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It's not ALL gravy..Hux's diary

The_HuxThe_Hux Member Posts: 100
edited October 2014 in Poker Chat

I have had a very good month, profit wise, on here,on another site and live. HOWEVER I have had a few sessions recently where I have begun to spew money/donate, call it what you will. I have lost interest in mtts unless I have built a big stack...I have played & lost hyper turbo HU s&gos against regs/specialists..and have played well below optimumley (is that a word?) just to try (stupidly) to turn a losing session into a winning one - whilst being fully aware that losnig sessions are part of the norm.

So in order to nip this behaviour in the bud I have decided to keep a record of my play on here, updating it weekly or at certain key stages. 

I will continue playing mtts & satellites and will also play HU s&gos starting at £10.50 buy in level. I used to play them (HU) profitably on another site (not hypers though) mid/high stakes, but changed to playing mtt a while back..

I will treat my HU games and my mtt/satellites as seperate entities...I will report my s&go HU stats every 50th game..winrate= WR ...PROFIT/LOSS = +/- and will make comments on owt that I think has affected my results, e.g tilt, good form, varience, outright bad play..etc etc..

I will report overall profit/loss which will include mtt & HU play.. 

I think if the odd person is reading this thread and hopefully commenting on it, it will help me stay disciplined and I won't be tempted to play hypers (which don't suit my style) or high stake HU games ( which I am no longer equipped to profit from, because have not played them in ages & need to skill up or stop)..

I plan to post my progress as follows : 
1) WR & +/- of HU s&gos - weekly or everty 50th game (whichever is first)
2) Weekly report of profit/loss inc. HU & mtt/satts.
3) For the purpose of this thread I will start at zero£... any profit/loss will be from this point 21/09/14 6am irrespective of my roll.

I will not include my bankroll details, but needless to say I will NEVER be playing outside of my bankroll limits so I will be able to ride the inevitable downturns in varience that the mtts will deliver.. However I will try my best to review my game and not use varience as an excuse for bad play. As I said, I will be treating the HU S&gos as a seperate entity, so I will only move up or down stakes as their results dictate ( not as my overall b/roll dictates ) 

Although this diary/blog/record is here to keep me focused and on the straight and narrow I really would appreciate any views or comments any of you have along the way.

*I have temporarily blocked my sharkscope stats because I have (like I said earlier) spewed a few bob recently and I don't want  it to put me off. Looking at it might reinforce my negative vibe..I will unblock this time next month, win or lose.. I have prob lost 1K ish over last few sessions, which although  is a big sum, still leaves me + 17k this month site/live....believe me this is not the norm, although I have been a profitable player in the past this has been a MASSIVE month for me.
Have the recent losing sessions been as a result of  bad play? Is it varience? I don't know,although I suspect the latter,but I do know I need to put the brake on and address the issue, hence this thread! 

I hope this does not come across as self indulgent and I hope it's ok for me to have this thread on here, being new to the forum and all. But if it is ok I really think it will help me keep focused and I will very much welcome any comments from y'all. 

GL at the tables, unless i'm sitting on them.




  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited September 2014
    Best of luck pal will be reading with intrest,

    Great start long may it continue

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522
    edited September 2014

    Morning Andy.

    Look forward to reading this, especially if you continue with the inventive & inaginative use of words such as......


    Excellent, we'll make that the Word of the Week winner. So much better than optimally.

    If I may suggest, if you want the Diary to develop a regular & interactive following, ideally, update more than once per week. IMO, that is.
    I hope to see you in tonight's £15,000 Roller - surely you won't swerve that?

    Sorry to hear about the £1k mini-downswong, but after a £17,000 surge inside a month, that would not bother me too much.
    The "have lost interest in mtts unless I have built a big stack" IS a concern, & I hope the Diary helps you overcome that.
    Good luck, & here's to more gravy.

    PS - I have no idea where you live, or are based, but your writing style suggests you are from Northern England, maybe Yorkshire. Right, wrong?


  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited September 2014
    In Response to It's not ALL gravy..Hux's diary:
    I used to play them (HU) profitably on another site (not hypers though) mid/high stakes,
    Posted by The_Hux
    Hey, good luck with the diary. 

    How long ago was this? 

    What sort of stakes were you playing? 

    What sort of winrate (ROI) did you manage to achieve over what kind of sample?

    Any reason why you chose to play hypers here after having success in slower formats elsewhere?

    What is The Hux? 

    Half a chance with your big Leeds bet yesterday, as long as you have still got 2 games against Blackpool to come, you can remain optimistic ! 
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,702
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: It's not ALL gravy..Hux's diary:
    Morning Andy. Look forward to reading this, especially if you continue with the inventive & inaginative use of words such as...... optimumley Excellent, we'll make that the Word of the Week winner. So much better than optimally .Posted by Tikay10
    Tikay, nobody likes a grammar Nazi ;)

    Good luck Huxtable.
  • The_HuxThe_Hux Member Posts: 100
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: It's not ALL gravy..Hux's diary:
    Good luck, & here's to more gravy. PS - I have no idea where you live, or are based, but your writing style suggests you are from Northern England, maybe Yorkshire. Right, wrong?    
    Posted by Tikay10
    Thanks Tikay. Half right. North of England, Chester. Although I now live just over the border in Wales. 

    I'm not too hot on the whole quoting thing and don't know how to highlight two quotes, but to continue your theme of pedantry I feel I must point out the fact that it is in fact a 15k guarantee tonight and not 30k ;-)

    D'OH! I just checked back and you edited it. Well played.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: It's not ALL gravy..Hux's diary:
    In Response to Re: It's not ALL gravy..Hux's diary : Thanks Tikay. Half right. North of England, Chester. Although I now live just over the border in Wales.  I'm not too hot on the whole quoting thing and don't know how to highlight two quotes, but to continue your theme of pedantry I feel I must point out the fact that it is in fact a 15k guarantee tonight and not 30k ;-) D'OH! I just checked back and you edited it. Well played.
    Posted by The_Hux

    Ha! Yes, I had it in my mind the £30k Roller was tonight, and posted accordingly. Then I realised my mistake, and had a panic attack, had to do a swift bit of editing.

    I would never gave mentioned the "optimuley" thing, not my style at all, (I ALWAYS think it, but never ever Post it , feels like bad form to me) but you did specifically make reference to it. I actually thought it was a great new word!
  • The_HuxThe_Hux Member Posts: 100
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: It's not ALL gravy..Hux's diary:
    In Response to It's not ALL gravy..Hux's diary : Hey, good luck with the diary.  How long ago was this?  What sort of stakes were you playing?  What sort of winrate (ROI) did you manage to achieve over what kind of sample? Any reason What is The Hux?  Half a chancwhy you chose to play hypers here after having success in slower formats elsewhere?e with your big Leeds bet yesterday, as long as you have still got 2 games against Blackpool to come, you can remain optimistic ! 
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    About four years ago. When I say high/mid stakes it was how they were classified on the sites I was playing at at that time, on here and elswhere they would be low/mid I suppose.

    I played $21 at a W/R of about 58% I think.. I used to record them in sets of 100 games and recall 72% being my record and only dipping below 52.5% (break even figure) on a couple of occasions and even then the bonuses accrued would cover the small loss.. The problems started when I moved up to $52.50.. my W/R dropped but was still profitable, because of higher stakes my $ per hour was even slightly better, however I don't know if I got complacent but I gradually started to struggle even to break even so I dropped back down to $21 and just could not regain my previous W/R at that level.. I took a break and when I returned I drifted over to mtts and have mostly stayed playing them.

    LOL. i'm trying my best with this quoting palaver but somehow managed to mix your post up..Any way The_Hux is derived from my name, Andy Huxley. Most people just call me Hux. Or in Slipwater's case, Huxtable.

    Yeah the Leeds bet.. I thought yesterday was the day. Not to be though, yet another red card saw to that! We did hit the post at 3 nil though.. Gives me hope that it will come in at some point of the season.

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited September 2014
    Good luck with this Hux
    Fantastic results this month and you seem to have a great attitude to the game. Do you you play much live poker?
  • The_HuxThe_Hux Member Posts: 100
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: It's not ALL gravy..Hux's diary:
    In Response to Re: It's not ALL gravy..Hux's diary : Ha! Yes, I had it in my mind the £30k Roller was tonight, and posted accordingly. Then I realised my mistake, and had a panic attack, had to do a swift bit of editing. I would never gave mentioned the "optimuley" thing, not my style at all, (I ALWAYS think it, but never ever Post it , feels like bad form to me) but you did specifically make reference to it. I actually thought it was a great new word!
    Posted by Tikay10
    No offence taken. I am a stickler for it myself, but rarely point it out because I am forever slipping up myself. I think I would post more optimuley if I kept a dictionary to hand.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited September 2014
    I wouldn't worry about Tikay 

    "I would never gave mentioned it" ;)
  • The_HuxThe_Hux Member Posts: 100
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: It's not ALL gravy..Hux's diary:
    Good luck with this Hux Fantastic results this month and you seem to have a great attitude to the game. Do you you play much live poker?
    Posted by Jac35
    Thanks Jac.
    I visit DTD about 3 times a year. and play at Genting Liverpool and Grosvenor New Brighton.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: It's not ALL gravy..Hux's diary:
    I wouldn't worry about Tikay  "I would never gave mentioned it" ;)
    Posted by Jac35

    Sigg. I so wisg my I-pad did not gave tgat missing letter.
  • The_HuxThe_Hux Member Posts: 100
    edited September 2014
    Thanks for all the replies. I already feel more positive than I did before starting this diary.

    From a starting point of zero I want to get to plus 1k to make up for my recent dip. If I get to minus 1k I will reassess the stakes and games I am playing (HU) . I will continue the mtts regardless. I was going to turn my sharkscope back on in 1 months time, regardless of my results, but have decided to turn them on at plus 1k so I can look forward to seeing the graph at it's peak again. Hopefully this will be another thing that keeps me motivated.

    I have tweaked my bankroll management to help me stay at the right stakes : Although I am rolled for higher (HU wise) I want to remove any temtation from playing above £10.50 until I can profit from that level long term. I won't be putting a huge volume of games in so IF I can beat that level it will be quite a while until I move up. so...
    Each day I will deposit enough funds to play the mtts & satellites I intend playing plus enough for 5 Heads up (worse case if I lose 5 in a row I can't go tilting away) If i'm winning I can play more if time permits.
    At the end of the day I will withdraw funds and repeat the next day, or next time i'm playing. Doing this will protect me from any further rapid losses because I will not have enough in my account to do any serious damage. I will also use the deposit limit tool as further protection.

    Possibly a bad day to start because I will be playing £121 worth of mtts in the main & mini alone so there's a good chance I'll be over 10% of the way towards minus 1k on day one. But I will keep my eye on the long term goal of PLUS 1K.

  • The_HuxThe_Hux Member Posts: 100
    edited September 2014
    End of day 1..


    I was happy with my play for the most part bar one very poor call in a spot where the villian either had a monster or a missed draw. I had no real read on the player and I called a big river bet, where in hindsight it was an easy fold. Happy overall though and satting into the main was a big bonus because I could easily have started off project 1k minus £100 odd, ( I was going to buy in direct after one satt attempt)

    MINI : NON CASH -£11. Satted into main for £24, ran deepish, finished 32nd ish non cash so - £24.
    Total: -£35


    I got off to a great start winning 8/10 but I realise this is a tiny sample size and know 80% W/R  cannot be maintained long term. I sat 1st in all but the games where I had rematches and noticed (scope) that all but one of the opponents were losing players. I don't know if the regs weren't about or they just sit first aswell, hopefully the latter. 

    Played 10 won 8 
    Total +£55

     Total Daily balance +£20

    I will give todays session a 9/10 on the gravyometer. I stayed disciplined and avoided tilt/distraction/boredom. 
    The fact that I intended to report my days play on here helped with all of the above, so thanks to all those who posted on here and please feel free to post more. 

    only £980 to go.

    ps..I wrote all this once before, clicked add post and it just dissappeared. If it happens again now i'll be well fed up. Here goes.

  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited September 2014
    Good luck mate.

    Bit of advice when posting I also have a diary and sometimes forget my login expired so I write my posts on Notepad before I put them on here because it tilts me so much haha.
  • The_HuxThe_Hux Member Posts: 100
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: It's not ALL gravy..Hux's diary:
    Good luck mate. Bit of advice when posting I also have a diary and sometimes forget my login expired so I write my posts on Notepad before I put them on here because it tilts me so much haha.
    Posted by Matt237

    Cheers Matt, I have just been reading yours. It's great, I hope I can maintain mine as long. Cheers for the tip. I was thinking the same, "this diary is great for keeping me focussed and objective etc" Then next minute i'm wanting to lauch my pc down the stairs !! 

  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited September 2014
    Yep, or just highlight and copy to clipboard to paste back in if you've expired.

    Gravyometer haha! Are you measuring in volume or viscosity? Difficult with the latter as obv thick better than thin but you don't want to go too far...

    Great start on the tables, you obviously do a lot of things very well.  Will follow with interest.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    Bumped into you a few times last night in the roller.

    Good luck with the diary and getting to £1k profit Hux, I'm sure it'll be plain sailing.
    edited September 2014

    Best of luck Huxster, you seem to know what you are doing and I'm sure you will do well if you control the bankroll management side of things. 

    Nice work with the diary pal and keep an eye on the consistency of the gravy ;-)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522
    edited September 2014


    Love it!

    Might just steal that.
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