I have had a very good month, profit wise, on here,on another site and live. HOWEVER I have had a few sessions recently where I have begun to spew money/donate, call it what you will. I have lost interest in mtts unless I have built a big stack...I have played & lost hyper turbo HU s&gos against regs/specialists..and have played well below optimumley (is that a word?) just to try (stupidly) to turn a losing session into a winning one - whilst being fully aware that losnig sessions are part of the norm.
So in order to nip this behaviour in the bud I have decided to keep a record of my play on here, updating it weekly or at certain key stages.
I will continue playing mtts & satellites and will also play HU s&gos starting at £10.50 buy in level. I used to play them (HU) profitably on another site (not hypers though) mid/high stakes, but changed to playing mtt a while back..
I will treat my HU games and my mtt/satellites as seperate entities...I will report my s&go HU stats every 50th game..winrate= WR ...PROFIT/LOSS = +/- and will make comments on owt that I think has affected my results, e.g tilt, good form, varience, outright bad play..etc etc..
I will report overall profit/loss which will include mtt & HU play..
I think if the odd person is reading this thread and hopefully commenting on it, it will help me stay disciplined and I won't be tempted to play hypers (which don't suit my style) or high stake HU games ( which I am no longer equipped to profit from, because have not played them in ages & need to skill up or stop)..
I plan to post my progress as follows :
1) WR & +/- of HU s&gos - weekly or everty 50th game (whichever is first)
2) Weekly report of profit/loss inc. HU & mtt/satts.
3) For the purpose of this thread I will start at zero£... any profit/loss will be from this point 21/09/14 6am irrespective of my roll.
I will not include my bankroll details, but needless to say I will NEVER be playing outside of my bankroll limits so I will be able to ride the inevitable downturns in varience that the mtts will deliver.. However I will try my best to review my game and not use varience as an excuse for bad play. As I said, I will be treating the HU S&gos as a seperate entity, so I will only move up or down stakes as their results dictate ( not as my overall b/roll dictates )
Although this diary/blog/record is here to keep me focused and on the straight and narrow I really would appreciate any views or comments any of you have along the way.
*I have temporarily blocked my sharkscope stats because I have (like I said earlier) spewed a few bob recently and I don't want it to put me off. Looking at it might reinforce my negative vibe..I will unblock this time next month, win or lose.. I have prob lost 1K ish over last few sessions, which although is a big sum, still leaves me + 17k this month inc..sky/other site/live....believe me this is not the norm, although I have been a profitable player in the past this has been a MASSIVE month for me.
Have the recent losing sessions been as a result of bad play? Is it varience? I don't know,although I suspect the latter,but I do know I need to put the brake on and address the issue, hence this thread!
I hope this does not come across as self indulgent and I hope it's ok for me to have this thread on here, being new to the forum and all. But if it is ok I really think it will help me keep focused and I will very much welcome any comments from y'all.
GL at the tables, unless i'm sitting on them.
Morning Andy.
Look forward to reading this, especially if you continue with the inventive & inaginative use of words such as......
Excellent, we'll make that the Word of the Week winner. So much better than optimally.
If I may suggest, if you want the Diary to develop a regular & interactive following, ideally, update more than once per week. IMO, that is.
I hope to see you in tonight's £15,000 Roller - surely you won't swerve that?
Sorry to hear about the £1k mini-downswong, but after a £17,000 surge inside a month, that would not bother me too much.
The "have lost interest in mtts unless I have built a big stack" IS a concern, & I hope the Diary helps you overcome that.
Good luck, & here's to more gravy.
PS - I have no idea where you live, or are based, but your writing style suggests you are from Northern England, maybe Yorkshire. Right, wrong?
Good luck Huxtable.
Gravyometer haha! Are you measuring in volume or viscosity? Difficult with the latter as obv thick better than thin but you don't want to go too far...
Great start on the tables, you obviously do a lot of things very well. Will follow with interest.
Good luck with the diary and getting to £1k profit Hux, I'm sure it'll be plain sailing.
Love it!
Might just steal that.