on the verge of tilting when I saw sense to log off.

    Much like the Forest strikers of the last decade, I couldn't hit a cow's backside with a banjo. The couple of times I was lucky enough to flop top set the board then ran out with 4 to a straight/flush and I was forced to fold with around half a stack in the middle.

    Nothing much can be done there.

    May play a little today, after a few pints, depending on what my vision is like when I get home from the pub later.
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014
    I guess the only query is whether I should be getting active with a semi-strong hand like AJs when I'll be OOP and almost certainly going to get a caller or two.

    This was my first hand at the table. UTG I've played a bit with, tends to size opens based on hand strength so felt like I was in an OK position vs them. SB I've played against a lot, was likely to be playing suited ace rag, mid to low pairs, suited connectors. Fairly tight. I'd expect a lot of folds to a c-bet from both of them here.

    Never seen the player that called me down before, but as the game moved on they either seemed to station weaker made hands or overbet pot with straights or better. In retrospect, bit surprised they didn't shove river, but I guess quads was too strong for them lol.

    At the time I figured that 5x didn't make sense unless it was 55. Felt a lot like other Jacks and mid-pairs could be calling through the streets so felt like I had to bet flop and turn for value.

    I dunno. Perhaps I should just be playing tighter from the blinds and avoiding these sort of big OOP pots.
    SBSmall blind  £0.05 £0.05 £12.85
    shakinaces Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £19.90
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • A
    UTGRaise  £0.20 £0.35 £12.72
    BUTTONCall  £0.20 £0.55 £42.80
    SBCall  £0.15 £0.70 £12.70
    shakinaces Raise  £0.90 £1.60 £19.00
    UTGCall  £0.80 £2.40 £11.92
    BUTTONCall  £0.80 £3.20 £42.00
    SBCall  £0.80 £4.00 £11.90
    • 5
    • J
    • 5
    shakinaces Bet  £2.20 £6.20 £16.80
    UTGCall  £2.20 £8.40 £9.72
    BUTTONCall  £2.20 £10.60 £39.80
    • 2
    shakinaces Bet  £5.10 £15.70 £11.70
    BUTTONCall  £5.10 £20.80 £34.70
    • Q
    shakinaces Check     
    BUTTONBet  £4.75 £25.55 £29.95
    shakinaces Call  £4.75 £30.30 £6.95
    • 5
    • 5
    shakinaces Muck
    • J
    • A
    BUTTONWin Four 5s £28.90  £58.85
  • SJspanky1SJspanky1 Member Posts: 620
    edited August 2014
    Not much wrong with above IMHO. By the river we are only beating KJ but it's hard to resist a call at the price he gave you. I certainly can't see why you shouldn't 3bet AJs over a min raise and 2 calls. Maybe make it slightly larger.
    Just on a little run bad at the mo, you'll soon be crushing again......
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014

    Friday - drunk too much, fell asleep before I could open my laptop. GG me.

    Saturday - test driving this weeks toy, an AMG A-series, so not home until fairly late. For what it's worth, they are beautiful, but terrible cars. I think owning one would be sort of like going out with a vacuous former prom queen, you'd love the envious looks from others that see you with someone (or something) so pretty, but in private you can't stand to be around her (it). Looking forward to handing the keys back :/

    Anyway, there was one mental table of pokerz when I did log on, 5-tabled briefly but in the end figured it would be best just to drop to 1. It was only NL8 but with 3 players regularly getting it all in and reloading if they lost, there was well over £200 in play.  I ended about £40 up in the end.

    I had aces twice that night, once at the mad table, once at another. Won both times. Based on what I read in BBV its 100/1 you win with aces, so by my A-level maths skills I make that a 10,000/1 shot. Talk about run good.

    Sunday - Played around 65mins of 11-a-side, the longest I've played in about a year because of injury. Feeling pretty good. Foolishly agreed to play an hour of 7-a-side in the afternoon. Took a while to find the energy to cross the room and pick up the laptop.

    The games at all tables I sat at were like bingo games. Lots of 6-people to the flop even when 8x raising or more, lots of c-betting with draws or top pairs, only to get re-raised all-in and have to fold. Standard 3b and standard flop raise was all-in for 100bb stacks, nothing more subtle than that.

    Not sure I really adjusted to be honest. Part of me felt like I should give up raising pre and just join the limp party, sticking around if I flop monsters.

    As it was, I largely played the same but was lucky to get paid with a flopped set of 9s and again with aces (a 10,000,000 shot if combined with Saturday... I should have been buying lotto tickets).

    I did also watch a few videos. Again got bemused by the stats being quoted from a HUD. Largely feel like I need to ditch most of my hands and nut peddle if I'm to succeed.  I find that a little depressing really. Where's the fun in only playing 20% of hands and folding worse than a good 2pr?!? :)

    Today - gym. will hurt. hopefully DTD if I get home in time, although zero chance I'll run as well as last week!!
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited August 2014
    gl in the dtds tonight outlaw run well
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014
    Cheers Paul - run poorly, didn't play much better lol... think I may have already peaked in DTDs with my top 10 finish last week!!


    £17 bonus from the Swans 4th spot. Nice. Just need to find a daft bet to try and spin my £5 free bet into something worthwhile. All tips welcomed.

    Think I'm on another run good with promos as I'll be surprised if the Black Cats line up misses out on the top 5 this week. Thank you Sky random-name-generator.

    I just fell short of break even on Monday by winning a small bit at cash to offset the blanks in the tournis. Didn't help that I donked off a daft play to BorinLoner though. That made me realise how tired I was and give up for the day lol.

    Yesterday I jumped on after footy, added a bit more money after another run at NL20 on what was a very nitty table. Dropped down to NL10 after that just because it was more fun. Made another dubious play, got a few rotten spots against players holding the top of their range, forced to fold some big hands vs supernits which I'll try and dig out. So a bit of a rollercoaster time that ended up marginally in the black.

    I may have been a bit side-tracked by the footy on SSN. Top of the league after 3 games (again). Hope things progress a bit better than they did from this point last season!!  I need to find some spare cash from somewhere (dunno where) to get to a few games before it all goes b00bs up....
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014
    Is this getting too tight against a multi-table NL10 supernit? (ps I know I should have bet bigger pre, nearly timed out because the tables lag so much now and could only hit the '+' on the slider twice :/ )

    pps the lag has gotten so much worse since the last software update... used to be able to play 10 tables (if I wanted), now even 4 tables is on the verge of unplayable. May have to withdraw in order to fund a new laptop :(
    sevlow Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £14.27
    villainBig blind  £0.10 £0.15 £15.97
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    purrer01 Fold     
    chrisx2525 Fold     
    limperCall  £0.10 £0.25 £6.95
    shakinaces Raise  £0.30 £0.55 £11.26
    sevlow Fold     
    villainCall  £0.20 £0.75 £15.77
    limperCall  £0.20 £0.95 £6.75
    • 9
    • 8
    • 3
    shakinaces Bet  £0.60 £1.55 £10.66
    villainCall  £0.60 £2.15 £15.17
    limperCall  £0.60 £2.75 £6.15
    • 6
    shakinaces Bet  £1.90 £4.65 £8.76
    villainRaise  £6.81 £11.46 £8.36
    shakinaces Fold     
    villainWin  £6.05  £14.41
    villainReturn  £4.91 £0.50 £19.32
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014
    lol I was just going through other hands and hadn't seen oppo hand with my attempt to sneak a value bet on hand 1 and had forgotten the weirdness of hand 2...

    Shame I can't retrospectively add a note to villain 1!

    And I know, probably should have raised turn with villain 2, not sure of value on that though when they have a tendency to call most hands in that spot and I'm only 4/1 to win the hand?
    shakinaces Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £20.41
    LARSON7 Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £7.40
    villainBig blind  £0.10 £0.25 £4.90
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 9
    LuckyDaveB Fold     
    Mizuchi Call  £0.10 £0.35 £9.60
    shakinaces Raise  £0.45 £0.80 £19.96
    LARSON7 Fold     
    villainCall  £0.40 £1.20 £4.50
    Mizuchi Call  £0.40 £1.60 £9.20
    • 5
    • 7
    • J
    shakinaces Bet  £1.00 £2.60 £18.96
    villainCall  £1.00 £3.60 £3.50
    Mizuchi Fold     
    • 10
    shakinaces Check     
    • 9
    shakinaces Bet  £1.70 £5.30 £17.26
    villainCall  £1.70 £7.00 £1.80
    shakinaces Show
    • 9
    • 9
    • 3
    • 7
    shakinaces Win Three 9s £6.52  £23.78
    Lastogo Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £7.75
    villainBig blind  £0.10 £0.15 £1.46
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • K
    limperCall  £0.10 £0.25 £15.57
    supercrazy Fold     
    shakinaces Raise  £0.40 £0.65 £9.72
    oafc963 Fold     
    Lastogo Fold     
    villainCall  £0.30 £0.95 £1.16
    limperCall  £0.30 £1.25 £15.27
    • 3
    • 2
    • 4
    villainBet  £0.10 £1.35 £1.06
    limperCall  £0.10 £1.45 £15.17
    shakinaces Call  £0.10 £1.55 £9.62
    • 7
    villainBet  £0.10 £1.65 £0.96
    shakinaces Call  £0.10 £1.75 £9.52
    • 10
    shakinaces Muck     
    shakinaces Win  £1.61  £11.13
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited August 2014
    Hi Shakin
    I was at the game last night.
    Talk about a game of 2 halves.
    Cherries should have been 2 or 3 nil up by half time.
    Shocked how poor Forest were to be honest.
    Pearce must have given them a rocket at half time !
    I think a draw would have been a fairer result.

    We was robbed !!! lol
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014
    Hi Vespa,

    Yeah it did sound that way, makes a big change to be fair after years of not even being able to always win when we played great, let alone blag a win if we weren't playing well!! I saw some stat that we haven't won away to Bournemouth for almost 70 years before last night?

    Can't imagine Pearce being the sort to sit their quiet and studiously share advice at half time when we aren't playing well tbf. That can only work to our benefit in the Championship I hope.

    Think Bournemouth will still be up there all season though, play some good stuff and Wilson looks a player. We were meant to be in for him during the summer and I think Wilson and Assombalonga are fairly equal in ability at the moment, so it can be said that your lot got themselves a bargain. Just have fingers crossed that Assombalonga scores 1 more though... at 25/1 I'm relying on him if I'm to have a holiday next year!!
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited August 2014
    That last hand. Wasn't our friend Bagpuss was it?
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014
    I don't know why you'd suggest that Craig? :)

    How's your own rebuilding going - have seen you at a few NL10 tables again lately so hopefully starting to improve?

    I tried 2 x NL20 for a bit again last night, dropped about £6, mostly got owned due to EvilPingu to my left.

    Was frustrating that I was card dead, going the best part of 3 orbits without even raising, then finally playing a pot with the likes of SC/mid pairs/Ax and getting 3 and 4 bet so having to fold. Even more so when it turns out that I was being raised fairly light lol... no respect!

    Was about £10 down when I went back to NL10, some frustrating outdraws but would have been breakeven if I hadn't tried to bluff a reg who insta-called me with top pair. I was a bit surprised to be honest, thought they'd have been far tighter than that due to playing so many tables.... but that perhaps points to ME thinking way too tight?

    Signed up to the week free trial at GrinderSchool (which still sounds well dodgy) - watched a few vids, but the speaker was so boring I was starting to nod off as they spoke. Hopefully can find some stuff a bit more engaging over the rest of the week... the content looks solid so think I should be able to pick up some useful learning before deciding whether or not to subscribe.

  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014
    Nothing to do with me, but this action river got the chat box buzzing a bit last night...

    Was also a very good table example of position, regs and nits to my right, two action players to the left. I'd expect to win off the guys limped CO and BU, but just couldn't build a thing on this table. Switch the positions and the game would have been so much easier!!
    layton Sit out     
    SBSmall blind  £0.05 £0.05 £5.74
    BBBig blind  £0.10 £0.15 £5.44
    COAnte  £0.05 £0.20 £11.41
      Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 10
    shakinaces Fold     
    COCall  £0.10 £0.30 £11.31
    BUCall  £0.10 £0.40 £9.56
    SBCall  £0.05 £0.45 £5.69
    • 3
    • 6
    • 5
    • J
    BBBet  £0.30 £0.75 £5.14
    COCall  £0.30 £1.05 £11.01
    BUCall  £0.30 £1.35 £9.26
    • 4
    BBBet  £0.68 £2.03 £4.46
    CORaise  £3.39 £5.42 £7.62
    BURaise  £6.10 £11.52 £3.16
    BBAll-in  £4.46 £15.98 £0.00
    COAll-in  £7.62 £23.60 £0.00
    BUAll-in  £3.16 £26.76 £0.00
    COUnmatched bet  £1.75 £25.01 £1.75
    • 8
    • A
    • A
    • 2
    • 7
    • Q
    BUWin Straight Flush to the 7 £23.61  £23.61
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: a fish en route to NL20:
    I don't know why you'd suggest that Craig? :) How's your own rebuilding going - have seen you at a few NL10 tables again lately so hopefully starting to improve? I tried 2 x NL20 for a bit again last night, dropped about £6, mostly got owned due to EvilPingu to my left. Was frustrating that I was card dead, going the best part of 3 orbits without even raising, then finally playing a pot with the likes of SC/mid pairs/Ax and getting 3 and 4 bet so having to fold. Even more so when it turns out that I was being raised fairly light lol... no respect! Was about £10 down when I went back to NL10, some frustrating outdraws but would have been breakeven if I hadn't tried to bluff a reg who insta-called me with top pair. I was a bit surprised to be honest, thought they'd have been far tighter than that due to playing so many tables.... but that perhaps points to ME thinking way too tight? Signed up to the week free trial at GrinderSchool (which still sounds well dodgy) - watched a few vids, but the speaker was so boring I was starting to nod off as they spoke. Hopefully can find some stuff a bit more engaging over the rest of the week... the content looks solid so think I should be able to pick up some useful learning before deciding whether or not to subscribe. £1,506
    Posted by shakinaces

    Lol. Thought so. 

    It's going steady, concentrating on MTTs again at the mo. Had a few final tables and deep runs but no win as yet. 

    Cash is weird, feel I'm playing ok but what I win on one table I lose on another! Lol. Eeking a slow increase though, just hoping to actually run well for a little and I'm sure I will rocket up.  I know I'm getting in enough good positions, just not getting value or chopping a lot!

  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: a fish en route to NL20:
    In Response to Re: a fish en route to NL20 : Lol. Thought so.  It's going steady, concentrating on MTTs again at the mo. Had a few final tables and deep runs but no win as yet.  Cash is weird, feel I'm playing ok but what I win on one table I lose on another! Lol. Eeking a slow increase though, just hoping to actually run well for a little and I'm sure I will rocket up.  I know I'm getting in enough good positions, just not getting value or chopping a lot!
    Posted by CraigSG1
    Sounds promising then, like you say it's only a matter of time before you get a card rush and a nice boost to the roll as long as you keep putting yourself in good spots. It's rare to make a final table on Sky without having a fighters chance of the win, so can only be a matter of time before you bink a bigger win.

    The more cash I play the more I start to think MTT are the 'easier' option at these levels and should take a bit more of my focus (for the purpose of winning money). Cash is just so much more fun though IMO, possibly because I don't really feel huge disappointment at cash, if I bust I reload and go again. Tournaments can just be crushing when you keep getting an hour or two in, only to leave empty handed after losing a flip/being sucked out on.
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014

    Didn't play much last night before a trip to the pub. Ran pretty well tbf.

    Re: last update about position, found myself with similar table dynamics on first NL8 table I joined yesterday (site was v quiet), but the game is easy when the first time you're in the SB you can gii pre AA v AK for a quick £6.

    With Larson at my table last night it reminded me of the £10-£1000 challenge that someone on an old punting forum (also called Larson7) kicked off and many people copied.

    Quite a few made it - I never got all the way in maybe 10 attempts, but am going to make that an aim alongside the poker this season. £1k from poker or £1k from idiot betting challenge, which one gets there first.

    In short, £10 bet on a '1 or more goals' on a footy match. Odds are dire, normally 1/10 at the very best. Keep lobbing the full balance on each time. Needs up to 100 matches in a row to hit the £1,000 mark. Occasionally try speed things up with the odd 'other' odds-on bet where appropriate.
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014

    Not posting for a few days, but running pretty well... I'm not sure I've got the hang of this diary lark.

    Shockingly poor DTD games last night, but I accidentally entered the £1.10 PLO8 tourni that was listed immediately after the £1.10 DTD2 - and somehow ran my way into 2nd spot to make a small tourni profit for the night.
    Still don't really get any of the nuances of the game, but it is a fun change from the norm. It's a shame that there are zero cash tables running at micro levels for PLO/PLO8, but I get that Sky rake is even more brutal in these formats and stops people jumping in. Maybe I'll dabble a bit more if I ever get to the point that I can play the low stakes and not worry about losing 10+ BI in quick succession.

    Black Cats scraped a top 5 spot, so another £15 added today. Awesome.  The Toffees this week rank as 5th favourite, so fingers crossed they can rake me in another £15 this week and get a hat-trick of Sky Premiership wins. I run well at promos this year (update post on that to start September).

    Cash was tough due to whatever rake race was forcing regs to infest the NL10 games over the last week. I think at one point Donttelmum literally stole my soul and proceeded to win every single pot I inadvertently entered vs him. I'd like to say that I upped my game to compete with the reg names, but I'd imagine stats would show I lost a packet vs them seemingly always having it and am only up for the period due to bullying any recs I had the good fortune to sit with.

    Other than DTD, had some good £2 BH runs. Maybe some of the video watching is starting to sink in. Definitely given me some alternative ways of looking at games which can only be good. I still miss playing with 100bb or more though!

    And one last chirp... Forest top of the league and crushing. It can never last so has to be enjoyed for now!
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014
    Same sort of hand, different (rec) oppo in each, nothing to add in terms of note.

    Auto fold / call each river?

    How wide a range should I still have villains on by the time I face their river donk?
    Robbo67 Small blind  £0.04 £0.04 £13.50
    villain1Big blind  £0.08 £0.12 £4.43
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • Q
    cdg83 Call  £0.08 £0.20 £2.93
    Parmenion Fold     
    shakinaces Raise  £0.32 £0.52 £7.83
    pritchy810 Fold     
    Robbo67 Fold     
    villain1Call  £0.24 £0.76 £4.19
    cdg83 Fold     
    • 5
    • Q
    • 2
    shakinaces Bet  £0.35 £1.11 £7.48
    villain1Call  £0.35 £1.46 £3.84
    • K
    shakinaces Bet  £0.70 £2.16 £6.78
    villain1Call  £0.70 £2.86 £3.14
    • 4
    villain1All-in  £3.14 £6.00 £0.00
    shakinaces Small blind  £0.04 £0.04 £8.08
    villain2Big blind  £0.08 £0.12 £14.01
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • J
    shakinaces Raise  £0.20 £0.32 £7.88
    villain2Call  £0.16 £0.48 £13.85
    • J
    • 8
    • 5
    shakinaces Bet  £0.30 £0.78 £7.58
    villain2Call  £0.30 £1.08 £13.55
    • 3
    shakinaces Bet  £0.64 £1.72 £6.94
    villain2Call  £0.64 £2.36 £12.91
    • A
    villain2Bet  £2.36 £4.72 £10.55
    shakinaces ???
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2014
    Hey mate

    Both hands think we just fold on the river. Generally speaking, but not always, they just think better get value from my hand mash the pot button. One pair hands are seldom good here in my experience.

    Definatly better spots than these.
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