Hello felt feelers. After a break of a few days I am here again :-)
As usual the silence is a mixture of poker break, bank-rolling and illness.
I have had yet another Kidney Stone - which you may or not have heard are a painful affliction? This is my 4th stone in as many months. I passed 3 stones over a 2 week period back at the beginning of May - which was joyfully missed in the first instance by my GP. Not to knock the ability of my GP; I was unable to move, Mogweedy had called an ambulance who's crew had advised to get the GP out and I had to argue for 20 minutes why I deserved to be seen at home instead of crawling up to the surgery; the unhappy GP came out, found oodles of blood and infection in my wee and was kind enough to graciously admit he had needed to come out. But a week later I was in A&E with more pain than I knew what to do with. A scan & lots of pain meds later, I was allowed home with a generous pile of drugs, antibiotics and pain killers. I was almost admitted so they could manage my pain via IV - kidney stones are no joke. I saw the lovely peeps in the urology dept at Broomfield, and was happily discharged with the knowledge that I would not likely have stones again, but with a caution it may happen in the next 5 years.............
So when I noticed I had that familiar feeling of an unhappy bladder I saw my favourite nurse and got antibiotics ('a lot of blood in the urine') - a week later I was back to the nurse ('still blood in the urine'), stronger antibiotics and 3 days later was back to the GP with wee the colour of Newcastle Brown Ale - the vast quantity of blood in the wee was plain to see, I had pain in my back and lower tummy just as I had had it before. Stronger still antibiotics, a blood test, a scan booked and pain killers. There is nothing to do with a stone but live in the knowledge it will pass (any other alternative is not going to have the time of day).
I am rarely unable to withstand pain - any pain; but on my way home I was most unwell. A sudden urge to puke overwhelmed me as I was driving; Pull over you may think - there was no where to go - so I snatched the bag that I had just got my prescription in and used that to vomit in - I hadn't noticed there were holes - every wave of liquid ended up flowing out the bag. Realising I needed to stem the flow I tried a wadge of tissue - not my most ingenious idea, it failed epically and instead I projected large amounts of stomach content on to the steering wheel and car in general - pulling up at some lights - I grabbed a bag for life and heaved the rest of my being into the bottom. The rest of the drive home was uneventful until I got home and had to clean the car........ I got inside took the largest dose of oramorph et al I dared and collapsed into bed - thankfully my little man was out with his Daddy and I was able to ****.
Mogweedy, who had been staying with his mum and dad having some lovely family time, came home and looked after me whilst I was stoned out of my head and was barely coherent.
And would you believe it the pain passed and so must have the stone - although I am still not feeling well I thought I would post my usual over informative posts and see if that cheers me up - I do so love to post and see how everyone is doing :-D
If you have had Kidney Stones, Kidney Issues or any renal ickiness my thoughts and sympathy are with you. For anyone else suffering any kind of complaint, disease, affliction, cancer or illness, I send my empathy and love out to you too and wish you all a speedy recovery, and or the ability to stay strong whilst you wade through this time of your life.
Play poker, have a laugh and forget all about life and it's up's and down's for a bit.
The last week of summer hols is upon us. It is with a sadness I will see Man-cub go back to school, and a a joy that I will see routine return to the house.
I have enjoyed my time with the little one, and when he is good, like all kids, he is a joy. When he is horrid he is unbarable!
Today, has been one of those days where the selfishness of an infant is supreme and it is only when they realise that their actions can be very detrimental, and of course have consequence.
There is plague in the house so naturally Mogweedy needed some rest - how many times can you tell one little person to be shhhsh??????
Mog was woken, and I have the hump with Man-cub and goodness me doesn't he hate it!
Still, he is happily watching the Touring Cars and eating Frosties so at least he is now quiet ;-D
I am going to enjoy my little game and forget the last hour and look forward to this evening. We have the last episode of the Final table of the One Drop
I checked the listing and in my first DTD's I fished 54th overall with a respectable 123 points.
My bankroll is empty and pitiful, I may lose more than I win, but I love the game and that is all that matters. Experience costs nothing more than time, effort and perseverance. I may not be pulling in the dollar, but I do pull a smile every time I play well, have a fun chat or simply post my meanderings.
That my friends is happiness and it costs even less.
Be happy, see the lining and look for the awesome - it's there no matter how bleak
Watching the One Drop still - we get to our programs very slowly. And we are on the final 2, and half way through, it's very exciting.
There are specific players that as an individual I root for, and those who I loudly boo and hiss at (yes I know how very panto). Mogweedy and I do not always have the same favs (rightly so) and so I wondered; What is it about a player that makes you want to support them?
For example; I was not keen on Katz and Stevens in the earlier rounds on a table with Volgelsang - the latter being very German and nerdy. Katz and Stevens were like jerk jocks and were almost mocking the poker pro - the jocks were Business Men, Entrepreneurs and swindlers and yet they were almost dismissive, bullish and unpleasant to the Pro. I am pleased to say that Vogelsang made it to the final table and both Katz and Stevens were knocked out (although Katz did win the 8th place prize - I am sure the money will look lovely on his wife's chest and face).
We both adore Negraneu and what is with Coleman? What a t*rd that guy is - refusing to 'do' media for poker - what what what??????? Coleman can take his over grown ego and chin and leave the poker world - unlike Devilfish, Helmuth or Brunsun (10 2) Coleman will not be missed. It smacks of ill tasting hypocrisy to play in high profile games on TV, but refuse to promote the game that pays the bills, and for the rest of his whatever's. I can't stand to see him do well and be the flukey, jammy sleaze he clearly has grown up to become. It upsets me (lol)
The One Drop, for those that are not familiar is a charity poker event in the US. The buy in is $1,000,000 - so its a fairly elite set who go - Sam Trickett was there, poor chap came away with nothing It is business men and pro's doing what they can for others who don't have clean water to drink around the world, a worthy cause no doubt. There is also the payday of $15,000,000 for 1st place (I am sure it is all about the charity though teehee).
Watching Poker is a love of ours and we spend hours doing so, but I always wonder what endears one player to the watcher or rail?
Answers on a postcard please, the ruder the better ;-P
but I always wonder what endears one player to the watcher or rail? Answers on a postcard please, the ruder the better ;-P Pudd x Posted by ThePudding
Yeah, that's what normally gets my attention more with live poker lol, Tony G, early Devilfish kinda table presence!
Not sure it's respect for their game so much, but way more entertaining than watching some internet kids playing great poker in virtual silence...
Not sure Coleman was all that lucky, but agree that it was a bit of a let down that Negreanu couldn't close down the win, he deserves a title like that for the work he puts into the game - maybe next time!
Hope you guys had a good run on the tables tonight.
Congratulations, you have been nominated to play in this month's Top of the Posts tournament!
It's at 9pm on 2nd September, good luck!
LOOOOOOOOOOK! Thank you lovely people for nominating me, I am pleased you like my meanderings and posts about things that literally just pop into my head.
I endevour to do well at the table - I am soooooooo pleased, big big big big happy smiles and big sloppy kisses to you all who nominated me :-D
What is it about a player that makes you want to support them? what is with Coleman? Posted by ThePudding
When I started off watching poker, it was definitely the entertainment factor and 'sickness' level. Mainly because I had little understanding of why they were making bets/raises (still don't ). My fav has to be the unabomber, Phil Laak. Love his antics and madness at the table, although some people find him annoying.
As for Dan Colman, I neither like/dislike him. I am a fan of Busquet though, so I guess I'm kind of a fan of Colman. It was good to see the two at the EPT Barcelona super high roller final table.
Congratulations, you have been nominated to play in this month's Top of the Posts tournament! It's at 9pm on 2nd September, good luck! LOOOOOOOOOOK! Thank you lovely people for nominating me, I am pleased you like my meanderings and posts about things that literally just pop into my head. I endevour to do well at the table - I am soooooooo pleased, big big big big happy smiles and big sloppy kisses to you all who nominated me :-D Pudd x Posted by ThePudding
Well deserved imo. Now all you have to do, is take it down. Just relax and enjoy it!
In Response to Re: Pudding's Tourny Adventure : Hi, When I started off watching poker, it was definitely the entertainment factor and 'sickness' level. Mainly because I had little understanding of why they were making bets/raises (still don't ). My fav has to be the unabomber, Phil Laak. Love his antics and madness at the table, although some people find him annoying. As for Dan Colman, I neither like/dislike him. I am a fan of Busquet though, so I guess I'm kind of a fan of Colman. It was good to see the two at the EPT Barcelona super high roller final table. Posted by BeesHoney
I love the Unabomber & equally the unabombshell. There are a wealth of personalities in the poker world - we have started watching the Heads Up tour from '05.
As a fan of Olivier you can be forgiven for endorsing Coleman by association lol Although, Busquet has one of those faces you don't know whether to fall in love with him with or punch his overly groomed stubble LOL
In Response to Re: Pudding's Tourny Adventure : Yeah, that's what normally gets my attention more with live poker lol, Tony G, early Devilfish kinda table presence! Not sure it's respect for their game so much, but way more entertaining than watching some internet kids playing great poker in virtual silence... Not sure Coleman was all that lucky, but agree that it was a bit of a let down that Negreanu couldn't close down the win, he deserves a title like that for the work he puts into the game - maybe next time! Hope you guys had a good run on the tables tonight. Posted by shakinaces
Watching the varying different players and their 'form'. Moody enigmatic Ivey, Doc, the chatty Seiver, focused Magician are always fascinating, watching them work out their opponants, the human side to their wins and losses. Plus, seeing how they play certain cards always catched my attention.
In Response to Re: Pudding's Tourny Adventure : I love the Unabomber & equally the unabombshell. There are a wealth of personalities in the poker world - we have started watching the Heads Up tour from '05. As a fan of Olivier you can be forgiven for endorsing Coleman by association lol Although, Busquet has one of those faces you don't know whether to fall in love with him with or punch his overly groomed stubble LOL Thanks for replying Bees. Pudd x Posted by ThePudding
Haha. I guess it is a cool look, but not a face I'd fall in love with. Olivia Boeree on the other hand...
I am excited about a couple of things; My tourny on Tuesday eeeeeeee, getting a new Vivarium for my Python, the setting up of said Vivarium, receiving post as I ordered a few DVDs to enjoy.
I love pets. Do you have pets, do you dislike animals?
Mogweedy and I share our dwelling with a few; we have 4 cats, 1 pooch. Then I have 3 snakes and a lizard. The type of snakes I have; a Corn your usual friendly neighbourhood variety his name is Elgar, a California King (chocolate banded) not so garden variety and with a joyful personality who's name is Walter and my baby Royal Python (he is only a year old) called Acis. My lizard is a Berber Skink and he is the delightful Fred.
I love reptiles, always have. Acis has been bunking in with Elgar for a long while, and he is starting to grow and so it is time to move him on out and into his own Viv. It will be a tall chameleon viv with lots of greenery, wood and things to scale as Acis is the kind of python who loves to climb about and be high. Not all Pythons do this to the same degree as Acis, but all pythons love to be off the ground at some point. I even have a wish list on Amazon that is just for my scaleys as the corner they live within the living room is called Reptile Cove.
I have the desire to procure more scaleys, the more the merrier- space is an issue as Mogweedy and I live in a cosy flat, but love, care and attention fill these walls.
Our dog is a lab retriever called Bobby Dog; she is galumphing, pure of heart and a snuggle puppy. She is also huge for her breed and her age, being only 10 months old and the size of a fully grown male lion (ok, a bit smaller, but not much lol). Our cats are 3 children to one mother. Boo, the mum, is a mare. She shouts at everyone and loves to drink out the wash hand basin and sleep in there too. Boo, has a special time of the day when Mogweedy goes to bed and Boo will settle right on his face and stay there. If, in the event, we decide to watch a bit of TV in bed Boo will sit in front of the TV until she has fuss. Her Children were born April 19th (a Friday) 2013. They are crazy, smelly and perfect. We have the twins; Spood and Princess Jellybean. Spood and Jellybean are fluffy long haired creatures. Jellybean is sweet, refuses to eat cat food and has almost unbarable guffs. Spood has wide eyes and is always so full of conversation, about everything and nothing. Then there is our little boy cat, he is Captain Man-Cat. He has a body odour issue, he has a real musk about him despite having his testicules removed - he doesn't spray but if he did, we would all smell his territory. Man-Cat is the friendliest of them all, and regularly finds himself wandering into the homes of our neighbour's for fuss. Thankfully we have awesome neighbours and they don't mind - in fact one bought treats and ham just for him to snaffle (how spoilt).
They are all chatty, loud and very funny. I have added some pics of our beloved creatures, I hope you like them (pending approval of course).
Congratulations, you have been nominated to play in this month's Top of the Posts tournament!
It's at 9pm on 2nd September, good luck!
LOOOOOOOOOOK! Thank you lovely people for nominating me, I am pleased you like my meanderings and posts about things that literally just pop into my head.
I endevour to do well at the table - I am soooooooo pleased, big big big big happy smiles and big sloppy kisses to you all who nominated me :-D
Pudd x
When I started off watching poker, it was definitely the entertainment factor and 'sickness' level. Mainly because I had little understanding of why they were making bets/raises (still don't
As for Dan Colman, I neither like/dislike him. I am a fan of Busquet though, so I guess I'm kind of a fan of Colman. It was good to see the two at the EPT Barcelona super high roller final table.
Just relax and enjoy it!
Regards Alan