In Response to Re: Looking at joining a team : FYP Mick Dale, I really hope you took umbrage at my 'TPT is a humourless team' comment. Cos the irony would be so delicious if you have. Geldy, what's your problem? Don't be shy. Posted by hhyftrftdr
i hope you can understand my point of view paul...........
Jonathan I can only guess as to why you have had a complete personality change since you came back from Thailand. I don't have to defend our team to anybody, especially you. And for your information I didn't take umbrage at your TPT is humourless comment, we're here to play poker not make people laugh, and frankly I don't care what you think.
Jonathan I can only guess as to why you have had a complete personality change since you came back from Thailand. I don't have to defend our team to anybody, especially you. And for your information I didn't take umbrage at your TPT is humourless comment, we're here to play poker not make people laugh, and frankly I don't care what you think. Posted by FlyingDagg
Dale, honestly what comment has struck a chord? I get on well not only with yourself but TPT as a whole. Have posted in your thread numerous times over the months. I thought the main attraction of being in a team was the fun aspect, yet you say we're only here to play poker and not have a laugh? We all know the average age of TPT is closer to 88 than 104 so I was a few years out on that, granted
My personality is as it's always been, Thailand had no bearing on this. If you could point me in the direction of what post has got your back up, either on here, elsewhere or by PM, then that would be much appreciated.
I'm closing this thread as it's straying from the original point. Can I please ask that any issues are taken up (and hopefully resolved) away from the forum.
Dale, I really hope you took umbrage at my 'TPT is a humourless team' comment. Cos the irony would be so delicious if you have.
Geldy, what's your problem? Don't be shy.
My personality is as it's always been, Thailand had no bearing on this. If you could point me in the direction of what post has got your back up, either on here, elsewhere or by PM, then that would be much appreciated.
I'm closing this thread as it's straying from the original point. Can I please ask that any issues are taken up (and hopefully resolved) away from the forum.