Sounds like an elaborate scheme to get a two week holiday from modding
Seriously tho, Wp for owning up even if it was after being caught. Most wouldn't bother so wp but yeah lifetime ban is the only fair consequence for colluding or multi accounting imo so gl on a new site.
Did you really get a PM Tommy? Sounds like an elaborate scheme to get a two week holiday from modding Seriously tho, Wp for owning up even if it was after being caught. Most wouldn't bother so wp but yeah lifetime ban is the only fair consequence for colluding or multi accounting imo so gl on a new site. Posted by Lambert180
The guy has sent Tommy a confession to a crime. A site ban is not nearly significant enough of a consequence.
I really do hope that Sky's staff are willing to pass this and other evidence to the police. I don't expect them to tell any of us that they have done so, but this is why a clear, unequivocal company policy is required.
In Response to Re: Skill & Go Final - Who will win? **WITH SKYBET ODDS** : The guy has sent Tommy a confession to a crime. A site ban is not nearly significant enough of a consequence. I really do hope that Sky's staff are willing to pass this and other evidence to the police. I don't expect them to tell any of us that they have done so, but this is why a clear, unequivocal company policy is required. Posted by BorinLoner
Surely the Police have more important things to investigate rather than someone double-accounting a few small stakes on-line poker games?
In Response to Re: Skill & Go Final - Who will win? **WITH SKYBET ODDS** : Surely the Police have more important things to investigate rather than someone double-accounting a few small stakes on-line poker games? Posted by FCHD
Would you be saying that if you were Chrisdbhoy and had been robbed of your chance at £1500?
It's not a few small stakes games it's a £5k competition. Honestly, I may report this to the police myself if Sky are unwilling to offer assurances that they take these things as seriously as they should.
GET IN THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go collect your wages guys the good thing has won cough cough. Glad i didnt let you all down cant believe how many ppl put money on me. No pressure or anything! Donttelmum it seems its your lucky day too dude thank you ever so much and iv never been so happy to part with some money. Gamble landed. Well played to everybody in the final and thanks sky for running another excellent promo. Chris Posted by chrisdboy
Congrats Chris and well played GSmith was a good HU to watch.
Back to my £1.15 DYM grinds - or may stretch to try some £3:30!!
And atleast now the issue can be closed.
Pocket9's is paying the price for his actions.
Keep up, mate
I just want to say a massive GL to Paul "Jac35" Jackson in tonites final.
As a fellow "Old Man" i really hope you take it down for us old guys.
Good luck mate, you deserve it.
I really do hope that Sky's staff are willing to pass this and other evidence to the police. I don't expect them to tell any of us that they have done so, but this is why a clear, unequivocal company policy is required.
It's not a few small stakes games it's a £5k competition. Honestly, I may report this to the police myself if Sky are unwilling to offer assurances that they take these things as seriously as they should.
Back to my £1.15 DYM grinds - or may stretch to try some £3:30!!