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Pudding's Tourny Adventure



  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited July 2014
    This is a very enjoyable read.Keep the posts coming.Nice to have someone with your bright,breezy and cheery attitude.
    Be good
  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Pudding's Tourny Adventure: Thank you Ducky and everyone who posted. 
    I use the bigger sized text so I can see what I am writing - only 33 but blind as a blind bat lol. 
    Really enjoying your adventure so far pudd and your giant blue writing :) All the best and GL! Ducky
    Posted by mrsduck

  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2014
    Ah ha, I found the FR tables - So I entered the 17.00 Mini 10 Seat FR - tbh I just want the prize, the seat in a bigger tourny not so much - I am not confident enough in my ability to play well enough to compete with the bigger boys and girls; but I don't expect to win this one either. However, the £50 prize pool would be sooo helpful - who doesn't need £50 these days???

    Entered the 19.15 £100 DS

    Will I see you there??

    On to the cash tables *squirms* ...... Christ, I hope I do better than my last dalliance 

  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited July 2014
    hope to see you later pud
  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2014
    Yaaaay my son is home - 6yr old Man-Cub. He has been away a week with his Dad.

    He is a proper gamer, like his Mummy and Step Daddy! Came in after having a little jaunt in the new car  (we bought a car yesterday, as you do lol) and straight on to the PS3 and Child of Light (awesome game imo). Man-Cub is an expert on all things (sanctimonious infant that he is) especially Minecraft. 

    He is home less than 20 minutes and the PS3 is up, running and Man-Cub is happy. He has clearly missed the console & Minecraft - and I do so love hearing him talking to his characters as he plays along, making up little storys about the dogs, cats, Iron Golems and other nafarious characters he has put in his worlds.

    Not a poker player yet, but he has shown interest in the game versions we have on the PS3 - he is very mathematically minded so who knows, he may find it thrilling in a few years when odds becomes of interest. 

    For now I am happy to let him build, interact and have fun in his own way. 

  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited July 2014
    So, I failed to compete myself and came a very dismal 16th - I can play better and should not have let myself become so annoyed - note to self; when finding another player's form to be unbearable - click the away button and leave them to it until busted and burned out.


    If you get a player like that invite me to the table - they are the best players. Yeah they will get there sometimes but they are the people you will always do well over time.

    Good luck with your adventure sure i will see you around :-)

  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2014
    Well well well - the return of the table joker; Only this time I wasn't rattled - I let the table leaders take the booty from the joker - who re-bought in twice. I had a couple bad beats - lost a lot on ace trips to a straight that I missed // A straight that was beaten by one card higher *face palm*. I was playing tight and playing only what I thought was a really good hand KQ / Q10 etc - and the table joker kept going all in - I didn't want to bust so I would fold knowing that the likelihood was the joker had a hand of nothing but dust and bogeys but I didn't want to go head to head just in case; this went on every time I played and when I didn't (I'm not suggesting some kind of conspiracy). 

    I lost out when I was beaten by 2 pair  - one pair higher than mine. Although, the winner took 2 of us down at the same time and caught a lovely bounty, she also had the decency to say thanks which I thought was funny (haha, not weird funny). 97th out of 309 - can I say I did well, i'm not sure?

    At what point do you take that chance on your cards and go against a chump who is playing a game of their own? Maybe I should have more gumption - I don't know :(

    On to the 19.15 and perhaps more luck there :D 

    I sincerely look forward to seeing some friendly faces and having a better time. 

    Pudd x 

  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited July 2014
    look forward to it later pud
  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2014
    The 19.15 went very well - I placed 16th out of 80 (5 places from the bubble - errr how frustrating!)

    I was the mega short stack for ages - tight tight playing and the assistance of The Conjuring on the gogglebox whilst I was playing helped loads. I managed to have 3 winning hands in a row and doubled up 3 times  - and that's when it happened............. I took a punt on a pair of nines and was called on my 12,000 or so chips  - lost to J trips on the turn

    Was a terribly boring table, no banter or chat for the first 2 hours, and then once the tables started to balance, a few friendly faces turned up and went, & I left a couple behind still playing. 

    I was lucky to see some lovely hands well played and some other hands badly played - all in 8 2 suited, that's more than a punt and no surprises a chunk was lost. 

    Still - I think I am finding a new technique and style playing the tournys - one that serves me better than before - I am so very pleased with 16th out of 80. 

    Probably a good idea to concentrate on getting the style right before thinking about entering into big tournys. 

    Time for bed me thinks kiddiwinks. Good luck on your tables don't play too hard ;)

    Pudd x

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,656
    edited July 2014

    I actually thought you were going to complete the come back and go on and cash tonight in that 7.15. If you can play 3 tables at the same time, look out for the DTD comp here on Monday nights. 3 tournies all for £5.50 total including prizes for top 3 every week and month. Look out for this weeks thread with all the details on.

    Oh.....nearly forget this....

  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Pudding's Tourny Adventure: I saw that you won, will done you! I irrationally feel proud of you lol. I also saw that bustednuts finished in the bubble. Flipping those trips on the turn instead of my way was gut wrenching. It was worth the punt. Thank you for you faith too, my climb back up to 14,000 chips was kinda awesome from 1,444 *coy smile*. What is DTD and where do I find it? 
    I actually thought you were going to complete the come back and go on and cash tonight in that 7.15. If you can play 3 tables at the same time, look out for the DTD comp here on Monday nights. 3 tournies all for £5.50 total including prizes for top 3 every week and month. Look out for this weeks thread with all the details on. Oh.....nearly forget this.... ☺ MAXALLY 400000 1 £45.60 bennett042 0 2 £29.28 BustedNuts 0 3 £18.24
    Posted by MAXALLY
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,634
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Pudding's Tourny Adventure:
    Yaaaay my son is home - 6yr old Man-Cub. He has been away a week with his Dad. He is a proper gamer, like his Mummy and Step Daddy! Came in after having a little jaunt in the new car  (we bought a car yesterday, as you do lol) and straight on to the PS3 and Child of Light (awesome game imo). .
    Posted by ThePudding
    Just wondering....what does he do with his dad? I do hope it's outdoorsy things? 
    P.s. Can ya change ya text colour? Black is good!
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited July 2014
    hope you had a good day pud & defo look out for the dtds on monday you will enjoy the play & the banter
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited July 2014
    Get calling those maniacs with 77/AT/KJ + pud. You will bust out early sometimes but having a double stack will help you through the midstages. You can also combat these guys by reraising them a lot in position and put the pressure back on them for a change.  I know a lot of players advocate safety first in the early stages but you also have to try and get to the loose player's chips before someone else does!  If sticking with the tight style then drop QT early unless suited as you wont often get called by a worse hand, and will have lots of tricky decisions on the turn and river. Good luck.
  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2014
    Good Morning (just) 

    Love a Sunday morning where its lazy and hazy. 

    I was most taken aback last night when I happened to be trawling through the 'Top of the Posts' as I hadn't looked at this particular thread - and saw my name nominated. I was flabbergasted, I had no idea that diarists and posters in general would be rewarded - let alone be nominated myself - So thank you Catch-22 for the nom. There are lots and lots of contenders and I am not expecting to be chosen - this is not ill placed modesty I wouldn't bother with such icky fishing, I am just pleased to be mentioned - which is unusual for me. I would normally be up for winning - but this being a large, lovely community & its genuinely nice just to be noticed. 

    I am not likely to be able to play today which is a shame, I may try to get a game in at some point, but I am low on the ol cash flow (this will be a recurring theme btw) and unless I can win a bit back I am not going to be in the game for a few days :( 

    The film played on my mind from last night and it took ages for me to settle - one of my cats (we have 4) came and laid down with me and that helped huge and I was asleep before 1am. 

    Thanks for the posts and general loveliness from everyone! 

    And note... I'm in black - the woman in black

    Good luck to you all on your tables today, may odds be ever in your favour ;)

    Pudd x 

  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited July 2014
    hope you get to play the dtds on monday pud
  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Pudding's Tourny Adventure:  Please note the colour Glen :D
    Man-Cub does have fresh air and exercise. He is not the most outdoorsy child by a long shot; but being 6 he will inevitably need to run off energy and we take the dog for a walk, or we play in the house.

    Happy and healthy, that's my boy 

    In Response to Re: Pudding's Tourny Adventure : Just wondering....what does he do with his dad? I do hope it's outdoorsy things?  P.s. Can ya change ya text colour? Black is good!
    Posted by Glenelg

  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Pudding's Tourny Adventure: Hey ho TTT - what are the DTD's? And how do I find where to enter??
    hope you get to play the dtds on monday pud
    Posted by TENTENTEN
  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2014

    Tried to double up my £2.05 in a couple DYM rounds and the cards just didn't want to play my way - I should have taken my initial double up and entered a tourny - hindsight; oh how cruel a master you can be *over exaggerated swoon* 

    :D:D:D There is always another day and another deal - 

    Pudd x 
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited July 2014
    good luck pud run well
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