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The 2014 Community Questionnaire...



  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited September 2014
    Sorry Slip but now you are allowing the data to be publicised, my contacts are no longer interested in the deal, and are terminating in accordance with section 2.3.1.c.

    Shame. This time next year, we could have been millyonaires.
  • tomo_efctomo_efc Member Posts: 716
    edited September 2014
    I am always getting these "Questionnaires" off Sky, with the chance of winning £20, never won a carrot. So as sky have all my answers they can fill mine in for me "with the chance of winning £20" Thanks.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker? I 'played poker' in the loosest sense of the word (regged RRs) at a Knightmare convention

    2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with?  Andrew1947 is always great to have a drink with, has a never-ending supply of interesting stories.

    3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with? Neil Channing

    4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
        a) 1899
        a) 1964
        b) 2073 Never been very interested in history. 

    5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle? IDCU just for the lolz

    6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year? Meh dunno, prob £55 BH (not the speed one)

    7. Who is the best community cash player? Dohhhhhh

    8. Who is the best community MTT player? MattBates

    9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
        a) fold pocket aces pre-flop
        b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces. 

    10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker? HHyfttdrr (excuse the probable spelling mistake)

    11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what?  Nah

    12. What is your favourite colour? Blue

    13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated) Nah

    14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call? Deffo folding. 

    15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call? Like Doh, I'd like to say 3 but would have to be in the situation to find out if I really would. I'd snap off 2 

    16. Who is the most underated player in the community? Dohhhhhhh

    17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey? £1k pot off Ivey

    18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015?  Dunno, maybe Matt237

    19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
         a) Antarctica
         b) Death Valley - Tough call cos I hate both extreme cold and extreme heat but think my hate of the cold pips it

    20. What is your favourite (card) suit? Blue, love a blue JT.

    21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit? Don't care

    22. What is the forum thread of the year? Potentially the Statue Quest lol. Maybe one of the 'In The Well's, I'll go for the one Bates did.

    23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google)  Had to google both, probably just about the striped tomato but neither is that nice.

    24. Who is the best contributor of the year? Jac35

    25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required) Only 2 atm.

    26. What is your favourite (poker) hand? AA

    27. I'd fancy my chances most against:
          a) zombies - a brisk jog should see me alright if most films are anything to go by
          b) aliens   

    28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year? Orford ainec

    29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel? Really tough, always like seeing Channing on 861 (for the bits that aren't about betting!). Him or maybe James Atkin

    30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most? Agree with JJ, tough call between Pingu and Beaneh

    31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:
         a) Elvis Presley
         b) Jesus
         c) Ron Jeremy
         d) MattBates
         e) Stephen King
         f) Albert Einstein
         g) Phil Helmuth

    32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less) Before you bet/call/raise, think about WHY you're doing it and what you want to achieve.

    33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time? 7

    34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play? No, quads is as good as it's got for me live.

    35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman? Batman, then in Alan Partridge style I can say 'I'M BATMAN!!!' ;)
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,701
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire...:
    Sorry Slip but now you are allowing the data to be publicised, my contacts are no longer interested in the deal, and are terminating in accordance with section 2.3.1.c. Shame. This time next year, we could have been millyonaires.
    Posted by bbMike
    Apologies, Mike. Certain corners of the populace had threatened me with Chinese water torture and activities of a trolling nature if I did not comply.
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited September 2014
    Teddybloat answered this "2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with?

    flying dagg is a gent and a a scholar, and the master of bad taste jokes.

    Not sure how you arrive at this conclusion but theres 1 or 2 who were at Blackpool and could verify the bad taste jokes I'm afraid to say.
  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited September 2014
     've railed many a TPT final table and have heard you drop the hammer enough times to not doubt that for one second! [i never thought it possible to dectect awkward silences in a chat box...]
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2014

    1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker? In the bath
    2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with? tikay, he doesn't drink so it should be a cheap round
    3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with? the one that plays hu worse when drunk
    4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
        a) 1899
        a) 1964 x I'm there at the moment as far as i know
        b) 2073
    5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle? Slipwater, the chat abuse///// banter would be legendary
    6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year? Any of the frenzies
    7. Who is the best community cash player? anna always takes my money
    8. Who is the best community MTT player? whoever is top of the Slipwater bragboard 
    9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
        a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or 
        b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces. X what's new? 
    10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker? Has to be Harry
    11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what? Why? It's purely a tag
    12. What is your favourite colour? nope
    13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated) nope
    14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call? Still think I'm ahead
    15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call? up to 9
    16. Who is the most underated player in the community? Slipwater (you should hear what they say about you)
    17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey? dessert definitely
    18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015? That newbie who was winning 90%+ of his hyper hu games. Think what he will be like with a bit of practice! 
    19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
         a) Antarctica 
         b) Death Valley
    with a suitable application of quantum uncertainty i think 50% of the time in each
    20. What is your favourite (card) suit? nope
    21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit? birthday
    22. What is the forum thread of the year? Can't remember what it was called and it's been deleted
    23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google) nope
    24. Who is the best contributor of the year?  Well the guys playing that newbie at husngs were sure contributing lots
    25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required) One
    26. What is your favourite (poker) hand? That last one that i stacked someone with having got it all in behind
    27. I'd fancy my chances most against:
          a) zombies
          b) aliens
    not sure zombies have the intellect to play poker
    28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year? Rogue Anna
    29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel? Lord Grumpy as TK calls channing
    30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most? SMITALOS
    31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:
         a) Elvis Presley
         b) Jesus
         c) Ron Jeremy
         d) MattBates
         e) Stephen King
         f) Albert Einstein X but only if i can change his views on quantum theory
         g) Phil Helmuth
    32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less) playing live don't throw the bounty chip in by mistake and have your call turned into an all in
    33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time? You want the mean, mode or median? 
    34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play? bien sûr A high ofc and I've also seen a Straight flush on the board. 
    35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman just man is good enough for me
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited September 2014
    In Response to The 2014 Community Questionnaire...:
    1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker? On the toilet
    2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with? The lot of you at an SPT next year
    3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with? Jen Tilly :)
    4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?     a) 1899     b) 1964     3) 2073 1964, I can make a FORTUNE from sports betting and live like a king!
    5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle? I suck at cash so Orford
    6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year? DTD is by far my favourite
    7. Who is the best community cash player? Lambo
    8. Who is the best community MTT player? MattBates.  I was going to say TommyD but Matt promised it introduce me to Snow White so that swings it
    9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:     a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or     b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces. I already play 72 off as if it was aces!
    10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker? don't know if they are still active but I saw Katie_Vick on here.  Any wrestling fan will understand why I love that
    11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what? No
    12. What is your favourite colour? Red
    13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated) No but I did play strip pool in a pub on my 30th birthday :)
    14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call? No.  I fold face up and tell EVERYONE I folded aces pre to get an image tighter then Tikay's, then abuse the proverbial out of my image
    15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call? 2
    16. Who is the most underated player in the community? MacMonster.  
    17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey? Liv Boeree for desert would ne better
    18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015? Moi ;)
    19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?      a) Antarctica      b) Death Valley Antartica, more too eat there
    20. What is your favourite (card) suit? Clubs.  no idea why
    21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit? I only wear tshirts
    22. What is the forum thread of the year? Any that say the site is rigged.  Gives me a well needed laugh
    23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google) The General Lee if Daisy Duke is included
    25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required) 2
    26. What is your favourite (poker) hand? J10 clubs
    27. I'd fancy my chances most against:       a) zombies       b) aliens Zombies.  I don't have a brain for them too eat so I can escape easier
    28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year? Orford
    29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel? Channing
    30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most? Spornybol
    31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:      a) Elvis Presley      b) Jesus      c) Ron Jeremy      d) MattBates      e) Stephen King      f) Albert Einstein      g) Phil Helmuth Jesus, then I would spend all my time changing water into wine and getting drunk
    32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less) Learn how to fold.  You fold more then you will do anything else
    33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time? 3
    34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play? Not live, yet
    35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman? Superman.  I am already Batman.  Don't believe me?  Have you ever seen me and Batman in the same room?

  • Ice_TigerIce_Tiger Member Posts: 1,533
    edited September 2014
    1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker? In the pool
    2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with? Macmonster
    3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with? Trickett
    4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
        a) 1899
        a) 1964
        b) 2073
    5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle? Bearlythere for the challenge, the worst player for the cash
    6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year? SPT - which year?
    7. Who is the best community cash player? Style
    8. Who is the best community MTT player? Divs Dreams
    9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
        a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or
        b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces.
    10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker? ChickenMelt 
    11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what? WorldBeater
    12. What is your favourite colour? Blue
    13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated) No
    14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call? No
    15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call? Two, maybe three
    16. Who is the most underated player in the community? Ballboy
    17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey? Chop
    18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015? Ballboy
    19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
         a) Antarctica
         b) Death Valley
    20. What is your favourite (card) suit? Hearts
    21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit? Tuxedo
    22. What is the forum thread of the year? Tikay's
    23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google) S & H
    24. Who is the best contributor of the year? Slipwater
    25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required) 2
    26. What is your favourite (poker) hand? 5h4h
    27. I'd fancy my chances most against:
          a) zombies
          b) aliens
    28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year? Rich Orford
    29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel? Jamie Sykes
    30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most? ???????
    31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:
         a) Elvis Presley
         b) Jesus
         c) Ron Jeremy
         d) MattBates
         e) Stephen King
         f) Albert Einstein
         g) Phil Helmuth
    32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less) Always behave like a gentleman.
    33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time? Six
    34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play? Yes, had royal flush live & dealt one as well
    35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman? Super
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited September 2014
    1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker? On the bog.
    2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with? Jac35. Sigh.
    3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with? Sam Razavi.
    4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
        a) 1899
        a) 1964
        b) 2073 -
    5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle? Someone beatable?!
    6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year? DTD games are always a pleasure.
    7. Who is the best community cash player? Ivan.
    8. Who is the best community MTT player? Hard to look past Bates, especially after last night. Think TommyD, DD and Chicknmelt run him very close though.
    9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
        a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or
        b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces
    10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker? KLITORASS
    11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what? Would've said yes a year ago, quite content these days.
    12. What is your favourite colour? Blue
    13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated) No
    14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call? No
    15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call? 2/3
    16. Who is the most underated player in the community? jawzindawz
    17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey? Depends if the dessert is ice cream or Liv herself.
    18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015? He's already pretty **** good but Gazza127 seems to be going from strength to strength in MTT's. Must be that clean, fresh Stoke air he is breathing in ;)
    19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
         a) Antarctica
         b) Death Valley
    20. What is your favourite (card) suit? Diamonds
    21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit? Tracksuit
    22. What is the forum thread of the year? Alien statue thread is beyond absurd, and I've seen some bizarre stuff on here.
    23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google) No idea what you're talking about
    24. Who is the best contributor of the year? Gets a bit of stick sometimes but Tikay is always the gent, and probably goes above and beyond what is expected of him.
    25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required) Occasionally dabble on one other site
    26. What is your favourite (poker) hand? J9 of the same suitedness
    27. I'd fancy my chances most against:
          a) zombies
          b) aliens
    28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year? Orford
    29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel? Alex Goulder
    30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most? Smitalos
    31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:
         a) Elvis Presley
         b) Jesus
         c) Ron Jeremy- surely a no brainer?
         d) MattBates
         e) Stephen King
         f) Albert Einstein
         g) Phil Helmuth
    32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less) Position and range
    33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time? 3
    34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play? I can't recall one. Quads with the mighty 8 2o once. Don't limp in kids ;)
    35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman? Superman
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited September 2014
    1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker? when cleaning the house
    2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with? larson 7
    3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with? phil ivy
    4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
        a) 1899
        a) 1964
        b) 2073
    5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle? lambert 180
    6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year? orford league- it's great to have a popular MTT with 10 people still going, DTDs the best 6 ring and the best main event goes to super roller
    7. Who is the best community cash player? lambert 180 i could say rosedog but i i think them stakes have very little quantity overall where as nl50p has still got lots of people to ajust your game to.
    8. Who is the best community MTT player? mattbates, he could be a person who hacks the PCs but i would say myself he is just a great MTT player.
    9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
        a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or
        b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces.
    either would work really if it's rigged, 72 worst hand so it has to always win and it's rigged so AA never wins lol.
    10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker? donttelmum
    11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what? ApokerKing
    12. What is your favourite colour?
    13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated) no
    14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call? no but it's difficult to know what to do really as all i think here is the WSOP itself, if i was actually playing it i might have called as i'm in a big event got the chance of a massive chip lead and so could be much better chance of winning.
    15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call? 3 maybe 2 if there was a person who had already raised UTG.
    16. Who is the most underated player in the community? larson 7
    17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey?
    18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015? hh, he is good alreay but you could say he has lots of strength to come when you see all the post he makes to those BBV
    19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
         a) Antarctica
         b) Death Valley
    20. What is your favourite (card) suit? spade
    21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit? football shirt
    22. What is the forum thread of the year?
     NL4 cash tables with max 50bb buy-in?
    normally it's a rec that complains and a reg who'll be arguing against the case, on this occasion it was a reg that was not happy about sky.
    23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google) ???
    24. Who is the best contributor of the year?
    TK, no one puts in more time and effort explaining why a loss happens.
    25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required)
    26. What is your favourite (poker) hand?
    27. I'd fancy my chances most against:
          a) zombies
          b) aliens
    28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year?
    anna fowler- watch master cash to find out
    29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel? channing
    30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most?  hard choice really, larson 7 seems a much quieter one
    31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:
         a) Elvis Presley
         b) Jesus
         c) Ron Jeremy
         d) MattBates
         e) Stephen King
         f) Albert Einstein
         g) Phil Helmuth
    32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less)
    think about what your doing before you make the bet post flop.
    33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time? 4-6
    34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play? never played live poker yet hope to go on a sky live tour next year.
    35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman?
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker? As everyone else, on the loo!
    2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with? Jac35
    3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with? Durrrrr Dwan
    4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
        a) 1899
        a) 1964
        b) 2073
    5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle? RyanC7
    6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year? None
    7. Who is the best community cash player? Dunno...donttelmum maybe
    8. Who is the best community MTT player? MattBates
    9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
        a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or
        b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces. yeehaaaa
    10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker? nickyheat
    11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what? Noooo
    12. What is your favourite colour? Grey
    13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated) No
    14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call? Yehhhhhh let's ONE TIME it!!
    15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call? all
    16. Who is the most underated player in the community? Me? :P
    17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey?
    18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015? maybe Hotwheals/Matt237?
    19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
         a) Antarctica
         b) Death Valley
    20. What is your favourite (card) suit? clubs
    21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit? trackyb's!
    22. What is the forum thread of the year? all the diaries
    23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google) No idea!!
    24. Who is the best contributor of the year? aussie09/garyQQQ/Larson7/Jac35?
    25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required) 1
    26. What is your favourite (poker) hand? 22 QUACK!
    27. I'd fancy my chances most against:
          a) zombies
          b) aliens
    28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year? Anna
    29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel? Don't watch much...Scotty77?
    30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most? Don't know..
    31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:
         a) Elvis Presley
         b) Jesus
         c) Ron Jeremy
         d) MattBates
         e) Stephen King
         f) Albert Einstein
         g) Phil Helmuth
    32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less) Don't go broke with a pair
    33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time? 1!
    34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play? No
    35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman?
  • SlykllistSlykllist Member Posts: 2,888
    edited September 2014
    1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker?
    Multi Storey Car Park
    2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with?
    Any of the HitSquad but particularly HitMan_RV, goldenb238, Tsaaaar, liamboi11, monkey123, sick_swans, Mohican and Willhelm
    Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with?
    Jen Mason
    4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
        a) 1899
        a) 1964
        b) 2073
    5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle?
    What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year?
    UKPC Main Event in Febraury, I didn't even play it myself but it was a special event in this years calendar.
    7. Who is the best community cash player?
    I don't really play enough cash to offer an opinion
    8. Who is the best community MTT player?
    9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
        a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or
        b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces.
    10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker?
    11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what?
    I'd like to be able to go back and spell it how I intended to start with, other than that I'd probably change it to BUBBLES
    12. What is your favourite colour?
    13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated)
    errrrrrm.... moving on.....
    14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call?
    No, I can find better spots to stack off than that.
    15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call?
    I'd definitely call two shoves and become a little indecisive at three
    16. Who is the most underated player in the community?
    Probably Lambert180 and he's actually already quite highly rated
    17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey?
    18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015?
    liamboi11, He's up there but think he'll have a great year next year.
    19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
         a) Antarctica
         b) Death Valley - I could definitely get a lift to Vegas from there
    20. What is your favourite (card) suit?
    21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit?
    Classic three piece in dark grey
    22. What is the forum thread of the year?
    Main / Mini leaderboard
    23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google)
    General Lee and Daisy Duke to clean it
    Who is the best contributor of the year?
    25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required)
    26. What is your favourite (poker) hand?
    27. I'd fancy my chances most against:
          a) zombies - I've watched Shaun of the Dead, they look pretty easy to overcome.
          b) aliens
    28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year?
    The quite wonderful Anna Fowler
    29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel?
    Neil Channing
    30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most?
    31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:
         a) Elvis Presley
         b) Jesus
         c) Ron Jeremy
         d) MattBates
         e) Stephen King
         f) Albert Einstein
         g) Phil Helmuth
    32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less)
    You just have to win, you don't need to win right now
    33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time?
    34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play?
    Not yet
    35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman?
    Batman - circa the Dark Knight
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited September 2014

    2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with? Jac35

    Mrs Duck

    It can be arranged chuck ;)
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,701
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire...:
    2.  Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with?  Jac35 Mrs Duck It can be arranged chuck ;)
    Posted by Jac35
    Don't get too excited, Paul - I'm sure yours was just the first name she could think of.
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire...:
    2.  Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with?  Jac35 Mrs Duck It can be arranged chuck ;)
    Posted by Jac35
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire...:
    In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire... : Don't get too excited, Paul - I'm sure yours was just the first name she could think of.
    Posted by Slipwater

    When are you gonna do yours Slip? :P

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,636
    edited September 2014
    1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker
    On the Falkirk Wheel! GO google

    2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with?
    TommyD or Do7h

    3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with?
    Jenny Tilly
    4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
        a) 1899
        a) 1964
        b) 2073
    1964... Well its a leap Year!!!
    5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle?+
    6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year?
    The 22:30 BH!
    7. Who is the best community cash player?
    Style or Rodiedog.......FIGHT!!..
    8. Who is the best community MTT player?
    9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
        a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or 
        b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces.+
    10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker?
    As I LOVVEEE palindromes  I'm saying ......GLENELG!!
    11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what?+
    YES!!  I'D LOVVVEEEE TO  CHANGE MY USER NAME!!!!     Can I Reverse it?  
    GLENELG is wayyyyyy  so much better!!! 
    12. Wyhat is your favourite colour?
    13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated)
    14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call?
    **** YEAH!  
    15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call?
    16. Who is the most underated player in the community?
    17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey?
    NEITHER......Would rather play  the super roller on SKY!
    18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015?
    19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
         a) Antarctica
         b) Death Valley
    Strangely,  I've spent quite a LOT of time training in both places!  AND if I had to pick a place where I KNOW I could  SURVIVE?  It would have to be  B)  I'd love to tell ya why but you'd get bored!!!
    20. What is your favourite (card) suit?
    21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit?

    22. What is the forum thread of the year?
    23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google)
    General Lee
    24. Who is the best contributor of the year?
    25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required)
    26. What is your favourite (poker) hand?you might 
    27. I'd fancy my chances most against:
          a) zombies
          b) aliens

    Gotta be honest....neither scare me
    28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year?
    Male- RICH  Female-ANNA
    29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel?
    Action JAck
    30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most?
    31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:
         a) Elvis Presley
         b) Jesus
         c) Ron Jeremy
         d) MattBates
         e) Stephen King
         f) Albert Einstein
         g) Phil Helmuth
    REINCARNATION is   overated!
    32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less)
    33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time?+
    34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play?
    35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman?
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited September 2014
    1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker
    In the canteen at St Thomas' Hospital, London

    2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with?

    3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with?
    Neil Channing

    4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
        a) 1899
        b) 1964
        c) 2073

    5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle?+
    6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year?
    All-in Sats, great structure
    7. Who is the best community cash player?
    8. Who is the best community MTT player?
    Let's go TommyD as he's losing the vote to Matt!
    9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
        a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or 
        b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces.+
    can never fold it for some reason
    10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker?
    11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what?+
    Nah, y'alright
    12. Wyhat is your favourite colour?
    13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated)
    Once when about 17, there was one girl who was a right station, though at one point I did get to see her fold..
    14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call?
    15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call?

    16. Who is the most underated player in the community?
    17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey?
    just dessert would be fine
    18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015?
    19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
         a) Antarctica
         b) Death Valley
    20. What is your favourite (card) suit?
    Diamond blue
    21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit?
    22. What is the forum thread of the year?
    Slip's main/mini leaderboard
    23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google)
    No idea what you're on about
    24. Who is the best contributor of the year?
    25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required)
    26. What is your favourite (poker) hand?
    27. I'd fancy my chances most against:
          a) zombies
          b) aliens
    zombies for holdem, aliens at omaha
    28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year?
    29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel?
    Paul (the poker player) Jackson
    30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most?
    31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:
         a) Elvis Presley
         b) Jesus
         c) Ron Jeremy
         d) MattBates
         e) Stephen King
         f) Albert Einstein
         g) Phil Helmuth
    32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less)
    Learning the phrase 'turning your hand into a bluff'
    33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time?+
    34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play?
    35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman?
    This question is basically Lois Lane or Catwoman. Lois.
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited September 2014
    1. At a Wetherspoons in Stratford (Upon avon) on a night out 
    2. Anyone in Team TPT or Tommy/Acegooner/Mattb etc or tikay ... Too many! Put Tikay down for sake of completion
    3. Trickett
    4. c) 2073
    5. Bar4004 
    6. Rebuy main on a Wednesday
    7. Rosiedog 
    8.  Mattbates
    9.  b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces.
    10. WucknForry
    11.  Nope, at first I did but the 237 caught on :-)
    12.  Green
    13.  Nope
    14. Nope
    15. 3
    16. Waller02 , Jawz was close :)
    17. I'll take the £1000
    18. Tricky, Liamboi11
    19. a) Antarctica
    20. Diamonds
    21. Cotton
    22. Statue Alien quest
    23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch 
    24. Hhyftrdtdr (Had a guess at his spelling.)
    25. 1
    26. 10 8 Suited.
    27. a) zombies
    28. Orford
    29. Paul Jackson
    30. THEROCK573 without a doubt.
    31. f) Albert Einstein
    32. And probably one of the most important ... PUT PEOPLE ON A RANGE
    33. 4 on average 
    34. Never played live so NO
    35. Superman
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