9/20 DYMs was quite poor i feel. I ended up bubbling 10 out of the 20, with 8 instances of getting my chips in good and ahead. Don't think i'm being too aggressive on the bubble of DYMs, just baring ICM in mind.
Megastack took awhile to get going, but with about 7 till the money and a 10bb stack i took off - and knocked 3 people out before the money and ended up chip leader. Managed to fold my way to the final table - there were 3/9 players away at the tables and 2 people on my table were going crazy so from an ICM perspective i made sure i wasn't busting before the away guys. Heads up vs MADPATDOC was a tricky one, solid aggressive player and i wasn't really sure whether i had an edge or not. My breakthrough hand was a gamble, he 3b jammed 24eff and i snapped off with Q10 of clubs - He turns over 55 and we get there on the turn, after flopping a tonne of outs. Really happy with this bink, Made my night a profit and a substancial one.
Had a very bad start to the evening but managed to recover it to a £30 loss, about £20 of that being from MTTs.
As far as the £5 DYMs went last night, we started off very poorly at 3/13 cashes, but managed to pull back to 16/30 by the end of my session. Overall that leaves us at 31/61 which is a little short at the mo but hopefully it will soon improve after some good sessions. Was good to run into a few regulars at the table, including Stuarty117 who is a bit of a curse to me, and Kadoom. Always nice to chat in the middle of a grind.
Tonight is just consisting of DYMs, with the 796m Freeroll and the Mega Stack. Run well everyone.
Another ok DYM session completed, once again started off badly but i'm still enjoying it. I thrive off putting people in sick ICM spots lol :-). Received some very unpolite chat from a few people tonight on the tables, which is a bit disappointing as i like a good chat. Been a fun night all in all so i can't complain.
We are now 45/85 DYM cashes, which is slowly getting better after a poor start. I aim to complete around 50 tomorrow, as the girlfriend is off to Alton Towers and with my medical background i'm unable to go :-(. Look forward to some more play tomorrow. Leamington kick off pre season tomorrow away at Stafford but i'm not bothering - too far for a friendly!
Its very easy to say you're running badly but tonight some of the hands have been sickening. Then alongside that, there was a lot of abuse around on the chat tonight, and with the addition of a couple of people typing colluding-style messages in the chatbox, it really did my head in tonight.
We have ended down. About £40.
Play -
50 x DYM (£275) - Return £240 (24/50) 1 x Main Event (£4,80 Satellite entry) - Return £0 1 x Mini Event (£5,50) - Return £0
Don't really have much else to say, although if anyone knows if there is a report abuse sort of section in game so we can report chat please let me know, it's not nice.
Since last Wednesday the Megastack has ran 3 times, and we have won it twice. I knew as the bubble burst that I would win, just had confidence in myself and made the big calls at the right time. Even when I got my chips in behind it was effectively almost a flip. Played really good stuff tonight, ran pretty good also but kept losing flips at the wrong times which were my downfalls in the DTDs. Run good all, back to MTT schedule for Tuesday night, then DYMing again later this week.
We lost £9,50 but it was one of those nights where i was just looking for an entertaining evening. Few DYM games went well so clawed a small bit of the loss back. Just really happy to see my friend do well and I enjoyed the last 2 hours of the 861 show with Channings analysis, especially in the cash hour.
Off to football tomorrow evening - for a pre season friendly where we are visited by a Birmingham City side. They brought a decent outfit last year and we play them every year, so its always a good occasion. Back to rail from 10pm onwards so any friends that are deepish in the main/mini/mega i'll be chasing you down :-). Run well everyone
No play day. Been a bit of a difficult day for me.
Enjoyed the 861 show tonight, and the super league which ended in a bit of a disaster with Kevin Sinfields stupidity costing the Rhinos a massive win and bragging rights, ah well draw was fair.
Having the weekend off - i feel these every other weekend breaks do me good - freshens myself up and i usually come back strong on the monday. Leamington entertain Cheltenham first team tomorrow evening so looking forward to that. Never really anticipate pre season so much but its good to have the season back and only 3 weeks away from the big opener.
Poker plans will resume next week with the DTD/Megastack monday night as ever. Run good everyone, will be on the rail
Managed to obtain something called Special Consideration for all of my A2 exams/coursework pieces. Basically my results will be increased by a certain percentage due to disabilities/absences all that sort of stuff which has given myself an unfair advantage. To give you an idea of why i have been awarded this percentage - from September '13 - May '14 i had 3 major operations and my attendance at registration was 54%. I don't feel I need the additional marks but you know it's there to be taken!
Just last week I became a part of the forum DTD admin team which is quite exciting, as it is another opportunity to get involved with the community and to help run the most successful forum game is a mini privilege :-). I play these games weekly anyway as I am a part of the mighty titans, and its always a great night of banter/entertaining poker.
Also mini apology to those at the £55 9pm BH final table and anyone who was on the rail on friday night/saturday morning for my language, bit unlike me to kick off but felt the unknown railee was very disrespectful to the final tablists and myself, so thought i would stick up for my fellow players.
Run good everyone, back to report later on hopefully a good session!
We have made the unbelieveable profit of 40p. Profit is profit though, but could have been better. Few DYM river cards were not my friend, and had villain dominated in DTD3 and he flopped a straight. Ah well enjoyable nights work, had fun clashing with Hhyftrftdr in DTD1. No play tomorrow evening, off to Stratford for another pre season friendly game. May play in the afternoon depends how I feel. Run good everyone
Good session, really enjoyed it. Not many regs around in the afternoon, and alot of the super standard hands ran out as they should today. Off to Stratford tonight so no turbo tuesday for me but £25 day profit for a few DYM games is not too bad eh?
87/161 Overall. Just the 1 buyin down so we are getting there. The early run bad stage is waring off :-)
Hi matt, I seen your post so I thought i would say hi, I hope your are well. You are a very nice young man, your mum must be very proud of you. (just incase you dont remember me i was playing at your table on the 300 pound megga stack and you helped this old lady try to improve her poker on the 14/7/14 ).
You take care matt and keep being lucky. From truly56
Will be on the tables later from Freeroll onwards, probably just going to play the Freeroll and the megastack alongside some £5 DYMs. See ya all later :-)
Hi matt, I seen your post so I thought i would say hi, I hope your are well. You are a very nice young man, your mum must be very proud of you. (just incase you dont remember me i was playing at your table on the 300 pound megga stack and you helped this old lady try to improve her poker on the 14/7/14 ). You take care matt and keep being lucky. From truly56 Posted by truly56
Saw this post last night and it made me smile, thanks alot and hope all is well :-) x
I don't think i've been this mad ever playing poker.
DYMs tonight were rifed with colluders, but as i try to report them via chat my client kept freezing and had to restart and ending up losing a few chips in the process. I eventually reported them, i didn't really take much notice of their action until I was single tabling then i realised how obvious it was. I hope action will be taken against them. I don't know if I was in too many games with them but hope it is investigated nonetheless.
Didn't really run well all night but affected my play in some games. Threw away 2 of the games, rest were just super standard coolers/in good but lose. Hopefully a better day tomorrow. Looking forward to the show with Orford/Rutter/Burland especially.
Fair to say tonight didn't go very well. I didn't play that well but not that badly either. Variance towards the end of the session killed me, with myself losing my last 5 DYMs. Main event sat was going ok but got 44 in vs 66 on a 2 3 J board, for the turn to come down a 4 but bloke rivered the 6 for the higher set. DYMs weren't really packed with regs tonight which is what we want but those fishy calls were getting there more often than they should, and these players kept waking up with big hands more often than they should. One of those nights!
On an extra note i gave a few PLO8 games a go just for a break from NLH grinding and it was actually really refreshing and good fun. Definitely will give more a go in the future. I think tomorrow will be reverting to MTT evening session and playing DYMs in the afternoon if i'm around.
Really looking forward to a decent week-end of poker with myself not out on Saturday, certainly cannot wait for the debut of the 3max for some amazing dynamics. Hopefully we can run better than last couple of days, confidence hasn't been affected too much however which is always a good thing.
102/196 DYMs now which is not good and has been brought down with a 15/35 in my last few sessions. Nearing the 200 mark and its 110/200 to break even (NOT INCLUDING RAKE BACK) just to give those an idea who don't like doing quick maths haha. Including the points gained 108/200 games is a £1 loss. Hopefully as we play more overtime it's gunna even out and will be +ev overtime like i hoped and expected.
TY for the mention

Enjoy reading. Always makes poker even more better when you have a chat at the tables that's what its all about.
PS I am not a curse I have cashed everytime when you have played on my table lol
Its very easy to say you're running badly but tonight some of the hands have been sickening. Then alongside that, there was a lot of abuse around on the chat tonight, and with the addition of a couple of people typing colluding-style messages in the chatbox, it really did my head in tonight.
We have ended down. About £40.
Play -
50 x DYM (£275) - Return £240 (24/50)
1 x Main Event (£4,80 Satellite entry) - Return £0
1 x Mini Event (£5,50) - Return £0
That leaves us 69/135 DYM cashes, which is a bit meh. Its not where i want to be, but it could be worse.
Don't really have much else to say, although if anyone knows if there is a report abuse sort of section in game so we can report chat please let me know, it's not nice.
Main event exit. Run better guys, back on tables before the World cup final.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancehhamza162 Small blind 75.00 75.00 2155.00 kalin68 Big blind 150.00 225.00 7467.50 Your hole cards Q 9 Uzi_lover Fold Matt237 Raise 300.00 525.00 3005.00 jdsallstar Fold garden Fold hhamza162 Fold kalin68 Call 150.00 675.00 7317.50 Flop 10 8 A kalin68 Check Matt237 Bet 300.00 975.00 2705.00 kalin68 Call 300.00 1275.00 7017.50 Turn 6 kalin68 Bet 450.00 1725.00 6567.50 Matt237 All-in 2705.00 4430.00 0.00 kalin68 Call 2255.00 6685.00 4312.50 kalin68 Show 7 4 Matt237 Show Q 9 River 9 kalin68 Win Straight to the 10 6685.00 10997.50
Here is an example of some of the chip dumping taking place. I'm not going crazy right? There were multiple hands like this.