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New kid on the block



  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited June 2014
    Also - A big well done to teammates Larson and Waller who placed 1st and 4th respectively in the best of the best promotion and won UKPC packages. Fly that TPT flag high lads. See ya all for the turbos!
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited June 2014
    Wow wow wow. That was very fine evening. I'll write tomorrow as i have an early morning outpatients appointment @ hospital.

    £16.50 -> £750 + UKPC Semi seat.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited June 2014
    very well done Matt, you'll be buzzing, great result:)
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited June 2014
    Nice one mate, was railing through the tv, was going too go back on but was in bed. Nice result!!!!
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited June 2014
    Well. Dream evening for myself last night.

    I was the last person on for the jackpot but I didn't really aim for it really. Couldnt get a double up in the mini despite jamming relatively wide, then got snapped by AA with my JJ and the guy turned quads. Finished 33rd for about £8 including HP. Main was a different story.

    I played this near perfectly i think. I was 9bb with about 50 left and I was in a spot where I either treble up or bust, and decided, you know what, my cards could be live here and it will flop well so I went with it. Feasible i could be up against 2 x Ax , i could be crushed but it just felt like a good spot to make the call and gamble for a big spin up.
    SparkyKeef Small blind  1500.00 1500.00 31140.00
    Matt237 Big blind  3000.00 4500.00 18206.27
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • 9
    twicetwo Call  3000.00 7500.00 37755.00
    BRAHER Fold     
    londontaxi All-in  22538.00 30038.00 0.00
    longman912 Fold     
    SparkyKeef Fold     
    Matt237 All-in  18206.27 48244.27 0.00
    twicetwo Call  19538.00 67782.27 18217.00
    Matt237 Show
    • J
    • 9
    twicetwo Show
    • Q
    • Q
    londontaxi Show
    • A
    • K
    • 7
    • 5
    • 5
    • 9
    • 4
    Matt237 Win Flush to the Jack 65118.81  65118.81
    twicetwo Win Two Pairs, Queens and 5s 2663.46  20880.46
    And then i got moved tables and this was 2 hands later...
    Matt237 Small blind  1500.00 1500.00 65118.81
    Big blind  3000.00 4500.00 53063.75
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • 7
    ertikins Fold     
    high_tea Fold     
    rivermunky Fold     
    Deek10 Fold     
    Matt237 Raise  4500.00 9000.00 60618.81
    xRaise  9000.00 18000.00 44063.75
    Matt237 Call  6000.00 24000.00 54618.81
    • 6
    • K
    • 3
    Matt237 Check     
    Bet  12000.00 36000.00 32063.75
    Matt237 Call  12000.00 48000.00 42618.81
    • 6
    Matt237 Check     
    Bet  24000.00 72000.00 8063.75
    Matt237 All-in  42618.81 114618.81 0.00
    All-in  8063.75 122682.56 0.00
    Matt237 Unmatched bet  10555.06 112127.50 10555.06
    Matt237 Show
    • K
    • 7
    • A
    • 5
    • 6
    Matt237 Win Full House, 6s and Kings 112127.50  122682.56
    So that's where I got my stack from. At this point I was 1/48 or so, so I was able to play my game comfortably. I was playing quite aggressive because that's where i'm comfortable. Once I was 1/30 I knew I had a chance at this. Slowly picked people off, lost the occasional pot but ran quite standard in the late stage. Towards the last 20 I got lucky in a couple of spots and unlucky in others. Still continued with my style of picking people off, I wasn't intending to play tight at all and settle for just a top 10, I wanted a top 3 finish. I only really had one person to worry about and that was Neil1970.
    So we got to the final table and I was near enough joint chip lead with Neil, there was someone with 2 bigs and the others had 9-12. I was confident of making the final 2 atleast, but I thought I could easily take it down. Anyway one by one they were gone - 3 handed and this happened. When I lost this hand I knew he was going to win. Bit unlucky but what can you do?
    Matt237 Small blind  25000.00 25000.00 862088.92
    onebet Big blind  50000.00 75000.00 286664.72
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    neil1970 All-in  477246.36 552246.36 0.00
    Matt237 Call  452246.36 1004492.72 409842.56
    onebet Fold     
    Matt237 Show
    • K
    • A
    neil1970 Show
    • K
    • 4
    • 2
    • 5
    • 6
    • 3
    • 10
    neil1970 Win Straight to the 6 1004492.72  1004492.72
    Anyway I made sure I didn't bust before the other guy. Neil saved me here, although I think if he flats I still fold with ease.
    neil1970 Small blind  25000.00 25000.00 979492.72
    Matt237 Big blind  50000.00 75000.00 359842.56
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • A
    onebet All-in  286664.72 361664.72 0.00
    neil1970 All-in  979492.72 1341157.44 0.00
    Matt237 Fold     
    neil1970 Unmatched bet  717828.00 623329.44 717828.00
    neil1970 Show
    • A
    • A
    onebet Show
    • 8
    • 8
    • K
    • 2
    • J
    • 2
    • 7
    neil1970 Win Two Pairs, Aces and 2s 623329.44  1341157.44
    Anyway 2nd hand into heads up was my exit. All standard really.
    neil1970 Small blind  25000.00 25000.00 1341157.44
    Matt237 Big blind  50000.00 75000.00 284842.56
      Your hole cards
    • 2
    • A
    neil1970 Raise  75000.00 150000.00 1266157.44
    Matt237 All-in  284842.56 434842.56 0.00
    neil1970 Call  234842.56 669685.12 1031314.88
    neil1970 Show
    • 6
    • 9
    Matt237 Show
    • 2
    • A
    • 9
    • 8
    • 5
    • J
    • 6
    neil1970 Win Two Pairs, 9s and 6s 669685.12  1701000.00
    There's no doubt we both deserved to be the final 2 but hard to pick a winner really, we both took it by the grasp after money bubble and crushed. I was made up with 2nd place and an hour of my good play on the TV, but little gutted my AK couldnt hold/hit to knock him out in 3rd place, to give me a 7:1 HU lead. It was a fun night and a very profitable one.

    So a 2nd in Turbo main for £742.77 and 33rd in mini for £8.32. Plus a free UKPC semi seat for winning the last longer competition.

    Tonight be one of my last grinds before a break, may play tomorrow aswell dependent on how i'm feeling.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    edited June 2014
    Great result mate wp!
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited June 2014

    Well played, think you have a real good future in poker with the way you have started life here on SkyPoker.
    Next stop the sofa on Ch861.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: New kid on the block:
      Well played, think you have a real good future in poker with the way you have started life here on SkyPoker. Next stop the sofa on Ch861.
    Posted by 68Trebor
    He has to wait 7 years for that to be possible ;)

    Nice result Mat, enjoy the money.
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited June 2014
    Haha cheers for the comments guys.

    I withdrew a decent chunk of winnings from last night, paid for season ticket renewal and disabled mans railcard, ready for footie next season. Also settled a few deposits i made whilst still learning the game, and it paid for all my away games i did last season, plus i left 250 of it on my sky account. Pretty pleased with that.

    So i played tonight and it didn't go very well. Don't think i made too many errors, maybe one optimistic jam in the mini. I had J10 diamonds, flop came Q 2 8 with 2 diamonds, someone bet + raised in front, so i 3b jammed my big draw which was about 40bb. Anyway snapped by both players who turned over 22 and QQ respectively. Turn was a blank, river? A miracle 2! I had to laugh really, Not quite sure what his odds were on the river, must've been very very thin.

    This is my last session for a while now. May opt to play monday DTDs and the turbos for the next 2 weeks but other than that it will be farewell until Thursday 19th June. May write about life things and any interesting things for discussion but as for playing poker i'm signing out. Run good everyone.

    PS - Tomorrow night 11pm watch a Matt237 masterclass! Sorry i got excited when i was crushing on the TV.

  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited June 2014
    Longer revision sessions and relaxing watching some great TV has been a theme of my days recently.

    Watched Leeds vs Leigh in the Challenge cup quarter final. Rhinos are 2nd in the super league and the best team in the UK, Leigh are top of the championship, and only part time. It is quite remarkable sometimes how professionals can struggle to beat part timers or amateurs, even on their own turf. The scoreline was level with 6 minutes to go. Just makes you realise what a fantastic event sports and games are. Half of the Leigh side had been to work before the game. And the effort they put it was fantastic, and obviously fell just short. Leeds weren't at their best but it was due to the pressure Leigh were applying.

    Bit like an FA cup tie really. People say 'the magic of the FA cup is lost' nowadays, but they forget that the FA cup starts in August in preliminary rounds, and then the september-october qualifying rounds. Which reminds me, it's been 9 years since Leamington last made the first round of the FA cup, and even though I was 9, i still remember this day very well.

    Events like these make me think how great poker is - how amateurs can compete with the pros and is slightly more of a level field on any day. In the longer run, the better players will always make more money but in 1 tournament anything can happen. 

    Football - Not long to go to the Conference AGM and more controversy is happening. Hereford/Macclesfield/Salisbury are in danger. Conference could easily chuck them all out which means all the leagues would need restructuring. Hereford likely to be removed however, so we will be losing Chester, one of the away days i was really looking forward too. Which would mean Hayes+Yeading would get a reprieve in the standard below and someone would be shifted to our league. And for each club that goes under, the same would happen again as teams in the conference south would be reprieved of relegation because of earning more points than those that finished in the bottom 3 of the conference north. 

    Along with all this is the match fixing scandal. 13 games are being investigated - 1 Womens premier league game, 2 Welsh premier games, 2 Conference premier games and the other 8 are conference north games. Thankfully Leamington were not involved in any of the games but in the games that have been flagged as fixed did actually have bizarre events occuring, so i could see some action being taken. 

    Tonight will be watching the BGT final, alongside the evening session of the world cup of darts. Which will be concluded tomorrow. May have England on but i don't have much interest in international friendlies at all.

    2nd exam is on monday which is an AS Physics resit - I got a C in this but i was under the weather during the week i took this exam and i was taken to A&E after finishing, had surgery and 2 weeks later i was back to myself. So school kindly offered to pay for resits of any exams i had during that week, if i opted to take them. Whilst a C is ok - it dragged my overall physics grade down to a C for AS, as it was a more weighted paper of the overall mark. So feel i should be getting an A or a B at least in this paper, only consists of basic quantum physics/basic mechanics, plus 2/5ths examined on a series of physics related articles which test on scientific applications.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited June 2014
    gl with your exam on monday pal and just let you I do read your diary and all the others just don`t post on them often keep it up.

    gl at tables when your back playing :)
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: New kid on the block:
    gl with your exam on monday pal and just let you I do read your diary and all the others just don`t post on them often keep it up. gl at tables when your back playing :)
    Posted by liamboi11
    Cheers man. Yeah i'm the same, read everyones diaries but tend not to intrude unless with some advice/well done post etc or a small bit of banter ;-)
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Life/Discussion:
    2nd exam is on monday which is an AS Physics resit - I got a C in this but i was under the weather during the week i took this exam and i was taken to A&E after finishing, had surgery and 2 weeks later i was back to myself. So school kindly offered to pay for resits of any exams i had during that week, if i opted to take them. Whilst a C is ok - it dragged my overall physics grade down to a C for AS, as it was a more weighted paper of the overall mark. So feel i should be getting an A or a B at least in this paper, only consists of basic quantum physics/basic mechanics, plus 2/5ths examined on a series of physics related articles which test on scientific applications.
    Posted by Matt237
    I don't think I've ever heard only and basic together with quantum physics before!!!!
    Very good luck :) love Ducky
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: Life/Discussion:
    In Response to Life/Discussion : I don't think I've ever heard only and basic together with quantum physics before!!!! Very good luck :) love Ducky
    Posted by mrsduck
    Haha there's a first for everything :-) cheers ducky xx
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited June 2014
    Been rather exhausted lately from work/revision/exams etc. Just thought i'd take a night off and just enjoy myself. £11. DTDs and Mega stack. Will make a proper post later when i've finished
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Life/Discussion:
    2nd exam is on monday which is an AS Physics resit - I got a C in this but i was under the weather during the week i took this exam and i was taken to A&E after finishing, had surgery and 2 weeks later i was back to myself. So school kindly offered to pay for resits of any exams i had during that week, if i opted to take them. Whilst a C is ok - it dragged my overall physics grade down to a C for AS, as it was a more weighted paper of the overall mark. So feel i should be getting an A or a B at least in this paper, only consists of basic quantum physics/basic mechanics, plus 2/5ths examined on a series of physics related articles which test on scientific applications.
    Posted by Matt237
    Hey Matt237. Great results poker wise, you seem to be quite a player.

    Non poker question. What are you studying to be? I love physics, did a bit of it in engineering sciences as part of my engineering course at uni. I often think about going back to do a proper science qualification.
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: Life/Discussion:
    In Response to Life/Discussion : Hey Matt237. Great results poker wise, you seem to be quite a player. Non poker question. What are you studying to be? I love physics, did a bit of it in engineering sciences as part of my engineering course at uni. I often think about going back to do a proper science qualification.
    Posted by ShaunyT
    Cheers man! Funnily enough i was going to post about this tonight, but in short

    Maths/Physics/Home Economics at A2, got AS's in Biology and IT

    On to do pure maths at Uni starting september/october. 
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited June 2014

     Which Uni you hoping to go to.
    Remember Physics 'A' level at AGS with Mr Sawyer, most boring teacher in the history of boring teachers, probs not there now.
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: New kid on the block:
     Which Uni you hoping to go to. Remember Physics 'A' level at AGS with Mr Sawyer, most boring teacher in the history of boring teachers, probs not there now.
    Posted by 68Trebor
    He's an exam invigilator now.
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited June 2014
    Early start for 9am exam.

    Well it was supposed to be. Turns out the insert for my physics exam was not instantly available, plus there were some typos in the paper we had to go through and correct. I'm guessing well into the 100,000s of students taking that exam, how can exam boards come up with typos? Seriously? Sat around for 50 minutes in a really stuffy room doing nothing, wasn't nice.

    Exam went pretty smooth. 100 marks, 60 or some on Mechanics/Physics related calculations and rest on waves and basic quantum physics including photons and kinetic energy relationships to energy levels (again, Mechanics). 2 hours, 3 sections and 100 marks is a bit of a weirdly structured exam but found it quite straightforward really. Came out very happy. 2 down 6 more to go.

    UCAS allowed me 3 choices for my provisional uni line up due to my health background from past 3 years limiting me to education time. Gone with -

    Uni of Birmingham
    Coventry University
    Wolverhampton University

    Birmingham probably stands out to most, but Coventry being the best modern University, and has a fantastic course/opportunities looks like my favourite so far. Wolverhampton is a university specialising for the deaf. I love all 3 but Coventry likely my first choice. We'll see come results day (Dont think results are an issue for any of my 3 offers)

    Physics Wednesday. Mechanics U1 Thursday. Weekend. :-)
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