1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker? At a desk? It was a rarity for me and the desk had sharpish edges so my arm was kind of sore after leaning on it!
2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with? Excluding those I've already had a drink with, I'm going to say Dohhh.
3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with? Phil Hellmuth sounds a barrel of laughs!
4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck? a) 1899 a) 1964 Get to see England win the world cup if I'm there for 2 years!! 2073 would feel too alien as would 1899. And I could make a nice sum on predicting future events :P b) 2073
5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle? gazza127 - Definitely won't be boring!
6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year? - Super Roller
7. Who is the best community cash player? - Me? edit: Seen some replies saying Style/rosiedog. I thought this was a question about COMMUNITY and haven't seen them contribute! I was going to pick Tommy but could never pick him for both :P
8. Who is the best community MTT player? - TommyD
9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either: a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces. This. I'm pretty sure folding Aces would have a pretty big dent in your WR whereas with 7-2 off you could just use it as your bluff hand and it probably wouldn't do terrible. Does this mean you have to call tho if someone ships on AAKxx thinking you have aces? :P
10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker? IDONKCALLU
11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what? No
12. What is your favourite colour? Orange
13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated) Nope.
14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call? **** yeah! Less than 50/50 but still a huge favourite to become a massive chip leader. If I'm playing the Main Event as well I would have the BR for it or be staked in it. How do you explain to your stakers if you fold AA here?
15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call? 16. Who is the most underated player in the community? Chris with some numbers at the end usually posts good cash advice but isn't really that well known - I don't recall seeing him play on the site either :S
17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey? Liv Boeree if I was single for sure. As is, I guess I'll make do with the £1k
18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015? No idea! craigcu.
19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck? a) Antarctica b) Death Valley Death Valley - could survive the temperatures their as long as it's not middle of summer!
20. What is your favourite (card) suit? Spades. Least favourite is hearts.
21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit? Anything that isn't made from animals. Don't really know much about suits!!
22. What is the forum thread of the year? This one.
23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google)
Striped tomato (had to use google, yay I feel relatively young still)
24. Who is the best contributor of the year? Tikay
25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required) Just sky.
26. What is your favourite (poker) hand? Aces obv! Also like 6d8d
27. I'd fancy my chances most against: a) zombies Zombies for sure. b) aliens
28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year? Don't watch channel much anymore so can't really pick one.
29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel? See above
30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most? Anyone that complains that the site is rigged and that they're never coming back. Man I miss them contributors.
31. I'd rather be reincarnated as: a) Elvis Presley b) Jesus c) Ron Jeremy d) MattBates e) Stephen King f) Albert Einstein g) Phil Helmuth
Stephen King
32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less) Always have a reason for your bet.
33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time? 3
34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play? Yup. I flopped the up and down straight + royal flush draw and hit it on the river after getting it all in on flop vs top set.
1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker? On a cruise in the Caribbean 2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with? Apart from the players I've already shared a drink with... possibly Gelders. 3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with? Phil Helmuth 4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck? a) 1899 a) 1964 b) 2073 1964 - I'm a fan of the music, the fashion, and the... free love. 5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle? liamboi11 - I'm fairly sure I could empty his pockets 6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year? The 9pm £55 Bounty Hunter is the best tournament on Sky. 7. Who is the best community cash player? Never played him (obviously!) but style2737 is a bit of a demon! Of the ones I have played, gazza127 is probably the wiliest. 8. Who is the best community MTT player? As much as it pains me to say, my leaderboard doesn't lie. It's MattBates. 9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either: a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces. Probably play 7-2. It would be more interesting and I'd definitely win a fair number of hands that way... and I'd still be winning with aces too. 10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker? Druidfluid 11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what? The ability would be all right, but I'd still keep mine. 12. What is your favourite colour? Purple. 13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated) Unfortunately not. 14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call? No. 15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call? Probably two. 16. Who is the most underated player in the community? Really tough question... 17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey? Well winning a hand against Ivey would be good, but you could just get lucky... Dessert with Liv means I will definitely get lucky. 18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015? Hopefully Larson7... so I can claim to have helped 'create' his success 19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck? a) Antarctica b) Death Valley Probably Antarctica. It's easier to get warm than it is to cool down. 20. What is your favourite (card) suit? Hearts. 21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit? Pin-striped. 22. What is the forum thread of the year? Probably the 'In the Well' series that Tikay started. 23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google) Has to be Starsky's Gran Torino! 24. Who is the best contributor of the year? I always enjoys Gelder's posts, and Malcolm's. I guess it depends on your definition of 'best' (and I wrote the question so you'd think I'd know!). I think I'll go for mrsduck, for the breath of fresh air she brought to the forum. 25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required) Just the one. 26. What is your favourite (poker) hand? A10 27. I'd fancy my chances most against: a) zombies b) aliens I'd kick a whole lot of zombie butt on my way out! 28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year? Sarah Champion - I miss her 29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel? I have a soft spot for Stapes. 30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most? He didn't say much, but where's Diminuendo these days? 31. I'd rather be reincarnated as: a) Elvis Presley b) Jesus c) Ron Jeremy d) MattBates e) Stephen King f) Albert Einstein g) Phil Helmuth I'm a massive Stephen King fan, but as far as leading an exciting life goes, I think it would have to be Elvis. 32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less) Stick to playing chess 33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time? Three. 34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play? No. A full house with pocket aces is the best hand I've had. 35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman? Batman is the cooler guy by far.
OBJECTION! 29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel? I have a soft spot for Stapes. Stapes is an Analyst, not a Guest. Posted by Tikay10
. 7. Who is the best community cash player? Never played him (obviously!) but style2737 os a bit of a demon! Of the ones I have played, gazza127 is probably the wiliest.
Sixteen responses thus far... Tikay, you wanna pitch in with yours? Posted by Slipwater
Sigh, I wish I had not given you the Yellow Card now......
I'll try & give it a whirl tomorrow. Bear in mind I'll need to tread a little carefully with some replies. "Best Ch 861 Presenter" could get me into all sorts of difficult spots.......though to be fair, "Best Ch 861 Analyst" would be even more tricky.
In Response to Re: The 2014 Community Questionnaire... :
. 7. Who is the best community cash player? Never played him (obviously!) but style2737 os a bit of a demon! Of the ones I have played, gazza127 is probably the wiliest. What did you call me? Posted by gazza127
Take the compliment with grace, mate... I don't give them out very often
1. In the truck on my phone, which I was training people too drive. this is a 40 ton artic... they passed still
2. Geldy always a gent and for advice on sats.
3. Negraneu
4. 2073 see my children/grand children and see how they are all doing.
5. Tommy D
6. UKPC even though I was no where near it
7. chri.......erm... lambert180
8. the short one. good he is.
9. play 7/2 os hopefully not get many all in pre's though.
10. larsson7 king of kings.
11. yes. CAFF86 < Was meant to be this but it was the ID instead.
12. RED
13. Yes with my wife. the game was played until naked...obviously. But the cards where karma sutra position picture cards. the 5 community cards. on the board and the winning hand with when someone lost all clothing was too be played out before the next game of 'poke'er. this was great fun. and yes we still have the cards
14. Fold. this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity and believe I would lose here.
15. 3
16. irishrose
17. £1000 from ivey. (my wife is next too me as im typing) would still take money though.
18. would like to say myself for confidence and all.. but matt237
19. death valley.
20. hearts
21. cotton... George stuff.
22. The Daily Link but your leader boards are a great effort as well.
23. Genral Lee
24. lambert180
25. 2
26. AA off suit though.
27. zombies
28. orford
29. thewy
30. haven't been involved that long so hard too say.
31. phil
32. stop being a nugget!!!
33. 2
34. yes a few times and twice too the K.
35. batman... but id be bruce wayne most of the time and that's better.
I'll break the replies into more manageable chunks if I may, 35 Q & A's is too much of a "wall of text".
I should forewarn you, I'm famously tetchy, curmudgeonly & mardy before 10am every morning, so some of the replies may be a bit sharp, & I'll regret them later.
1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker?
In a Palace in St Petersburg, Russia.
2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with?
I don't touch alcohol, so it'd be a pot of tea. I'd probably choose my Plopper friends, they are all really decent people, & most all all, they take their bad beats like grown-ups.
3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with?
I can't think of any that appeal particularly. Queen Vicky, maybe, though I always get a little overawed when I'm with her, as she is so sharp minded.
4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck? a) 1899 a) 1964 b) 2073
1964. Oh my, I LOVED everything about 1964, it was a time when I was just finding my feet in life, everything seemed wonderful, & The Beatles "She Loves You" changed music, & "youth attitude", forever.
5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle?
None in particular, though if you forced my hand, "Macacgirl1" probably, as she EXACTLY gets "the spirit of poker".
6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year?
I don't play NLH MTT's these days, but the various "Rollers" seem, to my mind, to be "proper poker". (Reasonable stack & structure, no gimmicks).
7. Who is the best community cash player?
Depends how you define "best".
8. Who is the best community MTT player?
See previous reply, but this one is slightly easier, & I'd select someone like "Rainman", who works tirelessly to promote the game, & is a genuine "recreational" who understands why we play poker - for fun. There are many other such examples, including all those who promote the DTD Monday night trilogy.
9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either: a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces.
I don't play online Hold 'Em these days, only 4 card variants.
10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker?
Not sure about "best", but this one amused me. "TIKAYsucks"
11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what?
12. What is your favourite colour?
No particular favourite, but if pressed, nature's favourite colour, green.
13.Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated)
No. I've played Strip Ludo though. Most of us did daft things when we were young & spotty. 14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call?
15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call?
2 max.
16.Who is the most underated player in the community?
No idea.
17.Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey?
I have no wish to do either.
18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015?
He or she has not signed up yet.
19.Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck? b) Antartica.
20.What is your favourite (card) suit?
21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit?
22. What is the forum thread of the year?
Easy one - GaryQQQ's Results Thread. People like Gary MAKE poker Communities what they are. Those guys who come on here & only EVER moan & groan, every Post do my head in. Imagine having them as a next door neighbour.....
23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google)
No matter how hard I try, I just cant bring myself to care. It's like those "In The Well" questions, "steak & kidney pie or pizzza?" Who cares?
24. Who is the best contributor of the year?
Again, define "best". I would not have any single choice, but my shortlist would include the likes of GaryQQQ, Rainman, MAXALLY, Aussie09, & ALL those who actually DO SOMETHING to help make the community work, rather than just snipe, troll & moan. I can name you scores of people who have never made ONE positive post about anything. I also have a lot of time for those who carry big burdens in real life - children who are unwell for example - but are always cheerful on here. Not going to name them, but they know who I mean.
25.How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required)
26. What is your favourite (poker) hand?
A-A-2-3 DS
27. I'd fancy my chances most against: a) zombies b) aliens
28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year?
I have to Pass on that, I'd get in trouble if I nominated one.
29.Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel?
Too many to name, but Channing, Shorty, Barry Carter, & the Bromleys were all very good. The best might not have appeared yet, 861 have some real crackers lined up for the near future.
30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most?
None in particular, but hhfhhfgtrrrr always amused me. VERY bright lad, him.
31.I'd rather be reincarnated as: a) Elvis Presley b) Jesus c) Ron Jeremy d) MattBates e) Stephen King f) Albert Einstein g) Phil Helmuth
None of those really, but Albert Einstein if pressed. Stephen King? Are you having a laugh?! In an ideal world, it'd be one of the great Civil Engineers, Roebling, Brunel,Goethels, those sort of chaps, or mechanical engineers such as Gresley or Churchward.
32.What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less)
Can you find a better spot? (Micky Wernick). 33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time?
34.Have you ever had a straight flush in live play?
Yes, twice.
Online, as I play PLO & PLO8, I see them every single night. More people should try PLO & PLO8.
4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
a) 1899
a) 1964 Get to see England win the world cup if I'm there for 2 years!! 2073 would feel too alien as would 1899. And I could make a nice sum on predicting future events :P
b) 2073
5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle? gazza127 - Definitely won't be boring!
6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year? - Super Roller
7. Who is the best community cash player? - Me? edit: Seen some replies saying Style/rosiedog. I thought this was a question about COMMUNITY and haven't seen them contribute! I was going to pick Tommy but could never pick him for both :P
8. Who is the best community MTT player? - TommyD
9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or
b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces. This. I'm pretty sure folding Aces would have a pretty big dent in your WR whereas with 7-2 off you could just use it as your bluff hand and it probably wouldn't do terrible. Does this mean you have to call tho if someone ships on AAKxx thinking you have aces? :P
11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what? No
12. What is your favourite colour? Orange
13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated) Nope.
14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call? **** yeah! Less than 50/50 but still a huge favourite to become a massive chip leader. If I'm playing the Main Event as well I would have the BR for it or be staked in it. How do you explain to your stakers if you fold AA here?
15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call?
16. Who is the most underated player in the community? Chris with some numbers at the end usually posts good cash advice but isn't really that well known - I don't recall seeing him play on the site either :S
17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey? Liv Boeree if I was single for sure. As is, I guess I'll make do with the £1k
18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015? No idea! craigcu.
19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
a) Antarctica
b) Death Valley Death Valley - could survive the temperatures their as long as it's not middle of summer!
20. What is your favourite (card) suit? Spades. Least favourite is hearts.
21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit? Anything that isn't made from animals. Don't really know much about suits!!
23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google)
24. Who is the best contributor of the year? Tikay
25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required) Just sky.
26. What is your favourite (poker) hand? Aces obv! Also like 6d8d
27. I'd fancy my chances most against:
a) zombies Zombies for sure.
b) aliens
28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year? Don't watch channel much anymore so can't really pick one.
29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel? See above
30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most? Anyone that complains that the site is rigged and that they're never coming back. Man I miss them contributors.
31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:
a) Elvis Presley
b) Jesus
c) Ron Jeremy
d) MattBates
e) Stephen King
f) Albert Einstein
g) Phil Helmuth
32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less) Always have a reason for your bet.
33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time? 3
34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play? Yup. I flopped the up and down straight + royal flush draw and hit it on the river after getting it all in on flop vs top set.
35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman? Batman
And as for my answers, Ducky... I'm workin' on them
On a cruise in the Caribbean
2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with?
Apart from the players I've already shared a drink with... possibly Gelders.
3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with?
Phil Helmuth
4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
a) 1899
a) 1964
b) 2073
1964 - I'm a fan of the music, the fashion, and the... free love.
5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle?
liamboi11 - I'm fairly sure I could empty his pockets
6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year?
The 9pm £55 Bounty Hunter is the best tournament on Sky.
7. Who is the best community cash player?
Never played him (obviously!) but style2737 is a bit of a demon! Of the ones I have played, gazza127 is probably the wiliest.
8. Who is the best community MTT player?
As much as it pains me to say, my leaderboard doesn't lie. It's MattBates.
9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or
b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces.
Probably play 7-2. It would be more interesting and I'd definitely win a fair number of hands that way... and I'd still be winning with aces too.
10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker?
11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what?
The ability would be all right, but I'd still keep mine.
12. What is your favourite colour?
13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated)
Unfortunately not.
14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call?
15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call?
Probably two.
16. Who is the most underated player in the community?
Really tough question...
17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey?
Well winning a hand against Ivey would be good, but you could just get lucky... Dessert with Liv means I will definitely get lucky.
18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015?
Hopefully Larson7... so I can claim to have helped 'create' his success
19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
a) Antarctica
b) Death Valley
Probably Antarctica. It's easier to get warm than it is to cool down.
20. What is your favourite (card) suit?
21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit?
22. What is the forum thread of the year?
Probably the 'In the Well' series that Tikay started.
23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google)
Has to be Starsky's Gran Torino!
24. Who is the best contributor of the year?
I always enjoys Gelder's posts, and Malcolm's. I guess it depends on your definition of 'best' (and I wrote the question so you'd think I'd know!). I think I'll go for mrsduck, for the breath of fresh air she brought to the forum.
25. How many poker sites do you play on regularly? (Names not required)
Just the one.
26. What is your favourite (poker) hand?
27. I'd fancy my chances most against:
a) zombies
b) aliens
I'd kick a whole lot of zombie butt on my way out!
28. Who is the Sky presenter of the year?
Sarah Champion - I miss her
29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel?
I have a soft spot for Stapes.
30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most?
He didn't say much, but where's Diminuendo these days?
31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:
a) Elvis Presley
b) Jesus
c) Ron Jeremy
d) MattBates
e) Stephen King
f) Albert Einstein
g) Phil Helmuth
I'm a massive Stephen King fan, but as far as leading an exciting life goes, I think it would have to be Elvis.
32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less)
Stick to playing chess
33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time?
34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play?
No. A full house with pocket aces is the best hand I've had.
35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman?
Batman is the cooler guy by far.
29. Who has been the best guest in 2014 on the Sky Poker Channel?
I have a soft spot for Stapes.
Stapes is an Analyst, not a Guest.
Nice try.
Tikay, you wanna pitch in with yours?
I'll try & give it a whirl tomorrow. Bear in mind I'll need to tread a little carefully with some replies. "Best Ch 861 Presenter" could get me into all sorts of difficult spots.......though to be fair, "Best Ch 861 Analyst" would be even more tricky.
Tomorrow, I'll try & do it.
2. Geldy always a gent and for advice on sats.
3. Negraneu
4. 2073 see my children/grand children and see how they are all doing.
5. Tommy D
6. UKPC even though I was no where near it
7. chri.......erm... lambert180
8. the short one. good he is.
9. play 7/2 os hopefully not get many all in pre's though.
10. larsson7 king of kings.
11. yes. CAFF86 < Was meant to be this but it was the ID instead.
12. RED
13. Yes with my wife. the game was played until naked...obviously. But the cards where karma sutra position picture cards. the 5 community cards. on the board and the winning hand with when someone lost all clothing was too be played out before the next game of 'poke'er. this was great fun. and yes we still have the cards
14. Fold. this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity and believe I would lose here.
15. 3
16. irishrose
17. £1000 from ivey. (my wife is next too me as im typing) would still take money though.
18. would like to say myself for confidence and all.. but matt237
19. death valley.
20. hearts
21. cotton... George stuff.
22. The Daily Link
23. Genral Lee
24. lambert180
25. 2
26. AA off suit though.
27. zombies
28. orford
29. thewy
30. haven't been involved that long so hard too say.
31. phil
32. stop being a nugget!!!
33. 2
34. yes a few times and twice too the K.
35. batman... but id be bruce wayne most of the time and that's better.
I'll break the replies into more manageable chunks if I may, 35 Q & A's is too much of a "wall of text".
I should forewarn you, I'm famously tetchy, curmudgeonly & mardy before 10am every morning, so some of the replies may be a bit sharp, & I'll regret them later.
1. What is the most unconventional location you've ever played poker?
In a Palace in St Petersburg, Russia.
2. Who is the community player you would most like to have a drink with?
I don't touch alcohol, so it'd be a pot of tea. I'd probably choose my Plopper friends, they are all really decent people, & most all all, they take their bad beats like grown-ups.
3. Which professional poker player would you most like to have a drink with?
I can't think of any that appeal particularly. Queen Vicky, maybe, though I always get a little overawed when I'm with her, as she is so sharp minded.
4. Your time machine is broken. When would you rather be stuck?
a) 1899
a) 1964
b) 2073
1964. Oh my, I LOVED everything about 1964, it was a time when I was just finding my feet in life, everything seemed wonderful, & The Beatles "She Loves You" changed music, & "youth attitude", forever.
5. Which community player would you most like to play live in a televised heads-up cash battle?
None in particular, though if you forced my hand, "Macacgirl1" probably, as she EXACTLY gets "the spirit of poker".
6. What is your choice for Sky tournament of the year?
I don't play NLH MTT's these days, but the various "Rollers" seem, to my mind, to be "proper poker". (Reasonable stack & structure, no gimmicks).
7. Who is the best community cash player?
Depends how you define "best".
8. Who is the best community MTT player?
See previous reply, but this one is slightly easier, & I'd select someone like "Rainman", who works tirelessly to promote the game, & is a genuine "recreational" who understands why we play poker - for fun. There are many other such examples, including all those who promote the DTD Monday night trilogy.
9. For the rest of your poker life you have to either:
a) fold pocket aces pre-flop, or
b) play 7-2 offsuit as if it was aces.
I don't play online Hold 'Em these days, only 4 card variants.
10. What is the best user name currently active on Sky Poker?
Not sure about "best", but this one amused me. "TIKAYsucks"
11. Would you like the ability to change your user name - if so, to what?
12. What is your favourite colour?
No particular favourite, but if pressed, nature's favourite colour, green.
13. Have you ever played a genuine game of strip poker? (Any interesting stories will be appreciated)
No. I've played Strip Ludo though. Most of us did daft things when we were young & spotty.
14. You hold AA in the first hand of the WSOP Main Event. Six people shove all-in before you. You are the last to act. Do you call?
15. ...if you don't, how many shoves do you call?
2 max.
16. Who is the most underated player in the community?
No idea.
17. Dinner (and dessert) with Liv Boeree, or win a £1,000 cash pot from Phil Ivey?
18. Who will be the breakout community player for 2015?
He or she has not signed up yet.
19. Your teleportation device is on the fritz. Where would you rather be stuck?
b) Antartica.
21. What is your favourite (fabric) suit?
Easy one - GaryQQQ's Results Thread. People like Gary MAKE poker Communities what they are. Those guys who come on here & only EVER moan & groan, every Post do my head in. Imagine having them as a next door neighbour.....
23. I'd rather own the 'striped tomato' from Starsky and Hutch or the 'General Lee' from The Dukes of Hazzard? (People below thirty, please use Google)
No matter how hard I try, I just cant bring myself to care. It's like those "In The Well" questions, "steak & kidney pie or pizzza?" Who cares?
24. Who is the best contributor of the year?
Again, define "best". I would not have any single choice, but my shortlist would include the likes of GaryQQQ, Rainman, MAXALLY, Aussie09, & ALL those who actually DO SOMETHING to help make the community work, rather than just snipe, troll & moan. I can name you scores of people who have never made ONE positive post about anything. I also have a lot of time for those who carry big burdens in real life - children who are unwell for example - but are always cheerful on here. Not going to name them, but they know who I mean.
26. What is your favourite (poker) hand?
A-A-2-3 DS
27. I'd fancy my chances most against:
a) zombies
b) aliens
I have to Pass on that, I'd get in trouble if I nominated one.
Too many to name, but Channing, Shorty, Barry Carter, & the Bromleys were all very good. The best might not have appeared yet, 861 have some real crackers lined up for the near future.
30. The IDCU Award! Who is the community contributor you miss the most?
None in particular, but hhfhhfgtrrrr always amused me. VERY bright lad, him.
31. I'd rather be reincarnated as:
a) Elvis Presley
b) Jesus
c) Ron Jeremy
d) MattBates
e) Stephen King
f) Albert Einstein
g) Phil Helmuth
None of those really, but Albert Einstein if pressed. Stephen King? Are you having a laugh?! In an ideal world, it'd be one of the great Civil Engineers, Roebling, Brunel,Goethels, those sort of chaps, or mechanical engineers such as Gresley or Churchward.
32. What is the best poker advice you have been given? (Thirty words or less)
Can you find a better spot? (Micky Wernick).
33. What is the average number of poker tables you play at one time?
34. Have you ever had a straight flush in live play?
Yes, twice.
Online, as I play PLO & PLO8, I see them every single night. More people should try PLO & PLO8.
35. I'd rather be... Batman or Superman?
I'd rather not be either......