Sky often come in for criticism. Occasionally its justified, like the PS4 fiasco. I really hope jac35 is still waiting for his though
Usually though, it's just people being ridiculously over the top or losing perspective, or complaining for the sake of complaining. Look at the number of people who moan about freerolls ffs.
One good thing that Sky poker does.....they don't harass me at all hours! Yes I get the odd text every now and then which is fine.....which leads me on to Titan poker.
I signed up with them a while back. They had a very misleading sign up 'offer', that wasn't only why I joined, though it was supposed to sweeten the deal. What they did have was a couple of good looking Sunday tournaments with chunky gtd's, and I wanted to give them a bash. So deposited the necessary amount (about £120 I think it was), and proceeded to bust them. No bother.
I didn't boot up Titan poker for the foreseeable after that, obviously content on Sky. Little did I know that I would soon be called night and day by them regarding my lack of action on the site. They'd phone me whilst on my lunch at work, at the crack of dawn, in the evening when most people are heading to bed. Maybe I'm ungrateful but I didn't appreciate being rung on my mobile at 10pm regarding the next time I put some money down I'd get extra %. So because of this, I've only played on Titan maybe 3/4 times in the 6 months or so I've been on there.
Alas, I have to play on there tonight. They are running a sat for the Madchester open, which commences in a few days. I have a new debit card (rip old debit card lost in Bangkok), so had to register its details first. This led to the live help chat box popping up every few seconds asking if I needed help. Sigh. It's like they watch you like a hawk when you click the 'deposit' option. I just ignored the guy (perhaps I should have said ''I'm fine thanks'' or w/e but meh) to the point where he was frantically asking if I could see his messages. Pathetic. Fair enough, some new people might need assistance, but it's very off putting and also slightly patronising to the majority I'd imagine.
I think this might be my last stint on Titan poker! And sometimes we forget how good we have it here, when you look at the bigger picture. Thanks for not continually belling me
UKOP's is over and so is your vow so I was thinking you might need a new diary name... How about "hufty's hellfire and humourisms"? xxx Posted by mrsduck
Surprised 'hellfire' got past the naughty word blocker!
2 outered on river for a huge pot in Madchester sat. Had 10 bigs left, pick up AK in vs the same guys Q8, a lovely XXA Q 8 was the final slap in the face.
Exit in the Titan 30k jobby was fair but annoying. Hovering around 15bb, a shorty jams about 9 just before me, I rejam AJs, but one of the blinds wakes up with QQ so I'm drawing pretty thin as shorty has AK.....XXJ flop gave hope, J turn even better but a Q river was justice I suppose.
Just busted their 10k one, QQ all in pre vs 1010 for a 35bb pot that would have rocketed me towards the top....10 high flop, lovely stuff. Didn't want the 2k ftw anyway, much happier with 25 Euros
Played poor in mini on Sky, check raised all in a combo draw on the turn thinking I can get a fold but still had decent equity if called. I was called by K high, that also had the other flush draw. I didn't hit. Surprised by the call I must admit but he had the best hand
Dirty exit in the 9.30 BH, large 3 way all in, shorty has KQ, guy who just covers me has AJ, me AK....J high flop, cheers for that.
God I sound like Lambert!
Double gtd's week, time to run better is this week
Ps, feel free to fling new thread names my way....
Ran like p00p tonight. 2 outered on river for a huge pot in Madchester sat. Had 10 bigs left, pick up AK in vs the same guys Q8, a lovely XXA Q 8 was the final slap in the face. Exit in the Titan 30k jobby was fair but annoying. Hovering around 15bb, a shorty jams about 9 just before me, I rejam AJs, but one of the blinds wakes up with QQ so I'm drawing pretty thin as shorty has AK.....XXJ flop gave hope, J turn even better but a Q river was justice I suppose. Just busted their 10k one, QQ all in pre vs 1010 for a 35bb pot that would have rocketed me towards the top....10 high flop, lovely stuff. Didn't want the 2k ftw anyway, much happier with 25 Euros Played poor in mini on Sky, check raised all in a combo draw on the turn thinking I can get a fold but still had decent equity if called. I was called by K high, that also had the other flush draw. I didn't hit. Surprised by the call I must admit but he had the best hand Dirty exit in the 9.30 BH, large 3 way all in, shorty has KQ, guy who just covers me has AJ, me AK....J high flop, cheers for that. God I sound like Lambert! Double gtd's week, time to run better is this week Ps, feel free to fling new thread names my way.... Posted by hhyftrftdr
Main event exit tonight, hope it isn't a sign of things to come this week!
Also ran AQ into AK more times than I care to remember this evening. Had a little CB debate with another reg about his AQ hand that happened on my table and challenged him to put it in the clinic..... lets see if he's game
I can't lie, I ran very well in the turbo tonight. I got it in really bad in a large 3way pot as we'd just got into the money, and got there on the river. Won flips when I needed too. Think I played pretty well as well though, always a nice combo to run and play decent.
Still pretty meh to bust in 8th, when 1st was 10x what I won, but beggars cant be choosers. To win the LL was a bonus, unlucky JJJohnson in that respect.
Think my (essential) exit hand was pretty standard. Laddering wasn't a big consideration at the time, wanted to get to the FT and beyond so no qualms about shoving Q9s and unlucky to run into a hand that could call.
At least I have a few more £££ in the account for all the inevitable rebuys tomorrow
Mondays- I'd satted into this the previous week in one of the £6 super sats. I genuinely can't remember a single hand in it! Can't have been a vintage tournament and I know I didn't get any heads or cash.
Tuesday - Was better, as detailed above. Pleased to finish 8th out of nearly 800 runners for £210, but of course that tinge of disappointment when 1st is 10x that amount. Any edge you might feel you have at the business end of the Turbo is slightly negated by its structure and clock, with a bit (more) luck I might have binked my 3rd main, wasn't to be though.
Wednesday - The rebuy is a tournament I really's also a tournament that your balance enjoys less if things don't go your way! As predicted above, I was in for £66 in it, and didn't get anywhere near the money. I'd like it if Sky could introduce £4.80 sats that include the buy in and an immediate rebuy. I do wonder how many people sat into this tourney and then don't have the means to make the most of it with a rebuy/add on....At least I used my mad skills to win 2 all in sats to claw back some of the losses
Thursday - Was in this for free due to winning the last longer on Tuesday. I thought I busted about 30 or so places off the money with no heads, but it might have been significantly closer than that, as Dohhh busted the same level as me but he was well into the cash by then. Exit hand was close....sitting on 12bb and 88 in the SB, guy mins UTG from a slightly larger stack....think I'd have folded 66 and maybe 77, easy ship with 99....88 right in the middle. I had decent fold equity so went with it, he called with AJ and flopped his Jack. Ironically, later that evening in the £11 9.30 BH, I got AJ in against 88, flopped my Ace but he 4 flushed me. Poker eh?
Friday - Bought in direct. Got off to a terrible start. Then found a sweet spot; UTG raises from a large stack, UTG+1 goes all in for about 800 (20bb), I have JJ on the button and about 900 so easy decision for me and the added benefit of covering for a bounty, big stack correctly calls with 810s and we fade the very few outs they had for a treble up and head prize. Busted a short stacked Henners10 in lucky circumstances, A4 beating AK AIP (flop of 44K, poker eh?). Meandered along in the tournament, never had a large stack but was always reasonably comfortable, picked up another 2 heads and got into the money. Made a couple of mistakes, did a raise fold on the button that was awful and even saw it coming yet still did it, wp me. Left me dented, soon after shoved J10 into A10 and its gg me for £45 in heads and similar in prize money.
Think the total outlay this week was £110 (£11 + £66 + £33) and returns of around £300, cashing in 2/5 mains. Was 'concerned' (in a good way) with UKOPs being followed pretty closely by this special double week, it was potentially a bankroll busting combo. Thankfully the bankroll remains in tact
Just need City, Everton and Chelsea to hold for SkyBets very generous 4/1 special today. Hold!!!!!!!!
I'd been out for a roast at a local pub with my flat mate and our friend yesterday. Think it was coming up to 3pm and I'd just ordered. I then get a text from my Dad asking if I want to go round later for a Sunday like me was half tempted to take him up on it, but by the time I'd polished off my roast beef and all the trimmings, I knew it would be futile to attempt another just a couple hours later.
So I got back to the flat and plonked myself on the sofa. Had a mooch at the various tournaments and sats, and decided I'd wait until the 6pm £24 Roller sat, as that is the one that houses all the £5.30 sat winners. Plus it has a 7min clock so slightly less of a shove fest than others. Got through it relatively unscathed, fortunately had a guy to my direct right at the business end who perhaps wasn't up to speed with solid sat strategy. I did get very lucky in one spot I should add.
Roller was fun. Made some good plays, some questionable plays, and some downright awful plays. Just got into the money whilst nursing a short stack. Fortunately for me some guy on my table literally blinded himself out, he just folded everything until he got his 1bb stack in and lost. I did shove 99 on the button, on the stone bubble, for about 10bb. I really was unsure what to do, as the said guy was very short (maybe 4bb at this point), but it just felt wrong to pass. The BB didn't have much more than me so knew I wasn't getting called light which probably swayed it for me.
So into the money and all the usual immediate bustouts happened, probably lost 3 or 4 players in an orbit. I got a much needed DU when I found KQ in the BB and essexphil had KJ in the SB, held there to give me something to splash about with.
With 13 left, I was again hovering around a 15bb stack. Raise folded KQ on the button against a big stack...really unsure about that. Eventually got 33 and 11bb in blind on blind vs Jord16, he called with A3h, flop brought 2 hearts and the river was an Ace to seal my fate. Disappointing to go out in those circumstances but I'm glad he used the chips wisely and took it down, very pleased for him. It's amazing what feelings you can have in a split second....I went from 'oh cr@p' when he called me, to 'oh that's good' when the cards overturned, to 'sh!tte the bed' when he flopped the flush draw, and eventually 'sigh' when the river was an A. Poker eh
13th for almost £265, after getting in for £24, isn't too shabby I suppose. Came on the back of a successful betting Saturday. Had that Skybet boosted special that came in at 4/1. Really fancied United at nearly 3/1 for some reason, so felt ridiculously dirty and had a few quid on them along with another boosted special of Rooney anytime/United win at 6/1. Eurgh, won't be betting on them anytime soon. Shame the boxing was a total wash out but by then I was too drunk to care
Might post some HH from last night, the good the bad and the ugly, for people to take apart if they so desire
Sky often come in for criticism. Occasionally its justified, like the PS4 fiasco. I really hope jac35 is still waiting for his though

Usually though, it's just people being ridiculously over the top or losing perspective, or complaining for the sake of complaining. Look at the number of people who moan about freerolls ffs.
One good thing that Sky poker does.....they don't harass me at all hours! Yes I get the odd text every now and then which is fine.....which leads me on to Titan poker.
I signed up with them a while back. They had a very misleading sign up 'offer', that wasn't only why I joined, though it was supposed to sweeten the deal. What they did have was a couple of good looking Sunday tournaments with chunky gtd's, and I wanted to give them a bash. So deposited the necessary amount (about £120 I think it was), and proceeded to bust them. No bother.
I didn't boot up Titan poker for the foreseeable after that, obviously content on Sky. Little did I know that I would soon be called night and day by them regarding my lack of action on the site. They'd phone me whilst on my lunch at work, at the crack of dawn, in the evening when most people are heading to bed. Maybe I'm ungrateful but I didn't appreciate being rung on my mobile at 10pm regarding the next time I put some money down I'd get extra %. So because of this, I've only played on Titan maybe 3/4 times in the 6 months or so I've been on there.
Alas, I have to play on there tonight. They are running a sat for the Madchester open, which commences in a few days. I have a new debit card (rip old debit card lost in Bangkok), so had to register its details first. This led to the live help chat box popping up every few seconds asking if I needed help. Sigh. It's like they watch you like a hawk when you click the 'deposit' option. I just ignored the guy (perhaps I should have said ''I'm fine thanks'' or w/e but meh) to the point where he was frantically asking if I could see his messages. Pathetic. Fair enough, some new people might need assistance, but it's very off putting and also slightly patronising to the majority I'd imagine.
I think this might be my last stint on Titan poker! And sometimes we forget how good we have it here, when you look at the bigger picture. Thanks for not continually belling me
How about "hufty's hellfire and humourisms"?
Will sleep on it....'s a no
2 outered on river for a huge pot in Madchester sat. Had 10 bigs left, pick up AK in vs the same guys Q8, a lovely XXA Q 8 was the final slap in the face.
Exit in the Titan 30k jobby was fair but annoying. Hovering around 15bb, a shorty jams about 9 just before me, I rejam AJs, but one of the blinds wakes up with QQ so I'm drawing pretty thin as shorty has AK.....XXJ flop gave hope, J turn even better but a Q river was justice I suppose.
Just busted their 10k one, QQ all in pre vs 1010 for a 35bb pot that would have rocketed me towards the top....10 high flop, lovely stuff. Didn't want the 2k ftw anyway, much happier with 25 Euros
Played poor in mini on Sky, check raised all in a combo draw on the turn thinking I can get a fold but still had decent equity if called. I was called by K high, that also had the other flush draw. I didn't hit. Surprised by the call I must admit but he had the best hand
Dirty exit in the 9.30 BH, large 3 way all in, shorty has KQ, guy who just covers me has AJ, me AK....J high flop, cheers for that.
God I sound like Lambert!
Double gtd's week, time to run better is this week
Ps, feel free to fling new thread names my way....
Marking time before Vegas?
Viva Las Vegas
Have I mentioned I am going to Vegas?
Most excellent input guys, questionable one from her though
I have until 20th March to pay off my half of this Vegas splurge....Run like Bates this week please Sky!
Also ran AQ into AK more times than I care to remember this evening. Had a little CB debate with another reg about his AQ hand that happened on my table and challenged him to put it in the clinic..... lets see if he's game
Love the game
VUL Harry
I can't lie, I ran very well in the turbo tonight. I got it in really bad in a large 3way pot as we'd just got into the money, and got there on the river. Won flips when I needed too. Think I played pretty well as well though, always a nice combo to run and play decent.
Still pretty meh to bust in 8th, when 1st was 10x what I won, but beggars cant be choosers. To win the LL was a bonus, unlucky JJJohnson in that respect.
Think my (essential) exit hand was pretty standard. Laddering wasn't a big consideration at the time, wanted to get to the FT and beyond so no qualms about shoving Q9s and unlucky to run into a hand that could call.
At least I have a few more £££ in the account for all the inevitable rebuys tomorrow
Double gtd main event week was a mixed bag.

Mondays- I'd satted into this the previous week in one of the £6 super sats. I genuinely can't remember a single hand in it! Can't have been a vintage tournament and I know I didn't get any heads or cash.
Tuesday - Was better, as detailed above. Pleased to finish 8th out of nearly 800 runners for £210, but of course that tinge of disappointment when 1st is 10x that amount. Any edge you might feel you have at the business end of the Turbo is slightly negated by its structure and clock, with a bit (more) luck I might have binked my 3rd main, wasn't to be though.
Wednesday - The rebuy is a tournament I really's also a tournament that your balance enjoys less if things don't go your way! As predicted above, I was in for £66 in it, and didn't get anywhere near the money. I'd like it if Sky could introduce £4.80 sats that include the buy in and an immediate rebuy. I do wonder how many people sat into this tourney and then don't have the means to make the most of it with a rebuy/add on....At least I used my mad skills to win 2 all in sats to claw back some of the losses
Thursday - Was in this for free due to winning the last longer on Tuesday. I thought I busted about 30 or so places off the money with no heads, but it might have been significantly closer than that, as Dohhh busted the same level as me but he was well into the cash by then. Exit hand was close....sitting on 12bb and 88 in the SB, guy mins UTG from a slightly larger stack....think I'd have folded 66 and maybe 77, easy ship with 99....88 right in the middle. I had decent fold equity so went with it, he called with AJ and flopped his Jack. Ironically, later that evening in the £11 9.30 BH, I got AJ in against 88, flopped my Ace but he 4 flushed me. Poker eh?
Friday - Bought in direct. Got off to a terrible start. Then found a sweet spot; UTG raises from a large stack, UTG+1 goes all in for about 800 (20bb), I have JJ on the button and about 900 so easy decision for me and the added benefit of covering for a bounty, big stack correctly calls with 810s and we fade the very few outs they had for a treble up and head prize. Busted a short stacked Henners10 in lucky circumstances, A4 beating AK AIP (flop of 44K, poker eh?). Meandered along in the tournament, never had a large stack but was always reasonably comfortable, picked up another 2 heads and got into the money. Made a couple of mistakes, did a raise fold on the button that was awful and even saw it coming yet still did it, wp me. Left me dented, soon after shoved J10 into A10 and its gg me for £45 in heads and similar in prize money.
Think the total outlay this week was £110 (£11 + £66 + £33) and returns of around £300, cashing in 2/5 mains.
Was 'concerned' (in a good way) with UKOPs being followed pretty closely by this special double week, it was potentially a bankroll busting combo. Thankfully the bankroll remains in tact
Just need City, Everton and Chelsea to hold for SkyBets very generous 4/1 special today. Hold!!!!!!!!
So I got back to the flat and plonked myself on the sofa. Had a mooch at the various tournaments and sats, and decided I'd wait until the 6pm £24 Roller sat, as that is the one that houses all the £5.30 sat winners. Plus it has a 7min clock so slightly less of a shove fest than others. Got through it relatively unscathed, fortunately had a guy to my direct right at the business end who perhaps wasn't up to speed with solid sat strategy. I did get very lucky in one spot I should add.
Roller was fun. Made some good plays, some questionable plays, and some downright awful plays. Just got into the money whilst nursing a short stack. Fortunately for me some guy on my table literally blinded himself out, he just folded everything until he got his 1bb stack in and lost. I did shove 99 on the button, on the stone bubble, for about 10bb. I really was unsure what to do, as the said guy was very short (maybe 4bb at this point), but it just felt wrong to pass. The BB didn't have much more than me so knew I wasn't getting called light which probably swayed it for me.
So into the money and all the usual immediate bustouts happened, probably lost 3 or 4 players in an orbit. I got a much needed DU when I found KQ in the BB and essexphil had KJ in the SB, held there to give me something to splash about with.
With 13 left, I was again hovering around a 15bb stack. Raise folded KQ on the button against a big stack...really unsure about that. Eventually got 33 and 11bb in blind on blind vs Jord16, he called with A3h, flop brought 2 hearts and the river was an Ace to seal my fate. Disappointing to go out in those circumstances but I'm glad he used the chips wisely and took it down, very pleased for him. It's amazing what feelings you can have in a split second....I went from 'oh cr@p' when he called me, to 'oh that's good' when the cards overturned, to 'sh!tte the bed' when he flopped the flush draw, and eventually 'sigh' when the river was an A. Poker eh
13th for almost £265, after getting in for £24, isn't too shabby I suppose. Came on the back of a successful betting Saturday. Had that Skybet boosted special that came in at 4/1. Really fancied United at nearly 3/1 for some reason, so felt ridiculously dirty and had a few quid on them along with another boosted special of Rooney anytime/United win at 6/1. Eurgh, won't be betting on them anytime soon. Shame the boxing was a total wash out but by then I was too drunk to care
Might post some HH from last night, the good the bad and the ugly, for people to take apart if they so desire