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The 2014 Community Questionnaire...

SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,701
edited December 2014 in Poker Chat
Hi folks,

As 2014 eases into its final quarter I thought it would be interesting to get a few community opinions and perhaps to get some of you thinking a little outside the box.

So, with that in mind here's a little ten minute diversion. The questions are generally quite simple, and the answers won't hurt. There are a few non-poker related ones just for giggles, but it's er... mostly on point.

I wanted to ask for responses via PM but now fear that certain corners of the community will take that to mean I wish to market said secret replies and somehow turn this little moment of fun into something more lucrative.

So... post away!


1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker?
2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with?
3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with?
4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
    a) 1899
    a) 1964
    b) 2073
5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle?
6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year?
7. Who is the best community cash player?
8. Who is the best community MTT player?
9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
    a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or
    b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces.
10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker?
11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what?
12. What is your favourite colour?
13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated)
14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call?
15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call?
16. Who is the most underated player in the community?
17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey?
18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015?
19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
     a) Antarctica
     b) Death Valley
20. What is your favourite (card) suit?
21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit?
22. What is the forum thread of the year?
23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google)
24. Who is the best contributor of the year?
25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required)
26. What is your favourite (poker) hand?
27. I'd fancy my chances most against:
      a) zombies
      b) aliens
28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year?
29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel?
30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most?
31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:
     a) Elvis Presley
     b) Jesus
     c) Ron Jeremy
     d) MattBates
     e) Stephen King
     f) Albert Einstein
     g) Phil Helmuth
32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less)
33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time?
34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play?
35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman?


  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2014
    i just don't get it
    the only real question is "alien or tiara" surely. 

    Seriously though, you want peeps to provide all this information to you on a confidential basis and then what? You're going to sell it to advertisers? exploit players favourite hands? And as for dessert with Liv! is that another of your !-buddy activities - maybe you are useful for something after all. But do we really need another thread trying to get forum members to provide something for nothing, to be sent to someone that for all we know doesn't actually exist given how much heartache that has caused everyone in the last few days? 
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,701
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire...:
    i just don't get it the only real question is "alien or tiara" surely.  Seriously though, you want peeps to provide all this information to you on a confidential basis and then what? You're going to sell it to advertisers? exploit players favourite hands? And as for dessert with Liv! is that another of your !-buddy activities - maybe you are useful for something after all. But do we really need another thread trying to get forum members to provide something for nothing, to be sent to someone that for all we know doesn't actually exist given how much heartache that has caused everyone in the last few days? 
    Posted by GELDY
    Such a cynic, Gelders... ;)
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited September 2014
    Some fun questions! Why would you want answers via PM though?? :/
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2014
    is this, Slipwater, behaviour and notions that everyone reckons is good? 

    And does anyone know what I'm trying to say? 
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2014
    And between us slippy, exploitation is not! 

  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,701
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire...:
    Some fun questions! Why would you want answers via PM though?? :/
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Simply to make it less open to suggestion, and in case some folk don't want their responses publicised... but as I said in the OP, I get that certain factions will wish to post openly.
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,701
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire...:
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire... : So true..   Expect to feel the full wrath from the forums venomous doubting Thomas`s FINANCIAL GAIN , SELLING DATA  FOR GAIN, LEAKING DATA FOR GAIN, EXPLOTATION OF OTHER FOR GAIN, ect I could carry on...and ...on....and ....on    But I will not. To me this is just a idea with a fun aspect.. But  for others   YOU may expect more than you bargained for. Good luck with this.
    Posted by footsie66
    Gelders was joking.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire...:
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire... : So true..   Expect to feel the full wrath from the forums venomous doubting Thomas`s FINANCIAL GAIN , SELLING DATA  FOR GAIN, LEAKING DATA FOR GAIN, EXPLOTATION OF OTHER FOR GAIN, ect I could carry on...and ...on....and ....on    But I will not. To me this is just a idea with a fun aspect.. But  for others   YOU may expect more than you bargained for. Good luck with this.
    Posted by footsie66

    Hi footsie, 

    Apologies, you were the one person i expected to upset with my post, given  what you have recently been through, but i fancied some community banter with Slipwater and others.  and as you know you can't please everybody. 

  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,701
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire...:
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire... : I am not.
    Posted by footsie66
    If you wish to have a serious discussion, footsie, then we can do so. I've already asked you once, and you ignored the request. It would be interesting to hear exactly how a blatantly tongue-in-cheek forum poll could be used to export data to nefarious sources.

    I appreciate you are stinging from our exchanges on another thread, but let's leave the toys in the pram, eh?
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire...:
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire... : Gelders was joking.
    Posted by Slipwater
    Thanks Slippy,

    now can you please decode my message to you in the last two posts so others don't misinterpret it. For a wordsmith of your quality it should only take a second or two. 
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,701
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire...:
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire... : Thanks Slippy, now can you please decode my message to you in the last two posts so others don't misinterpret it. For a wordsmith of your quality it should only take a second or two. 
    Posted by GELDY
    Thanks :)

    However, I'd have thought the meaning and reference was perfectly obvious, mate.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2014
    thought you were better than that Slippy


    Is This, Slipwater, Behaviour And Notions That Everyone Reckons IS GOOD
    And Between Us Slippy, Exploitation IS NOT
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,701
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire...:
    thought you were better than that Slippy ITS BANTER IS GOOD ABUSE IS NOT I s T his, S lipwater, B ehaviour A nd N otions T hat E veryone R eckons IS GOOD ?  A nd B etween U s S lippy, E xploitation IS NOT ! 
    Posted by GELDY

    Can't see how I possibly missed that :)
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited September 2014
    Great questions fella.
    Will answer them all here who could I offend ?
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited September 2014
    1) Ice Hotel Yylas
    2) Met a good few at Spts maybe Dohhhhh and Hyrrdry (Jon)
    3) Negreanu
    4) 2073 just to see what i did with my life
    5) GaryQQQ
    6) £55 speed bh at 22.30
    7) Rosie dogg
    8 ) TommyD
    9) B
    11)Mine to anna fowlers she always has it
    12) Green
    13) Yes hopefully snap chat stick by the delete after 5 second terms
    15)See above
    17)cash from Ivey
    19)Death Valley been born in Spsin much rather be too warm than too cold
    21)Valour : )
    22) Gary QQQ result thread
    23) General Lee
    24) Jac35
    29)Stu Rutter
    30) Lambert180 but he is back now
    31)Stephen King very nice man met him in Boston
    32)Dont call when you know your behind just to confirm a read
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,701
    edited September 2014
    Great answers, Pat!

    You met Stephen King? I'm jealous - he's my favourite author :)
  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited September 2014
    1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker?

     i'm beige. and have never played poker in an unconventional place

    2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with?

    flying dagg is a gent and a a scholar, and the master of bad taste jokes.

    3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with?

    illairi, in full on tequila mode, yah.

    4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
        a) 1899
        a) 1964 gimmie the early 60's on acid baby, i'd bask in those sounds
        b) 2073

    5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle?

    whoever the best is, gotta have a challenge

    6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year?

    DTD night

    7. Who is the best community cash player?

    Lambert180 love his journey and noone pays it forward more

    8. Who is the best community MTT player?


    9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
        a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or would be cheaper, but less fun
        b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces.

    10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker: hhytfrftdr etc

    11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what? no

    12. What is your favourite colour? depends on the object, blue tomatoes arent as nice as a red sky

    13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated) i'm beige...

    14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call? no way

    15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call? 3

    16. Who is the most underated player in the community?  dohhhhhhhh is a boss

    17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey? show me the money

    18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015? larson7 [sorry slip lol]

    19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
         a) Antarctica
         b) Death Valley

    does death valley have penguins? no. stick me with the penguins please.

    20. What is your favourite (card) suit?

    illogical, captain

    21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit?

    i'm no fashionista.what do marks and spensers make their suits out of? whatever that is. i only wear them for weddings and funerals.

    22. What is the forum thread of the year? lamberts diary.

    23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google)

    i cant have the delorean from BTTF? sigh. the tomato then *shrugs*

    24. Who is the best contributor of the year? dohhhhhh

    25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required) stars

    26. What is your favourite (poker) hand? AA

    27. I'd fancy my chances most against:

          a) zombies slow and no access to death rays. thank you.
          b) aliens

    28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year? the orf

    29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel? channing is my fav always

    30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most? smitalos

    31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:

         a) Elvis Presley at least i'd have looks [no offence matt].
         b) Jesus
         c) Ron Jeremy
         d) MattBates
         e) Stephen King
         f) Albert Einstein
         g) Phil Helmuth

    32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less) think in  range v range. rather than hand v hand

    33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time? one.

    34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play? never been dealt a hand in live play!

    35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman?

    superman. flying and lois lane v a mere suit and albert.
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,701
    edited September 2014
    Two replies and neither one wants dinner with Liv - sigh. All to myself then.

    Opening post has been amended in light of recent activity.
  • a00rocka00rock Member Posts: 832
    edited September 2014
    1, Barbers
    2, TheRock573
    3, Vicky CM
    4, 2073
    5, None All better than me on cash.
    6, 2.20 at 2.20
    7, No idea.
    8, M Bates.
    9, b
    11, No
    12, Red.
    13, Yes I lost not a pretty sight.
    14, No
    15, 2
    16, Solack
    17, Dinner
    19, a
    20, A any suit.
    21, Cotton
    22, Your Leaderboards.
    23, General Lee
    24, HHY
    25, 5
    27, a
    28, Anna... easily
    29, Paul Jackson
    30, TheRock573
    31, g
    32, Don't tilt!
    33, 3
    34, No
    35, Superman.       ..POW ....BASH ...LOL its my age!
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited September 2014

    1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker? On a trampoline in a mates back garden. He'd run out of chairs. 

    2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with?  davelufc or Maxally. 

    3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with? Tatjana Pasalic

    4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
        a) 1899
        a) 1964
        b) 2073 Never been very interested in history. 

    5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle? Acegooner

    6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year? Turbo Tuesday. Best of a bad lot 

    7. Who is the best community cash player? F_Ivanovic.

    8. Who is the best community MTT player? Timber. or Bates. 

    9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
        a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, chopping if you get it in pre on here anyway. 
        b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces. 

    10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker? Pokertrev.

    11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what?  Nah. Winamax let you do this every 6 months. I 'crushhhhhed' with my first alias. Haven't cashed since changing it.

    "I just think, well, I dunno, if you look at life like, ah, rolling a dice then my situation now, as it stands, yeah, it may only be a three. If I jack that in now, go for something bigger and better, yeah, I could easily roll a six. No problem. I could roll a six. I could also roll a one. Kay, so.. I think sometimes just leave the dice alone."

    12. What is your favourite colour? Pink. 

    13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated) Not poker, it was 'strip high card'. Poker way too complicated for drunk blondes who can't see me rigging the deck. 

    14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call? Fold. 

    15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call? ughhhh, would like to think I'd call 3. Would need to be in that spot to give an honest answer. 

    16. Who is the most underated player in the community? Liamboi. 

    17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey? £1k ainec! 

    18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015?  Struggling here, every1 is rubbish. Shakinaces. 

    19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
         a) Antarctica <3 Ice & snow. 
         b) Death Valley

    20. What is your favourite (card) suit? Blue ones. 

    21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit? Triggers blue one. 

    22. What is the forum thread of the year? Sky poker results thread (GaryQQQ)

    23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google)  No idea what you're talking about ! 

    24. Who is the best contributor of the year? Tikay. 

    25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required) 5

    26. What is your favourite (poker) hand? AA

    27. I'd fancy my chances most against:
          a) zombies
          b) aliens     Sci Fi is boring. 

    28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year? Anna is brilliant but Orf still reigns supreme.

    29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel? Tatjana

    30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most? There are lots who aren't here (through no choice of their own) who should be. Beaneh and Evilpingu. Flip for it. 

    31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:
         a) Elvis Presley
         b) Jesus
         c) Ron Jeremy
         d) MattBates
         e) Stephen King
         f) Albert Einstein
         g) Phil Helmuth

    32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less) Bet only if you can get called by worse or fold out better.

    33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time? 3.5

    34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play? Yes. In a live pub poker league that I used to play in. 5 6 7 8 9 of spades.  Instant hero status. lolfish. 

    35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman? Super heros are almost as boring as sci fi. 
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