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Further misadventures of a fish at the cash tables



  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited October 2014
    £1,945.17 pts past the 900 mark

    Hmm not sure if yesterday was a touch or not... current total may include the latest rewards payment?

    Averaging 150pts a day at micros is a tough ask. I have a new found respect for those that have been rumoured to have made priority playing only NL10 or lower.

    My employers have signed up to a deal that lets us get cheaper Apple stuff next year... this may warrant further investigation to find something that can cope with the Sky software better than my 5-year old laptop. I'm sure I can cope with the corresponding salary reduction. You don't need to eat as much when you have good tech in the house.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited October 2014
    Doing really well.

    Do you ever make withdrawals?

    Re the Coaching, might be worth playing a good amount of hands at 20nl before you decide to take anything up. 
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited October 2014
    Don't think reward payments are in yet. Mine arnt. 

    You really need to get a Mac. Be that laptop or computer. Yes they are more expensive but they last for ever! I bought a PC with my first set of winnings and within six months it became slow. Year later bought a Mac and it lasted for five years and I only bought a new one because I'm an apple geek and just wanted new! Still got a fair few hundred for my old one and was working perfectly! So, that's my recommendation.

    As for coaching, wait until you have played a fair while at 20/30nl and are doing well then make the next step. Your still easily going to cope and do well at those levels. 
  • HYPETINGHYPETING Member Posts: 253
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: a fish en route to NL20:
    £1,945.17 pts past the 900 mark Hmm not sure if yesterday was a touch or not... current total may include the latest rewards payment? Averaging 150pts a day at micros is a tough ask. I have a new found respect for those that have been rumoured to have made priority playing only NL10 or lower. My employers have signed up to a deal that lets us get cheaper Apple stuff next year... this may warrant further investigation to find something that can cope with the Sky software better than my 5-year old laptop. I'm sure I can cope with the corresponding salary reduction. You don't need to eat as much when you have good tech in the house.
    Posted by shakinaces
    So true. 

    Apple gear is the cream imo. I have a macbook pro and its just wonderful.

    BUY ONE. 
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited October 2014
    £1,996.84 pts only 988 :/

    So in the main, that turn around in run good came my way last night. I did very briefly clear the £2k barrier but then dropped £4 right at the end by gambling AQs vs JJ pre (was a poor/tired call).

    Poor volume though as I was playing footy last night.

    Well, I say playing.

    I was on a football pitch and appeared to have had my feet replaced with spanners.

    Wearing an early 2000s Forest shirt had a tendency to do that to footballers.

    And thank you to the previous posters for doing a good job of talking me into buying a very expensive new laptop/desktop... I still have a few compatability concerns (not least that I'm an Android fan phone-wise and I hear suggestions that the switch may necessitate me buying an iPhone as well... sigh)
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited October 2014

    oh yeah - no withdrawals yet since I started this Larson... the life nit in me is planning a shift of money to somewhere I can a small amount of interest though...

    Lessons from the tables 1 - I'm not good enough to slow-play hands

    I was going to leave this table as well, but then a couple of softer opposition sat down so I opted to stay a while longer. And yet I kept getting myself into hands with the 3 (NL20+) good quality regs at the table - such as this one BvB

    Ordinarily I'd insta-4-bet this pre, especially out of position (which in this case would have taken down a risk free pot) and on the rarer occasion I flat then I'd almost always c/r the flop and hope a slightly worse hand comes along for the ride. But no, I wait till I've fallen well behind to make my move, protecting against the flush draws and initially thinking that BB must have a lower set or possibly AcKc.

    Deserved outcome for 'fancy play' syndrome!

    shakinaces Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £18.23
    BBBig blind  £0.10 £0.15 £12.57
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    shakinaces Raise  £0.25 £0.40 £17.98
    BBRaise  £0.80 £1.20 £11.77
    shakinaces Call  £0.60 £1.80 £17.38
    • K
    • 6
    • 9
    shakinaces Check     
    BBBet  £1.05 £2.85 £10.72
    shakinaces Call  £1.05 £3.90 £16.33
    • J
    shakinaces Check     
    BBBet  £2.20 £6.10 £8.52
    shakinaces All-in  £16.33 £22.43 £0.00
    BBAll-in  £8.52 £30.95 £0.00
    shakinaces Unmatched bet  £5.61 £25.34 £5.61
    shakinaces Show
    • K
    • K
    • Q
    • 10
    • 2
    BBWin Straight to the King £23.94  £23.94
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited October 2014
    Lessons from the tables 2 - I'm STILL not good enough to slow-play hands

    This was about an hour or so after the hand above vs one of the reg names above me in the rake race and accordingly playing a very tight range due to the number of tables, as well as having me well pegged (in the main...)

    That was my excuse for not 4-betting anyway, where I figured he'd insta-fold anything other than KK/AA if I raise again pre-flop.

    I was kidding myself that there was anything other than sets in his turn shove range.

    So I called on variance to favour me for a change and sucked out. My apologies to the oppo if he happens to be reading this.
    xSmall blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.06
    BBBig blind  £0.04 £0.06 £4.98
    xBig blind  £0.04 £0.10 £1.80
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    shakinaces Raise  £0.16 £0.26 £5.10
    xCall  £0.14 £0.40 £2.92
    BBRaise  £0.52 £0.92 £4.46
    shakinaces Call  £0.40 £1.32 £4.70
    • K
    • 8
    • 5
    shakinaces Bet  £0.66 £1.98 £4.04
    BBCall  £0.66 £2.64 £3.80
    • 6
    shakinaces Bet  £1.32 £3.96 £2.72
    BBAll-in  £3.80 £7.76 £0.00
    shakinaces Call  £2.48 £10.24 £0.24
    • K
    • K
    shakinaces Show
    • A
    • A
    • A
    shakinaces Win Three Aces £9.47  £9.71
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited October 2014
    Get it all in pre
    you still lose though
    until the river
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited October 2014
    I finally gave in to germs and didn't play on Weds, so have almost tumbled outside the top 10 for rake race monies.

    Despite being pretty knackered I did foolishly play yesterday.  My play was akin to

    But the poker Gods had sympathy with me and let me run like

    So that leaves me at £2,014.99 and 1,106pts

    Over 1/3 of the way to my 3k points target with 22 days to go... although I'm not sure my laptop is going to survive the month lol

    I mean seriously, how do people reach priority playing just micro stakes... they must be machines!
  • GaryLaudGaryLaud Member Posts: 535
    edited October 2014
    Good to play on one of your tables again today, it's been ages hasn't it!
    Just to let you know I've sent you a PM.

    GL for the rest of the weekend.
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: a fish en route to NL20:
    I finally gave in to germs and didn't play on Weds, so have almost tumbled outside the top 10 for rake race monies. Despite being pretty knackered I did foolishly play yesterday.  My play was akin to But the poker Gods had sympathy with me and let me run like So that leaves me at £2,014.99 and 1,106pts Over 1/3 of the way to my 3k points target with 22 days to go... although I'm not sure my laptop is going to survive the month lol I mean seriously, how do people reach priority playing just micro stakes... they must be machines!
    Posted by shakinaces
    Try and get 50k at 20nl bud.

    Run well!
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited October 2014
    DTM - you're a hero for some of the stats you've achieved... even if I had better tech and full time focus on poker I know there is simply no way I could come close to your level of grinding. Fair to say that you deserve that holiday to Punta Cana probably more than anyone else that qualifies!!

    Gary - will reply after I've tapped up this.

    pts sat at 1,670 after the weekend... surprised I'm so far behind a couple of players on the micro leaderboard, but I guess they must have just been on for a large amount of the time I was offline. Ho hum.

    cash at £2,087.03 mostly thanks to run-good I should imagine... I guess it's just overdue to be my turn to benefit, but there were several double ups thanks to maniacs getting it in with utter junk just as I picked up a premium hand... which was nice.

    I'd love it if Sky could get some sort of self-tracking software on here to see your own results... not HUD or tracking other oppos, just to review your own game. I mean, for instance, it would be such a benefit to have an unarguable view as to whether you are running + or - EV for any given period and get a better context as to how well you are playing.

    It may also help some of the 'fix!' players who, I'm guessing, are just playing a small enough volume that they could easily be running badly -EV... but know that they need XXX more hands for that to even out... or worse, 'fix' players that are running +EV and really need to look at themselves.

    I am just a data nerd. I guess that sort of analysis would bore the moobs of most other Sky players.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2014
    Was in the middle of a post but had to edit as I have just worked out that top pic is a bag of spanners.

    Great results.

    GL for the rest of the grind!
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: a fish en route to NL20:
    Moonraker - Ms Goodhead. Snigger. I may be in the minority, but IMO Roger Moore was the best Bond. Not as good as The Spy Who Loved Me though. The effects in the space scenes were pretty mint given their pushing 40 years old now. S
    Posted by shakinaces

    IMHO (note the H) it has to be sean connery, that accent............

    and yes the H in the IMHO along with the testicular entree is definitely an oxymoron
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited October 2014

    Ha I dunno, I guess Connery as the first 'well known' Bond portrayal will always give him an edge over the others... but I think the greater cheesy/comedic undertones of the Moore films made them more enjoyable for me - which in turn skews who I personally see as the best Bond.

    Plus, the Japanese disguise of You Only Live Twice... some of that was just terrible (although still very watchable lol)

    What do I know though, I ended up getting invited to a poker game at a mates' future (now current) father-in-laws about a year ago and the ridic amount of Bond memorabilia that adorned his home helped to back up his claim that he was one of Bond's biggest fans.

    And he told us (from the mix of Connery/Moore/Craig answers that came from around the table), that we were all entirely incorrect and it was in fact George Lazenby that was the best. And it's a crying shame that they weren't able to make more than the one film with him.

    Anyway, I suppose it's all irrelevant really. The better question is has been the best of the Bond girls. I'm not sure it'd be approved if I started adding images though.

  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited October 2014
    And yeah, I focussed on the Bond response just then, because I've been butchered at poker the past 2 days and dropped nearly £60.

    I blame work, way too much working through data at pace these last few days and being mentally shot. I gave up early on Monday as I couldn't concentrate at all and was stationing off like a proper fish.

    Yesterday wasn't much better, albeit the losses (I think?) were a bit more standard. Not helped by running all my good hands at NL4 and all my coolers at an NL10 mastercash table.

    I'll post the bigger losses in the clinic to see whether I'm kidding myself to think I had to lose so much... I still mis-play 200BB on a regular basis.
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited October 2014
    £2,207.41 / 2,344pts

    Back to NL20 after the somewhat chaotic end to the Punta Cana cash race bumped me up by £117.50, not bad for a couple of weeks and had me challenging myself against NL20+ or higher players anyway lol.  First session last night was up about £15... bit surprised how few points I earned despite playing at a higher level, but I guess that is due to lower rake %?

    I have to say that the rake race was well timed - trying (again) to quit other gambling I needed something to be a bit obsessive about and poker helped fill that need.

    At a conservative estimate, I must have shot away plenty upwards of £20k through house-edge gambling in life. I think that's why I get so an-al about tracking the pennies in poker, as a way of getting some sort of control over an addiction. It's kind of ridiculous that I can get caught in a haze that blows through hundreds in a matter of minutes, yet am reticent about even stepping up from NL10 to NL20 lol.

    But hopefully small controlled steps at poker will ween me off the (previously) uncontrolled bankroll rollercoaster in the bookies!

    Or to paraphrase the underrated Stallone film 'Cobra' - gambling is the disease, poker is the cure.

    Anyway, need to hunt down videos to improve my c-betting... I think I've probably regressed due to having played so much NL4 as part of the my mix of tables.  Need to reassess which 20% (ish) of flops I don't bet, which I bet smaller and when / against whom I should be barrelling turn (and river) as opposed to taking a 1-and-done route.  I felt like most oppos at NL20 were shoving me about last night... although that may be a factor of having been making way more 'curiosity calls' at NL4 / making more solid folds at NL20...
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited October 2014
    No play, been reading a bunch of articles with my spare time the last couple of days rather than donate money through tiredness-tilt.

    A lot of the stuff has been from Matthew Janda from CardRunners, who seems to articulate stuff in a way that my brain 'gets', even though it's no doubt stretching my brain-power/poker skills beyond what they're capable of!

    After getting through all those and a bunch of 2+2 articles, I also ended up ordering his book for a bit of further reading. It only cost £16 and I've arguably already got that much value from the free articles so look forward to that.

    I also watched a bit of the high stakes stuff on Sky for 15-20 mins (didn't seem worth starting tables up for that time, given I normally lose during the first 15 mins of any session!).

    a) I think one of the tables must have seen a big name on monkey tilt... notwithstanding those players think on several levels higher than I do, the lines taken just seemed bonkers.

    b) There's no waiting for the blinds to come round, when the obvious fish leaves, everyone leaves. Perhaps I need to adopt this rather than playing on with a table of regs...

    c) There were so few flops seen compared to lower levels. I don't know if this was the impact of people only wanting to play if the fish saw a flop, but maybe reinforces that I should be tightening up my opening / calling ranges pre-flop (which until now I've been steadily widening lol).  But yeah, raise and everyone folds, unless someone 3-bets and then everyone including the initial raiser folds.

    I suppose c) means I also understand better how the high-stakes Punta Cana leaderboard was won with such a small number of raked hands lol
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited October 2014
    £2,225.85 / 2,455pts

    Tech-tilt in force last night. Was flying until the internet went down, got the measure of where I was on a mix of NL20/NL30 tables, then just didn't really get back into a rhythmn after getting kicked off for 15mins and having to join different tables.

    Hopefully the little win gives me a buffer for when I get back from a beer festival tonight and don't necessarily play my best.

    A few hands to chuck up... comments welcome:

    Oppo is good aggro multi-tabler and was constantly pouncing on any hand I took a 1-and-done approach. That's the reason for my turn check... gutted, the one time he doesn't bet... then raised the river, but I didn't figure there to be that many 5s in his range and figured there could be bluffs (both flushes missing) or Ax that thought I may call with QQ/JJ sort of hands or at worst split with AQ/AJ/AT etc

    MAGPIETYKE Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £22.67
    paris1995 Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £30.98
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • K
    TMT_TBE Fold     
    shakinaces Raise  £0.60 £0.90 £22.02
    xxxCall  £0.60 £1.50 £21.59
    MAGPIETYKE Fold     
    paris1995 Fold     
    • A
    • 5
    • 4
    shakinaces Bet  £0.80 £2.30 £21.22
    xxxCall  £0.80 £3.10 £20.79
    • K
    shakinaces Check     
    • 5
    shakinaces Bet  £2.00 £5.10 £19.22
    xxxRaise  £6.40 £11.50 £14.39
    shakinaces Call  £4.40 £15.90 £14.82
    • 6
    • 5
    shakinaces Muck
    • A
    • K
    xxxWin Three 5s £15.10  £29.49
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited October 2014
    I'd been nicking lots of smaller pots from this oppo, who had a tendency to call pre and then give up flops.

    Then the one time I have a truly legit hand pre-flop... BERZERKER!

    I should never be calling here, right?  It totally felt like a panicky response and fingers-crossed-Shakin-doesn't-have-an-ace sort of shove... but then I couldn't completely rule out 55/99/Q9/Q5s.
    LEE001 Small blind  £0.15 £0.15 £40.23
    hurst05 Big blind  £0.30 £0.45 £30.20
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    xxxCall  £0.30 £0.75 £24.56
    wwfc Fold     
    shakinaces Raise  £1.20 £1.95 £43.90
    TMT_TBE Fold     
    LEE001 Fold     
    hurst05 Fold     
    xxxCall  £0.90 £2.85 £23.66
    • 5
    • 9
    • Q
    shakinaces Bet  £2.00 £4.85 £41.90
    xxxRaise  £4.00 £8.85 £19.66
    shakinaces Call  £2.00 £10.85 £39.90
    • A
    xxxAll-in  £19.66 £30.51 £0.00
    shakinaces ???
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