In Response to Re: GARY L'S BR THREAD (No Rake % Messages Pls!) BR £47.69 (Deposit 8th Aug 14) : ...and it worked. result to follow. Posted by devonfish5
It didn't though Dev, I prayed for Gary to see the light and play games with a better rake %.
In Response to Re: GARY L'S BR THREAD (No Rake % Messages Pls!) BR £47.69 (Deposit 8th Aug 14) : It didn't though Dev, I prayed for Gary to see the light and play games with a better rake %. Posted by Riptide
And the Laud said unto Gary, "Come forth and receive a better rake deal in the 2.25's."
In Response to Re: GARY L'S BR THREAD (No Rake % Messages Pls!) BR £47.69 (Deposit 8th Aug 14) : GOOD LAUD, are we still tearing the ar se out of the "laud" jokes? p.s * Please edit or remove the following word(s), then resubmit your content: .. ar se...* Posted by vinny67
Laud have mercy! No swearing please, there are children reading this, just like children read the chat box in games. Well I assume that must be the case or why else would we be constantly censored when we 'adults' want to use 'adults' words..
In Response to Re: GARY L'S BR THREAD (No Rake % Messages Pls!) BR £49.52 (Deposit 8th Aug 14) : SUPERB Session today - UNBEATEN! DYMS Played 3 Cashes 3 Losses: 0 BR UP by £1.65 Posted by GaryLaud
Hold on, 3 games, 3 wins, that must mean your Laud of the (6-max) Rings!!
I like just about everyone on this forum and this thread. But does the question need to be asked, Is it now starting to border on bullying? Posted by MrWh1te
Played 3
Cashes 3
Losses: 0
BR UP by £1.65
And the Laud said unto Gary, "Come forth and receive a better rake deal in the 2.25's."
But does the question need to be asked, Is it now starting to border on bullying?