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Micro Management (Just in case you were wondering - still here (ish) )



  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2014
    Thanks Mick and Dev.

    Well I did enjoy the break.

    Hopefully I will kick some RRRRs certainly need to!

    So far 1 £1 NL 6max since the return - 2nd place. Ran well to be HU chippy then A5 ran into QQ and 99 < A2.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2014
    Not much to report.

    Banking my third successive winning day with a 20p profit over 2 hands at 4nl.

    Sunday was 1 6max 2nd and yesterday x2 dym PLO8 wins and a loss in a PLO8 MTT.

    Interesting hand that crushed my stack - I had just about every draw under the sun and potted turn - got reshoved, I called and missed.

    Haven't a Scooby whether it was good odds or not - just felt right at the time so happy to post and receive some words of wisdom...

    Hand History #846991867 (22:05 07/12/2014)

    LogomotifAndy Small blind   50.00 50.00 4525.00
    PEACEPAW Big blind   100.00 150.00 725.00
      Your hole cards
    • 3
    • 5
    • 2
    • A
    HONEYBUSH Call   100.00 250.00 5277.50
    Phantom66 Call   100.00 350.00 3575.00
    NUMBER_WAN Raise   200.00 550.00 2850.00
    Smithy29 Fold        
    LogomotifAndy Fold        
    PEACEPAW Call   100.00 650.00 625.00
    HONEYBUSH Call   100.00 750.00 5177.50
    Phantom66 Call   100.00 850.00 3475.00
    • 2
    • 4
    • 10
    PEACEPAW Check        
    HONEYBUSH Check        
    Phantom66 Check        
    NUMBER_WAN Bet   300.00 1150.00 2550.00
    PEACEPAW Fold        
    HONEYBUSH Fold        
    Phantom66 Call   300.00 1450.00 3175.00
    • K
    Phantom66 Bet   1450.00 2900.00 1725.00
    NUMBER_WAN All-in   2550.00 5450.00 0.00
    Phantom66 Call   1100.00 6550.00 625.00
    Phantom66 Show
    • 3
    • 5
    • 2
    • A
    • 6
    • 4
    • 5
    • A
    • J
    NUMBER_WAN Win high Pair of 4s 6550.00   6550.00
      No qualifying low hand        
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2014
    Just realised I am regged for the Turbo open tomorrow - which is nice - but a bit perplexed.

    Can anyone fill me in if they watched the show last night?

    I thought Stapes response to my christmas poker song suggestion was the most unimpressed response ever. Tumbleweed doesn't do it justice.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2014
    Well as I continue the low volume low stakes confidence and bankroll revival I played just 1 £1PLO8 dym which I won and a FR MTT where I cashed for a few pennies.

    I was entered for free into the Turbo M/E - had a comfortable table but in the end on about x3 starting stack and down to 8bigs had to ship 33, called by KQ and its gg for around 120th.

    So 4th winning day in a row - will be continued low volume until maybe the middle of next week.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Micro Management (B/R challenge from £39.64 on micro stakes. All gone a bit Pete Tong B/R now £19.03 so time for a bit of perspective):
    Well as I continue the low volume low stakes confidence and bankroll revival I played just 1 £1PLO8 dym which I won and a FR MTT where I cashed for a few pennies. I was entered for free into the Turbo M/E - had a comfortable table but in the end on about x3 starting stack and down to 8bigs had to ship 33, called by KQ and its gg for around 120th. So 4th winning day in a row - will be continued low volume until maybe the middle of next week.
    Posted by Phantom66
    Now just because I started this 'booking the win' thing doesn't mean you all have to copy me, ha ha

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2014
    @Dev lol

    I lost my first PLO8 dym of the day today - so I had better start grinding until I am in the black.

    In reality - Volume is purely workload related atm
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited December 2014
    Dev, you ever considered stand up?

    Say one joke, book the laugh and fuuuuck off the stage. Always leave them wanting more.

    Phantom, very nice post at the top of the page. Hope you can turn the BR around, but as you succinctly pointed out, it often pales in significance to real life stuff.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Micro Management (B/R challenge from £39.64 on micro stakes. All gone a bit Pete Tong B/R now £19.03 so time for a bit of perspective):
    Dev, you ever considered stand up? Say one joke, book the laugh and fuuuuck off the stage. Always leave them wanting more. Phantom, very nice post at the top of the page. Hope you can turn the BR around, but as you succinctly pointed out, it often pales in significance to real life stuff.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    I'll give you that one hhy... that is funny, even for you.  ;)
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2014
    Freakishly busy week at work - which looks like carrying through until next week - so apart from dreaming up schemes to give slippy nightmares for the UKOPS player of the tourney thread not really been up to much.

    The midweek "session" that started with a loss stayed a loss only played 3 games W1 L2.

    Today x3 £1 NL dymd which I haven't played for a good while now.

    1st game 2 players donk out fairly quickly then pretty standard shove/fold stuff until someone busts - felt most were too tight and I managed to nurse what was shortest stack and not run into trouble. The chat was borderline offensive but I'll let it rest - 2 in particular having a go at me and other player. I tried to join it a bit of "bantz" but inevitably that poured fuel on the fire so went into ignore mode. Sure 1 of them is pretty well known for these antics but other was new to me. Eventually cashed ok.

    2nd game was ok down to 4 then son asks for lift home at 830 - I was expecting this request but the plan had been 1030. Switch to phone and as getting in car get Aq on BB and limped to from button. Jam and get call from AT and hold. Luckily by the time I return home I have cashed. don't play and drive folks!

    3rd game pretty straight forward so 3/3

    B/R now £22.05 and thanks to my mini streak my NL dym numbers are in the black at £1 level. ROI has even overtaken PLO8 dym due to the recent downswing there.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2014
    Not much to report on the poker play front.

    Mini dip and mini recovery back to £20.61.

    Would have better but it served me right for breaking B/R rules AGAIN and playing a £3.30 PLO8 dym - comfortable stack with 4 left - but the table goes on 1 of those runs when every decisive all-in isn't, shortie winning or split pots.

    Take a dent when have to make a sigh call in BB when shortie utg shoves with about 3.5BBs- it was pretty light as it turned out and I was in ok shape but missed everything. Then a few orbits later I am almost aipf v same player having pot raised SB with a strong combo hi hand but no low. When flop comes I hit trip aces with only 1 low card out. I put my remaining 100ish chips in and other player seriously considers folding but had to call off their last 80ish chips. When I see the cards I realise that 2 low cards are now guaranteed to come and give a split pot - they did and worse they went runner runner for a str8 and a low. Sigh.

    In non-poker matters it has been a crazy busy week - definitely cant complain - 2 big jobs came in just before christmas and things are looking positive for the new year.

    Biggest news though was that my eldest son appeared on TV this week. This time last year with all the troubles with his mums hospital stay and things being tight financially with my business still getting established and my wifes pay moving on to half pay - he applied to the Chase. He got through the written application, then a phone interview then an in person assessment centre and was called to film in June. The show aired on Thursday.

    For any fans of the show - he was Sam in Seat#2.

    He did a decent job in the cash builder, £5. The high offer was for £25k and much to everyones surprise he went for it (dont know where he gets that gambling gene?). The reason was he wanted to take us on a special family holiday because of what we , and especially his mum, had been through. He ran very unlucky with the questions, none of them his sort of topics and unlucky with the guesses so he bust out.

    Still Mrs P and I immensely proud - he came across well and went for it - once in a lifetime freeroll shot for £25k so cant blame him. Bradley Walsh and the chaser Sean Wallace had warmed to him on the day and chatted to him a lot after filming and encouraged him. Sam's biggest regret on the show was not going for the higher offer, or even mishearing the 1st question and answering System to the question what does the V in VHS stand for... it was the fact that they edited out the bear-hug Bradley gave him when he said he was going for £25k.

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Micro Management (B/R challenge from £39.64 on micro stakes. All gone a bit Pete Tong B/R now £19.03 so time for a bit of perspective):
    .Bradley Walsh and the chaser Sean Wallace had warmed to him on the day and chatted to him a lot after filming and encouraged him. Sam's biggest regret on the show was not going for the higher offer, or even mishearing the 1st question and answering System to the question what does the V in VHS stand for... it was the fact that they edited out the bear-hug Bradley gave him when he said he was going for £25k.
    Posted by Phantom66
    I saw this.  (I am watching as I may be on in the future)  Bradley is def hard to make out sometimes as he rattles of the q's at a fair rate.  And iirc Sams q's were awful.   Kudos tho for getting on TV.  Out of interest, did Sam get to meet the other contestants prior to the filming? 
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Micro Management (B/R challenge from £39.64 on micro stakes. All gone a bit Pete Tong B/R now £19.03 so time for a bit of perspective):
    In Response to Re: Micro Management (B/R challenge from £39.64 on micro stakes. All gone a bit Pete Tong B/R now £19.03 so time for a bit of perspective) : I saw this.  (I am watching as I may be on in the future)  Bradley is def hard to make out sometimes as he rattles of the q's at a fair rate.  And iirc Sams q's were awful.   Kudos tho for getting on TV.  Out of interest, did Sam get to meet the other contestants prior to the filming? 
    Posted by Glenelg

    Yes he had a bit of time before the show with the other contestants.

    What stage are you at in the selection process?

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2014
    Had another poor BRM moment when I regged for the Christmas Cracker.

    What the heck though - so much overlay with the bounties and FT prize and IT's Christmas!

    Was running really well to start, nice double up when my top 2 pair hit a FH on the river and opponent found a call to all-in with trips, then AA v AK held up and I am doing well. 

    Had some old geezer jac35 to my left - had to lay down a couple to them - couldnt chat with being on phone but I heard he had gone all anti-social anyway.

    Then get a vary LAG player to my right  builds up a stack and overtakes me. Find one spot to play back a bit raising over a cbet with just overcards and getting a fold. Then a few hands later limps into my BB and I get to see a flop with 52o.

    Flop is 468 - inevitable cbet but its small and I decide to call with a double gutshot str8 draw and opportunity to push them off pot down streets.

    Hit my straight on the turn - yippee! They bet I raise they fo- no reraise all-in. Hmmm call hoping to see a set, expecting a chop - a bit worried about the possibility of 9T but given the history and fast structure feel I have to call. Turns out they had limped with the gapped connectors 95 so still have a higher straight and its gg gn (except I was on the mobile so I couldnt say gg).

    Merry Christmas everyone - hope to be dipping into some UKOPs action - a couple of micros maybe and we'll see if we can sat into something too.

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2014
    Stat update

    Last update on the SNG stats was this...
    Combined scoresentriesbuy-inrakewinningsprofitROI
    NL dym30£78.50£8.20£89.00£2.302.7%
    NL 6max63£110.00£11.00£169.50£48.5040.1%
    PLO8 dym55£157.00£16.25£187.00£13.757.9%
    As of yesterday the summary scores are this...
    Combined scoresentriesbuy-inrakewinningsprofitROI
    NL dym39£96.50£10.25£117.00£10.259.6%
    NL 6max86£144.00£14.40£226.80£68.4043.2%
    PLO8 dym100£253.50£26.95£292.00£11.554.1%
    So in summary

    bit of rungood since then in NL dyms.
    NL 6max keeping up the ROI
    Hit a bit of a downswing in PLO8

    NB that 100 PLO8 games isn't my score in the challenge as I have only played 66 since that started.

    So despite the largely positive numbers there my current b/r is £25.80.

    Just goes to show most of the losses came from the MTT bad run and a bit of cash.

    I still haven'y repaired my MTT results part of the sheet but it was all about poor BRM really and don't need the full results to understand that.

    Keeping positive thoughts and trying to stick to BRM and SNGs until I have a solid basis to try and branch out again.

    Now I am having a bit of run good on TV show spot prizes and won an entry into tonights mini. Bit of a BRM dilemma as it is a rebuy. Obviously I will take the add-on if still there for it - as for the rebuy? I know best practice is to take it as soon as below starting stack and I have to be prepared to do that but I might just wait a few orbits and see how table is playing first.

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2014
    Nice results Phantom, wp.
    your NL 6 MAX results are really really good, would it not pay you to play them only?
    the NL DYM's are also good is that mainly £2 & £3 games? (sorry not followed properly), 
    I see you are on a 100 game PL0 DYMchallenge, gl with that.

    Good BRM is key especially right now with your b/r as it is. Once you step outside it the results can be horrible so stick with it mate & you will be fine.

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Micro Management (B/R challenge from £39.64 on micro stakes). On the slow rebuild - back to £25.80:
    Nice results Phantom, wp. your NL 6 MAX results are really really good, would it not pay you to play them only? the NL DYM's are also good is that mainly £2 & £3 games? (sorry not followed properly),  I see you are on a 100 game PL0 DYMchallenge, gl with that. Good BRM is key especially right now with your b/r as it is. Once you step outside it the results can be horrible so stick with it mate & you will be fine. GLGLGL dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    Yes! I'm just not as disciplined as you though Dev.

    Think this needs to be the plan though - available volume for 6max is an issue but I am sure if I dedicate a significant period of time I can get quite a bit in and let's face it playing less games but winning has to be better for the bankroll than playing more games but losing!

    To emphasise the discipline and BRM issue I had a free entry into tonights mini. Unfortunately played like a complete muppet - donking off chips and rebuying x2. Mathematically should have probably rebought a 3rd time as was not far off the add-on but had I done that I would have been down to my last £5!

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2014
    Managed to nearly go bust yesterday.

    After my rebuy nightmare I thought I would give myself the chance to redeem myself and tried my luck at an all-in sat for the main and regged the mini - having lost a £2 6max yesterday that left me with c£5 deposited.

    Terrible BRM I know - I just love the fact that Sky put on the UKOPs festivals and wanted to play a small part. It turned out it was a very small part and didnt last very long. Played like a muppet again, getting rivered in an early pot was bad luck but made alot worse by finding a terrible call when the bet size just had to be believed.

    Had decided that if bust I would deposit £20 to cover my UKOPs entries - only having spun up a few £1 6max I proceeded to win 2 and 2nd in another and when they dried up saw a £3 PLO8 dym was nearly full so regged that and survived to 2nd.

    Roll now £14.40.

    So approaching the end of 2015 and my dream to take Mrs P to the carribean is further away than when I started.

    Therefore new years resolutions for 2015...

    1. Stick to 6max
    2. ...Apart from PLO8 where I wish to complete the 100 challenge and will continue because the community is great
    3. BRM BRM BRM 
    4. Volume - looking for concentrated patches of MT 6max to build a roll

    Haven't got any particular targets in mind - ability to put in volume varies greatly. I will give it a shot in January and then evaluate and set a target for number of 6maxs and overall profit. 

    Nice to see some all-round positivity on the forum this morning.

    VWP Jordz16 - I suppose we should await the official word - but awesome set of results

    Big shout out to Talon too - shows how much something like a FT UKOPS means to us low stakes recs

    And a big welcome to RLT and his new diary GL

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2014
    Stat breakdown...
    NL dym £0.60  1 
    NL 6max £1.101510139
    NL dym £1.151123
    NL 6max £2.209686
    NL dym  £2.251111
    NL 6max £3.302362
    NL dym £3.3039411
    NL 6max £5.501   
    PLO8 dym £0.604225
    PLO8 dym £1.151452
    PLO8 dym £2.252 14
    PLO8 6max £3.30  1 
    PLO8 dym £3.30821925
    PLO8 dym£5.50 212
    PLO8 dym £11   1
    NL dym £0.601£0.50£0.10£1.00£0.4066.7%
    NL 6max £1.1047£47.00£4.70£79.50£27.8053.8%
    NL dym £1.157£7.00£1.05£8.00-£0.05-0.6%
    NL 6max £2.2029£58.00£5.80£95.40£31.6049.5%
    NL dym  £2.254£8.00£1.00£12.00£3.0033.3%
    NL 6max £3.3013£39.00£3.90£42.30-£0.60-1.4%
    NL dym £3.3027£81.00£8.10£96.00£6.907.7%
    NL 6max £5.501£5.00£0.50£19.50£14.00254.5%
    PLO8 dym £0.6013£6.50£1.30£8.00£0.202.6%
    PLO8 dym £1.1512£12.00£1.80£20.00£6.2044.9%
    PLO8 dym £2.257£14.00£1.75£12.00-£3.75-23.8%
    PLO8 6max £3.301£3.00£0.30£0.00-£3.30-100.0%
    PLO8 dym £3.3063£189.00£18.90£228.00£20.109.7%
    PLO8 dym£5.505£25.00£2.50£30.00£2.509.1%
    PLO8 dym £111£10.00£1.00£0.00-£11.00-100.0%
    nuff said really would be +94 if I had stuck to these games!
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2015
    Played a bit new years eve morning - all sngs going pretty well.

    Saw in the new year and had a look on skypoker - initially curious to see the score with the TSP dyms which weren't there - never mind - won't go there TK has got enough on his plate answering the queries from the confused and frustrated brigade.

    I always say its their money to give away and can do it how they like. Overall I am delighted there will be another Team Sky Poker and I'll remain neutral on how it's selected. I dont have the roll or the time to even attempt to qualify in any of the 3 routes.

    SO back in Phantom land and there were not many sngs at 00:10 this morning so I tried a bit of cash - kind of hopeful that there would be a rush of drunken players - maybe there were but not on my table, Played HU for a while with tighty mctight of tightshire - won lots of small pots - they only put money when happy with their holding and bet huge with the nuts or close. Never had the required monster v near monster - paid off a couple of river bets one where they hit 2 pair and one where they outkicked me. Table eventually filled and were some loosey gooseys but I lost a flip 99 v AT (they were pretty short and I raised over limpers). All in all down just under a buy-in at 4nl. 

    This evening quick burst - x2 PLO8 dyms and x1 £1 6max - won the 6max and cashed the 2 dyms.

    roll building back up and now £23.17 - definitely benefiting from sticking (mainly) to sngs.

    Will definitely be sticking to sngs - suspect the tsp dym thing will stunt the 6max volume for a while so may end up playing a bit PLO8 which should make sure I complete the 100 challenge this month.

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited January 2015
    Good luck with poker this year Phantom. Always a pleasure to read your posts. You seem to have a great outlook on not only poker but life in general :)

    Get grinding and you can put your feet up on that Caribbean cruise.

    Happy to take a peek at any tournament hands you might be unsure long as its 2 cards and not 4 ;)
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