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Pudding's Tourny Adventure



  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: Pudding's Tourny Adventure:
    There is already an old challenge thread about this, so you're a couple of years late to that particular party:
    Posted by Slipwater

    It would make sense that it's been done. No harm in having another go. Thanks for the link too :-)

    Pudd x

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited August 2014
    Hi Pudding . Enjoying reading your diary. very insightful and intersting

    Just a little tip for you. I,ve played in a few live games where theres only been one female. Without knowing her everyone just presumes she is going to play really tight. Not sure why that is but its something i,ve noticed on more than 1 occasion

    Keep up the posts and hope your isomnia get better. I,ve had it myself and tried a few different things including mirtazipine which used to knock me out but always felt groggy the next morning. I,ve been trying Nytol recently and although there not cheap i,ve been taking 1 an hour before bed and been sleeping well and no side effects the following morning. I,ve felt quite alert soon after waking up
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited August 2014
    run good today pud x
  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: Pudding's Tourny Adventure:
    Hi Pudding . Enjoying reading your diary. very insightful and intersting Just a little tip for you. I,ve played in a few live games where theres only been one female. Without knowing her everyone just presumes she is going to play really tight. Not sure why that is but its something i,ve noticed on more than 1 occasion Keep up the posts and hope your isomnia get better. I,ve had it myself and tried a few different things including mirtazipine which used to knock me out but always felt groggy the next morning. I,ve been trying Nytol recently and although there not cheap i,ve been taking 1 an hour before bed and been sleeping well and no side effects the following morning. I,ve felt quite alert soon after waking up
    Posted by MP33
    I was told that the active ingredient in over the counter sleeping aids is antihistamine. Not sure how true that is, but I thought it was interesting. Do you find that if you take hayfever stuff it makes you sleepy? 
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2014
    used to be
    most now are non-drowsy
    but maybe they still use the old stuff in the sleepy mixes
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited August 2014
    good to rail you & the mog today pud x
  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited August 2014

    Been one of those days on the felt. Still, nevermind. I am still playing in the 19.15 - I am the table shorty and the No.2 shorty overall, not going to lie it sucks balls.

    Just the same ol thing - good cards, bad flops leading to losses and not necessarily with a better but a luckier turn up. That's not sour grapes but an observation. 

    So, break over, time for more punishment - 82 left lets see how I do.........

    Pudd x 
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,635
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: Pudding's Tourny Adventure:
    *sigh* Been one of those days on the felt. Still, nevermind. I am still playing in the 19.15 - I am the table shorty and the No.2 shorty overall, not going to lie it sucks balls. Just the same ol thing - good cards, bad flops leading to losses and not necessarily with a better but a luckier turn up. That's not sour grapes but an observation.  So, break over, time for more punishment - 82 left lets see how I do......... Pudd x 
    Posted by ThePudding
    GL Pudd! Been reading.............

  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited August 2014

    Weird evenings play.........

  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited August 2014
    So on a recommendation I joined 888, was given vouchers for giving them my business. After my bow out of the 19.15 I thought I would take a look at what the fuss is about. I wasn't disappointed! I got to grips with the site, made my preferences like I have on SKY and had a look at the lobby and their listings for games and suchlike. So being at a loss I joined a torny for free which usually would cost $3. Prize pool 3rd upwards on a table of 9. 

    And wouldn't you know I came 2nd winning a colossal $7.02. I was well chuffed! I find because it's dollars it feels like Mickey Mouse money, but if I came 2nd in every game I played using only my vouchers I could potentially gain $42 for nothing equaling about £29. Not a bad return on an investment of nil! 

    I'm a happy Pudding again. I do so hate to come out of the top 10, so 888 was a good punt.

    Thank you to flush for the idea :-)

    Orff to bed for sweet dreaming and warm snuggles. I hope you all get warm snuggles tonight.

    Pudd x 
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited August 2014
    night pud x
  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited August 2014
    Joined the 19.45 £100 DS for £1.15 - I managed to win a heads ups for the top-up to enter the game; 70p to £1.20 SWEET lol

    Looking forward to the go go go :D 

    Muchos luck to everyone playing this evening - YOU CAN DO EEEET 

    Pudd x 
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited August 2014
    gl pud see you on the tables soon x
  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited August 2014

    I'm not one to usually moan and winge about the game, the table flops, the other players but this evening I was party to the most soul destroying game of my entire poker career!

    The flops were, as they can be, mixed and unhelpful when I was holding either paired, suited or otherwise. I made peace with the knowledge it was going to be one those games were it's imperative to stay with it and play tight. 

    What I was not expecting was the awful blind-faced jamminess of those on the table - playing big with a bluff is awesome, it's half what the game is about - however, when I am holding paired 6's, flop a 6 and lose to a straight with holding cards 2 5 - it is naturally going to make me somewhat nauseous. Then to lose with my nines to a 3 J flush on the River, it gave me the hump!

    I appreciate winning I understand losing, but why play the cards, why bet so huge on a pure luck basis? I don't understand.....

    My biggest peeve was how unfriendly, rude, obnoxious, rude, unkind, rude all the other player's were. No response to my opening greeting - fine. But when someone is directly congratulated and there is no ty or smiley face, with respect to the focused, it is still going to get right up my nose. Manners cost nothing, nada, nil, zilch and yet 5 other players had not one iota of integrity to say anything in response or support to one another - what is that about - it wasn't a mega stack it was a £100 DS and not the last one in the history of the world. So I say to those who don't feel the need to express thanks for support, kind hearted words, encouragement - GET A GRIP and GET SOME F-ing MANNERS!

    I am so very very cross aided by my intentional bombing out of the game, exacerbated by my unlucky luck, but mostly due to the unfriendliness of those who surrounded me. Mogweedy was watching and it really was like playing a game with Death himself - no happy at all! 

    What a waste of my time and it is not like me to feel so put out, affected, offended or down. 

    Time for a ciggy me thinks :(

    Rant over. 

    Please send unicorn kisses and butterfly hugs (lol) to make me smile.

    Pudd x 
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited August 2014
    hope the rest of your evening goes well pud x
  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited August 2014
    hugs and kisses from rainman
  • IkellyIkelly Member Posts: 1,374
    edited August 2014
    Pud, this is poker I'm afraid, yesterday every river seemed to be kicking me in the it was the faith restored!  I still lost but I was behind, break even in the end according to my balance, but some people don't chat, but if your at my table I will surely say hi! Good luck pud, stiff upper lip :)

  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited August 2014
    gl if you play today pud hope to see you in the dtds x
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited August 2014
    If you get tilted by other players lack of manners then that is a very big leak in your game and i would work on that as opposed to ranting about it, In all walks of life you get different sort of people, some people come across rude without meaning to be, its part of life and something we have to just accept.... i often see people have said nh, or gl to me and i have been far too busy on other tables to even notice and when i have noticed its been too late..... if you are certain that you played your hands well from that to finish then you should be really happy and have literally no reason to be annoyed?? whats the point in getting annoyed about stuff that is out of your control?? a lot of the time it is easy to cover up small leaks and bad play from us by blaming it on one hand where we get completely sucked out on, but that is just detremental to us in the long run as everyone wants to improve and to do that we must only ever focus on our game. i havent read the whole of this thread so i may already be repeating what other people have said but i would suggest reading the mental game of poker, if you manage to take that in you will never rant again.

    gl and all the best
  • ThePuddingThePudding Member Posts: 144
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: Pudding's Tourny Adventure:
    If you get tilted by other players lack of manners then that is a very big leak in your game and i would work on that as opposed to ranting about it, In all walks of life you get different sort of people, some people come across rude without meaning to be, its part of life and something we have to just accept.... i often see people have said nh, or gl to me and i have been far too busy on other tables to even notice and when i have noticed its been too late..... if you are certain that you played your hands well from that to finish then you should be really happy and have literally no reason to be annoyed?? whats the point in getting annoyed about stuff that is out of your control?? a lot of the time it is easy to cover up small leaks and bad play from us by blaming it on one hand where we get completely sucked out on, but that is just detremental to us in the long run as everyone wants to improve and to do that we must only ever focus on our game. i havent read the whole of this thread so i may already be repeating what other people have said but i would suggest reading the mental game of poker, if you manage to take that in you will never rant again. gl and all the best
    Posted by jordz16
    Thank you Jord I appreciate the response. You make a valuable point, and I am usually laid back enough to let it go - Every straw bale has it's limit and it is good to vent, better out than in I say. 

    But as I said, point taken and do appreciate the comment. 

    Thanks again

    Pudd x 
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